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EDN5501 Transition to Teaching Task 8: Unit CODA Sharon Gould

Unit CODA Image

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EDN5501 Transition to Teaching Task 8: Unit CODA Sharon Gould
Unit Coda Image Explanation

Through this unit I have seen that teaching is such a complex profession than no one image can convey my view
of a teacher. For this reason I chose to collate multiple images. They represent different aspects of what a
teacher should be: the head represents understanding; the character holding good and bad represents ethical
and being a good decision maker; the Australian curriculum cube represents teaching to the curriculum; the tree
made of hands represents community orientated; the map of the world represents embracing diversity; the two
characters with speech bubbles represent being an effective communicator; the two characters on the stairs
represent helping and supporting others; the plan-do-review-improve cycle represents constantly reflective and
continual improvement; and, the central smiley represents promoting a safe and positive environment and
positive relationships with others.

The topics for EDN5501 explore the different aspects of being a teacher, and this in turn can be linked to the
image collation. They are: becoming an ethical and professional teacher; planning and assessment- motivation
and learning; communication and questioning; curriculum in a changing world and Australia; managing the
learning environment; understanding diversity: reflection on self and others; and, the role of schooling and the
21st century teacher. The Standards produced by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
(2011) also shaped my reasons for collating these images into one overall representation. These Standards tell
us that a teacher should: know their students and how they learn; know the content and how to teach it; plan
for and implement effective teaching and learning; create and maintain supportive and safe learning
environments; assess, provide feedback and report on student learning; engage in professional learning; and,
engage professionally with colleagues, parents/ carers and the community (AITSL, 2011).

None of these concepts stand alone, they are tightly interrelated and so are the images. Understanding doesnt
just mean that that teachers need to understand their students and how they learn, but their students families,
their colleagues and the various levels of communities and systems in which they are placed. Teachers also need
to understand the knowledge and skills that they are imparting to their students and how to teach and evaluate
to meet the outcomes of the learning areas, capabilities and cross- curriculum priorities within the curriculum.

Teachers need to be ethical and fair in their treatment of others and in their decision making. Teachers should
embrace and promote diversity. This creates a culture of safety, value, acceptance and understanding and
develops important life skills. They need to promote safe and positive classroom environments and establish
good relationships with their students and community members. Teachers shouldnt be there just to impart
knowledge upon their students, but to support them in their individual learning journeys. Each teacher is a
learner in their own right, continually seeking to improve their practices with reflection and evaluation of their
teaching practices, and participating in professional learning. In doing so they can also help teach and support
their colleagues, the community and other professionals.

(499 words)


AITSL (2011) Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, February 2011. Retrieved 28-7-2017 from

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