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R a i n b o w L a k e mInutes

Maintenance Association
Annual Meeting
Saturday, September 24, 2016

There were nine (9) properties represented, which exceeds the 25% of 25 total properties required for a
quorum. The following members were present, constituting 36% of property owners:
Patty Carleton Holly Champlin Greg Huppert Jennifer Leason
Terry Carleton Maykao Fredericks Pat Kelly Liz Reiser
Brad Champlin Alan Howell Byron Leason

1. The Annual Meeting was called to order at the Ike Walton's Lodge, Yellow Lake, WI at 10:01 a.m.,
pursuant to the notice sent to all Association members in accordance with the bylaws.
2. A Financial Report was presented by Brad, and will be included with the minutes. Costs for the previous
year were lower due to lower snow fall and plowing. Road grading was also lower than 2014/15. Current
dues for 2016/17 are $150.00 per lot and are currently due for this season. Current balance is $1,770, with
projected expenditures of $2,465 for the coming season. Due dates for payment is on or before the Annual
Meeting date for the upcoming season. Unpaid properties should submit $150 to Treasurer, Brad Champlin.
3. Discussion of the gas line installation occurred, running from the RLMA entry down King Arthurs
Court and capped at lot 15. The line is currently staked and does not interfere with existing plantings,
according to Alan. The line will cut across the road for service several times and go through several
driveways, which will be brought back to existing condition. It was stated that the pipe is being placed using
directional boring, and will occur 18-23 October 2016.
4. The sides of the roads are continued to be mowed by Pat, Kim, Byron, Greg H., and Terry. It was noted
that there continue to be washouts on Pot-o-gold road, with additional sand showing throughout the road.
All other roads appear to be in fair or excellent condition. It was noted that additional gravel should be
placed upon Pot-o-gold Road this season and next in order to service the six properties.
5. Wildlife- bears, otters, beavers, wild turkeys, deer, and snapping turtles have all been seen in the
association in the last year.
6. Pat mentioned his stolen firewood from last year, but no others had reports of thefts.
7. Terry mentioned that oak wilt will take out all white and red oaks in the next ten years according to
8. Maykao noted that by Burnett County Ordinance, Rainbow Lake is now classified a Class 1 (or A) lake
(note Fremstadt is listed as a class 2 lake which requires a 75 setback), and only requires a 75 setback (down
from the 100 setback), and now allows 30 of cleared view per 100 of shoreline. Additional resources
should be identified as Rainbow Lake still does not show as a named lake within Burnett County. Some
additional resources for information are:

Visit for community postings including pictures, meeting notes, and etc.

9. Election of officers. Brad Champlin was nominated and agreed to run for Treasurer. Maykao Fredericks
was nominated and agreed to run for Secretary. Terry Carelton was nominated and agreed to run for
President. The vote to elect was unanimous to those respective positions. Please continue to send dues to
Brad Champlin. See contact info for Officials at the end of these minutes.
10. Check out he web blog at, our online forum to communicate not
only association business and meeting minutes, but also a place where the members can have ongoing
updates and information about any type of activity happening in the community. It could include anything
from what's going on with the weather, to wildlife sightings, to issues with the road or whatever comes up.
Pictures can be posted as well. All members are encouraged to be a part of any conversation that occurs.
Information about getting started on how to use the site is available in the General Information section.
11. The next scheduled meeting will be the Annual meeting at 10 am on Saturday, 30 September 2017. The
meeting location is to be announced. A notice will be sent two weeks in advance of the meeting.
12. The meeting was declared adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Financial Report
Address list/map

Annual Dues of $150 per property for the year 2016/17 are currently due.
If you have not yet paid, please send them at this time to the Treasurer:

Brad Champlin 3322 Rolling Hills Ct. Eagan, MN 55121

Make checks payable to Rainbow Lake Maintenance Association or RLMA

For changes of address, phone number, email or property ownership, please notify the Secretary:

Maykao Fredericks, email:

These minutes were prepared by Alan Howell (for Jill). Please let me know of any errors or omissions in the minutes.
R a i n b o w L a k e financial status
Maintenance Association

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