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Intramural Script 2012/mich.

Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo National High School

AnnexPasong Buaya II, Imus, Cavite

To our honorable guests, students and fellow teachers, a pleasant morning!
Will everyone please stand for the Opening Prayer by Ms. Benilou Acasio, Values EducationTeacher.
Please remain standing for our national anthem to be led by Ms. Josielyn Perdiz-Camerino,MAPEH Teacher.
This will be followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by Mr. John Delos Santos and Cavite andImus Hymns by Ms. Camerino.Please
be seated. (optional)
Once again, good morning! It is our pleasure to welcome everyone to Gen. Emilio AguinaldoNational High School
Annexs 5thFoundation Day and Intramural Meet 2012 with a theme:
Empowering Imuseos Youth through Values and Talent Development.

(Good morning to co-emcee.)


It is indeed an exciting day for us since we are celebrating two occasions: our schools 5th
Foundation Day and the Intramurals Opening. And now, let us all listen to our respectable Officer-in-
Charge, Ms. Glenda DS. Catadman, for her welcome remarks.(Thank you very much Ms. Catadman.)

And to give us a message, let us welcome our Brgy. Captain, Pasong Buaya II

Hon. Eduardo Garcia

May we call onMAPEH Head Teacher

Mr. Arturo Rosaroso Jr.

Let us give honor to our highly esteemed principal for her words of encouragement.Principal IV

Dr. Presenciana E. Pinazo

(Thank you for that inspiring message, Dr. Pinazo.)

Intramural Script 2012/mich.timado

Last November 2011, our School was a fortunate recipient of musical instruments which arenow being utilized by our Drum and
Lyre Corps.
We will always be grateful and indebted to our Congressman Irineo Maliksis
dynamic efforts andcommitment to public service.Now, under the coaching of Ms. Margerie Ann Villamin, be impressed with the
Drum and LyreExhibition from the selected students of GEANHS Annex!
To showcase their talents, let us all witness the GPTA Officers and Members for their intermission number.
To give us a short background on the humble beginnings of our school, kindly lend our ears tothe SSG Officers for the brief history
of GEANHS-Annex.
Before we proceed to the second part of our program, let us all give our undivided attention for a production number by the
GEANHS Faculty.(That was remarkable presentation. Thank you, teachers.)
So what is the essence of the Intramurals?
Intramurals or sports competition i
s essential to the well-being of the students. Sports instills how towin, how to accept defeat, how to interact with other people and
how to mold them to have desirable
character traits that are vital in achieving success in the future.

And now, to open, may we request our OIC, Ms. Catadman and Dr. Pinazo for the
Hoisting of Occasion Banner.

This will be followed by the
Raising of Unit Banner
which will be represented by the TeamManagers and Muses.
To formally introduce our guest
speaker, lets give the floor to
(Thank you Sir. Another round of applause for Mayor Maliksi.)(AWARDING OF CERTIFICATES / TOKEN OF APPRECIATION)
Now, we will witness the
Lighting of the Torch
by Mr. Jeric Mejia, (4
placer for the 800Meter Run last Regional Meet 2011)The torch-lighting ceremony links the modern games with ancient Greece
conveying a sense of continuity and an air of respectability and authority. It also represent a sacred truce and the flame inthe
cauldron would burn throughout the games as a sign of purity, reason and peace.
Intramural Script 2012/mich.timado
Now, Mr. Adrian Joseph Clemente, (4
placer, Taekwondo Bantamweight last Regional Meet2011) will lead the
Oath of Sportsmanship
This will be followed by our Athletic Manager and MAPEH Teacher, Mr. Marlo Bayudang for the
Oath of Officials
Once again, may we request Ms. Catadman to formally declare the Opening of the 2012Intramural.(Can we have some
Lets now move
on to the next portion of our program. For the
Presentation of the Muses
,may we call for Ms. Desiree Decano, Filipino Teacher.
Now, for the most awaited part of the program, we shall be witnessing the FieldDemonstration by each year level.(STATE THE
CRITERIA FOR WINNING AND INTRODUCE THE JUDGES!!!)Each year level has its assigned theme:
(Mich)Grade 7

Hat Festival(#1 to perform)
Buntal Hat Festival is a ten-day festival celebrated every first week of May. This annualcelebration showcases the main product of
Baliwag which is the Buntal Hat, and other products madefrom Buntal fibers.

Fruits Festival(#3 to perform)
The Kidapawan (Timpupo) Fruit Festival is a celebration of a good and bountiful harvest. It isis celebrated in Kidapawan City every
month of August. Kidapawan City is located in the highlands of the Province of Cotabato.

Maskara Festival(#2 to perform)
The MassKara Festival is a festival held each year inBacolod City,the capital of NegrosOccidentalprovince in
thePhilippinesevery third weekend of October nearest October 19, thecity'sCharter Inauguration Anniversary.The word
"MassKara" is aportmanteau(port-man-to), coined by the late artistElySantiagofrom the word "mass" meaning "many or a
multitude of the people", andtheSpanishword
meaning "face". A prominent feature of the festival is the mask worn byparticipants; these are always adorned with smiling faces.
thus means
a multitude of smiling faces
. The word is also a pun on
, the Filipino term for "mask".

Sinulog Festival(Last to perform)
The Sinulog Festival is one of the grandest and most colorful festivals in the Philippines with avery rich history. The main festival is
held each year on the 3
Sunday of January in Cebu City tohonor the Santo Nio, or the child Jesus, who used to be the patron saint of the whole province
Cebu. It is essentially a dance ritual which remembers the Filipino peoples pagan past and their
acceptance of Christianity.
We would like to express our appreciation to all our honorable guests (please read the list of names) and to all the students and
faculty for their participation in our program this morning.Thank you for your attendance.
Before we have our lunch break, allow us to leave some words to live by:

It is not all about winning but on how you played the game

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