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Fundao Universidades de Braslia

LET Departamento de Lnguas Estrangeiras e Traduo Teste A.C. Total

(8,5) (1.5) (10)
UnB Idiomas

Sinpol Pr-intermedirio 2
English File Pre-intermediate (5A-6C)

Nome: _______________________ Professor: _______________ Data: ___/___/2017

1. Choose from phrases 110 the one that fits each gap! Number 0 is an example.

0 but its especially important for 5. drink water instead

growing teenagers 6. expensive and tasteless
1. healthier food choices on the menu 7. and even save money
2. home-cooked food 8. such as vitamins and minerals
3. grill, bake, boil or microwave 9. breakfast cereal served with low fat
4. you have more chances to gain milk
weight 10. A poor diet can cause

Teenagers and nutrition

Good nutrition is essential for everyone, (0) but its especially
important for growing teenagers. Unfortunately, many Australian teenagers have an
unbalanced diet. One in four adolescents buys unhealthy takeaway food every day or
even a few times a day. If you eat takeaway food regularly, _____________ than if you
eat fast food only occasionally.
Dont be desperate! It doesnt take a lot of effort to change your eating habits. A
few simple changes will make a huge difference. Youll feel better, manage your
weight, improve your skin _____________

Junk food is poor fuel for your body

About nine in ten teenagers eat junk food every day. This might be soft drinks and
snacks like potato chips. However, your body cant run properly on inferior fuel.
Compared to _____________, junk food (which includes fast food) is almost always:
higher in fat, particularly saturated fat
higher in salt
higher in sugar
lower in fibre
lower in nutrients, _____________
served in larger portions, which means more calories.
While a mid-life heart attack might seem too far away to be real, it may surprise you to
know that you could have health problems already. _____________ weight gain, high
blood pressure, constipation, fatigue and concentration problems even when youre
How to improve your diet without even trying
Small changes can make a big impact. Try these tips:

Cut back on soft drinks. Go for sugar-free versions. Even better,

_____________ try adding a slice of lemon, lime or orange.

Keep fruits at home for fast and low-calories snacks.

Eat breakfast every day so youre less likely to snack on junk food at morning. A
fortified _____________can provide plenty of vitamins, mineral and fibre. Other
fast and healthy options include yoghurt or wholemeal toast.
Dont skip lunch or dinner.
Help with the cooking and think about new ways to create healthy meals. Make
those old family recipes lower in fat by changing the cooking method for example,
_____________ instead of deep frying.

Reduce the portions of your meals.

Dont add salt to your food.
Dont eat high fat foods every time you visit a fast food restaurant with your friends.
Many of the popular fast food restaurants now have _____________

Things to remember
A teenager who eats fast food regularly is more likely to put on weight than a
teenager who eats fast food only occasionally.
Many people wrongly assume that healthy foods are _____________
Eating well doesnt mean you must be a vegetarian or vegan a good diet allows for
your favourite junk foods occasionally.

2. Rewrite the sentences using as as.

a. Her purse is more stylish than her glasses. 0.5

Her glasses arent ____________________________________________

b. My friends car is faster than mine.

My car isnt _________________________________________________

c. Brazil played better than Argentina.

Argentina didnt _____________________________________________

d. Joseph looks more relaxed than William.

William doesnt _____________________________________________

e. I study harder than my brother.

My brother doesnt ___________________________________________

3. Make superlatives from the adjectives in brackets.
a. Jupiter is(big) ___________________________ planet in our solar 0.6


b. Elephants are (large) ___________________________ land animals on earth.

c. We bought (expensive) ___________________________ TV in the store.

d. Which sports do you think is (dangerous) ___________________________?

e. My cat (lazy) ___________________________ animal I know.

f. This restaurant serves (good) ___________________________ food in town.

4. Circle the best option.

a. Can I ask you a few / little questions about your diet? It wont take 0.6
b. Hes in his last year of university, so he gets a lot of / a lot homework.
c. I dont eat many / much fruit, I prefer to drink fruit juices.
d. How many / much brothers and sisters do you have?
e. Can I call you later? Im in a hurry and I only have a few / little time to get to
f. Julie is a hard-working girl. She studies a lot of / a lot.

5. Write the opposite verbs.

a. Arrive _______________ d. Mend_______________
b. Teach _______________ e. Turn off_______________
c. Push _______________

6. Write sentences using will, wont and shall.

a. call you/ tomorrow 0.8

b. I/ turn off the air conditioning?
c. She/ have the pasta
d. You/ help me?
7. Answer the questions with your own answers.

a. What did you do yesterday?


b. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? Why?


c. What are you going to do on your next holiday?


d. Would you move to another country or city? Where?


e. Have you ever been abroad? Where did you go? If the answer is no: where
would you like to go one day?

8. Underline the stressed syllable


a. in tere sting d. d. ro man tic

b. b. crow ded e. dan ge rous
c. c. ge ne -rous

9. Listen to 0.5

10. Describe your last dream.Say: what happened, where were you, was it a good
dream or not? (Minimum 150 words).








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