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MEGA 2560
Medilla Kusriyanto Bambang Dwi Putra
Electrical Enginering Department Electrical Enginering Department
Islamic University Of Indonesia Islamic University Of Indonesia
Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia
medilla@uii.ac.id bambang.dwiputra@ymail.com

Abstract. Smart home is a residence or dwelling connecting customers know when electrical pulses electricity discharged
communication networks with electrical equipment for home to die.
menegndalikan and monitor remotely. Smart home in the market
today have a fairly expensive and communication between devices This research will try to make the system smart home by
using a certain standard so it is not easy if you want to do further using arduino mega 2560 as a server as well as the control center
development. This research aims to use technology based on IP by utilizing ethernet shield and Local Area Network (LAN) to
(Internet Protocol) to allow users to monitor and manage the monitor simultaneously controlling lighting equipment and also
household appliances (lights). Devices to access the home monitor the electrical pulse so that the homeowner can set
environment can use mobile devices that connect to the Internet recharging electric pulse before expiration of a pulse.
Wireless. Tests conducted on a prototype house that has 5 lamps, a
door limit switch is equipped with sensors, ACS172 current sensors II. SMART HOME SYSTEM
5A to measure the total power usage and current measurements were In [1] discusses the system of monitoring of home electrical
at home. From the results of testing of applications built have been appliances including gas leaks, based on GSM communication.
able to control home appliances such as lights, can monitor the
This system is integrated with a sensor to determine whether the
condition of the door and can monitor power consumption at home.
equipment works normally or not, if there is interference in the
system, the user will get information through the GSM network
In [2] discusses the control of household appliances by using
Keywords: smart home, LAN, ethernet shield, arduino, web sound using zigbee wireless communication. The system uses
hosting, data logging additional software as a processing facility and voice into data
detection command to be sent via zigbee. Data sent will control
I. INTRODUCTION home appliances in accordance with the data format intended.
The system commonly found in conventional housing This research is directed to the people with special needs
consists of devices household device controlled manually and
separately. Lights with each manual switch that must be In [4] talks about home automation using Zigbee devices.
activated by the owner directly, device entertainment devices For the control system used a remote control device with a
such as televisions, radios and home theater that also must be bluetooth so that each device must have a Bluetooth module
activated manually separately, monitoring of electrical pulses In [6] make home monitoring cost and system monitoring
that can be heard through KWH meters and many more devices using micro-embedded web server, with IP connectivity to
that require activation manual and separate from one another. access and control the devices and appliances remotely using
Another downside is the condition of the house can not be Android-based phone-based. The proposed system does not
observed and controlled when the owner is not there so it is require a dedicated server PC in connection with the same
possible wastage of energy, especially electricity. system and offers a new communication protocol to monitor and
Today the smart home concept is already known among the control the home environment with more than just switching
public. The system offers a wide range of easy access, control function.
and monitor electrical systems and other systems in the home. A. LAN (Local Area Network)
The communication system in smart home also varied ranging LAN or Local Area Network is a computer network with
from communication using radio signals, ethernet up to the access confined to one small area like a campus, building or
android application for controlling and monitoring the condition
home. Today, most LANs based on IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
of the house. Other factors are also very important in the
technologies using a switch device, which has a data transfer rate
implementation of Smart home is a user interface that is used to
of 10, 100, or 1000 Mbit / s. In addition to Ethernet technology,
access the system.
the current technology 802.11b (Wi-Fi) is also often used to
Substitution postpaid system into a system of prepaid by form a LAN. Places that provide LAN connectivity with Wi-Fi
introducing a pulse of electricity to customers PLN requires the technology commonly called hotspots. On a LAN, each node or
customer to check the availability of electric pulses for computer has its own computing power. Each computer can also
household consumption. Alarms availability of electricity is access resources on the LAN in accordance with the permissions
already contained in KWH meters each customer, but an alarm that have been set. On the LAN, the users can also communicate
signal is sometimes not up to the user or customer PLN so your with other users by using the appropriate application.

978-1-5090-2649-4/16/$31.00 2016 IEEE

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LAN network can be formed by several supporting tools are: a network. When likened to a wired network, Wireless Access
Point is considered a Hub or Switch. Wireless Router is the
1. Router development of a Wireless Access Point, which in this device
2. Switch hub router functions can be operated.
3. Ethernet card Router serves as a liaison between two or more networks to
carry data from one network to another. Router is different from
4. Ethernet cable when not using wifi network the Switch. Switch is connecting several tools to form a Local
5. Modem to connect the network to the Internet. Area Network (LAN). Routers are very widely used in
technology-based network protocol TCP / IP, and router types
B. Arduino Mega2560 that are also called IP Router. In addition to IP Router, there is
Arduino Mega2560 is a microcontroller board based on the another AppleTalk router, and there are several other types of
ATmega2560. Arduino Mega2560 has 54 digital pins Input / routers. The Internet is a prime example of a network that has a
Output, of which 15 pins can be used as PWM outputs, 16 pins lot of IP routers.
as Analog Inputs, and 4 pins as UART (Serial Port Hardware),
WiFi Modem Router has a way of working together with the
16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, Jack Power,
router but wifi router connected without the need for wired LAN
Header ICSP, and a reset button.This is all that is needed to
or Ethernet cable is so all connections when connected to a WiFi
support the microcontroller. Simply by connecting it to a
network will be connected to one another.
computer via USB or power cable is connected to AC-DC
adapter or battery to start to activate it. Arduino Mega 2560 is Sensor ACS712 is a sensor to detect the current. The use of
compatible with most shields designed for the Arduino this ACS712 current sensor Most have drawbacks that a current
Duemilanove or Arduino Diecimila. Arduino Mega 2560 is the value in getting the sensor is not linear, so sometimes we need a
latest version that replaces the version of the Arduino Mega. The higher level linear. Before discussing further, will be described
shape of the Arduino Mega 2560. in advance about the ACS712 current sensor. ACS712 this type
of variation in accordance with the maximum current of 5A,
C. Ethernet Shield 20A, 30A. ACS712 is using 5V VCC.
Ethernet Shield arduino board to add the ability to connect
to a computer network. Ethernet shield based Wiznet W5100 5 Ampere current sensor is a sensor module for detecting the
ethernet chip. Ethernet library used in writing programs that amount of current flowing through the terminal block using
arduino board can be connected to the network by using arduino current ACS712-5 chip sensor that utilizes the Hall effect. Large
ethernet shield. On the ethernet shield there is a micro-SD slot, maximum current that can be detected by 5A where the voltage
which can be used to store files that can be accessed over a at the output pin will change linearly from 2.5 Volt ( VCC,
network. Onboard micro-SD card reader accessed using the SD the power supply voltage VCC = 5V) for conditions of no
library. Arduino board to communicate with the W5100 and SD current until the current of + 4,5V 5A or 0.5V at a current of -
card using the SPI bus (Serial Peripheral Interface). This 5A (positive / negative polarity dependent, the value below 0.5V
communication is governed by the library spi.h and Ethernet.h. or above 4,5V can be considered more than the maximum).
Bus SPI uses digital pins 11, 12 and 13 on the Arduino Uno and Changes in voltage levels correlated linearly with the amount of
Arduino Mega 2560. Digital Pin 10 is used to select the W5100 current of 400 mV / Ampere, with the shape graph Vout changes
and digital pin 4 is used to select the SD card. Pins that have to the current sensor is detected
been mentioned previously can not be used for input / output Web hosting as an intermediary between homeowners and
common when using the ethernet shield. Because the W5100 equipment that are in the house. The interface between the
and SD card share the SPI bus, only one can be active at any one homeowner and the web control and also monitor the state of her
time. house with images that are always updated. Web mobile
In this design, the Ethernet Shield used is DFRduino responsive web design is a system view on a computer screen or
Ethernet Shield. DFRduino Ethernet Shield is a clone of arduino mobile mobile website that is always updated in the existing
Ethernet Shield made by DFRobot. Forms of DFRduino system to the homeowner.
Ethernet Shield can be seen in Fig 1.
Fig 2. of the block diagram shown that arduino mega 2560
as a center for sending data to the router and a data processing
center. Router with integrated modem will be sent to me your
internet monitoring data and receive commands from the web
site to arduino.

Fig 1. DFRduino ethernet shield

Wireless Access Point serves to connect multiple wireless

clients to the network devices or computers that are members of Fig 2. System block diagram

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The owners were not home they can organize information and ethernet shield. Web hosting is designed using arduino
and know the state of the house door with samrt emnggunakan programming on hand to set up the device on and off
mobile devices such as phones, laptops and tablets. Data sent penenrangan in every room of the house and monitoring the state
from the laptop will be sent to arduino using wireless of the door as well as the use of electric power at home.
communication via a router to the arduino integrated with Conditions of web hosting will refresh automatically ach 5
ethernet. Execution commands to turn off or turn on the lights to seconds so that the latest data contained in the residence will
be carried out by arduino. Power usage data will be processed always be monitored.
by the arduino and sent to web hosting use ethernet
communication. Network used in this system is because it
involves only a local network router with integrated modem
Fig 3 shows web hosting for control and monitoring of samrt
home. The results of this study is the monitoring and control
system using a web-based local area network (LAN) using a
network router as the main component.

Fig 5. Web hosting view for door monitoring test

Fig 5. web hosting can be displayed on a laptop by calling

the IP Address of arduino on a web browser application. Web
hosting can also be used to turn off and turn on the room lights
monitor, power consumed when lights turned on.
B. Turning testing and Lights Room 1
Fig 3. Web hosting Fig 6 shows web view for control and monitoring room 1.
Testing is done by pressing the button on the room lights turn 1
Fig 4 shows residential houses were used in this study is still to turn on room lights 1 and observe changes in web hosting
minatur the completeness of 2 bedrooms, one main room (the when the room lamp 1 is turned on.
living room), a kitchen, and garage with each illuminated by one
light that can be set and monitored by web hosting. Miniature is
also equipped with a state monitor doors and windows using
limit switch as sensor. Miniature fed with 5 Volt DC voltage
simulation to calculate the power used by using the light load

Fig 4. Miniatur of house for testing

Fig 6. Web hosting view for control and monitor room 1

A. Testing Web Hosting
Fig 5. Shows the result of web hosting test. Testing is done C. Monitoring Testing Electricity Used
to see updated data on the performance of web hosting and web
Fig 7 show web hosting view to monitor power consumtion
hosting that is connected to the smart home system via a router
of the house. Testing is done by observing changes in the

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electrical power used when each of the light load is switched on Fig 8. shown that the system is able to display data used
or off. Testing monitoring the electric power consumed when cumulative power. On the basis of this data, then the homeowner
one point lights lit. can control charging of electric pulses. This data can also be
opened by using a note pad. Home electrical power consumption
is graphically shown in Fig 9.

Fig 9. Graph for power consumtion

D. Testing Data Logging

Fig 10. Shows test result for data logging saved on SD card.
Tests conducted to determine whether the data stored electricity
Fig 7. Web hosting view to monitoring power consumtion consumption in the form of an SD card with a .txt file. Data
stored on the SD card is kumultaif power consumption data and
Fig 7. indicated that the website is able to read the power will be updated of any changes and the current peakain certain
used when the room lights turned 1 that is equal to 0.3 watts. time. Testing is done by reading the SD card with the default
This data was obtained shortly after the room lamp 1 is turned Windows application that note pad.
on so that the data read is not a cumulative after usage room 1
lighting on. From fig 7 indicated that the current read on the
system is 0.07 Ampere. When the system working voltage is 5
volts, then the power should that read web site is 0.35 watts.
Errors may occur due to the removal of a coma when calculating
dipemrograman arduino. Errors that occur in the monitoring
system by 14%.
Fig 8. Shows power consumtion cumulatif for smart home.
Testing data usage cumulation also performed on this system.
Testing is done by allowing the system to power for some time
to update the unused power can be monitored. This data is stored
on the SD card and can be read independently by using a note
pad application because of the type of files stored in the SD card
shaped .txt.

Fig 10. Database for power consumtion saved on SD card

Fig 10. shown that the system is capable of storing data

Fig 8. Web hosting Power consumtion cumulation
readout unused power to the SD card.

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Designing smart home-based local network using arduino as
the central control server and can run well. It is shown that the
interface can read and send commands to arduino via a local
network. In this study, arduino can be used as a server using the
ethernet shield as their lines of communication. It is shown that
the arduino capable of storing data logging in the support device
integrated therein and sends the current web request. The system
is able to monitor the power used for home appliances. This is
shown on the display of web load current value used and unused
power when loads are switched. The web based interface is
established by utilizing the arduino programming. this is
indicated with web access using a web browser in accordance
with the IP Address embedded arduino ethernet shield.
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