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Alumna: Baigorria Carina Giselle.

Carrera: Licenciatura en Biotecnologa.

Libreta: 25964
1) *IMPURITIES: Impurezas
Must be made prior to the laboratory samples tested for impurities.

2) *MOLDS: Hongos
Molds are presented in two main ways: filamentous molds and yeast.

3) ELEMENTARY CHARGE: Carga elemental

The electron is a subatomic particle with a negative elementary charge.

4) *RIBOSOMES: Ribosomas
Ribosomes are not surrounded by a membrane.

5) *LEAVES: Hojas
The main organs involved in photosynthesis are the leaves.

6) *FLUIDITY: Fluidez
At a given temperature the main factor influencing the fluidity of the plasma
membrane is the long chain fatty acids and their saturations.

7) *ROOTS: Races
Primary root is developed in a primary root that, in turn, causes lateral

8) *WATER: Agua
Water is stored in cells perenquimaticas.

9) *SOIL: Suelo
In swampy areas the soil is usually poor in oxygen.

10) *GENES: Genes

Chromosomal genetic material is organized in nucleotide sequences called

11) *CENTROSOME: Centrosoma

The centrosome results in the formation of the flagellum.

12) CHROMOSOME: Cromosoma

In most meiosis, every chromosome pair, no matter how small, sustains at
least one crossover - a so-called obligate crossover or obligate chiasma.

13) *BIOLOGY: Biologa

Biology is the science that aims to study living things and, more specifically,
its origin, its evolution and its properties.

14) *HEART: Corazn

The heart is a muscular organ fundamentally.

15) ARTERIES: Arterias

All human body arteries arise directly or indirectly from the aorta.

16) *POLLINATORS: Polinizadores

Flowers attract pollinators and fruit facilitate seed dispersal.

17) *HYDROPHOBIC: Hidrofobica

Molecules that do not interact with water are hydrophobic.

18) *BACTERIUM: Bacteria

The bacterium contains a plasmid, a circular piece of DNA that holds the
gene and promoter sequence.
19) *HORMONES: Hormonas
These hormones have functions vital.

20) *CELLS: Celulas.

Cells are complex and varied structures.

21) DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Aparato digestivo.

The digestive system is made up of the digestive tract and glands.

22) *CATALYST: Catalizador

A biolocatalyst is a biological substance which accelerates the course of a

23) *ENZYMES: Enzimas.

Enzymes with combinations form temporary substrates

24) *MEIOSIS: Meiosis

Unicellular eukaryotes such as yeast can undergo meiosis.

25) *TEMPERATURE: Temperatura

The lowest possible energy state of a substance is defined as the absolute
zero of temperature.

26) *PHOTOSYNTESIS: fotosntesis.

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide necessary for photosynthesis.

27) *RECEPTOR: Receptor

The hormone-receptor complex is transformed and it penetrates the core.

28) *PEPTIDE BOND: enlace peptdico

The protein amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds
29) *FATTY ACIDS: Acidos grasos.
The axidacion of fatty acids produces a lot of energy.
30) *Vitamin (Vitamina):
The clotting factor IX belongs to the group of vitamin k-dependent proteins.
31) *Carbohydrates: CARBOHIDRATOS.
Carbohydrates include simple sugars such as glucose which are the main
nutrients in the cells.
32) *LIPIDS: Lpidos
Lipids are insoluble in water but soluble in organic substances.

33) *PROTEIN: Proteinas

The primary structure of a protein is the form in which amino acids are
arranged forming a chain.
34) *METABOLICALLY: Metabolicamente
Cells that are metabolically active tend to be small.

35) *FERMENTATION: Fermentacin

The fermentation of wine is initiated by naturally occurring yeast present in
the vineyards.

36) *ISOTONIC: Isotonico

In an isotonic medium, there is a dynamic equilibrium.

37) *HAPLOID: Haploides

Mitosis may occur in haploid and diploid cells.

38) *MASS: masa

Mass is the amount of material in an object

39) *SOLUBILITY: solubilidad

Lipids are insoluble in water but soluble in organic substances.

40) *SEXUAL REPRODUCTION: Reproduccion sexual

Flowers are reproductive structures specialized in which performs sexual
41) *POLLEN TUBE: Tubo polinico
The distance the pollen tube can be great, for example in the corn reaches
a length of 40 centimeters.
42) CELL DIVISION: Divisiones celulares
In the early stages of embryonic growth cell divisions occur throughout
the body of the young flat

43) LIFE CYCLE: Ciclo vital

All plants require two generations to complete a life cycle.
44) SCIENCE: ciencia
Physics can be defined as the science of matter, motion and energy.

45) mushrooms: Hongos

mushrooms are presented in two main ways: filamentous molds and yeast

46) MICROSCOPE: microscopio

The resolution of optical microscopes is limited to a few hundred
nanometers by the wave properties of the light.

47) Nucleus: Ncleo

The nucleus of a cell.
48) SPECIES: Especie
Bees and other insects, birds and bats are carriers of more discriminating
pollen, because they visit by flying flowers of the same species.

49) MULTISTAGE: Multicelulares

The complex multicellular organisms need for their survival and
maintenance, the existence of mechanisms that regulate and coordinate the
component systems.
50) NEURON: neurona
Neurons have a variety of shapes and sizes.

51) LIQUIDS: Lquidos

Glass and steel become liquids when they are heated to very, very high

52) GENOTYPE: genotipo

The genetic constitution of an organism is called genotype.

53) GENOME: genoma

The complete set of genes of an organism, a cell, a cellular organelle or virus
is called the genome.

54) FERTILIZATION: Fecundacion.

A sperm fuses with the egg in a process called fertilization, which results in a
fertilized egg, the zygote.
55) ZYGOTE: Cigoto
A sperm fuses with the egg in a process called fertilization, which results in a
fertilized egg, the zygote.
56) BIOMOLECULES: Biomoleculas.
The biomolecules are different forms of association between bioelements.
57) INORGANIC MOLECULES: Moleculas inorganicas.
The inorganic molecules serve many functions, including salt deposits
58) *CARBON DIOXIDE: Dioxido de carbono
Carbon dioxide necessary for photosynthesis, is abundant in the atmosphere
and circulate more freely in the air the water.
59) *IONS: Iones
The ions are involved in many aspects of cellular metabolism, and play
important roles in cellular functions.
60) *CALCIUM: Calcio
Calcium is part of bones and is responsible for muscle contraction.
61) *ADN Satiletite: AND satellite.
The satiletite DNA is separated by centrifugation.
62) Base pair: Par de bases
300.00.00.0 possesses genome bases pairs.
63) Gene: Gen
There are approximately 25,000 genes.
64) Laboratory: Laboratorio.
Gene sequencing conducted in laboratories.
65) Exon: Exon
Genes codingexons.
66) Intron: Intron.
Introns do not encode genes.
67) Extra genic: Extragenico.
The extra genic DNA is 68% in the human genome.
68) *Tandem: Tndem.
Tandem sequences found in DNA extra genic.
69) *Inserts: Inserciones.
Some variations in the genome of the species due to insertions.
70) *Investment: Inversion.
Investments may cause truncated proteins.
71) *Frameshift: Marco de lectura.
There adding frame is read in threes nucleotides.
72) *Geneticists: Genetistas.
Geneticists now face the task of sequencing the human genome.
73) * GeneticCode: Cdigo gentico.
The genetic code differs from on especies to another.
74) Variable Number of TandemRepeats (VNTR): Nmero
variable de repeticiones en tandem.
The VNTR vary from one individual to another.

75) *Locus: Locus.

The VNTR is in a specific locus.
76) *Southern: Meridional.
The southern hybridization is used to analyze DNA.
77) *Gene Specific: Gen Especifico.
To see if a gene is being expressed gene specific primers used.
78) *ARN: Acido Ribonucleico.
RNA is used as template for RT-PCR technique.
79) *AND: Acido Desoxirribonucleico.
The first product of RT-PCR is a strand cDNA.
80) TaqPolymerase: Taq Polimerasa.
Taq Polymerase finds the primers.
81) ANTIBIOGRAM: antibiograma
The antibiogram is a laboratory method that studies the sensitivity of an
microorganism to action of different antibiotics.
82) BACTERIOLYTIC: bacterioltico
The bacteriolytic cause cell death by lysis.
83) BACTERICIDE: bactericida

Bactericides produce prevent growth and death of microorganisms, but do

not cause cell lysis.

84) BIOCATALYST: catalizador biologico

A biocatalyst is a biological substance which accelerates the course of a
chemical reaction and is not altered during there action.
85) BIOTECHNOLOGY: biotecnologa
Use biotechnology alive (usually microorganisms) or some of its
constituents (generally enzymes) for industrial purposes organisms.
86) BIOREACTORS: bioreactores
After about 48 hours, there searchers empty the bioreactors and process
and freeze them easts for field tests.
87) CELL WALL: Pared celular.
The cell wall is mainly constituted by cellulose.
88) CHLOROPLASTS: Cloroplasto
Chloroplasts are located mainly in the mesophyll cells, tissue found in the
leaves of higher plants and algae.
89) Chlorophyll: Clorofila
Chlorophyll is a pigment that is adapted to be excited by light.
90) VACUOLES: Vacuolas

Some cylindrical presenting cells are glandular mucus-secreting abundant


91) Procariotes: Procariotas

+1 locate the site of transcription in prokaryotes

92) Viral Load: CargaVirica.

Viral load is used to determine if a virus is present.

93) Molesculas Target: Moleculas Diana.

Target molecules are amplified by PCR.

94) WATER ACTIVITY: actividad de agua

Water availability can be expressed as water activity.
95) OSMOTIC PRESSURE: presin osmtica

The pressure exerted by the solutes dissolved in water, is called osmotic


96) PASSIVE TRANSPORT: transporte pasivo

Many nutrients enter cells through the plasma membrane by passive
97) OSMOTIC PRESSURE: presin osmotica
The pressure exerted by the solutes dissolved in water, is called osmotic
98) UNIPORTER: uniportador
Uniporter conveyor is a single solute.
99) BUFFER : Solucion tampn
A spectral change was observed upon addition of lipid vesicles to the buffer
solution of the sensitizers.
100) PLASMID: plasmido
The bacterium contains a plasmid , a circular piece of DNA that holds the
gene and promoter sequence.

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