School Building Turnover Symbolic Key Script

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(Addressed to the audience)

On behalf of VESA Construction and Engineering, I now hand over this

symbolic key to Mr. Salustiano T. Jimenez. With this I assure the Schools Division
Superintendent, and all present here, that this school building was built with strict
compliance and in accordance to all building codes and requirements and is now
ready for occupancy. (Faces the Schools Division Superintendent) Sir Jimenez, if
you please.

(Hands over symbolic key and microphone to SDS)


Thank you, (Insert name of VESA representative). (Faces audience)

On behalf of the Department of Education, Division of Negros Oriental, I

gladly accept this symbolic key from the builder of this magnificent building.
Before I turn over this symbolic key, I would like to assure the municipal mayor,
and all the stakeholders present here, that the Department will implement the
highest standards in bringing quality and affordable education to all learners in this
municipality. May I also personally thank the mayor for his present and future
support to Deped and San Jose Provincial High School. (Facing Mayor Logronio)
Hon. Logroo, I would be honored.

(Hands over key and microphone to Mayor Logroo)


Thank you so much, Sir Sal.

(To the audience)

As mayor of the municipality and symbolic father of my constituents, I am

very happy to accept this symbolic key as a gift to the townspeople. I would like to
assure the Department of Education and the parents that the municipality gives its
full support, through the school board, in giving the best education to our learners.
As always, the municipal facilities, vehicles and other resources, whenever
available, are ready to assist SJPHS in its programs and activities. (Faces the
Barangay Captain) Hon. Remopalos, please take the key.

(Gives key and microphone to Hon. Remopalos)


Thank you so much, Mayor Mel Nick. (Faces audience).

Being the Barangay Captain of the Poblacion, it is with great pleasure to

receive this key from the Honorable Mayor. Like the municipal government,
Barangay Poblacion also pledges whatever help it may extend to the school. The
safety and well-being of our learners are among the barangays priorities, and as I
give the key to the principal, I would like to say that Barangay Poblacion is always
here for SJPHS. (Faces Maam Villarin). Maam Villarin, please accept this.

(Gives the key and microphone to Maam Villarin)


Thank you very much, Kap Janet. (Faces audience)

I am very happy to accept this key from the Barangay Captain. As the head of
San Jose Provincial High School, it is my personal mission to lead the teachers in
giving the best to our learners. With this new building and the support and
cooperation of all our stakeholders, I know that quality education is a dream that
will quickly become reality. I now finally turn over this symbolic key to the Senior
High School Focal Person. (Facing Ms. Renacia) Maam RJ, please accept this.

(Hands the key and microphone to Maam Raissa)


Thank you so much, Maam Esther. (Turns to audience)

With much excitement for our sparkling new school building, I am eagerly
accepting this symbolic key. The teachers at SJPHS Senior High are very happy to
receive this gift, and we pledge our best to maintain and upgrade the facilities in
this building to ensure the optimum learning environment for our students. We are
prayerful that our best efforts will be continuously complemented by the unceasing
support of Deped, the local governments and the parents.

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