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1. Disease The term disease broadly refers to any condition that impairs normal function, and is therefore associated
with dysfunction of normal homeostasis. Commonly, the term disease is used to refer specifically to infectious
diseases , which are clinically evident diseases that result from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, including
viruses, bacteria , fungi, protozoa, multicellular organisms, and aberrant proteins known as prions.
2. Father of medicine----Hippocrates
3. The state of body and mind where there was a balance of certain humors was considered as health by-----early Greek
philosophers like Hippocrates and Indian Ayurveda system of medicine.
4. According to Hippocrates and Indian system of Ayurveda medicine health can be considered as----state of body and
mind by the balance of certain humors is considered as- good humor hypothesis of health.
5. In the ancient days the persons with black bile belong to hot personality and have----fevers.
6. Blood circulation was discovered by-----William Harvey.
7. Father of modern physiology-----William Harvey.
8. Discovery of thermometer and normal body temperature of black bile persons disproved-----good humor hypothesis
of health.
9. Mind influences through neural system and endocrine system on----immune system.
10. Our health is maintained by---Immune system
11. Our health is affected by ----mind and mental state , genetic disorders ,infections and life styles.
12. Deficiencies with which a child is born and deficiencies or defects which the child inherits from parents from birth is
called----genetic disorders.
13. Food and water we take ,rest and exercises we give to our body, habits that we have or lack is called---life style.
14. The state of complete physical ,mental sexual and social well being is defined as health.
15. This can increase more efficient at work ,productivity and economic prosperity ,longevity of people and reduces
infant and maternal mortality-----health
16. These are the important factors to maintain good health----balanced diet ,personal hygiene and regular exercise.
17. Physical and mental health can be achieved through this from ancient time----yoga
18. Awareness about diseases and their effects on various bodily functions ,vaccination, proper disposal of wastes, control
of vectors and maintenance of hygienic food and water resources are necessary for---- achieving good health.
19. When the functioning of one or more organs or systems of the body is adversely affected, characterized by various
signs and symptoms is called----disease or unhealthy or not well.
20. Diseases can be broadly grouped into----1.Infections and 2.Non-Infectious.
21. Diseases can be easily be transmitted from one person to another are commonly called---Infectious diseases.
22. The diseases which cannot transmit from one person to another are commonly called ---Non-Infectious.
23. Disease causing organisms are called----pathogens.
24. Common pathogens of men are-----viruses ,bacteria ,protozoans, fungi and helminthes.
25. Most parasites are-----pathogens.
26. Study of disease is called --- pathology
27. Study of cause of disease is called --- aetiology
28. Anti Leprosy day --- January 30th
29. National Deworming day (NDD) --- 10th February
30. The organism which depends on others for food-,shelter or other benefits is called-----parasite
31. Typhoid - Salmonella typhi bacteria
32. Pneumonia - Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenza
33. Common cold - Rhino virus
34. Malaria - Plasmodium sps -protozoan
35. Amoebiasis - Entamoeba histolytica Protozoan
36. Ascariasis - Ascaris lumbricoides Nematode
37. Elephantiasis/Filariasis - Wuchereria bancrofti , W.malayi Nematode
38. Dysentry - Balantidium ,Giardia protozoans.
39. Ring worm - Microsporum ,Trichophyton and Epidermophyton. fungi
40. Plague - Yersinia pestis bacteria
41. Diphtheria - Corenaebacterium/Haemophilus pertusis bacteria
42. Typhoid is spread by----food and water contamination.
43. The target of typhoid pathogen is----small intestine.
44. Typhoid pathogen enters small intestine through--- contaminated food and water.
45. From small intestine typhoid pathogen spreads to other organs through---blood.
46. The vectors of typhoid pathogen are-----house flies and insects.
47. Sustained high fever of 39-40 degree Celsius ,weakness ,stomach pain, constipation, headache, loss of appetite etc;
are the symptoms of this disease------typhoid.
48. Intestinal perforations and death may occur in severe cases of this disease---typhoid.
49. The conformational test for typhoid is-----widal test.
50. Mary Mallon is related to----typhoid carrier(cook).
51. Typhoid Mary is the nickname of -- Mary Mallon.
52. Leprosy can be diagnosed byLepromen test
53. T.B is treated by DOT (Direct Observation Treatment)
54. Tuberculosis diagnostic test is calledMantoux test
55. Bacillus Calmette Gurein(BCG) vaccine is given for the prevention of Tuberculosis
56. DPT or Triple antigen vaccine is given for Diptheria , pertusis and tetanus
57. The diagnostic test for Diptheria is Schick test
58. Tetanus can be treated by tetanus toxide vaccine injection
59. Salk vaccine for polio is injection
60. Sabin vaccine is oral polio vaccine(OPV)
61. Totally eradicated disease from the earth is small pox
62. MMR vaccine is used for Mumps , measles and German measles
63. Pneumonia will affects --- Alveoli or air filled sacs of lungs.
64. The alveoli get filled with fluid leading to severe problems in respiration in---pneumonia.
65. Fever, chills, cough, headache, breathing problems are characteristics of this disease----pneumonia.
66. In severe cases the lips and finger nails turn grey or bluish in---- pneumonia.
67. This disease can be spread by inhaling of droplets or aerosols released by an infected person or even by sharing
glasses and utensils with an infected person is----pneumonia.
68. This disease can infect nose and respiratory passage but not lungs----common cold.
69. This disease is characterized by nasal congestion and discharge ,sore throat ,hoarsness, cough, headache ,tiredness etc.
,and lasts for 3-7 days is----common cold.
70. This disease can be spread by droplets resulting from cough or sneezes of an infected person are either inhaled
directly or transmitted through contaminated objects such as pens, books ,cups ,doorknobs ,computer keyboards
,mouse etc. ,is----common cold.

71. The infective stage of plasmodium to man is --- Sporozoite

72. The infective stage of plasmodium to mosquito ---- Gametocytes
73. Life span of Gametocytes is 7 days
74. Malaria can be treated by --- chloroquin primaquin, quinine, camoquin and daraprim
75. Camoquin , daraprim and artemesein are obtained from ---Artemesia annu plant
76. Cerebral malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum can be treated by --- Camoquin , daraprim and artemesein
77. Quinine is extracted from --- bark of Cinchona afficinalis (cinchona plant)
78. Black water fever is caused by --- Plasmodium falciparum.
79. Black fever or kala azar is caused by ---Leishnia donovani
80. Plasmodium vivax causes-----benign tertian malaria(Fever reoccurs after every 48 hours).
81. Common type of malaria is-----benign tertian malaria.
82. Plasmodium malariae causes-----Quartan malaria(Fever reoccurs after every 72 hours).
83. Plasmodium falciparum causes------malignant malaria or cerebral malaria or black water fever
84. Most severe and fatal malaria is-----malignant malaria(Fever reoccurs after every 48 hours).
85. Plasmodium ovale causes-----mild tertian malaria(Fever reoccurs after every 48 hours).
86. Infective stage of plasmodium to man is-----sporozoite.
87. Vector of malaria is----female anopheles mosquito.
88. Vector of filaria is -----female Culex mosquito.
89. Plasmodium parasite initially infect and multiply in-----human liver.
90. The malaria pigment is ---- haemozoin (brown colored).
91. Haemozoin is liberating from-----damaged RBCs haemoglobin.
92. The disease characterized by chills, high fever , profuse sweating recurring after every 3 to 4 days is --- Malaria.
93. In mosquito sporozoites are stored in salivary glands.
94. World Malaria or Mosquito day is ------------- 25th April
95. Father of malarialogy Charles Laveran
96. Primary or definite host of plasmodium is --- female anopheles.
97. Secondary or intermediate host of plasmodium is --- man.
98. Oocysts of plasmodium on the stomach wall of female anopheles mosquito were identified bysir Ronald Ross on
20th August
99. Life cycle plasmodium in female anopheles mosquito was observed by Grassi .,
100. Plasmodium parasite in the blood of malaria patient was observed by Charles Laveran
101. Malaria may be spreads by mosquitoes was believed by sir Patrick Manson
102. The ultra structure of sporozoite of Plasmodium vivax was studied by Garnham
103. Asexual multiple fission of plasmodium is called Schizogony
104. Erythrocytic or Golgi cycle of plasmodium was studied by Camillo Golgi
105. Duration of Golgi cycle of Plasmodium vivax is 48 hours
106. In the life cycle of plasmodium trophozoite, amoeboid stage , signet ring stage, rosette stage were observed in
Erythrocytic cycle
107. Increase in the size of RBC due to plasmodium infection is called Hypertrophy
108. Antigens released by the plasmodium parasite in the RBC are called Schuffnerdots(red coloured)
109. The time interval between the first entry of plasmodium into the blood in the form of sporozoties and the second entry
of plasmodium into the blood in the form of cryptozoites is called pre-patent period
110. The pre-patent period of plasmodium vivax is 8 days
111. The time interval between the entry of plasmodium into the blood in the form of sporozoites and the first appearance
of symptoms of malaria is called incubation period.
112. Incubation period of plasmodium vivax is 10 14 days.
113. Gametogenesis takes place in the RBC of Spleen and bone marrow
114. The life cycle of plasmodium in mosquito will be completed within 10 - 24 days
115. Enlargement of spleen due to plasmodium infection is called Splenomegaly
116. Infective macro metacryptozoites of plasmodium in human liver cells are called hypnozoites
117. Relapse of malaria is caused by Hypnozoites
118. Heterozygous sickle cell anaemia persons are immune to malaria

119. The habitat of Entamoeba histolytica is --- large intestine of man(Caecum and colon).
120. Constipation , abdominal pain and cramps, stools with excess mucous and blood clots are symptoms of ----
amoebiasis or amebic dysentery.
121. The mechanical vectors of amoebiasis are --- house flies
122. Infective stage of Entamoeba histolytica to man is tetra nucleated cyst
123. The pathogenic, feeding stage of Entamoeba is --- trophozoite
124. the enzyme secreted by the surface of trophozoite is histolysin
125. The source of infection of amoebiasis is -- food and water contamination or auto infection
126. Ascaris is commonly called ----- common round worm.
127. Wuchereria bancrofti is commonly called ---- filarial worm.
128. Internal bleeding , muscular pain, fever , anaemia and blockage of intestinal passage are the symptoms of -----
129. The eggs of Ascaris are excreted through ------- human faeces.
130. Ascariasis can be spread by contamination of food ,water , vegetables by eggs of parasite
131. Infective stage of ascaris to man is --- II stage rhabdiform larva
132. Filariasis is caused by -----Wuchereria bancrofti and W.malayi
133. Wuchereria bancrofti is OVOVIVIPAROUS, unisexual, histozoic parasite
134. Wuchereria bancrofti is a digentic parasite
135. The disease characterized by chronic inflammation of organs --- Filariasis
136. The habitat of filarial worm is usually ----- lymphatic vessels to lower limbs.
137. The organs effected by filariasis are ----lower limbs, scrotums, mammary glands.
138. The infective stage of Wuchereria to man---- III stage or infective stagelarva
139. The infective stage of Wuchereria to female Culex mosquito ----- microfilaria
140. This parasite exhibits nocturnal or diurnal periodicity --- filarial worm.
141. The life span of microfilaria in man ---- one week or 7 days
142. Severe inflammation in the lymph vessels is called lymphangitis or lymphangiectaris
143. Inflammation of lymph glands is called lymphadenitis
144. Accumulation lymph is called lymphanedema
145. Permanent swelling of feet, legs, thighs, scrotal racs, breast is calledelephantiasis
146. wuchereria is ovoviviparous organism.
147. The larval form of wuchereria is calledmicrofilaria;saucase larva, infected stage larva.
148. The infected stage of wuechereria to mosquito microfilaria
149. The infected stage of wuechereria to man III stage infective larva
150. Nocturnal or Nocturnal diurnal periodicity is exhibited by microfilaria larva
151. The life span of microfilaria larva is 70 days
152. Apperance of dry , scaly lesions on various parts of the body such as skin, nails and scalp with intense itching are the
symptoms of -----ringworms.
153. The conditions favourable for ring worm infection --- heat and moisture.
154. Ring worms commonly infects skin folds of --- groin and between toes.
155. The disease can spreads through using towels, clothes, comb of infected individuals ------ ringworms.
156. There are four genera of mosquitoes name the 1. Anopheles 2. Culex 3. Aedes and 4. Psorophora
157. Anopheles acts as carrier of vector for the disease causing pathogens malaria parasite
158. Culex acts as carrier of vector for the disease causing pathogensfilariasis , encephalitis and bird malaria.
159. Aedes aegypti acts as carrier of vector for the disease causing pathogensdengue , yellow fever and chikungunya
160. Psorophora acts as carrier of vector for the disease causing pathogensDermatobiasis in cattles
161. Vectors are of two types namely 1. Mechanical and 2. Biological
162. Mechanical vectors transfer pathogens from place to place without any change ex. House flies , cockroaches and
163. In the biological vectors parasites undergo some changes of complete part of life cycle ex. Mosquitoes ,tse tse flies
and sand flies.
164. Keeping the body clean, consumptions of clean , drinking water , food, vegetables, fruits , cutting of nails regularly,
washing hands after using toilets and before meal constitute -- personal hygiene.Proper disposal of waste and excreta
, periodic cleaning and disinfection of water reservoir pools , tanks constitute --- public hygiene.
165. The common diseases spreading through contamination are --- typhoid , amoebiasis , ascariasis, cholera, taeniasis
166. Common airborne diseases are --- tuberculosis, pneumonia, common cold, conjunctivitis.
167. For eradication of these diseases the vectors and their breeding places should be destroyed --- malaria, filariasis,
chickunguinea, dengue, sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis etc.,
168. The common larvicidal fish is --- Gambusia affinis.
169. Gembusia can feed on --- mosquito larvae and pupae.
170. Larval form of mosquito is called --- wriggler
171. pupal stage of mosquito is called --- tumbler
172. Controlling of mosquitoes by using larvicidal fishes is called -- biological control.
173. The plant used for controlling of mosquito larva and pupa in the water ponds is --- utricularia
174. These diseases can be controlled by avoiding stagnation of water in and around residential areas, regular cleaning of
household coders , use of mosquito nets, introducing larvicidal fishes into freshwater pools and drainages and swamps
etc.,--- vector borne malaria, filarial, dengue fever, encephalitis, chikunguinya
175. The vectors of dengue and chikunguinea are ---- mosquitos.
176. The diseases controlled by vaccination or immunizations are-- small pox, measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus,
tuberculosis, pneumonia, hepatitis-B etc.
177. Vaccines can be produced by --- Recombinent DNA technology.
178. NII National Institute of immunology is located at New Delhi.
179. NIN National Institute of nutrition is located at Hyderabad.
180. CDRI Central Drug Research Institute located at Lucknow
181. CIMAP Central institute of Medicinal and Aromatic plants is located at -- Lucknow

A Brief Account of Common Viral Diseases in man

Sl Disease Pathogen Transmitted by Symptoms Prophylaxis or preventive measures


1 Dengue Arbo virus Aedes aegypti Fever, headache, Eliminating mosquito breeding places and
fever muscles and joint applying mosquito repellants.
pains, rashes,
nausea, vomiting,
excessive thirst,
bleeding from nose,
mouth, gums.
2 Yellow Arbo virus Aedes aegypti Fever, chills Eliminating mosquito breeding places and
fever ,haemorrhage, applying mosquito repellants. Vaccine is
nausea, jaundice available
3 Chikungun Chikungunya Aedes aegypti, Fever, rash, joint Eliminating mosquito breeding places and
ya virus Aedes albopictus pains , headache, applying mosquito repellants.
4 Common Rhinovirus Droplet contact Nasal congestion, Washing hands frequently and using face
cold running nose, masks
sneezing, sore
throat, cough, fever,
5 Mumps Paramyxo Droplet contact Fever, painful Avoiding contact with the sick; MMR vaccine
virus swelling of parotid is available
6 Measles or Rubeola virus Droplet contact Fever, rash, itching , Same as that of mumps
Rubeola inflammation of
respiratory passage

7 German Rubella virus Droplet contact Congenital problems Same as that of mumps
measles like eye defects,
deafness , cardiac
8 Chicken Varicella Direct contact and Fever, rash which Scabs should be collected and burnt, soiled
pox zoster virus droplet contact changes into articles should be washed and boiled. Vaccine
vesicles, pustules is available
and then brown scab
which falls off
9 Small Variola virus Directs contact and High fever, chills, Same as that of chickenpox
pox(Eradic droplet contact headache, vomiting,
ated from rash that turn into
earth) scabs that fall off
10 Poliomyeli Polio virus Contaminated food Stiffness of neck, Avoiding contaminated food and water. Salk
tis and water paralysis of skeletal vaccine and Oral polio vaccine (OPV)
muscles, fever, available
headache, pain.
11 Influenza Influenza Droplet Contact Coryza, sneezing, Avoiding close contact with the sick , vaccine
(Flu) viruses cough, muscle pain , is available
headache, fever.
12 Rabies Rabies virus Saliva and droplet Anxiety, fatigue, Avoiding rabid animals. Vaccine is available.
contact loss of appetite,
sensitivity to light
and sound,
salivation from
mouth, fever
13 AIDS Human Blood,sexual Fever, lethargy, Avoiding shared needles and syringes, having
immuno- contact , from pharyngitis, nausea, safe sex
Deficiency infected mother to headache, rashes etc.
virus(HIV) child through
14 Swine flu Swine Droplet contact Fever,cough,body Avoiding close contact with the sick. Vaccine
influenza aches,head is available.
viruses(H1N1 , ache,chills
15 SARS(Sev Corona virus Droplet contact Fever, chills, Avoiding contact with the sick
ere Acute muscle-ache, cough,
Respirator dizziness, running
y nose, vomiting ,
Syndrome) diarrhoea
16. Trachoma Chlamydia Trachomatis Ulceration of cornea Avoiding contact with the sick
and conjunctiva of
eye , Acute cases

A Brief Account of Common Bacterial Diseases in man

Sl Disease Pathogen Transmitted Symptoms Prophylaxis or preventive

No by/Incubation measures
1 Typhoid Salmonella typhi Contaminated food Abdominal pain, TAB vaccine/ Ampicillin,
and drinks / 1-3 vomiting , fever, Chloramphenicol
weeks diarrhoea
2 Cholera Vibrio cholerae Contaminated food Vomiting, Proper sanitation/ ORS,
and drinks / 2-3 days dehydration , tetracycline
muscular cramps
3 Diarrhoeal E.coli, Shigella, Contaminated food Frequent stools with Proper sanitation/ ORS.
diseases Campylobacter, Salmonella, and drinks blood , dehydration
4 Pneumonia Streptococcus pneumonia, Direct contact/1-3 Cough, fever, pain in PCV13 vaccine/
Haemophilus influenza days the lung Erythromycine, tetracycline.
5 Diphtheria Corynebacterium diphtheria Direct contact/2-5 Fever, sore throat DPT vaccine / Erythromycin
6 Whooping Bordetella pertussis Direct contact/10-16 Cough, DPT vaccine / Erythromycin
cough or days breathlessness and
pertussis vomiting
7 Tuberculosi Mycobacterium tuberculosis Direct contact/3-6 Constant cough, pain Bacillus Calmette Guerin
s(T.B) weeks in chest, loss of vaccine (BCG)/streptomycin
appetite. , rifampicin, PAS
8 Anthrax Bacillus anthracis Domestic animals Difficulty in Anthrax vaccine/ pencilin,
breathing, cough, tetracycycline,
fever. fluoroquinolones
9 Tetanus Clostridium tetani Spores enter the Painful muscular Diptheria , Pertusis ,
(lock jaw) wounds / 3- 25 days spasms, fever, lock Whooping cough (DPT)/
jaw Antitetanus serum (ATS),
tetanus toxoid (T.T).
10 Plague(Bla Pasteurella/ Yersinia pestis Xenopsylla Painful buboes, Streptomycin, oral
ck death) cheopis(rat flea)/ 2-6 fever, haemorrhages. tetracycline.
11 Leprosy Mycobacterium leprae Direct contact/ 2-5 Infection of skin, Rifampicin, dapsone,
(Hansens years wasting of body clofazimine
disease) parts, deformities of
fingers , toes.

A Brief Account of Common Protozoan Diseases in man

Sl Disease Pathogen Transmitted by/ Symptoms Prophylaxis or

No Incubation period preventive measures
And Treatment or
1 Amoebiasis Entamoeba histolytica Faecal Oral route, sexual Abdominal pain, Sanitary disposal of
contact, vectors / 2-4 weeks diarrhoea, blood faecal matter/ Emetine,
in faeces stremetine,
2 Ciliary Balantidium coli Contaminated food and Diarrhoea , Tetracycline and
dysentery water / few days. vomiting , iodoquinol
(Balantidias abdominal pain
3 Giardiasis Giardia intestinalis Contaminated food and Epigastric pain, Clean food and water/
water / 1-3 weeks headache, Metronidazole,
diarrhoea. tinidazole.
4 Malaria Plasmodium sps., Anopheles. Fever, acute Eradicating mosquito
chillness, breeding places/
sweating, chloroquine , primaquine,
nausea. quinine.
5 African Trypanosoma gambiense (tse Glossina palpalis/weeks or Recurrent fever, Avoid biting of vectors
sleeping tse fly) months. anaemia , patient .Pentamidine, atoxyl,
sickness or falls asleep. tryparsamide , germanin
6 Kala-azar Leishmania donovani Phlebotomus argentipes / 3- High fever , Sodium antimony
of Dum- 6 months spleen tartrate, glyconate , urea
dum fever, enlargement, stebamine.
black fever anaemia ,
or visceral darkening of
leishmanias skin.
7. Chagas Trypanosoma crozi Faeces of triatomid bug Recurrent fever, Avoid biting of vectors
disease or anaemia , patient .Pentamidine, atoxyl,
South falls asleep. tryparsamide , germanin
8. Oriental Leishmania tropica Phlebotomus surgenti Boils and skin Avoid biting of vectors
sores of .Pentamidine, atoxyl,
Delhi boils tryparsamide , germanin
or dermal
is of skin
9. Euspundia Leishmania brazuliensis Lutzomia sps Leisons in mouth Avoid biting of vectors
and nose .Pentamidine, atoxyl,
tryparsamide , germanin
10. South Leishmania chagisi Phlebotomus sps Recurrent fever, Avoid biting of vectors
American anaemia , patient .Pentamidine, atoxyl,
Kala-azar falls asleep. tryparsamide , germanin

A Brief Account of Common Phatyhelminthic Diseases in man

Sl Disease Pathogen Transmitted by Symptoms Prophylaxis or preventive

No measures and Therapy or
1 Taeniasis Taenia solium, Raw or under Abdominal pain, nausea, Pork or beef to be cooked properly
Taenia saginata cooked pork or anaemia, indigestion, before eating/ Camoquin and
beef epilepsy atabrin
2 Cysticercosis Cysticercus larva of Ingesting eggs of Pain, weakness ,mental Avoid contaminated food and
tapeworms tapeworm in deterioration, paralysis, drinks / Praziquantel and
contaminated and epileptic attacks albendazole
food and drinks
3 Fasciolopsiasi Fasciolopsis Eating water Diarrhoea, nausea, Avoid eating infected water plants/
s fuelleborni plants having vomiting, erosion of Praziquantel and
metacercariae intestinal lining tetrachloroethylene.
larvae on them
4 Schistosomias Schistosoma Penetration of Athmatic attacks, Proper sanitary disposal of human
is mansoni, skin by cercariae hepatitis, fever, sweating, faeces and urine / Antimony
S.japonicum, larva diarrhoea, weight loss compounds.
5 Hydatid Echinococcus Contaminated Body and brain get Avoid eating contaminated food /
diseas granulosa food and water affected treatment same as of taeniasis
6 Opisthorchias Optisthorchis Eating raw or Cirrhosis Fresh water fishes to be cooked
is sinensis undercooked fish properly/ Chloroquine , gentian
that harbours violent.
7 Paragonimiasi Paragonimus Eating raw or Chronic cough , chest Raw or undercooked crabs to be
s westermani undercooked pain , shortness of breath, avoided / Sulpha drugs , emetine
crabs infected fever and anaemia hydrochloride.
8. Lung rot Paragonimus Crabs or cray Difficult in breathing Avoiding consumption of infected
westermani(lung fishes crabs and cray fishes

A Brief Account of Common Aschelminthic Diseases in man

Sl Disease Pathogen Transmitted by Symptoms Prophylaxis or preventive

No measures and Therapy and
1 Ascariasis Ascaris lumbricoides Contaminated Diarrhoea, vomiting, Preventing exposure to unhygienic
food or water impaired digestion conditions / chenopodium oil,
containing tetracloroeethylene
Ascaris eggs.
2 Filariasis Wuchereria Culex mosquito. Swelling of feet, legs, Take precautions against mosquito
bancrofti, W.malayi thighs, scrotal sacs, bites/ Albendazole, hetrazan,
breast. diethyl carbamazine.
3 Ancylostomia Ancylostoma Juveniles Gastrointestinal Proper sanitation and hygiene /
sis duodenale, Necator penetrate through disturbances, anaemia, Tetrachloroethylene and carbon
americanus skin of hands and nervous disorders. tetrachloride.

4 Enterobiasis Enterobius Contaminated Itching around anus , Maintaing hygiene can prevent it /
(Oxyuriasis) vermicularis food nausea , diarrhea. Piperazine
5 Trichinosis Trichinella spiralis Raw or Nausea, vomiting , Eat properly cooked pork /
undercooked oedema of face and mebendazole
pork eyelids
6 Dracunculiasi Dracunculus Infected Cyclops Diarrhoea, itching, Avoid drinking contaminated
s medinesis nausea, vomiting and water / metronidazole
7 Trichuriasis Trichuris trichiura Contaminated Nausea, vomiting , Avoid consuming contaminated
water, raw fruits constipation, headache. water, fruits and vegetables /
and vegitables Osarsol, dithiazanine
8. Loiasis Loa Loa (eye worm) Bite of deerfly Swelling around eyes Avoid chrysops bite
(Calabar eye chrysops and eye lids


1. Infection of Ascaris usually occurs by
1)eating imperfectly cooked pork 2)tse-tse fly 3) mosquito bite 4)drinking water containing eggs of Ascaris
2. Motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in
1)gut of female Anopheles `2)salivary glands of Anopheles 3)human RBCs 4) human liver
3. Wuchereria bancrofti lives in
1) muscles 2) blood capillaries 3)lymph vessels 4)intestine
4. Widal test is carried out to test
1)malaria 2)diabetes mellitus 3)HIV/AIDS 4)typhoid fever
5. Common cold differs from pneumonia in, that
1) pneumonia is a communicable disease, whereas the common cold is a nutritional deficiency disease
2) pneumonia can be prevented by alive attenuated bacterial vaccine, whereas the common cold has no effective vaccine
3) pneumonia is caused by a virus, while the common cold is caused by the bacterium Haemophillus influenza
4) pneumonia pathogen infects alveoli whereas the common cold affects nose and respiratory passage , but not the lungs
6. BCG vaccine is used against
1)TB 2)leprosy 3)food poisoning 4)None of the above
7. Which is not a water borne disease
1) Typhoid 2) Cholera 3) Asthma 4) Amoebiasis
8. Which of the following pair of disease can spread through blood transfusion?
1) Hay fever and AIDS 2) Cholera and Hepatitis 3) Hepatitis B and AIDS 4) Diabetes mellitus and Malaria
9. (1) Salmonella is pathogenic bacterium; (2) Sustained high fever (390C to 4003)
(3) Confirmed by Widal test (4) Marry Mallon was a carrier
(e) Intestinal perforation in serve cases
Above statements are true for
1) Plague 2) Diphtheria 3) Typhoid 4) Dysentery
10. Typhoid in man is caused by
1) Salmonella species 2) Streptococcus species 3) Rhinovirus 4) Trichophyton
11. Fever, Chills and headache is caused by
1) Streptococcus pneumoniae 2) Haemophilus influenzae 3) Plasmodium 4) Wuchereria
12. Identify the disease not spread by droplets
1) Common cold 2) Pneumonia 3) Tuberculosis 4) Malaria
13. Malignant malaria in man is caused by
1) Plasmodium vivax 2) Plasmodium malaria 3) Plasmodium falciparum 4) Plasmodium ovale
14. Asexual reproduction of P. vivax occurs in
1) Human RBC and liver cells 2) Stomach of mosquito 3) Salivary glands of mosquito 4) Mosquito bitten skin of man
15. Human stools with mucous and blood strains are the symptoms of infection
1) Ringworm infection 2) Entameoba histolytica infection 3) Pneumonia 4) Malaria
16. Dry, scaly lesion on skin, nails and scalp are due to infection of
1) Microsporum 2) Trichophyton 3) Epidermophyton 4) All of these
17. Typhoid is caused by pathogen that belongs to
1) Shigella 2) Haemophilus 3) Salmonella 4) Corynebacterium
18. Which of the following are bacterial diseases?
1) Plague, measles, Rhinitis 2) Mumps, Small pox, dysentry
3) Diphtheria, plague, dysentry 4) Influenza, pertusis, mumps
19. A non-communicable disease is
1) Measles 2) diptheria 3) Typhoid 4) diabetes
20. Which of the following diseases spread by droplets
1) Rabies, dengue fever 2) Malaria, pneumonia 3) Chikumgunya, typhoid 4) Pneumonia, common cold
21. Which of the a following disease has been completely eradicated in India
1) Typhoid 2) Small pox 3) Diptheria 4) Polio
22. Malignant malaria is caused by
1) Plasmodium falciparum 2) Plasmodium vivax 3) Plasmodium malaria 4) Plasmodium ovale
23. Plasmodium completes its life cycle in
1) Man only 2) Mosquito only 3) Both man and mosquito 4) Man, housefly
24. Dengue is transmitted by
1) Female Anopheles 2) Aedes aegypt 3) tse tse fly 4) male Anopheles
25. A pathogen Microsporum responsible for ringworm disease in humans belongs to the same kingdom of organisms as that
1) Taenia, a tapeworm 2) Rhizopus, a mould 3) Ascaris, a round worm 4) Wucherereia,a filarial worm
26. The larvicidial fish used in bio control of mosquito
1) Gambusia 2) Hilsa 3) Scalophagus 4) Gold fish
27. Identify the set of infectious diseases that spread through the same genus of vector
1) Malaria, Filariasis 2) Malaria, Dengue 3) Dengue and Chikunguinya 4) Filariasis and Dengue

28. Assertion (A): In severe cases of pneumonia lips and nail beds may turn grey to bluish in colour.
Reason (R): Due to lack of oxygen in the blood, as the alveoli of lungs get filled with fluid, which interferes with the
lungs ability to transfer oxygen to the blood.
1) A is wrong and R is correct 2) Both A and R are wrong
3) A & R are correct, R do not explains A 4) A & R are correct, R explains A
29. An 12 years old child presented with itchy, excessive lesions on skin, nail and scalp. The siblings also have similar
complaints. The disease in such a child probably is:
1) Ring worm an infectious disease 2) Ring worm a non-infectious disease
3) Amoebiasis non-contergeous disease 4) Ascariasis infectious disease
30. In the life cycle of Plasmodium, sexual stages / gamonts develop in
1) Liver cells of man 2) RBC of man 3) RBC of mosquito 4) Stomach of mosquito
31. After sporozoite gain entrance to human body it undergoes development cycle first in liver then in RBC, only after which
fever is seen. This is due to
1) Release of haemozoin from ruptured hepatic cells. 2) Release of haematin from ruptured hepatic cells.
3) Release of haemozoin from ruptured RBC. 4) Release of haemoglobin from ruptured RBC.
32. Which of the following statements regarding Plasmodium falciparum are true?
1) Sickle cell anemic patients are not resistant against Falciparum malaria
2) Causes malignant / pernicious malaria
3) It is the least serious and so cannot be fatal 4) All of these.
33. Match the following
Parasite Location in host
(A) Entamoeba (i) Erythrocytes of man
(B) Ascaris (ii) Lymphatic vessels of man
(C) Wucheria malayi (iii) Lumen of small intestine
(D) Plasmodium vivax (iv) In the wall of large intestine
1) i ii iii iv 2) ii i iii iv
3) iv iii ii i 4) iv iii i ii
34. Ascariasis is characterized by all the following except:
1) Internal haemorrhage 2) Blockage of the intestinal passage
3) Muscular pain and anemia 4) Always associates with scaly lesions on skin and nail infection
35. Assertion(A): House files acts as mechanical carriers for Entamoeba histolytica
Reason(R): They serve to transmit the parasite from faeces of infected person to food items, during this parasite does not
undergo development.
1) A is wrong and R is correct 2) Both A and R are wrong
3) A & R are correct, R do not explains A 4) A & R are correct, R explains A
36. Diseases are broadly grouped in to infectious and non-infectious types .In the list given below, identify the infectious
i)Cancer ii)influenza iii)Allergy iv) smallpox
1) i and ii 2) ii and iii 3) iii and iv 4) ii and iv
37. Haemozoin is
1) A precursor of Hemoglobin 2)A toxin from streptococcus 3)A toxin from Hamophiles sp 4)A toxin from haemoglobin
38. Intestinal perforation is caused in the severe cases of__
1) Typhoid 2) Common Cold 3) Plague 4) Pneumonia
39. Which of the following disease is characterized by fluid filled alveoli resulting in respiratory problems
1) Pneumonia 2) Common cold 3) Dysentry 4) Typhoid.
40. Air borne diseases_____
1)Typhoid, Ascariasis 2) pneumonia, common cold. 3) pneumonia, filariasis 4)Amoebiasis , malaria
41. Match the following and find out the correct match
Disease Causative agent Mode of infection
1)Malaria Plasmodium vivax Bite of female Culex
2)Typhoid Salmonella typhi With Inspired Air
3)Pneumonia Haemophilus influenza Droplet of Infection
4)comman cold Rhino virus Contaminationof food
and water

42. Infective stage of Plasmodium to man is__

1)Trophozoite 2)Cryptozoite 3)Sporozoite 4)Gametocyte
43. Most fatal type Malaria is__
1)Benign tertian Malaria 2) Mild tertian Malaria 3)Quartan Malaria 4) Malignant tertian Malaria
44. Entamoeba histolytica lives
1)Small intestine of man 2)Large intestine of man 3)Stomach of man 4)Lymphatic vessels of man
45. With respect to Entamoeba histolytica, houseflies act as__
1)Primary hosts 2)Secondary hosts 3)Biological carriers 4) mechanical car
Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the options given below:
1) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion
2) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
3) Assertion is true but reason is false 4) Both assertion and reason are wrong
46. Assertion: Mode of Asexual reproduction in plasmodium is multiple fission
Reason: Multiple fission in plasmodium occurs by schizogony
47. Assertion: Trophozoite of Entamoeba has Lobopodium
Reason: Feeding stage of Entamoeba is Trophozoite
48. Assertion: Vaccine cannot be produced against the parasite Plasmodium
Reason: Antigens of Plasmodium are not stable
49. Assertion: Ascaris is an endoparasite lives in the small intestine of man
Reason: Ascaris is a monogenetic parasite
50. Assertion: Fusion of male and female gametes of Plasmodim is called Anisogamy
Reason: Anisogamy results in the formation of spherical zygote
51. Assertion: Malaria symptoms are caused by a toxic substance Haemozoin
Reason: Haemozoin is a red coloured dots excreted by the parasite
52. Assertion: Breeding sites for mosquitoes are stagnant water bodies
Reason: Mosquito population can be controlled biologically by using Gambusia fish
53. Assertion: Diseases which are easily transmitted from one person to another, are called non infectious diseases.
Reason: Non infectious diseases are very common and every one of us suffers from these at sometime or other.
54. Assertion: A wide range of organisms belonging to bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, helminths, etc., could cause
diseases in man.
Reason: Such disease causing organisms are called pathogens.
55. Assertion: Pathogens that enter the human gut must know a way of surviving in the stomach at low pH and resisting the
various digestive enzymes
Reason: Pathogens have to adapt to live within the environment of the host.
56. Assertion: In pneumonia, alveoli get filled with fluid leading to severe problems in respiration
Reason : Streptococcus pneumoniae responsible for the disease pneumonia in humans which infects the alveoli (air filled
sacs) of the lungs
57. Assertion: Plasmodium enters the human body as sporozoites through the bite of infected female Anopheles mosquito.
Reason: The parasite initially multiply within the RBCs and then attack the liver cells resulting in their rupture.
58. Mainly health is affected by
1. Genetic disorders 2.Infections 3. Life style 4. All the above
59. Following statements how many are correct?
a) State of complete physical, mental and social well-being is called health
b) When the functioning of one or more organs or systems of the body is adversely affected, characterised by various signs
and symptoms is called diseased
c) Diseases which are easily transmitted from one person to other are called infectious diseases.
d) Diseases which are not transmitted from one person to other are called non-infectious diseases.
1) One 2) Two 3) Three 4) Four
60. Sustained high fever (39 to 40C), weakness, stomach pain, constipation, headache and loss of appetite are some of the
common symptoms of the following disease
1) Pneumonia 2) Typhoid 3) Malaria 4) Common cold
61. Dysentery, plague, diphtheria are caused by
1) Viruses 2) Bacteria 3) Protozoans 4) Helminths
62. Scientific name of filarial worm is
1) Wuchereria bancrofti 2) Enamoeba histolytica 3) Wuchereria malayi 4) Both 1 and 3
63. Fungi belongs to this genera responsible for ringworm
1) Microsporum 2) Trichophyton 3) Epidermophyton 4) All the above
64. All of the following are possible causes of bacterial food poisoning except:
(1) Bacillus cereus (2) Corynebacteria xerosis (3) Clostridium tetani (4)Clostridium botulinum
65. The cholera patients are provided with saline drips, Why?
(1) NaCl is an important constituent of our blood which maintains the RBCs and helps proteins to dissolve
(2) Sodium ions help to retain water in the body and selective transport through plasma membrane
(3) chlorine ions are essential components of blood plasma
(4) Chlorine ions help in formation of Hcl in the stomach
66. A common disease of domesticated animals is:
(1) anthrax (2) syphilis (3) cholera (4) diphtheria
67. Some common diseases caused by bacteria are:
(1) Measles, Mumps and Malaria (2) Tetanus, Typhoid and tuberculosis
(3) Syphilis, Smallpox and Sleeping sickness (4) Pneumonia, Poliomyelitis and Psittacosi
68. Which one of the following diseases is caused by virus ?
(1) Cholera (2) Diptheria (3) Measles (4) Whooping cough
69. A non-communicable disease is
(1) measles (2) rabies (3) diptheria (4) diabetes
70. Which of the following is a pair of viral diseases ?
(1) Ringworm, AIDS (2) Common cold, AIDS (3) Dysentery, common cold (4) Typhoid, tuberculosis
71. Match the causative organisms with their diseases
Column I Column II
A. Haemophilus influenza 1. Malignant malaria
B. Entamoeba histolytica 2. Elephantiasis
C. Plasmodium falciparum 3. Pneumonia
D. Wuchereria bancrofti 4. Typhoid
E. Salmonella typhi 5. Amoebiasis
(1) 1 5 3 2 4 (2) 3 5 1 2 4
(3) 5 1 3 4 2 (4) 1 3 5 2 4
72. Which one of the following diseases is caused by virus ?
(1) Cholera (2) Diptheria (3) Measles (4) Whooping cough
73. Which of the following diseases is caused due to allergic reaction ?
(1) Leprosy (2) Typhoid (3) Asthma (4) Tetanus
74. Food poisoning is caused by
(1) Nitrosomonas (2) Lactobacillus (3) Escherichia coli (4) Shigella
75. Vaccine for tuberculosis is known as
(1) PAS vaccine (2) BCG vaccine (3) OPV (4) DPT
76. Emphysema is a
(1) cardio vascular disease (2) pulmonary disease (3) neural disease (4) renal disease
77. Identify the wrongly matched pair
(1) Typhoid - Widal test (2) Plague - Viral disease
(3) Malignant malaria - Plasmodium falciparum (4) Common cold - Rhinovirus
78. A non-communicable disease is
(1) measles (2) rabies (3) diptheria (4) diabetes
79. Which one of the following diseases is spread by housefly ?
(1) Dengue fever (2) Encephalitis (3) Filariasis (4) Typhoid
80. Aedes aegypti is a vector for
(1) both dengue and yellow fever (2) dengue fever (3) yellow fever (4)Japanese encephalitis
81. Lung tuberculosis is caused by
(1) Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(3) Streptococcus pneumoniae (4) Escherichia coli
82. All of the following are possible causes of bacterial food poisoning except:
(1) Bacillus cereus (2) Corynebacteria xerosis (3) Clostridium tetani (4)Clostridium botulinum
83. Typhoid fever is caused by :
(1) Yersinia (2) Salmonella (3) Treponema (4) Streptococcus
84. Widal test employed for detecting:
(1) Cholera (2) Malaria (3) Typhoid (4) Yellow fever
85. The cholera patients are provided with saline drips, Why?
(1) NaCl is an important constituent of our blood which maintains the RBCs and helps proteins to dissolve
(2) Sodium ions help to retain water in the body and selective transport through plasma membrane
(3) chlorine ions are essential components of blood plasma

(4) Chlorine ions help in formation of HCl in the stomach
86. A common disease of domesticated animals is:
(1) anthrax (2) syphilis (3) cholera (4) diphtheria
87. Some common diseases caused by bacteria are:
(1) Measles, Mumps and Malaria (2) Tetanus, Typhoid and tuberculosis
(3) Syphilis, Smallpox and Sleeping sickness (4) Pneumonia, Poliomyelitis and Psittacosi
88. Which one of the following diseases is caused by virus ?
(1) Cholera (2) Diptheria (3) Measles (4) Whooping cough
89. A non-communicable disease is
(1) measles (2) rabies (3) diptheria (4) diabetes
90. Which of the following is a pair of viral diseases ?
(1) Ringworm, AIDS (2) Common cold, AIDS (3) Dysentery, common cold (4) Typhoid, tuberculosis
91. The lips and finger nails may turn grey and bluish in colour in severe cases in
1) common cold 2) malaria 3) pneumonia 4) Typhoid
92. Sustained high fever is one of the symptoms of the typhoid fever in which the range of fever lies between
1) 39-40 C 2) 40-41 C 3) 37 38 C 4) 41-42 C
93. The symptoms of common cold usually last for
1) 3-8 days 2) 3-5 days 3) 3-7 days 4) 3-4 days
94. In Amoebiasis which of the following serves to transmit the parasite to healthy person
1) Apis indica 2) Culex 3) Macrobiolus 4) Musca domestica
95. The appearance of dry scaly lesions on various parts of the body accompanied by intense itching seen in ringworms.
This is caused due to the following except
1) Microsporum 2) Trichoderma 3) Trichophyton 4) Epidermophyton
96. A classic case in medicine that of Mary Mallon is nick named after which of the following disease and the same disease shows
which of the following symptoms in severe cases?
1) Typhoid fever and intestinal blockage 2) Typhoid fever and Constipation
3) Typhoid fever and intestinal bleeding 4) Typhoid fever and intestinal perforation
97. The organism, which carries a disease from one organism to another, is called
1) inoculum 2) host 3) sterilization 4) vector
98. The primary host of Plasmodium is
1) man 2) male culex 3) sheep 4) female Anopheles
99. Disease existing at or before birth is
1) congenital 2) communicable 3) non communicable 4) none of these
100. The infectious stage of Plasmodium is
1) sporozoite 2) cryptozoite 3) trophozoite 4) metacryptozoite
101. Which of these sets is incorrect?
1) Plasmodium falciparum, malaria, relapse, mosquito
2) Trypanosoma gambiense, Glossina, sleeping sickness, winter bottoms sign
3) Wuchereria bancrofti, elephantiasis, microfilariae, mosquito
4) Entamoeba histolytica, dysentery, quadrinucleate cyst, colon
102. Amoebiasis in human is acquired through
1) viral infection 2) contamination of food with cysts
3) accidental consumption of amoebic trophozoites 4) none of the above
103. Which of the following disease is caused by a nematode parasite?
1) poliomyelitis 2) amoebiasis 3) filariasis 4) leprosy
104. Match the disease in column I with the appropriate items (pathogen/prevention/treatment) in column II
Column I Column II
A) amoebiasis i) Treponema palladium
B) Diphtheria ii) Use only sterilized food and water
C) Cholera iii) DPT Vaccine
D) Syphilis iv) Use oral rehydration therapy
1) A-ii, B i, C iii , D iv 2) A-ii, B iii, C iv , D i
3) A-i, B ii, C iii , D iv 4) A-ii, B iv, C i , D iii
105. Adults of Wuchereria bancrofti attacks
1) excretory system 2) nervous system 3) blood circulation 4) lymph vessels
106. Wuchereria bancrofti is transmitted by
1) tse-tse fly 2) sand fly 3) Anopheles 4) Culex
107. Ringworm is due to
1) algae 2) virus 3) fungus 4) bacteria
108. Elephantiasis causing organism belongs to
1) aschelminthes 2) Platyhelminthes 3) cnidaria 4) porifera
109. In malaria, which of the following is released in blood to cause chills and fever?
1) hematin 2) haemozoin 3) Schuffners dot 4) hematocrin
110. Blood circulation was discovered by
1) William Harvey 2) Hippocrates 3) Karl Landsteiner 4) Paul Ehrlich
111. Who among the following is recognized as the father of Medicine?
1) Robert Koch 2) Hippocrates 3) Louis Pasteur 4) Edward Jenner
112. Match the following and choose the correct answer.
Column-I Column-II

A. Infectious disease 1. Easily transmitted from one person to another

B. Non- infectious disease 2. Not passed by organisms among people
C. AIDS 3. Infectious disease
D. Cancer 4. Non- infectious disease

1. 1 2 3 4 2. 2 1 3 4
3. 1 2 4 3 4. 4 2 3 1

113. Which one of the following non- infectious disease is the major cause of death in humans?
1) Cancer 2) AIDS 3) Asthma 4) Typhoid
114. The pathogen of typhoid is directly transmitted through
1) Urine 2) Water 3) Blood 4) Hormone
115. Infection of pneumonia occurs due to
1) Droplets released from an infected person 2) Released droplets inhaled by healthy person
3) Sharing contaminated objects such as glasses and utensils with an infected person 4) All of the above
116. Entamoeba histolytica is a parasite of
1) Large intestine 2) Liver 3) Lungs 4) Kidney
117. All stages of plasmodium get digested in stomach of female Anopheles except
1) Sporozoite 2) Gametocyte 3) Erythrocyte 4 ) None of these
118. Entamoeba histolytica feeds on
1) Liver 2) Small intestine 3) large intestine 4) WBCs
119. Ringworm is a
1) Air borne disease 2) Infectious disease 3) Non- infectious disease 4) None of these
120. Ascariasis is also known as
1) Roundworm 2) Flatworm 3) Tapeworm 4) L iver worm
121. Which of the following disease cause internal bleeding, muscular pain, Fever, anemia and blockage of the intestinal passage?
1) Ascariasis 2) Filariasis 3) Amoebiasis 4) Trypanosomiasis
122. The group of diseases carried (transmitted) by insects is
1) Typhoid, Jaundice, Tuberculosis 2) Mumps, measles, smallpox
3) Scabies, ringworm, swine flu 4) Malaria, filaria, yellow fever
123. Intermediate host of Wuchereria is
1) Female Anopheles 2)Female Aedes 3) Female culex 4) None of these
124. Fill up the blanks
I) Heat and moisture help . Fungi to grow, which makes them thrive in skin folds
II) Maintenance of .. and . Hygiene is important for the prevention of ringworm.
III) . Gives the diseases its name, elephantiasis.
1) I. Microsporum, II. Public; personal, III. Enlargement of hand
2) I. Trichophyton, II. Personal; Public, III. Enlargement of eye
3) I. Epidermophyton, II. Personal; public, III Enlargement of legs
4) I. Wuchereria, II. Personal; public; III. Enlargement of tongue
125. Which one of the following pairs of diseases are viral as well as transmitted by mosquitoes?
1) Elephantiasis an dengue 2) Malaria and yellow fever 3) Ringworm and dengue 4) Yellow fever and dengue
126. Where will you look for the sporozoites of the malarial parasite ? (AIPMT 2011)
1)saliva of infected female Anopheles mosquito
2)red blood corpuscles of human suffering from malaria
3)spleen of infected humans
4)salivary glands of freshly moulted female Anopheles mosquito
127. Which one of the following options gives the correct matching of a disease with its caustive organism and mode of
infection ?
Disease Causative Organism Mode of Infection
1) typhoid Salmonella typhi with inspired air
2) Pneumonia Streptococcus pneumonia droplet infection
3) elephantiasis Wuchereria bancrofti with infected water and food
4) malaria Plasmodium vivax bite of male Anopheles mosquito
128. Common cold is not cured by antibiotics because it is (AIPMT Mains 2011)
1) caused by a virus 2)caused by a Gram-positive bacterium
3)caused by a Gram-negative bacterium 4) not an infectious disease
129. 1)Gut of female Anolpheles 2)Salivary glands of Anopheles
3)Human RBCs 4)Human liver
130. Widal Test is carried out to test (AIPMT Prelim. 2012)
1) Malaria 2) Diabetes mellitus 3)HIV/AIDS 4) Typhoid fever
131. Common cold differs from pneumonia in that (AIPMT Prelim. 2012)
1)Pneumonia is a communicable disease whereas the common cold is a nutritonal deficiency disease
2)Pneumonia can be prevented by a liver attenuated bacterial vaccine whereas the common cold has no effective vaccine
3)Pneumonia is caused by a virus while the common cold is caused by the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae
4)Pneumonia pathogen infects alveoli whereas the common cold affects nose and respiratory passage .but not the lungs
132. 'Athlete's foot' is caused by (AMU 2012)
1) Tinea pedis 2) Tinea capitis 3) Candida albicans 4) Rickettsia

133. Hepatitis B virus is a (AMU 2012)

1) hepadna virus 2) variola virus 3) retro virus 4) picorna virus
134. Which of the following diseases is caused by a protozoan ? (AIPMT 2015)
1) Blastomycosis 2) Syphilis 3) Influenza (4) Babesiosis
135. Which of the following sets of diseases is caused by bacteria?
(1) Tetanus and mumps (2) Herpes and influenza
(3) Cholera and tetanus (4) Typhoid and smallpox
136. A doctor identifies symptoms of nasal congestion, headache, sore throat, hoarseness, cough in a patient.
The conclusion is that, the patient is infected by a pathogen (KCET-2016)
(1) Plasmodium (2) Adeno virus (3) Salmonella (4) Rhino virus
137. Some of the events occur during life cycle of Plasmodium are given below. Identify the correct statement.
(1) Female mosquito take up sporozoites with blood meal.
(2) The sporozoites reproduce sexually in liver cells.
(3) When mosquito bites a man, gametocytes are injected.
(4) The gametocytes develop in RBC.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1-10 4 1 3 4 4 1 3 3 3 1
11-20 3 4 3 1 2 4 3 3 4 4
21-30 4 1 3 2 2 1 3 4 1 2
31-40 3 2 3 4 4 4 4 1 1 2
41-50 3 3 4 2 4 2 1 1 2 2
51-60 3 2 4 2 1 1 3 4 4 2
61-70 2 4 4 4 2 1 2 3 3 3
71-80 2 3 3 4 2 2 4 4 4 1
81-90 2 4 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 2
91-100 3 1 3 4 2 4 4 4 1 1
101-110 2 2 3 2 4 4 3 1 2 1
111-120 2 1 1 2 4 1 2 3 2 1
121-130 1 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 1 4
131-140 4 1 1 4 3 4 4


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