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1. What values do you promote in your teaching? How do you do this?

2. How do you encourage your students to become autonomous learners?

3. What is the Mission and Vision of the institution where you work?
4. How do you make learning relevant to your students?
5. How do you keep up to date with new developments in ELT?
6. In your opinion, how should grammar be taught?
7. Do you think dictation has a place in ELT?
8. Define a successful learner.
9. What competencies should students learn at school?
10. What is a good-teacher quality that you see as an area of opportunity for yourself?
11. How can you develop yourself professionally in the future?
12. What good qualities do you have as a teacher?
13. What have you done over the last year to continuously develop yourself as an
English teacher?
14. What defines an EFT teacher as a professional?
15. How do you keep in touch with other ELT professionals to share ideas and
16. What can we do as ESL teachers to help students be active participants in class?
17. Why are values and ethics important as partners to teaching English?
18. Do you think a good teacher should listen or talk more?
19. What does it mean to be a professional?
20. How can you promote critical thinking in your classroom?
21. According to the UNESCO, what are the four Pillars of Education?
22. Please, comment on new ideas and materials you have tried with your students.
23. As a teacher, how can you develop ethics and values in your students? Which types
of activities could you plan to do that?
24. Which values do you think are the most important ones to promote in your students?
Honesty, responsibility, respect...?
25. Which 21st Century skills are the most important ones to promote in your students?
Problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, global awareness...?
26. What have you done in your teaching practice to enhance learning in your students?
27. How can we integrate values with language teaching?
28. How can we facilitate language learning so that it is more effective?
29. How often and how do you reflect about your own practice?
30. Have you ever integrate the fifth language skills in your classroom and how?
31. What is the importance of integrating competencies in your classroom?
32. What are some of the learning strategies have you used in your teaching practice?
33. Which teaching aids have been helpful in your teaching practice?
34. How can a language teaching approach affect the learning process?
35. What is communicative competence?
36. What is Blended Learning and how is it applied in teaching?
37. What effect does positive or negative feedback have on learners?
38. What kind of a teacher do you consider yourself to be?
39. What led you to take up ELT?
40. What is professionalism in ELT?
41. What role does culture play in your ELT?
42. What role do ethics play in your ELT?
43. Why do you think it is important to reflect on your own practice?
44. Which are the principle values that you promote in your English teaching?
45. Are you conscious of the impact you work does on your students?
46. Are you ethical in your practice?
47. How do you promote ethical behavior in your students?
48. Is it appropriate to fail a student based on one written examination?
49. Are your classes clear and well planned in such a way that you can judge by a
written test if your student has acquired the required skills?
50. Why is social learning important?
51. What do you do in order to make your students responsible for their own learning?
52. Why is it important that students learn English?
53. Do you think that your work as an English teacher is important for your country?
54. What strategies do you use to motivate your students when you don't they are not
55. Why is it important to include blended learning in your daily practice?
56. Do you think that it is fair or ethical to measure the level of English of a student
with a standardized exam?
57. In order to be a good teacher what is more important being knowledgeable or
58. If the class material is too difficult, should we rethink our class objectives and
dumb down the class?
59. Do you think the Toefl measures effectively the English skills of our students?
60. How can we achieve intrinsic motivation in our students?
61. Give an example of discovery learning in the English classroom.
62. What do you think of peer observation?
63. How would you promote peer observation in your institution?
64. How would you be willing to reflect and modify your teaching when given an
advice from a partner?
65. How can you promote the values and the mission of your institution in your daily
practice as an ELT?
66. What are the most important skills that you have as a teacher that make you an
excellent candidate for ELT?
67. How would you promote "multicultural dimension"(cultural sensitivity and
competency) in your ELT class?
68. Which approaches to ethical decision making would you consider the most
important for your ELT professional practice?
69. Have you developed innovating materials for your students?
70. Based on your experience, how would you develop the communicative competence
in your students?
71. How would you develop critical thinking in your students?
72. What do you know about your teaching context?
73. Why do you teach the way that you do?
74. What are the results of your teaching practice for your students?
75. How do you deal with bullying?
76. How do you incorporate Ethics in the courses you teach?
77. What resources do you know that can keep you updated in your profession?
78. In what ways can you contribute to improving the teaching practice of your
colleagues in your Institution?
79. How do you incorporate your students projects from other subjects into your
teaching practice?
80. What difference does it make to imprint or not values in our students in each one of
our class sessions?
81. Can the social networks be used as a tool to enforce communicational skills the
teacher wants to prompt students to practice?
82. How has your teaching practice influenced your students?
83. Is it important for a teacher to receive training after being certified, why?
84. How can you be updating your knowledge in teaching English?
85. Why is promoting social learning important nowadays?
86. What makes a teacher set goals and expectations about his/her students?
87. How can you define a professional teacher?
88. Do you think a teacher has to improve his/her teaching practice sometime?
89. How can you describe autonomous learning?
90. What kind of values do you promote with your students?
91. Are you prepared to teach 21st century students?
92. How can you help students learn if they are not interested?
93. How do you encourage your students to avoid translation and speaking Spanish in
the classroom?
94. What is the optimum degree in using technological gadgets to support a session?
95. Do you force struggling students to come for extra help or is it optional? Why?
96. How do you get students to use the target language in the classroom?
97. How do you motivate a student(s) who has a much higher or lower English level
than the rest of the group?
98. Do you try to identify individual learners learning styles and/or intelligences?
99. How do you promote/develop critical thinking skills in your students?
100. Which classroom rules are most important to you? Why?
101. How do you deal with the issue of students checking/using cell phones and
laptops in the classroom?
102. How do you get shy students to participate in the class as well as limit the
students who are always participating?
103. How do you develop one-on-one relationships (good rapport) with your
104. How do students perceive you vs. how you consider yourself inside the
105. How do you include ethical topics in your lessons? Give an example.
106. If you include ethical topics, how do you assess them?
107. How do you keep yourself updated?
108. Are you open to methodological changes in your daily practice?
109. Out of your characteristics as a teacher, which one do you consider to be
your weakest and how would you improve it?
110. How do you handle unmotivated students?
111. How ethical is it to evaluate students with different capabilities with standard
112. How do you help your students achieve curricular goals when they have
different English levels in the same group?
113. How does your relationship with your colleagues influence your professional
114. How do you build healthy rapport with your students?

115. 2.Is being grammar bound indispensable to be a good English teacher?

116. What role does confidence play in your teaching practice?

117. How often do you pause and take time to reflect on your teaching practice

118. What have you done to improve your teaching practice?

119. Discuss the importance of having good values.

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