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EDN5501 Transition to Teaching Assessment Task 7c Know the Students Sharon Gould

Know the Students and How they Learn

This class list has descriptions of the students as learners, their behaviours and attitudes etc. First names
only have been provided for privacy purposes. NOTE: culturally diverse has been used to describe those
with a different cultural/ racial background to Caucasian Australians to protect their identities.

Khadeeja- talkative, can be distracted by her neighbouring friends, can be slow to work but produces
decent work. Culturally diverse.

Tayah- very talkative sometimes to the point of ignoring/ not paying attention, slow to work and goes over
time to finish tasks regularly. Very outgoing.

Liam- dyslexic, and so has some trouble understanding things. Disengages easily if he doesnt find a task
engaging, likes to complain and over exaggerate/ be dramatic, doesnt always do as told.

Nishok- PEAC student. Very intelligent and for the most part a quick learner, completes tasks quickly. Has
high goals (wants to be a neurosurgeon). Somewhat chatty but will stop and pay attention fairly quickly.
Polite. Culturally diverse.

Sean- PEAC student. Fairly intelligent, fairly quiet. Can get grumpy easily. Finishes work fairly quickly.

Caelan- very talkative. Gets grumpy easily. Negative attitude, says he is dumb. Talks back.

Nick- doesnt listen, ignores what he is told and sometimes talks back. Slow to work, avoids doing work, but
he can be capable if he puts his mind to it.

Luke- quiet, can be distracted easily by others. Works fairly well and gets annoyed if he is trying to work
and those around him arent. Fairly polite.

Emily- Easily gets upset, gets confused about things but once she understands it she does quite well. Polite.

Summah- polite, relatively quiet, works fairly well.

Corbin- disruptive, chatty. Likes to tease/ provoke others. Talks back a lot and doesnt always do as he is

Tahlia- quiet, good worker, has trouble with some concepts. Polite.

Amelia- very talkative, seems fairly smart, can get quite distracted.

Olivia- very talkative, seems fairly smart, can get quite distracted.

Chloe- can be chatty but works well, usually listens. Polite.

Aparna- can be a bit chatty but good thinker, usually listens, polite. Culturally diverse.

Hena- PEAC student. Fairly intelligent, not too talkative, quick to listen and do as told, polite. Culturally

Rhys S- can be a bit talkative, easily distracted, doesnt always listen.

Elyas- very talkative and disruptive to those around him. Often doesnt get much work done. Often doesnt
listen/ pay attention to what he is told/ repeatedly gets told off for same thing. Very friendly however,
jovial, likes to joke about and show off a bit with a cheeky nature. Culturally diverse.

Nina- quiet, polite. Decent worker, quick to listen and do as told. Culturally diverse.

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EDN5501 Transition to Teaching Assessment Task 7c Know the Students Sharon Gould

Kayla- can be a bit talkative sometimes. Very polite and good to teachers, often volunteers to do things to
help the teacher (hand out marked work etc). Most of the time she listens and will end up sitting quietly
waiting for the next instruction. Struggles with a lot of work.

Elham- struggles to understand instructions. She often doesnt listen, constantly asking about something
just told the answer to. Very quiet, spends a lot of time drawing/ doodling. Second guesses her abilities.
Has troubles with spelling, and after talking to teachers apparently she often has trouble with English being
a second language which may be the cause for many of her issues. She is however a very capable student
once she understands something, and positive reinforcement that she indeed doing things right helps her
confidence hugely. Culturally diverse.

Danny- seems quite intelligent. Bit talkative, outgoing, confident, always has his hand up to answer
questions. He doesnt talk back per se, but he will be quick to correct you if he thinks you or someone else
said something wrong (somewhat opinionated). Quite polite to teachers though.

Kane- extremely autistic. Struggles with many tasks. Very attached to and reliant on his EA. Finds ways not
to do things/dawdles in getting tasks done. He can be quite capable when he puts his mind to it however
and he is usually a very polite and nice kid.

Rhys M- very autistic but very intelligent. Bit sarcastic and rubs people the wrong way a bit. He is relatively
polite and listens fairly well, a bit talkative. Will get into moods where he refuses to do work.

Rajzhan- A bit talkative, fairly smart. Fairly polite and friendly, fairly outgoing with a fun cheeky nature. Can
get easily distracted. Culturally diverse.

Raymond- seems smart but a bit talkative and can get distracted. He is very polite, fairly quiet, and most of
the time listens well and does as he is told, often one of the first to sit quietly waiting for instruction if it is
expected. Culturally diverse.

Callan- very disruptive behaviour. Fiddles, doesnt do work, doesnt pay attention, talks a lot, doesnt link
action and consequence, interrupts others learning. Very good at maths and grammar, slow at many other
talks. Has the ability to do well if he puts his mind to it. Finds excuses not to do work, will lie outright to a
teacher. Rubs other people up the other way and will just tell them off for stuff, often when it isnt

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