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This time the little share information about the histories of kingdoms in Indonesia. The first
of course Kutai Kingdom. Kingdom strongly suspected as the first monarch stood in
Indonesia. Let us discuss :)

Kutai kingdom is a Hindu kingdom located in the headwaters of the Mahakam, East
Kalimantan. The main sources of this kingdom are 7 pieces of slate called yupa. The
inscription is written with letters Pallawa Sanskrit, is expected in the year 400 AD (5th
century AD). In one inscription mentioned that Raja Kutai's reign is Mulawarman,
Aswawarman children, grandchildren Kudungga. Based on the analysis of Prof. Dr.
Purbacaraka, Kudungga is the original name of Indonesia. Thus, during the reign Kudungga,
thought to influence the culture of India is yet to come. However, when Aswawarman began
ruling Hindu influences seem to start coming. Proven on one of the inscriptions found,
Aswawarman called Wangsakarta which is the Sanskrit language of India. Wangsakarta
means forming a family.

Kutai kingdom heritage inscription written using Pallawa characters in Sanskrit indicate that
there are some people who live in an atmosphere Kutai Indian civilization. Sanskrit is not the
language of ordinary people, but it is commonly used by the brahmins. Kutai any possibility
in Sanskrit used by the brahmins. Thus, the brahmins possibility has also been a certain
population groups in Kutai. Other communities that arise due to the influence of Indian
culture is a group of knights. In Kutai, knight group consisting of relatives Mulawarman or
limited to people who are closely related to the king. People outside the group of Brahmins
and Kshatriyas are still living in an atmosphere and genuine traditions of ancestors Kutai

Not so much the information obtained regarding the economic activities in the Kingdom of
Kutai. However, it is thought they live off agriculture and livestock. Possible life of
agricultural produce based on the location of the Kutai kingdom was also in the interior of
Borneo and near the Mahakam River. Ranch life is also a mainstay of their lives given the
frequency of the king held ceremonial offerings. For example, the king never presented
20,000 cows to the Brahmins. In the kingdom of Kutai often performed rites or ceremonies
release Asmawedha horse to determine the boundaries of the empire.

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