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Nama : Felinda Mutiara Putri

NIM : 155040201111104

Class : G (Agroecotechnology)

The Effect of Soil and Sand as Growing Media for Soybean Growth

Felinda Mutiara Putri

Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University


Growing media is a place for growing crops to support the rooting and from this
growing media the plant can absorb food such as the nutrient. There are many
growing media that usually used. This research discussed about the effect of soil
and sand as growing media for soybean growth on 7 weeks or 49 HST. The aim
of this research is to know which the growing media that better between the soil
and sand for soybean growth.The result showed that soybean growth better if
used soil as the growing media.
Keyword: Growing media, soybean, soil, sand, growth

I. Introduction
Every plant requires a growing media which appropriate to obtain
maxium final product. According to Liferdi L. dan Cahyo Saparinto (2016),
growing media is a place for growing crops to support the rooting and from this
growing media the plant can absorb food such as the nutrient.
The aim of this research is to know which the growing media that better
between the soil and sand for soybean growth.
II. Subject of The Research
The subject that used in this research is soybean. Soybean selected because
soybean is a commodity that majority Indonesians people consume.
III. Research Method
This research was conducted in rice field of Soekarno-Hatta Street and the
time required for this research was 7 weeks or 49HST. Watering plant do
between at 12p.m and 3 p.m. The tools and materials that used in this research
are polybag as the place for plant growth, soil as the growing media, sand as the
growing media,soybean as the subject of the research, and the last is water for
watering the soybean.

IV. Result

Growing Plant Height (cm)

Media 14 HST 21 HST 28 HST 35 HST 42 HST 49 HST
Soil 3 6 10 12 15 16,5
Sand 2,1 4,6 6,7 8,1 10,2 12,4
Based on observational data of plant height, can be seen that the high
soybean crop continues to increase in every growing media. Plant height at
growing media of soil at 14 HST was 3cm,at 21 HST was 6 cm, at28 HST was
10cm, at 35 HST was 12cm, at 42 HST was 15 cm, and at 49 HST was
16,5cm.While, plant height at growing media of sand at 14 HST was 2,1 cm, at
21 HST was 4,6 cm, at 28 HST was 6,7cm, at 35 HST was 8,1cm, at 42 HST
was 10,2cm, and the last at 49 HST was 12,4cm.

Growing The Number of Leaves (piece)

Media 14 HST 21 HST 28 HST 35 HST 42 HST 49 HST
Soil 2 2 3 4 4 6
Sand 1 1 2 3 5 5
Based on observational data of plant height, can be seen that the number of
leaves on soybean crop continues to increase in every growing media. As in
growing media of soil at 14 HST was 2 pieces, at 21 HST was 2 pieces, at 28
HST was 3 pieces, at 35 HST was 4 pieces, at 42 HST was 4 pieces, and at 49
HST was 6 pieces. While, as in growing media of sand, at 14 HST was 1 piece,
at 21 HST was 1 piece, at 28 HST was 2 pieces, at 35 HST was 3 pieces, at 42
HST was 5 pieces, and the last at 49 HST was 5 pieces.
V. Discussion
Based on data obtained from observations, it was knew that soybean crop
which planted in soil was higher and has more leaves than the soybean crop
which planted in sand.
According to Santoso(2010) , soil as the growing media was better than
sand, because soil has more nutrient and better ability to bind the water than
sand because it has small pores. The large pores of sand cause plant growth to be

VI. Conclusion
The soybean growth that used soil as the growing media was better than the
soybean growth that used sand as the growing media because soil has more
nutrient and smaller pores than sand.

VII. Actknowladge
The writer thanked to her English Lecturer, Her parents, Her friends, and to
everyone that helped her to finished this article.

VIII. Reference
Liferdi L. dan Cahyo Saparinto.2016. Vertikultur Tanaman Sayur. Penebar
Swadaya. Jakarta
Santoso,Bambang.2010.Manajemen Pembibitan dan Produksi Hortikultura.Pusat

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