LEARNING UNIT 1: Exploring Media Class: Standard 4 Theme: The World of Change: Media and Information Estimated Frame: 10 Days Context

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LEARNING UNIT 1: Exploring Media

Class: Standard 4 Theme: The World of Change: Media and Information Estimated frame: 10 days

Context: Media refers to the various forms of communication. The exploration of media would enable students to
make informed choices in the creation of meaning fostering effective communication.

Outcomes: At the end of this learning experience students will:

ascertain that the mass media are the channels for information-sharing in any society and that what
is reported affects ones choices and disposition
demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which effective communication helps to maintain trust
within relationships: describe elements of effective communication Know when it is acceptable to
disclose secrets and to whom secrets should be disclosed
identify selected media forms and explain how they are used to create meaning (e.g. media texts
designed to reach a very wide audiences: signs, posters, billboards, movies, television, podcasts)
reflect on and identify their strengths as media interpreters and creators
name basic forms of media in Spanish
state in Spanish how they use different forms of media
know how to use the 5ws+h to gain meaning from aural texts
know how to use strategies that assist in simultaneous listening and analysing activities
deduce ways in which food security contributes to regional development
recognize, represent, model, compare and order numbers up to 1 000 000 with reference to place
develop an understanding of rounding to thousands
solve problems involving number sentences with one unknown
know that a message should be analysed before its acceptance
apply appropriate phonic skills and strategies to reading
use critical and strategic reading strategies to read competently
use before, during and after reading strategies
know the structure of the simple and compound sentences
identify features integral to a dance performance
critique dance performances
aurally identify characteristic rhythmic and melodic patterns of popular music genres in the
know that literary texts are written by different people from varying countries with diverse cultures
know that a subject must agree with a verb in number
know to apply spelling rules correctly when writing; syllabication rules, phonics, inflectional endings
distinguish between weather and climate
design survey(s) to solve problem(s) that involves the use of statistical data
gather, classify, organize and display data using tables, tally charts and graphs (pictographs, block
graphs and bar graphs) and interpret results.

Learning 1. Getting The Message Across

Plans: 2. Deconstructing texts
3. Media Evolution
4. Getting the Message in the Media
5. Application of Media

Resources: Learning Plan 1: copy paper or bristol board, coloured pencils, markers, crayons, dance video (YouTube),
computer, flyers, appendix1 (sentences ie), place value mat, base ten blocks, chalk (for drawing place
value mat on floor), cut outs of numerals, box or basket for cut outs, sentence strips (simple sentences for
game), cut outs of conjunctions.

Learning Plan 2: pictures of various forms of media, paper, pencils, toys, cell phone, computer, digital
projector, grade level texts, base ten blocks, place value mats.

Learning Plan 3: plain paper, pencils, colour pencils, crayons, markers, computer, printer, CD player,
copies of the story Techno Mans Plight, guided questions, selected stories from various cultures - search
words World of tales, songs of music genres that are popular in the Caribbean (Traditional calypso,
Reggae, Chutney and Parang).

Learning Plan 4: advertisement sample, markers, computer, digital projector, grade level texts, graphic
organizer, sentence strips

Learning Plan 5: paper, pencil, markers, ruler, eraser, white board, coloured pencils, computer, printer,
projector, search words wunderground

Collaborative activities
Oral presentations
Graphic organizers
Peer evaluation
Teacher observation
Checklist for survey design
A rhythm is played and students identify the genre or teacher gives the genre and students play the
Reflective log

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