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A short film by Rmi Forte

With Delphy Murzeau and Lawrence Valin

Detailed presentation of the project

A victim of a recent stroke, Emma has left home to spend her time convalescing on the
French island of Belle-le-en-Mer. A series of strange events occur which leave Emma
inexplicably mute and alone as Khassim, her companion, vanishes.

The beginning of this short film offers the viewers a sense of the vertiginous feelings that
we all experience at different moments of our lives. The moments can only occur when
we free ourselves from the trap of routine. This powerful feeling can be both
extraordinarily frightening and incredibly delightful; that of realizing how unlikely it is to
be alive, living and conscious on this little planet in the middle of a cold and empty

Les Ocans is the story of Emma, who, having suffered a stroke as sudden as a
thunderclap, is confronted with this feeling.

What can such an occurrence reveal about oneself and how can we recover? Is one left to
struggle alone? These are just some of the questions I imagine this short film asking its

Emma's stroke has left her questioning everything in her life and it is now impossible for
her to name that feeling she feels so deeply; impossible to describe the agony of
emptiness, the planned extinction, and the loneliness which are inherent to the human
condition. The disappearance of Khassim is another layer to the issues she faces.

Not only is Les Ocans about the singular self, it also follows the story of a couple who
have found themselves and their relationship unrecognizable, possible even

Emmas suffering of post-traumatic stress disorder is accentuated with the addition of

fantastic elements that weave throughout the film. To expand more on this would spoil
the plot of their story.

The theme of the ocean

The ocean featured in the film is the Atlantic, which borders Belle-Ile-en-Mer. Having
grown up on an island myself, I have always been fascinated with the ocean and it is this
fascination that I want to share with my audience and what drives me to make this film.

In many ways, one may associate our main character Emma with the constantly flowing
and rough Atlantic and its unfathomable immenseness and depth. Her voiceovers
throughout the film offers the viewer glimpses into her life, moments that, like the ocean,
were equally dark and stormy. Below the surface, things may not always seem as they
appear. In addition, Khassims silent gazing towards Emma speaks volumes about what is
also disturbing him.

For me, the oceans play a large part in the greater mystery that surrounds our
existence. After all, the water is where many believe life itself began. In addition to the
plot of our two characters, I will compliment the story with recent discoveries in the
oceans and seas of the cosmic universe and thus, the possibility of life beyond Earth. This
will be a breathtaking experience for your senses.

About the Form of the Film

My short film exists between the two worlds of narrative and experimental cinema, and
much of the storyline is left to the imagination of the audience to complete. I hope that
the viewing of the film itself with be an unforgettable experience.

The visual atmosphere of Les Ocans will be dreamlike, poetic, and woven with shades of
blue and orange to give the feeling of dawn and dusk. The film will consist of long,
standing shots with a hint of sequence-shots and slow traveling-shots to capture the
imagery of waves, tides, and wind leaving the audience suspended in time. My desire to
visualize time and the chosen color scheme comes from my need to showcase matter and
space. I wish for the film to feature the awesome landscapes and cliffs of Belle-le-en-
Mer, as well as showcase the overwhelmingness of the ocean. The setting of the film
would mirror the mental state of our characters.

The Actors

Delphy Murzeau

Lawrence Valin

Project Schedule
5 to 9 November 2017: 5 days of shooting in Belle-le-en-Mer, France

Winter 2017 to Spring 2018: Post production

June 2018: Completion of film

The future of this short film would be to submit it to national and international film
festivals to allow for the widest distribution possible!

What will the collection be used for?

This KissKissBankBank project promotes the idea that demanding and intensive cinema is a
collective art form that is based on passion and friendship - which is why we are soliciting
your financial assistance.
For the filming to begin, we estimated our minimum budget to be 4,000. Rmi Forte will
collect the money directly.

Our projected costs:

1,500: Sound and image equipment (rental of 4K camera, sound recorder,
machinery, memory cards, hard drives, etc.)
1,500: Set rental and set design
500: Onsite transportation, accommodation, and miscellaneous team expenses
500: Costumes and accessories

Additional costs (Optional):

+ 5,000 would allow us to have more flexibility in our budget for costs such as technical
equipment as well as accessories and costumes. In short, it would provide us better
filming conditions.

+ 6,000 would allow us to improve the quality of the post-production which could
include the rental of a sound mixing studio; the possibility to record the voiceovers in
optimal conditions; allow us to hire musicians for the soundtrack of the film.

+ 7,000 would allow us to let the film live on forever after completion by creating a DCP
(Digital Cinema Package - projection format of the majority of the cinemas) and sending it
to festivals around the world. In addition, we could have official English translation and
subtitles and coordinate official view parties.

+ 8,000 (Wow!) would allow us to invite all our contributors to the preview of the film
as well as allowing us to cover the commission of KissKissBankBank.

Our dream is to create, produce and edit our film and we appreciate your financial support
to make this dream come true, no matter the amount.

We believe in the potential of Les Ocans and we hope you do too.

Thank you for your donations!

Les Ocans Team

The Filmmakers biographie - Rmi Forte

Rmi Forte was born in Niort in August 1986. He grew up on the French island of le d'Yeu
on the West coast, and then moved to the continent, in the region Vende, where he
passed his scientific baccalaureate (A-levels equivalent), with a minor in cinema. After
studying Hypokhgne and Khgne at the Guist'Hau high school in Nantes (Undergraduate
courses to prepare nationwide competitive exams in French top schools or universities), he
obtained a master's degree in cinema at the Sorbonne in Paris under the direction of
researcher Daniel Serceau and filmmaker Frdric Sojcher. He then got himself into
filmmaking and audiovisual production, in particular within the Production Company Agat
Films, in Paris. He organized and shot documentaries, music videos and fictional videos, in
Europe, North America and Africa. He has made several short films as well as the web-
series "Les Lettres Photosensibles" in order to continue his thinking about the possibilities
that cinema offers and which is the youngest art in the world.

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