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August 08, 2017
The Left and the Right

Writing proved itself to be an ingenious technique in human communication, cultural

transmission and heritage preservation. It is currently grouped into five basic types. Two among

the five would be creative and technical writing. One could easily be distinguished from the

other such that there shall be no fine line between the characteristics of the two. It should be

established that one serves a different purpose from the other but both have distinct rules and

both are governed by grammar and style.

Creative and technical writing is like the right and left hemisphere of the human brain.

People whose right brain is more dominant are said to be artistic and intuitive just like creative

writing while people whose left brain is more dominant are said to be more organized and

systematic just like technical writing. Creative writing includes poetry, short stories, and novel.

Technical writing includes thesis, report analysis, and scientific articles. Having said that, one

can easily categorize whether a writing is creative or technical with mere scrutiny.

Suffice to say that creative writing is informally written to entertain, prove a point, and/or

evoke emotions from a general audience. One does not need formal education to be a creative

writer. Talent and life experience may be enough. Technical writing on the other hand is

formally written to inform, instruct, and/or persuade a specific audience regarding a technical

subject. This subject shall be logical and based on facts, requiring most often than not, a formally

educated writer. However, it is important to note that both writings are educational.

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