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there is always a period of varying length that precedes the actual initiation of survaillance. at
this time, all information is collected that is required for the organization of survaillance and
relevant decisions are made.

Two different situations may exist at this point, depending on wether or not the decision to
implement nutritional survaillance has already been made. When there is a definite need but a
decision has not yet been made, someone has to take the initiative. This could be a
nutritionist, although in theory it could be any of the future stakeholders. It is important to
recognize the need and the right to take the initiative, which at times could also be an obligation
for the nutritionist. In any case , the proposal should be reasonable, to avoid repeating negative
experiences from the past and be limited to simple, flexible, relevant and sustainable activities.

Frame 5

The content of the pre survaillance phase

answering preliminary questions such as: why is making the decision to set up
nutritional survaillance? Why? What do we already know ?
Identification of the levels of nutritional survaillance (national, regional or local)
Preliminary identification of potential users and their probable needs
General identification of types and modes of information tha are likely to be required
Identification of "stakeholder" and selection and definition of the "nutritional
coordinator" responsibilities. Decisions, even preliminary , on the opportunity to
conduct a baseline survey.
General planning or re planning of the nutritional survaillance activity

- who makes the decision? Why? What is expected ofbl survaillance? What do we already

The response is often surprising. The decision may have been made for the wrong reasons,
following a misunderstanding about the usefulness of survaillance, the possible use of the
information, an underertimation of the coast, etc.

Unfortunately, nutritionists and sometimes internationalvor bilateral organisations are often

at the root of such misunderstandings. Any misunderstandings at the outset must be clarified,
and this implies negotiations during which the ecpectations of the survaillance promoters
should be consired.
- at what level will survaillance be established : nasional, or cummunity? In which groups? Only
for certain problems?

From a practical standpoint, once the levels of utilisation have been determinated, two simple
questions should be asked : "who wants to knom what?" and "for what purpose?" the
preliminary responsevto these questions increases the relevance of the informationbthat
willbbe provided and consequently the probability that it will be used. Furthermore it reduces
the operational cost, which enhances the efficiencybof data collection, on condition that the
subsequent process of data selection is controlled. Finally this exercise should also provide
some idea of the degree of sustainability of survaillance activities.

- who are the potential users of the information? What are their presumed expections?

The list of survaillance initiators cited above does not necessarily include all future and users
and potential users may also be found in other categories. At this stage, it is merely a matter of
identifying presumed users.

- what types of information will most probably be required ? Trends? In which domains?
Comparing groups or regions? For which probable decisions?

At this stage of the project, only very rough ideas need to be written down. More detailed
information will be provided during later steps.

- what types of stakeholders will be involded?

From a conceptual standpoint, four roles can be distinguished, and this allows us to
identifity for types of the players : the survaillance co-ordinator, the information users, the data
providers, and the sponsors (who are usually Aldo financiers of the survaillance). The
survaillance co-ordinator can be an individual or a group. Whatever the choise, it is important
to define at an early stage the exact responsibility of the co-ordinator.

We will attempt to define the role of each category of players in each of the phases : pre-
survaillance, construction of the conceptual model, choice of required information, data
selection, collection, analysis, and interpretation. Several stakeholders will be involded in each
of these phases. As metioned, the survaillance co-ordinator may be an expert, thought this is
not necessarily so. It should be noted that, like the three remaining categories of players, the
co-ordinator also has to defend his own interest.

Another important parameter that should be considered before embarking or a

survaillance activity is staff training at different levels and indifferent from. It should be noted
that up to now, with only a few ecpections, universities and research institusions have been
insufficiently involved, despite the fact that their contribution could have improved the overall
chances of success.

- it is necessary to establish a baseline reference?

The expert committe of 1976 (OMS 1976) deliberated on the necessity of disposing of a
preliminary assessment, i.e., an initial cross-sectional survey, prior to any surveillance activity.
There is a dual advantage to such baseline surveys, especially when they are based on a causal
model. First, they would permit visualising and measuring of the structural factors of the
nutritional problem. Second, they would contribute to the validation of the surveillance
indicators. Nevertheless, these surveys have substantial drawbacks. They can be exspensive,
thus hampering subsequent organisation of surveillance activities due to a shortage of funds. In
reality, a genuine diagnosis should be global, assessing the phenomenon as a whole (Beghin et
al. 1988). The information (indicators or qualitative information) for the surveillance can then be
selected out of the indicators that proved to be most usefull in the initial diagnosis. However,
establishing a baseline reference using a survey is not an absolute prerequisite for the
introduction of surveillance. If one exists, it will be useful. Yet, the fact that it does not exist
does not necessarily imply refraining from implementing nutritional surveillance. When it is
deemed necessary, i.e., in the light of future assessments, it can be carried out after the
inception of the surveillance activity. It will then be integrated into the overall process. In fact, it
is preferable to conduct baseline surveys after the identification of users, after the definition of
principal objectives, and after the preliminary selection of indicators.

This first phase of surveillance is generally concluded with an ensemble of decisions and
the elaboration of the preliminary plan for the implementation of surveillance, which
particularly refers to the planning of the conceptualisation design phase. This pre-survaillance
phase is not, in fact, really rigorous. The duration (sometime lengthly), the extent of
formalisation, and the orders of events do not follow any strict, pre-set rule other than that of
flexibility. To summarise, this period provides an opportunity for preliminary, well-structured,
but flexible discussions aimed at appraising a series of options and guaranteeing a pertinent and
sustainable activity. Many surveillance programmes have failed because they did not try to
answer the above-mentioned questions in a well-defined pre-survaillane phase.

Conseptualisation is a participatory process in the form of a workshop, which implies that a

potential future stakeholders in the surveillance activity participate on an equal footing. To
facilitate our presentasion, thisvphase has been divided into a series of seven steps. They are
mainly sequential steps of an iterative and integrated process.

Frame 6

The conceptualisasion phase : steps to pursue

construction of a causal model

accurate identification of future surveillance users and their information requirements.
Choice of data and definition of indicators using the causal model, considering on the
one hand the requirements of the users and on the other hand an assessment of the
feasibility, cost and sustainability.
Determination of the modalities for data analysis.
Minute planningvof nutritional surveillance operations with a calendar, budget, action
plan, etc.
Conceptualisation of the implementasion of an evaluation of nutritional surveillance.
Analysis of coherence.

- The construction of causal model of the nutritional problem concerned is an indispensable

phase, as discussed previously. It should be carried out with the participation of all categories of
stakeholders. Although it requires several hours of groupsl work (an average of ten hours), this
will be compensated for by considerable time saving in later steps (Beghin et al. 1988).

- The precise identification of future users of the surveillance, their information requirements,
and the envisaged fields of application of surveillance. Using the definition of surveillance and
the causal model as ference will ensure the pertinence of the answers that will be obtained.

- The choice of data to collect or pool and the definition of indicators. Similarly, the causal
model designed at the outset should be used to obtain a genuine nutritional diagnosis. A
baseline survey may also ve necessary. Above all, the prospective and retrospective data that
will be required should be identified using a highly selective process. The mchanisms for pooling
and collecting data and pinpointing the sources should be determined : existing information
systems (administrative sources, sentinel projects), routine sampling surveys, and qualitative or
quantitative rapid assessment. This draconian selection of data should simultaneously consider
user requirements, cost, feasibility, and the likelihood of obtaining data in a sustainable

- The determination of midalities for data analysis should be based on standardised

methodologies, stable in time (raw data analysis, analysis of trends, detection of
spatiotemporal aggregates, validation of certain hypothesis from the initial model, etc). In
addition, the flow of data and information should to be taken into account (to whom, via which
routes, at what frequency?).

- The minute planning of the nutritional surveillance activity itself should provide answers to a
series of standard questions (who? What? Where? When? How? With whom?). This planning is
an outgrowth of activity planning, with appropriate tools and methods used for each country or
even for each sector. These very specific questions are institusional (and therefore political) and
concern the structure that will manage the surveillance and its required resources. Experience
indicates that lightweight, cost-effective, small structures are preferable. Moreover, to warrant
its independence and to avoid controversy, this structure should hold on no political power.
Above all, it should focus on serving the user while efficiently feeding information back to the
data sources. The composition, responsibilities, resources and institusional appearance of this
surveillance structure ("cell" or "central unit") should be resolved at this stage. A budget and a
calendar for the operations should supplement the plan.

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