Suico, Dominic F. Bs Ece-3

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Suico, Dominic F.


Topic: Investigative Study on Acoustic Fire Extinguisher Using Sub-Audible Frequencies.

Datanagan, Delgado, and Villaver proposed their research proposal entitled Investigative
Study on Acoustic Fire Extinguisher Using Sub-Audible Frequencies which was advised by
Engr. Daculan. The study was all about extinguishing fire with the use of sub-audible
frequencies which are at the following frequencies; 25, 30, 50, 75 Hz or any combination of
those frequencies. The project was to put out fire with the use of sound waves. The principle
behind their project is to separate the elements that make a fire. The extinguisher will produce a
sound wave that manipulates both burning material and the oxygen that surrounds it. If the sound
could be used to separate the two, the fire would be starved of oxygen and, accordingly, would
be snuffed out.

The panelists present were Engr. C.Tan, Engr. Zafra, and Engr. Nuez. A panelist raised
a question as to why only 25, 30, 50, 75 Hz will be utilized. The researchers answered that the
required frequency to put out the flames are between 20-60 Hz A question was also raised as to
why they need to have multipliers in their diagram and what will be the effect of those
multipliers. A concern was also raised if they were actually to have some real flames lit in the
room when they will have to demonstrate their project when they defend.

Overall their presentation was great. They were clearly prepared because they answered
if not all, most of the questions raised by the panelists. The project has got me hooked on to
thinking that clearly there will be another way of doing something that has been already done for
many years. And that thinking might lead me to my research proposal when I get to 5 th year. I
also learned that being cool when presenting will lead you to success because for me the
proposal ended in success though I dont know if their project was approved or not.
Topic: Centralized Home Emergency Notification System

Albaracin, Unay, and Pescante proposed their research proposal, Centralized Home
Emergency Notification System, which was advised by Engr. Salva. The study aims to create an
application which will notify the administrator or the owner of a house that there is someone
sneaking or trying to get into their premises. It is an android based application and Raspberry Pi
and sensor nodes are the wireless sensor networks. The project composes of a doorbell, a camera,
a laser, a phone with internet access/data and the android application. When the doorbell is
pressed, a notification will be sent to the android application through the use of push
notifications, and/ or email. The sent notification will consist of pictures taken from the person
who pushed the doorbell and if the administrator recognized the person as a known person then
the admin can grant the person, who rang the bell, entry to the house. As for burglars trying to
sneak in, a laser will then will be cut-off and thus will send notifications to the admin with the

The panelists were Engr. Banacia, Engr. Gerozaga, and Engr. Acas. Engr. Banacia raised
concern about the title of the proposed project. He told the researchers that they could change it
for it to sound better. And also he criticized how confusing or how complex their block diagram
is. He told the researchers to simplify the diagram so that the readers would understand it right
away without spending too much time understanding the complexity of the diagram. Engr. Acas
brought up if it would work in the absence of wireless internet or data connection and the
researchers have not looked into such situation so Engr. Acas suggested that they would also put
it in their scope and limitations.

Overall, for me, the presentation was great. The researchers were pretty prepared except
for the one who always speak in vernacular. The thing I learned from their presentation is that
simplification of things will make it look cool to the audience or readers rather than putting up so
much complex stuff. It is also important to denote that staying cool in presentation will help you
to think clearer and definitely will help you answer the queries the panelist are raising.
Topic: Room Monitoring and Managing System Using CAN Protocol

Casia, Diaz Ng, Lawas proposed a project entitled Room Monitoring and Managing
system Using Can Protocal which was advised by Engr. Salva. The project was about improving
the traditional monitoring system of laboratories. They are to use CAN Protocol and it would
also take energy conservation into consideration as part of their research proposal.

The panelists present were Engr. Banacia, Engr.C.Tan, and Engr. Zafra. Engr.C.Tan
raised that their project proposal was proposed 2 years ago and asked them what will be the
difference between the two projects. Engr. Banacia addressed that their project proposal is not
that practical because the data they accumulated are from 90s and wont be true today. Energy
consumption from 90s are much more compared to todays technology because most of todays
tech are energy-efficient so their proposal would be of waste because its not practical. That is
how I perceive Engr. Banacias concern about their proposal. And then Engr. Zafra asked about
how they would implement it. At the middle of proposal power went down and forced them to
proceed without the use of projector to project their proposal but still they confidently carried out
their proposal like there were no power interruptions happening. Indeed and truly professionals.

The thing I like about their presentations is that they were really prepared and they were
not fazed about having the power interruption. They proceeded as nothing happened and I think
that is the most important thing when you present something in front of a crowd. Although their
project seems incomplete to me because of the questions raised by the panelist it was still a great
presentation and I also learned that taking a look into the archive of past proposals wont hurt
you in any other way but will help improve your proposal instead.

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