Quiz Answers

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Quiz answers

Part 1. vocabulary and grammar

*Choose the correct word for each statement

} My birthday is in August.
Why? Because we are talking about the month and not the
exact day.
} Where is he? over there.
Why? Remember, we are talking about a place (over there).
} He is an honest person.
Why? Remember what I said today on class, even that we
use AN for vowels, there are some words, that sound like
} Tony and Anna are friends.
Why? Ehh guys. It is in plural..
} Tina birthday is on June 1st.
Why? Because here we are talking about the exact day.
} How are you? I'm fine
Why? Do I have to explain this?!
} Where are Bob and Tina from? Theyre from England.
Why? If we use they are , we are making a mistake because
you are repeating the verb 2 times.
} Hi! Im Pamela. You can call me pam.
Why? Because, imagine: you can tell me pam, sounds like
you are telling him/her to talk about a problem they have.
} Whose this dog? Its Tom
Why? Guys, the WH-question that we are using is WHOSE,
that talks about someone or a possession. Example:
whose this blue pen?
} This is a hamster and that is a rabbit.
Why? Again, if the word sound like a consonant you are
going to use A, but if it sound like a vowel you use AN.
} I'd like to join the club.
Why? Guys, you arent a club or sing a club ( you can sing a
contract but not a club)
} Are you Japanese? Yes, I am.
Why? seriously?! Do I have to explain this..
} This is Jenny and Davids house. Its their house.
Why? Jenny and David are 2 people, so the possessive
adjective have to be in plural too.
} Los Angeles, California is in the western US.
Why? We use in when something is inside a place or
another thing. From is used when that thing or person
comes from (I used the word in the explanation) the
} This is my brothers schoolbag.
Why? We are talking about ONE schoolbag (backpack).
} George is my fathers father. He is my grandfather.
Why? Ehhh guys.family members
} Do you have a dog? Yes, we do.
Why? The question is for you, only for you.
} Do you have a camera? No, I dont.
Why? Guys, look at the question, it start with do.
} We call him The Class Clown because he is very funny.
Why? Have you seen a shy or lazy clown?!
Part 2. Vocabulary

a. Choose the correct item

} Whats this? its a present.
} Can i help you, sir?
} What nationality is he? portuguese
} Whats your phone number?
} Its nice to meet you. (remember, you use pleasure
when the article a is before)
} Can you repeat that please?
} Carlos is from Mexico.
} Pavlov? Thats an unusual name.
} What do you do for a living, Mr. White?
} You can call me Tim.
b. Complete the sentences.
} Tony is American.
Hes a firefighter .
} Rosa is Mexican.
Shes a doctor.
} Jose is Colombian.
Hes a pilot.
} Juan is Peruvian.
Hes a driver.
} Miguel is Brazilian.
Hes a police officer.
Write the word for the ordinal numbers.
} 2nd. Second
} 20th. Twentieth.
} 11th. Eleventh.
} 29th. Twenty-ninth.
} 6th. Sixth.
Circle the correct word.
} Jennifer is in the middle of an experiment in the science
} My address is 10 Maple street, Washington, DC 20003.
} Kansas is in the center of the US.
} Excuse me. Are there any letters for me?
} Can I open an account, please?
Choose the correct item.
} Whats your zip code?
} This is my schoolbag.
} She is a clown.
} This is a table. It is a big table.
} Paul and mary are our friends.
Fill in the correct form of the verb to be
} Is albert from chile?
No, he is not.
} Are you a teacher?
Yes, I am.
} Are Liz and Sally here?
No, they aren't.
Are you in the 9th grade?
No, we arent.
Is frank your friend?
Yes, He is.
What can you see?
Write the correct question words.
} Whos he?
} He is my friend, Tom.

} How old are you?

} Im 30 years old.

} Where are you from?

} Im from the US.

} What do you do for a living?

} im a teacher.

} Where exactly is Lima?

} Its in the southwest of peru.
Fill the correct sentences.
} Whose rabbit is this?
} Its marys.

} hi! im Jonh Richards.

} Whats your last name again?
} Richards .

} Can you spell that, please?

} P-O-double T-E-R

} Whats your phone number?

} Its (213)912-3257

} Good morning, Bob. Hows everything?

} OK, thanks.
Read and label the sentences as T or
} Julies birthday is in september. T

} Julie isnt American. F

} There are 30 ss in her school. T

} Julies favorite teacher is Mrs. Chen. F

} Julies favorite sport is hockey. T

Part. 3
2. your.
3. your.
4. my.
5. his.
6. their.
7. her.
8. my.
9. her.
10. his.
some some

any some

any some

some some
some any







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