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STOP Stigma Survey (student version)

Class: ____________ Male F Female F Date: __________

This is an anonymous and confidential survey about what you know / think about Mental Health. It is
being used at the beginning and end of a project you are going to do in school called STOP Stigma. The
survey will help us evaluate the project. No-one will see your individual answers. We have only asked for
class / gender information so that we can compare groups of results when we repeat the survey at the end
of the project. Please read the statements below and tick one of the boxes labelled 1 to 5. Please answer as
truthfully as possible. There are no right or wrong answers and this is not a test.

1 strongly disagree

5 strongly agree
3 neither agree
nor disagree
2 disagree

4 agree
1 Anyone can have a mental health problem. F F F F F
I would be too embarrassed to tell anyone that I had a
mental health problem. F F F F F

I would be happy to have someone with a mental

health problem at my school or place of work. F F F F F

Mental health problems are not real illnesses in the

same way that physical illnesses are; people with
mental health problems should just pull themselves F F F F F

People with mental health problems are likely to be

violent. F F F F F

It's easy to spot someone with a mental health

problem. F F F F F

Once you have a mental health problem you have it for

life. F F F F F

Medication is the only treatment for mental health

problems. F F F F F

Someone with a mental health problem should have

the same right to a job as anyone else. F F F F F

I would not want to live next door to someone with a

mental health problem. F F F F F

STOP Stigma: Students Together Overcoming Prejudice and Stigma

1 strongly disagree

5 strongly agree
3 neither agree
nor disagree
2 disagree

4 agree
Anyone with a history of mental health problems
11 should be excluded from public office (e.g. from being F F F F F
Prime Minister or in the Government).

As soon as a person shows signs of a mental health

problem they should be put into hospital. F F F F F

If I thought a friend had a mental health problem I

would stay away from them. F F F F F

It is important for a person with a mental health

14 problem to be part of a supportive community that F F F F F
includes family and friends.

I have heard a person I know call someone names like

nutter, psycho, loony. F F F F F

If I thought a friend had a mental health problem I

would want to help them. F F F F F

If I thought that I had a mental health problem I would

talk to someone. F F F F F

18 People are born with mental health problems. F F F F F

Using words like nutter, psycho, loony is just a bit of
fun. No-one gets hurt. F F F F F

Mental health problems only affect adults, not children

and young people. F F F F F

If I thought that I had a mental health problem I would

know how to get help. F F F F F

Only certain kinds of people develop mental health

problems. F F F F F

Its more important to spend National Health Service

23 (NHS) money on treating physical conditions rather F F F F F
than mental health problems.

STOP Stigma: Students Together Overcoming Prejudice and Stigma

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