Editshare File Management

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Illustrated below is the demonstration of how you must properly organize your files and digital projects
into folders on your Mac Workstation and NO WHERE ELSE! It is your responsibility to backup files to
your Roaming Profile manually and a minimum of once a week. Dong so will ensure you do not lose
your files in the event of a power outage or computer failure.

Rule 1-Organize your Media in Folders

Rule 2- Separate Lessons (stuff I give you to work with) and Projects (stuff you are working with for a
client, project or formal Project grade.
Rule 3- Name your Folder correctly, and organize it into the correct sub-folder.
Rule 4- File Name (media names) must be named correctly also, and moved into the correct folders
prior to the start of a project.
Rule 5- Backup to your Roaming Profile.
Rule 6- Do not depend on falsh drives and portable media storage devices. They are Not meant for
permanent storage and often go bad, or get lost.
Rule 7-**Always import all media to these folders BEFORE starting a Project or adding to a project!

VP- Film
R1 Projects

Drive Lessons Race
Edit 1

There will be a TEST every Semester on your Media Managment!!

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