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A: ## out the navigation app. Were lost.

B: Im one step ## of you. Ive got it here.

A: Give me some kind of landmark to ## for.

B: Keep your eyes ## for a big bridge.

break, ahead, watch, peeled

To break out [phv] (of war, fighting or other unpleasant events) to start

Break out the navigation app: Start up the navigation application/Open up your nav

Were lost: We need directions

Im one step ahead of you: Im on it already

To watch (out) for sth [phv] To pay close attention in a particular situation
because you are expecting sth to happen or you want to avoid sth bad

Watch for: look for/wait for/use as a guide/expect

To keep your eyes peeled/skinned for [spoken] To watch carefully and

continuously for sth

Keep your eyes peeled for a big bridge: Search for a large bridge

A: Arent you ## to be somewhere now?

B: I had a dinner engagement, but it got ## back.

A: Thats right. You said you had a hot date.

B: Dont ## words in my ##, its just a friends thing.

supposed, pushed, put, mouth

Arent you supposed to : Dont you have to/Werent you scheduled to/Didnt you
arrange to

be somewhere now: be at some appointment at this time/go some place to meet

some one

I had a dinner engagement: I did have an appointment for dinner/A dinner

engagement was scheduled
It got pushed back: it was delayed/it got postponed/ we decided to put it off

Thats right: Yes, I remember/Ive got it now/Its coming back to me

You said you had a hot date: You told me that you were going to go on a really
exciting date

To put words into sbs mouth [spoken] To tell sb what you think they are trying
to say, in a way that annoys them

Dont put words in/into my mouth: Thats not what I said/Youre making that up

Make up [phv]

1. To combine together to form sth: SYN) constitute

Women make up only a small proportion of the prison population.

- To be make up of sth

The committee is made up of representatives from every state.

2. To pretend that sth is true in order to deceive sb

3. To produce a new story, song, game etc by thinking

4. To prepare sth by mixing things or putting things together

5. (also make it up) [inf] To become friendly with sb again after you have
had an argument; make up with

Have you made up with Patty yet?

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