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Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2015) 14, 776-782

Research article

Increased Hypoxic Dose after Training at Low Altitude with 9h per Night at
3000m Normobaric Hypoxia

Amelia J. Carr 1, Philo U. Saunders 2,3, Brent S. Vallance 4, Laura A. Garvican-Lewis 2,5 and Chris-
topher J. Gore 2,6
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 2 Department of Physi-
ology, Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia; 3 Track and Field, Australian
Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia; 4 Maribyrnong Sports Academy, Melbourne, Victo-
ria, Australia; 5 Research Institute for Sport and Exercise, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australian Capital Territo-
ry, Australia; 6 Exercise Physiology Laboratory, Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia

al., 2010).
For Australian endurance athletes, Thredbo, New
This study examined effects of low altitude training and a live-
South Wales, Australia, is a venue often used for training
high: train-low protocol (combining both natural and simulated camps. The 1380 m elevation at Thredbo is comparable to
modalities) on haemoglobin mass (Hbmass), maximum oxygen some other training camp venues used by athletes interna-
consumption (VO2max), time to exhaustion, and submaximal tionally (Millet et al., 2010); albeit that this elevations is
exercise measures. Eighteen elite-level race-walkers were as- in the low altitude range of 500 2000 m as defined by
signed to one of two experimental groups; lowHH (low Hypo- Bartsch et al (2008). Performance improvements have
baric Hypoxia: continuous exposure to 1380 m for 21 consecu- been reported after use of this altitude training method
tive days; n = 10) or a combined low altitude training and night- (Wilber et al., 2007). However, it has been suggested that
ly Normobaric Hypoxia (lowHH+NHnight: living and training the low altitude (Bartsch et al., 2008; Levine and Stray-
at 1380 m, plus 9 h.night-1 at a simulated altitude of 3000 m
using hypoxic tents; n = 8). A control group (CON; n = 10) lived
Gundersen, 1997) at such venues is insufficient to stimu-
and trained at 600 m. Measurement of Hbmass, time to exhaustion late red blood cell production and increase hemoglobin
and VO2max was performed before and after the training inter- mass (Hbmass) (Levine and Stray-Gundersen, 1992; Rusko
vention. Paired samples t-tests were used to assess absolute and et al., 2004; Wilber, 2007), which is one of the key mech-
percentage change pre and post-test differences within groups, anisms associated with improvements in VO2max (Schmidt
and differences between groups were assessed using a one-way and Prommer, 2010), and performance gains after altitude
ANOVA with least significant difference post-hoc testing. Sta- training (Bonetti and Hopkins, 2009). In an early study
tistical significance was tested at p < 0.05. There was a 3.7% (Weil et al., 1968), it was reported that exposure to 1600
increase in Hbmass in lowHH+NHnight compared with CON (p = m is insufficient to increase red cell mass. More recently
0.02). In comparison to baseline, Hbmass increased by 1.2%
(1.4%) in the lowHH group, 2.6% (1.8%) in
however, continuous exposure to 1800 m elevation
lowHH+NHnight, and there was a decrease of 0.9% (4.9%) in (Garvican-Lewis et al., 2015) was shown to significantly
CON. VO2max increased by ~4% within both experimental con- increase haemoglobin mass, compared to a control condi-
ditions but was not significantly greater than the 1% increase in tion. Collectively, these results suggest that the threshold
CON. There was a ~9% difference in pre and post-intervention for haematological changes after altitude training may be
values in time to exhaustion after lowHH+NH-night (p = 0.03) above 1600 m, and at or below 1800 m.
and a ~8% pre to post-intervention difference (p = 0.006) after Live-high: train-low (LHTL) altitude training is an
lowHH only. We recommend low altitude (1380 m) combined alternative to the classical method that has been widely
with sleeping in altitude tents (3000 m) as one effective alterna- investigated (Bonetti and Hopkins, 2009), whereby ath-
tive to traditional altitude training methods, which can improve
letes continue to spend a set period of time during the day
and night at moderate altitude, but perform training ses-
Key words: Hypoxia; hemoglobin mass; live high: train low; sions at much lower altitude or near sea level. LHTL can
athletic performance; peak oxygen uptake. be achieved naturally, a method known as hypobaric
hypoxia (HH) (Millet et al., 2013) or by simulating ele-
vated altitudes, referred to as normobaric hypoxia (NH)
Introduction (Millet et al., 2013) using methods such as nitrogen
chambers or hypoxic tents (Wilber, 2007), and has been
For many athletes, it is common practice to live and train shown to enhance performance in various exercise modal-
at venues of moderate altitude (i.e. 2000-3000 m) (Millet ities, including running (Stray-Gundersen et al., 2001) and
et al., 2010) for periods of time, in order to achieve con- cycling (Hahn and Gore, 2001). LHTL has the advantage
tinuous exposure to hypoxia with the intent of improving of preventing a compromise to training intensity, which
sea-level performance (Bonetti and Hopkins, 2009; Hahn can occur during continuous altitude exposure (Wilber,
et al., 2001; Wilber et al., 2007). This classical mode of 2007). Furthermore, providing that the daily and total
altitude training is often performed by living and training exposure to altitude is sufficient (Clark et al., 2009; Gore
at moderate altitude for several weeks at a time (Millet et et al., 2013), LHTL also stimulates erythropoiesis result-

Received: 25 April 2015 / Accepted: 21 September 2015 / Published (online): 24 November 2015
Car et al. 777

ing in gains in Hbmass. Indeed, one study reported a 6% Human Ethics Committee.
increase in haemoglobin mass after an 18-day period of
LHTL where altitude was progressively increased from Experimental design
2500 m to 3500 m. (Robach et al., 2006). Within our Participants were assigned to one of two independent
research group, we have demonstrated improvements in experimental groups or the control group, and the groups
Hbmass, as well as a ~4% improvement in treadmill per- were matched for performance ability, training history
formance, in elite-level race walkers following simulated and training volume. Participants were not blinded to their
LHTL training (Saunders et al., 2010). experimental condition.
Conducting LHTL at natural altitude venues is of- The training completed by participants was
ten impractical (Hahn and Gore, 2001) because the travel performed during an annual training camp of national and
involved to training venues may interfere with athletes internationally competitive race walkers, and was
training schedules (Wilber, 2007). An alternative is to consistent across the two groups, but was monitored and
combine methods of hypoxic training (Millet et al., 2010). adjusted by the AIS race walking coach based on the
Specifically, the use of normobaric altitude tents may requirements of individual athletes. Each week,
increase the hypoxic dose sufficiently to elicit haemato- participants completed 3-4 continuous light aerobic
logical and physiological effects. Neya et al. (2013), sug- walking sessions (which included two hill sessions), 1-2
gested that a more practical approach to conventional light aerobic runs or cross-training sessions, 2 interval-
LHTL at natural altitude was to combine three weeks of based sessions at or above race pace intensity, and two
living and training at 1300-1800 m, with 10 hours of strength and conditioning sessions. The training described
nightly exposure to 3000 m simulated altitude. Therein, above was also consistent with that completed by the
travel to low altitude training venues was eliminated, with control group, which was also conducted over a 21-day
altitude tents used to provide the additional hypoxic stim- period, as the data were collected during the same training
ulus at night. However, such an approach has not been phase in a previous year and supervised by the same
applied to the investigation of increases in Hbmass and coach.
maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) in elite athletes, Participants in the low altitude-training group
when comparing modified LHTL to both low altitude (lowHH, n = 10) lived and trained at a training camp in
training, and a control group training near sea level. Other Thredbo (New South Wales, Australia, 1380 m) for 21
studies have used venues of similar topography and simu- consecutive days. In the combined low-altitude and
lated altitude (Brugniaux et al., 2006; Tiollier et al., simulated altitude group (lowHH+NHNight, n = 8),
2005; Povea et al., 2005; Cornolo et al, 2006; Robach et participants were also based at the training camp in
al., 2005; 2006), and effects of repeated exposure to low Thredbo (1380 m) for the 21-day duration, but they spent
altitudes for several weeks at a time has also been investi- 9 hours overnight at a simulated altitude of 3000 m using
gated (Frese and Friedmann-Bette, 2010). However, with- hypoxic tents (Colorado Altitude Training, Louisville,
in these studies, the optimised CO rebreathing method Colorado, United States of America), to decrease the
(Schmidt & Prommer, 2005) was not used to measure percentage of oxygen in the air. The time each athlete
changes in haemoglobin mass; and hypoxic rooms, rather entered and left their altitude tent was recorded each day,
than tents were used to achieve the simulated altitude. to ensure each athlete in this group experienced 9 hours of
Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to assess exposure. The fraction of inspired oxygen in the hypoxic
changes in Hbmass (g), VO2max (mL.min-1 kg) and time to tents was approximately 17.0%. Data from the lowHH
exhaustion (min) in elite athletes, using a combined low- and lowHH+NHnight groups were compared to data
altitude training and simulated altitude exposure protocol collected in a former study, from matched control race-
(combining 21 days at 1380 m with 9 hours per night of walkers (CON, n = 10) who lived and trained in Canberra
3000-m simulated altitude), compared with a matched (Australian Capital Territory) near sea level (600 m)
period of low altitude training at 1380 m, and with a con- (Saunders et al., 2010).
trol group. All treadmill, VO2max and performance testing was
conducted at the AIS physiology laboratory (600 m) prior
Methods to and following completion of the 21-day intervention.
To prevent iron-deficient anemia, every participant,
Subjects across the three groups, ingested daily 105 mg elemental
Eighteen elite-level race walkers (competitive nationally iron (Abbott Pharmaceuticals, Botany, NSW, Australia).
or internationally), volunteered to participate in the study The baseline ferritin (mean SD) across the three groups
(12 males and 6 females; body mass 62.9 7.5 kg; was 72.0 50.2 ngL-1, and haemoglobin concentration
VO2max 63.2 6.9 mlmin-1kg-1; age 25 4 years). A was 14.4 1.1 gdL-1.
further 10 elite-level race-walkers from a previous study
(Saunders et al., 2010) were used as a control group Methodology
(CON) comprising 5 males and 5 females; body mass A treadmill test was used to assess VO2max, walking econ-
62.5 10.1 kg; VO2max 60.8 8.1 mlmin-1kg-1; age 24 omy, velocity at VO2max (vVO2max) and lactate threshold
5 years. Written consent was obtained from all partici- on a custom-built motorized treadmill (Australian Insti-
pants, after the experimental procedures and potential tute of Sport). The test involved continuous walking for 4
risks were explained. Approval for the investigation was min at 45 incrementally faster speeds ranging from 915
obtained from the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) kmh-1 at 0% gradient with 1 min of standing recovery
778 Modified natural altitude training

between each speed. The starting speed was individual- values were presented for Hbmass, time to exhaustion,
ised based on each athletes recent 20 km race perfor- VO2max, vVO2max, maximal blood lactate concentration,
mance time. Submaximal heart rate (HR, Polar Electro, maximal HR, submaximal VO2, submaximal HR, and the
Kempele, Finland) was taken as the average of values speed at which 4 mM lactate concentration was reached.
recorded during each of the 4-5 submaximal treadmill test Paired t-tests were used within conditions to analyse pre
stages. Five minutes after the final submaximal walking to post-intervention differences. After checking the data
speed, an incremental test to exhaustion was performed, for normality (Shapiro-Wilk test), differences between
to determine VO2max, as well as the time to exhaustion. groups for the pre-post changes were analysed using a
The incremental test started at 8-11 kmh-1 (0% gradient) one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Following each
and increased by 0.5 kmh-1 every 30 s until 4 min was ANOVA, a Fishers Least Significant Difference post-hoc
reached (equivalent to the final speed of the submaximal test was performed, in order to examine difference be-
test), thereafter speed remained constant and the gradient tween specific conditions. The aforementioned analyses
increased by 0.5% every 30 s until volitional exhaustion. were used for all variables except time to exhaustion,
The number of submaximal stages completed, and the where independent samples t-tests were used. For all
starting speed for both the submaximal stages and test to statistical tests, significance was set to p < 0.05. Testing
exhaustion was decided by the experimenter, and was was performed using the SPSS statistical package (IBM,
based on the athletes recent 20 km race time. New York, USA).
During the treadmill test, heart rate and expired
ventilation samples were recorded continuously, with Results
blood lactate (La) concentration (Lactate Pro, Arkray,
Japan) measured at the completion of each of the 4-min Haemoglobin mass
submaximal race walking periods and one minute follow- There was a significant (p = 0.02) 3.7% increase in Hbmass
ing the incremental test to exhaustion. Expired ventilation for the lowHH+NHnight group (within group change 2.6
samples were collected by a custom built open-circuit 1.8%, mean SD) compared with the CON group
indirect calorimetry system with associated in-house (within group change -0.9 4.9%). However, the change
software for determination of oxygen uptake described in in Hbmass for the lowHH group (1.2 1.4 %) was not
full previously (Saunders et al., 2004). Gas analyzers significantly different compared with either the
were calibrated before each test, and the treadmill cali- lowHH+NHnight (p = 0.47) or CON groups (p = 0.13).
brated at the start of each day of testing. Submaximal
walking economy was indicated by mean oxygen uptake VO2max
during the last minute of each of the submaximal speeds. There was a significant, 4.0 2.5% (p = 0.02) increase in
The speed (kmh-1) at which 4 mM lactate concentration VO2max within the lowHH and a non-significant, 4.4
was reached via the speed-versus-lactate curve. 5.6% improvement within the lowHH+NHnight group (p
Total Hbmass was measured pre and post interven- =0.08). The change within the CON group was 1.3
tion using the optimised 2 minute carbon monoxide (CO) 3.7%. However, the change in VO2max when compared
rebreathing test adapted from Schmidt and Prommer between groups was non-significant (p = 0.23).
(2005). Briefly, a CO dose of 1.2 mLkg-1 body weight
was administered and rebreathed for 2 min. Capillary Time to exhaustion
fingertip blood samples were taken before the start of the Time to exhaustion increased by 8.9 5.6%, (p = 0.03)
test and at 7 min post administration of the CO dose. within the lowHH+NHnight group, and by 7.7 7.8% (p
Blood samples were measured a minimum of five times = 0.01) within the lowHH group; an increase that was not
for determination of %HbCO using an OSM3 hemoxime- statistically different between these two groups (p = 0.55).
ter (Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark). Hbmass was Unfortunately, a dissimilar treadmill test protocol was
calculated from the mean change in HbCO before and used for the CON group, so we were unable to make a
after rebreathing CO. The test was performed prior to the comparison for time to exhaustion between the CON data
intervention period and within 1 week after the comple- and the two experimental conditions.
tion of the intervention period. The typical error for this
method in the hands of the researcher who conducted Submaximal HR and VO2
these measures has recently been quantified as 1.4% No significant differences for submaximal HR were ob-
(Garvican-Lewis et al., 2015). served between the three conditions (p = 0.37; Table 1).
Prior to and after the 21-day training intervention, The average submaximal VO2 in the CON group was
6mL of venous blood was obtained at rest from an ante- significantly reduced compared with both
cubital forearm vein. Samples were analysed for ferritin lowHH+NHnight (p = 0.01) and lowHH (p = 0.01), with
using an immunoturbidmetric assay run on an Hitachi 911 no significant difference in the change scores between the
Automatic Analyzer (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany), two experimental groups (p = 0.83).
in order to confirm the initial iron stores of the partici-
pants. Discussion

Statistical analysis This study evaluated a combined low altitude training and
Results were presented as the absolute and percentage simulated altitude exposure protocol, in comparison with
change in each variable between the pre and post- an existing low altitude training protocol used by elite-
intervention values. Absolute and percentage change level Australian athletes, as well as control data. Our key
Car et al. 779

Table 1. Post minus pre-intervention changes for each measure, for LowHH (low altitude training),
LowHH+NHnight (combined low altitude training and simulated altitude exposure) and control (CON). Val-
ues are expressed as mean (standard deviation).
Variable LowHH LowHH + NHnight CON
(n = 10) (n = 8) (n = 10)
Hbmass (g) 9.8 (10.7) 22.5 (17.6) -10.2 (42.9)
VO2max (mLminkg-1) 2.5 (2.6) 2.5 (3.1) .61 (2.1)
Time to exhaustion (min) .7 (.6) .8 (.5) NA
Lactate threshold (kmh-1) .3 (.4) .1 (.3) .8 (1.1)
Submaximal VO2 (mLminkg-1) -.2 (1.4) -.4 (1.3) -2.2 (1.5)
Maximal HR (bpm) -3.8 (3.8) -3.1 (2.0) -3.0 (4.8)
Maximal La (mmolL-1) .1 (1.4) 1.1 (2.0) -.4 (3.5)
vVO2max (kmh-1) .5 (.3) .7 (.7) .7 (.4)
Submaximal HR (bpm) -6.6 (3.8) -9.20 (6.1) -12.0 (12.4)

finding was that 21 days of 1380 m low altitude exposure (Ge et al., 2002), which may provide some explanation
combined with 9 h of simulated 3000 m exposure per day for our observation that in our low-altitude training group
(lowHH+NHnight) was sufficient to elicit a significant (at 1380 m) the increase in hemoglobin mass of 1.2%
~3% improvement in hemoglobin mass when compared 1.4% was non-significant and within the imprecision of
to the CON group. A secondary finding was that within the method. Although we did not measure EPO in the
both the low altitude protocol and the combined low alti- present study, the combination of simulated and natural
tude training and simulated altitude protocol, there were altitude appears to have provided a sufficient hypoxic
improvements in time to exhaustion compared with base- dose to stimulate erythropoiesis. Indeed, recent studies
line measures for each of the experimental conditions, and that have used different methods to increase hypoxic
significant improvements in VO2max within the low alti- dose, including modified LHTL using a similar protocol
tude group, compared with baseline. (Neya et al., 2013) and repeated exposure to low altitude
(Frese and Friedmann-Bette, 2010) have reported signifi-
Haemoglobin mass cant increases in EPO.
The most important benefits found with our combined An important implication of our study is that we
protocol were those associated with changes in Hbmass, as elucidated benefits associated with athletes physiology
it has been concluded that small increases in Hbmass elicit and performance after 9 h per day simulated altitude at
improvements in endurance performance (Levine and 3000 m. Consistently, it has been recommended that a
Stray-Gundersen, 1997). While performance was not minimum of 12 h daily exposure is required in order to
directly measured in the current investigation, the ~3% achieve the benefits of hypoxic exposure at altitude
increase in Hbmass after the 21-day training intervention, (Millet et al., 2010; Rusko et al., 2004). Potentially, the
compared with the baseline measure, was significantly combination of the continuous, 21-day exposure to the
greater than the slight decrease (-0.9 %) recorded for our low altitude of 1380m, with the addition of daily, simulat-
control group. The amplitude of the improvement in ed altitude contributed to a cumulative altitude exposure
Hbmass observed is consistent with other studies from our that equated to an adequate dose of hypoxic exposure. If
laboratory that have incorporated simulated exposure of so, our study demonstrates a method of achieving the
3000 m, including a 3.3% improvement in trained male required hypoxic dose, which has been established as the
cyclists (Clark et al., 2009) and a 2.8% increase in highly most important variable when implementing altitude
trained runners (Robertson et al., 2010). The current find- training (Mazzeo, 2008; Wilber et al., 2007). Therefore,
ings are also consistent with the results of a 2013 meta- our findings suggest an altitude training method that re-
analysis investigating the relationship between improve- quires a reduced daily requirement for time spent in an
ments in haemoglobin mass and VO2max after hypoxic altitude tent or chamber. Such a finding is of considerable
exposure (Saunders et al., 2013). Saunders et al. (2013) importance to athletes and their coaches seeking to im-
reported that each 1% improvement in haemoglobin mass plement an altitude training strategy that would be feasi-
is expected to be associated with a 0.6-0.7% increase in ble during an altitude training camp in preparation for
VO2max. Our finding that in the lowHH+NHnight group, major competitions, as competition and training schedules
compared with the CON group, there was a 3.7% im- can often heavily influence altitude training protocols
provement in haemoglobin mass, and a 3% improvement used (Garvican et al., 2012). The method used in this
in VO2max, is consistent with the correlation reported by study can also provide a means for athletes to increase
Saunders et al. their altitude dose when completing training camps in
Importantly, in the aforementioned studies, partic- countries in which the topography is less than 2000 m, via
ipants completed altitude exposure for 21 days (as in the the use of altitude tents.
current investigation), but for a longer daily duration (14
hours) at 3000 m. In contrast, however, the remainder of Time to exhaustion
each day was spent in near sea level (600 m) as opposed We observed increases in time to exhaustion of ~9% and
to 15 h per day at 1380 m in the present study. It has been ~8% in the combined low-altitude training and simulated
suggested that the threshold for hypoxia-induced erythro- altitude group, and the low-altitude training group, re-
poietin (EPO) release is 2100-2500 m above sea level spectively. While there was no statistically significant
780 Modified natural altitude training

difference between the two groups, the increase between experimental groups was our inability to blind partici-
pre and post-intervention measures within each group pants to their experimental condition, which has been
were statistically significant, suggesting the potential for a suggested to influence results (Lundby et al., 2012). A
performance benefit when spending 21 days at ~1400m, further limitation was the lack of a true performance test
with or without the addition of 3000 m simulated altitude that was representative of the performance capabilities of
each night. While time to exhaustion results are not pro- the athletes who completed the study (as opposed to time
portional to time trial or race performance, a recent meta- to exhaustion in the VO2max test). While some indication
analysis (Bonetti and Hopkins, 2009) suggested that mul- of participants performance capacity was provided by
tiplying time to exhaustion results by a factor of (1/15) their time to exhaustion results, this measure does not
can indicate likely time trial performance. Applying the provide an optimal indication of competition or race per-
formula to our experimental groups yields a 0.6% im- formance, as races are
provement in the lowHH+NHnight group, and a 0.5% completed over a set distance (Hopkins et al., 2001). In
improvement in the lowHH group. Improvements of 0.5% previous studies from our laboratory, we have been able
- 1.0% have been modelled to increase athletes medal- to develop some understanding of participants perfor-
winning chances in international competition (Hopkins mance abilities by analyzing the performances of partici-
and Hewson, 2001). It has been suggested performance pants shortly after study completion. However, in the
enhancement after altitude training can be partially due to Australian 20 km championships, which were held several
the training camp effect, (when improvements are ob- weeks after the completion of this study, high tempera-
served when athletes live and train together for a period of tures on the day of competition presented confounding
time) (Saunders et al., 2010). This phenomenon may environmental influences that make the effect of an alti-
provide partial explanation for our observed effects after tude intervention on performance difficult to ascertain.
both low altitude and combined low altitude training and
simulated altitude exposure. Conclusion
The results of our investigation are similar to those
of a recent study investigating the effects of combined Our study demonstrates that the combination of low and
classical and simulated altitude exposure. Neya et al. moderate altitude exposure facilitates physiological and
(2013) reported a 3.5% increase in Hbmass after well- performance-related benefits. These findings indicate that,
trained middle distance runners lived and trained for 21 for elite athletes undertaking altitude training, our com-
days at 1380 m, with an additional 10 hours daily expo- bined low altitude training plus simulated altitude method
sure to 3000 m simulated altitude per day, in the experi- is an effective alternative to conventional camps at mod-
mental group. The authors also found an 8.6% improve- erate altitude. While we do not suggest that combined low
ment in VO2max after combined classical and simulated altitude training plus simulated altitude exposure should
altitude exposure compared with control data. In the cur- replace conventional altitude training, it is a method that
rent investigation however, we found no statistical differ- may provide an alternative method that allows athletes to
ence in the increase in VO2max between the three groups. increase their hypoxic dose, within an existing training
We did however find a significant improvement within camp. Furthermore, the method we recommend is espe-
our lowHH group, when comparing our pre and post- cially relevant in countries in which the topography is less
intervention values. The improvements in VO2max in our than 2000 m. We recommend that low altitude (~1400 m)
low altitude training group may be related to the effects of combined with sleeping in altitude tents (3000 m) is a
competitive athletes completing the study within a well- time efficient method to improve Hbmass, with the ad-
structured training camp (Bonetti and Hopkins, 2009). vantage of less compromised training intensity compared
Overall, the results of the current investigation and with traditional altitude methods typically conducted at
that by Neya et al. suggest that low altitude training, in- higher altitudes of 2000-3000m.
corporating a relatively short (9-10 hours) daily exposure Practical applications
to 3000 m simulated altitude can elicit haematological and In this study, we have investigated a novel approach to
physiological benefits, in both well-trained and elite ath- altitude training that can be implemented by elite race-
letes. walkers and other endurance athletes at low altitude ven-
ues in order to improve Hbmass and time to exhaustion.
Limitations The results of this study demonstrate that it is possible to
A limitation of this study was the lack of a control group attain benefits of altitude training, by travelling to rela-
completing training at normoxia, concurrent with that tively low altitude venues of ~1400 m and increases in Hb
completed with the two experimental groups. The scenar- mass, provided that a portable hypoxic tent is used to
io is related to the difficultly of recruiting additional, elite simulate higher altitudes (~3000 m). Furthermore, we
athletes, and ensuring that training in a different location have demonstrated that shorter, daily durations of altitude
to the other groups, is consistently conducted. The Aus- exposure than previously recommended, in combination
tralian Institute of Sport coach prescribed and monitored with a continuous exposure to ~1400m, can elicit perfor-
training for the two experimental groups, who were based mance benefits. Overall, the altitude training protocol we
at Thredbo, and substantial logistical challenges would be have developed is conducive to athletes maintaining their
presented if an additional group were simultaneously existing training camp protocols, with minor adjustments
based in Canberra or a nearby location near sea level. that should not interfere with training or competition
Also associated with the allocation of our participants to schedules.
Car et al. 781

Acknowledgements athletes? British Journal of Sports Medicine 46(11), 792-795.

The authors would like to acknowledge the time and efforts of all partic- Mazzeo, R.S. (2008) Physiological responses to exercise at altitude : an
ipants involved in this study. The Australian Institute of Sport Sports update. Sports Medicine 38(1), 1-8.
Innovation Fund provided funding for this project. Millet, G., Faiss, R., Brocherie, F. and Girard, O. (2013) Hypoxic
training and team sports: a challenge to traditional methods?
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782 Modified natural altitude training

Key points Amelia J. CARR
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences,
In some countries, it may not be possible to per- Deakin University, Melbourne, Victoria,
form classical altitude training effectively, due to Australia
the low elevation at altitude training venues. An Degree
additional hypoxic stimulus can be provided by PhD
simulating higher altitudes overnight, using altitude Research interests
tents. Physiological implications of ergogenic
aids, altitude training, physical and physio-
Three weeks of combined (living and training at logical demands of human performance.
1380 m) and simulated altitude exposure (at 3000 E-mail:
m) can improve haemoglobin mass by over 3% in
comparison to control values, and can also improve Senior Physiologist, Australian Institute of
time to exhaustion by ~9% in comparison to base- Sport, Canberra, Australian Capital Territo-
line. ry, Australia
We recommend that, in the context of an altitude PhD
training camp at low altitudes (~1400 m) the addi- Research interests
tion of a relatively short exposure to simulated alti- Altitude training, running physiology, heat
tudes of 3000 m can elicit physiological and per- training, plyometric training, running me-
formance benefits, without compromise to training chanics, swimming physiology.
intensity or competition preparation. However, the
benefits will not be greater than conducting a tradi- Employment
tional altitude training camp at low altitudes High Performance Manager, Maribyrnong
Sports Academy, Melbourne, Australia
Bachelor of Sport Science (Coaching)
Amelia J. Carr Research interests
School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, Altitude training, heat acclimation, perfor-
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia mance implications of training interven-
tions, talent identification, talent transfer.
Department of Physiology, Australian
Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia.
University of Canberra, Research Institute
for Sport and Exercise, Canberra, Australia
Research interests
Environmental physiology, hematological
adaptations to training, iron metabolism and
Christopher J. GORE
Department of Physiology, Australian
Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia
Research interests
Altitude training, anti-doping, and meas-
urement precision
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