Lau Kawar

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At that time, people believe that harvest season has arrived in Kawar village.

The entire citizen

was happy with the rice crops; like the Kawar village chief who definitely delighted since he had
a very wide field. As the expression of gratitude to God, the Kawar Village chief held a Guro-
Guro Aron Drum party in his field for four days and four nights. The entire citizen was invited to
that extraordinary party.
Because the invitation was send by the village chief no one dare to refuse the invitation except an
old woman, the mother of the village chief. This woman was alone in the house, while all of her
children and grandchildren went to the party. Continuously some faint drum voices from time to
time could be heard from her bed. Around midday the danced was stopped for lunch break. The
village chief and the whole villagers were having luxurious and abundant lunch. Beef and goat as
well as pig and chicken were served in the meals; everyone was full, satisfied and happy. But
this was just the first day.
After resting for a moment, the dancing and singing was continued came guided by the village
chief's child. Strangely while dancing in the afternoon the village chief called his small child,
apparently he remembered his mother who was left was alone and hungry at home. Rice with
decent side dishes was prepared. The small child was told to deliver it to his grandmother house.
However unfortunate fate once again fell on the grandmother, he forgot to delivered the lunch in
time, even food he should be delivering was opened by him in the middle of the road and all
beef, goat, chicken, and pig was eaten until only the bones left and then the grandchild packed
the bone into the original parcel.
Although the lunch was arrived very late on the afternoon but the grandmother still smile to her
grandchild who came to bring the lunch. After delivering the lunch, the grandchild then returns
the field immediately. Thus the old woman with great difficulty got up from the bed to eat. But
when the parcel in opened the grandmother startled because there are only bones in it. For a long
time the baffled grandmother gazed at the parcel, did not realize his tear fell wetted his wrinkled
cheek. Indeed the grandmother's fate was poor. The child whom she raised into a respected
village chief has forgotten his mother. The grandmother's conscience was very sad, disappointed
and angry. She cried, and swore "I who give birth and raised you, till you have the respected
position evidently you could not respect your own parents, this mother's milk as the witness my
child, for that is swore her tears continued to fell on her cheek. Not long afterwards the words of
this unfortunate grandmother was granted, dark dew began to close the sky, as the day got dark.
Lightning and the thunder swarmed continuously. The whole citizen who was celebrating the
party began to panic; moreover the rain began to pour down rapidly.
The party was ended instantly; the entire citizen ran looking for a sheltering place. But the rain
does not care, the rain continuously poured down for seven day and seven the night, then
suddenly a flood happened. Kawar village that located precisely under Sinabung Mountain Foot
was sunk. Nothing could be saved. Kawar village then became a lake, which today known as the
Lau Kawar Lake.
Pada saat itu, orang percaya bahwa musim panen telah tiba di desa Kawar. Seluruh warga senang
dengan tanaman padi;seperti kepala desa Kawar yang pasti senang karena ia memiliki bidang
yang sangat luas. Sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan, kepala Kawar Desa mengadakan
pesta Guro-Guro Aron Drum di bidangnya selama empat hari empat malam. Seluruh warga
diundang ke pesta yang luar biasa.
Karena undangan itu mengirim oleh kepala desa tidak ada yang berani menolak undangan
kecuali seorang perempuan tua, ibu dari kepala desa. Wanita ini sendirian di rumah, sementara
semua anak dan cucunya pergi ke pesta. Terus beberapa suara drum yang samar dari waktu ke
waktu bisa terdengar dari tempat tidurnya. Sekitar tengah hari menari itu berhenti untuk istirahat
makan siang.Kepala desa dan seluruh penduduk desa memiliki mewah dan berlimpah makan
siang. Daging sapi dan kambing serta babi dan ayam disajikan dalam makanan; semua orang
penuh, puas dan bahagia.Tapi ini hanya hari pertama.
Setelah beristirahat sejenak, menari dan menyanyi dilanjutkan datang dipandu oleh anak kepala
desa.Anehnya sambil menari di sore kepala desa yang disebut anak kecil, rupanya dia ingat
ibunya yang ditinggalkan sendirian dan lapar di rumah. Nasi dengan lauk yang layak
disiapkan. Anak kecil diberitahu untuk mengirimkannya ke rumah neneknya. Namun malang
nasib sekali lagi jatuh pada nenek, ia lupa untuk disampaikan makan siang di waktu, bahkan
makanan ia harus memberikan dibuka oleh dia di tengah jalan dan semua daging sapi, kambing,
ayam, dan babi dimakan sampai hanya tulang kiri dan kemudian cucu dikemas tulang ke dalam
paket asli.
Meskipun siang itu tiba sangat terlambat pada sore hari tapi nenek masih tersenyum untuk
cucunya yang datang untuk membawa makan siang. Setelah memberikan makan siang, cucu
kemudian kembali lapangan segera. Dengan demikian wanita tua dengan kesulitan besar bangkit
dari tempat tidur untuk makan. Tapi ketika bungkusan di membuka nenek terkejut karena hanya
ada tulang di dalamnya.Untuk waktu yang lama nenek bingung menatap bungkusan itu, tidak
menyadari air matanya jatuh membasahi pipinya yang keriput. Memang nasib nenek
miskin. Anak siapa dia dibesarkan menjadi kepala desa yang dihormati telah melupakan
ibunya. hati nurani nenek sangat sedih, kecewa dan marah. Dia menangis, dan bersumpah "Aku
yang melahirkan dan membesarkan Anda, sampai Anda memiliki posisi terhormat ternyata Anda
tidak bisa menghormati orang tua Anda sendiri, susu ibu ini sebagai saksi anak saya, untuk yang
bersumpah air matanya terus jatuh pada dirinya ... pipi Tidak lama setelah itu kata-kata nenek
malang ini diberikan, embun gelap mulai menutup langit, sebagai hari tiba gelap Petir dan guntur
menyerbu terus seluruh warga yang merayakan pesta mulai panik, apalagi hujan mulai
mencurahkan cepat.
Partai ini berakhir seketika; seluruh warga berlari mencari tempat berteduh. Tapi hujan tidak
peduli, hujan terus menerus dicurahkan selama tujuh hari dan tujuh malam, lalu tiba-tiba banjir
terjadi. Desa Kawar yang terletak tepat di bawah Gunung Sinabung Gunung Foot
tenggelam. Tidak ada yang bisa diselamatkan. Desa Kawar kemudian menjadi danau, yang
sekarang dikenal sebagai Danau Lau Kawar.

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