Yr 11 IPT Data Dictionary

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Beans 'n' Apples Member List

Field Name Field Type Field Size

Title Text 4
FirstName Text 25
LastName Text 25
Email Text 40
PhoneNumber Text 10
StreetAddress Text 40
Suburb Text 20
Postcode Text 4
Beans 'n' Apples Member List
Preffered title of person. E.g. Mr, Miss, etc
Given name of person, same as passport or other legal documents
Family name of person, same as passport or other legal documents
Private email of person, used to contact person if neccessary
Private phone number of person, used to contact person if necessary
Address of where the person currently lives, used to send pamplets
Suburb the persons house is located in
Zip code/ Postal code of the suburb the person lives in

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