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Of Makati 1
Android Development Practice Exercise

Practice Exercise #1: TEXT VIEW, EDIT TEXT and BUTTON


Sample Output 1. Create an Android Application named
2. On activity_main.xml add a TextView
for Student Information label and
Summary Details label and under of
Summary Details another TextView
and set the id to tvSummary (see the
image in the left side).
3. Add two EditText and set the id to
etName and etCourse and set the hint
property of etName to Enter Your
Name and Enter Your Course for
4. Add a Button and set the id to btnClick
and a text property to CLICK.
Go to activity_main.xml file and set
the onClick property of button
btnClick to summaryDetail this
will call the method summaryDetail
once its clicked.

Android Development Practice Exercise

Another way of clicking the button using setOnClickListener

2 Android Development Practice Exercise

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