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1.It is so hard to watching her now being accused of illegal operations.

Mom accused me of breaking the window yesterday, but my sister did

that. 2.I always advice people to have balanced portfolio so they could
make yield. 3.Bear market is a market where people are selling shares
because they expect prices to fall. 4.Bull m is a market where people
are buying shares because they expect prices to rise.5.Many companies
have been charged with not paying taxes recently.6.Blue-chip company
is a well established company with good reputation. 7.People used to
boycott Avons products when they offered mobile phones for their
customers and then changed their mind. 8.He repayed all the debts so
he is on break even now. 9. He denied that he had accepted the bribe.
He was accused of bribery during his candidature. 10. A broker
arranges transactions between a buyer and a seller. 11. Bio-tech has
maintained a close relationship with a society. 12. The police charged
him with robbery. 13.Banks use a big commission for paying bills. 14.
Many factories contaminate their environment every day, which cause
a lot of damages. 15.My sister is a copycat, she repeats everything I say.
16. Corruption is probably the reason why he has become a president.
17. Corruption is dishonest/illegal behaviour especially by powerful
people. 18. This law discriminate against people in wheelchairs. 19.In
some countries, discrimination against somebody because of their race
is illegal. 20. Our teacher dismissed her class when the bell rang.
21.Dismissal is the termination of the employee against his will.
22.A dividend is an amount of money that is paid to people who own
shares in the company. 23.They have all provided ways of out ethical
evolution. 24.Ethics define moral principles that people should respect.
25.I would invest (make investment) money only in FTSE-100. 26.Floeat
refers to the available shares which company has issued to the public.
27.A glass ceiling is a barrier that stops someone in making progress.
28. Our boss laid him off because he had stolen money from the safe.
29.Unemployment rose to 10 percent and then leveled off. 30. Their boss
will make them redundant soon. 31. Negative publicity can hurt product
sales, buts also increase product awareness. 32. Oil prices reached their
peak last year. 33. Shareholders always hope that shares(stock) prices will
not plummet. 34. She pleaded guilty of making a false statement about
product tampering. 35. The police prosecuted him for robbery. 36.Its only
a matter of time before he resign (retire in). 36. Spred risk means to reduce
the risk of losing money. 37. Stockbroker sales stocks on the stock market.
38. Track record contains all the past successes or failures of a company.
39. In volatile markets, prices go up and down unpredictably. 40. They
withdrew all the products from the market yesterday. 41. I would invest
money in up-and-coming companies, the seem to have a good future.

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