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Law, its nature and function

Thomas Hobbes said that

Law should oppose human nature and protect us from our selfish inclinations.


Law is basically a system of rules that govern a society with the intention of maintaining social
order, upholding justice and preventing harm to individuals and property and every citizen must
follow it.

Nature of law

Law is a system of rules that are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior

Coercive law, on the other hand, relies at least in part on force and threats of force.

Functions of law

Law serves several purposes and benefits society in the following ways: such as
Maintaining order.
Resolving disputes. ...
Protecting individuals and property. ...
Providing for smooth functioning of society. ...
Safeguarding civil liberties.

3. Set out rights and obligations- for example the Charter of Rights limits the governments authority over
4. Provides remedies- if your rights have been violated under the law, the law provides a system of recourse.
Promoting economic growth through free competition.

At the end I conclude that law provides rules and guidelines for just about everything one could encounter, both
socially and professionally. The law provides not only rules for those things that are not acceptable, but provides the
means by which to protect ones self or challenge injustices. In a world that is continuously growing through
populations while seemingly shrinking in size, without these rules and regulations there would be a boom in criminal

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