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1. Appendix is: Organ little extras that resemble fingers, attached to the cecum just below the ileocecal
valve (Brunner and Sudarth, 2002 case 1097)

2. Appendicitis is: an inflammation of the appendix in the form of worms, which is located near the
ileocecal valve (long, Barbara C., 1996 case 228)


Appendix produce mucus 1-2 ml per day. Mucus is usually shed into the lumen and then flows into
the cecum. Barriers to the flow of mucus in the mouth of the appendix seems to play a role in the
pathogenesis of appendicitis.

Immunoglobulin sekretoar produced by GALT (Gut Associated Lymfoid Tissue) found along the
gastrointestinal tract, including appendices. Immunoglobulin was very effective as a protective barrier
against infection. However, removal of the appendix does not affect the immune system as the number
of network nodes so small here compared to the number of canals tract and throughout the body.

C. Etiology

Appendicitis no definite or specific cause but there predi posision factor is:

a. The common factor is obstruction of the lumen. In general, the obstruction is due:

1. Hyperplasia of lymphoid follicles, is the most common cause

2. There faekolit in the lumen of the appendik

3. foreign objects such as seeds - grains

4. More men than women. The most at the age of 15-30 years (young adult). This is due to the increase
of lymphoid tissue at the time.

b. Depending on the shape of the appendik:

1. Appendik is too long

2. Protrusion of lymphoid tissue in the lumen of the appendix

3. Abnormalities of the valve at the base of the appendix

D. Pathophysiology

appendix inflamed and had edema as a result of bent or clogged likely by fekolit or foreign objects.

Inflammatory Process intaraluminal pressure increases, causing severe pain or spread progressively,
within a few hours is localized in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. Finally, pus filled inflamed


To establish the diagnosis of appendicitis is based on history coupled with laboratory tests and other

A. Symptoms appendix confirmed by history, there are 4 important things are:

1. At the beginning of epigastric pain (visceral pain) that some time later spread to the right lower

2. Vomiting due to visceral pain

3. Heat (due to the bacteria that live in the intestinal wall)

4. Other symptoms of weakness and lack of appetite, the patient looked ill, avoid movement abdominal

Dona P. Ignatavicus, Medical surgical Nursing A Nursing Aproach , edisi I; 1991

Marlyn E. Doenges, Nursing care Plans, F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia;1989.

M.A. Henderson, Ilmu Bedah Untuk Perawat, Penerbit Yayasan essentia


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