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Building enterprise project management capability 5

Developing the competence of

project management personnel
by Professor J. Rodney Turner

I have already looked in previous issues at

ways organisations can improve their project
management capability, and what innovation
and learning practices they can adopt.
This month - appropriately for the Education
and Training Sourcebook - I will be looking at
how to develop the project management
competence of the people working for the
Competent individuals are one necessary
element of the competence and capability of
an enterprise (Figure 1) but you have to
what we mean by the competence of
the two essential components of
competence, tacit and explicit knowledge
the different competence required at
different levels of management project manager, that means what functions or Engineering Construction Industry Training
and processes they need to be able to undertake to Board (ECITB) under an initiative called
how to develop someones competence successfully deliver their project. National Vocational Qualification (NVQs).
It is this view of competence that lies behind Closer to home, a job description is an
Defining the competence of the Baseline of Competence produced by the organisational competency standard that
individuals International Project Management describes what somebody has to be able to
Across the continents there are three Associations (IPMA) ICB, and the National deliver in their job, and the standards to which
traditions of defining what we mean by the Competency Baselines derived from it. they need to be able to do it.
competence of individuals (Crawford, 2003.) PMIs PMBoK does describe project
They are: management process, the eleven PMBoK An integrated view
the input approach popular in functions, but the focus is more on the The input approach above talks about superior
North America knowledge and skills required to implement performance, whereas the output approach
the process approach popular in Europe them, rather than on what the project manager talks about demonstrable performance in
the output approach popular in Australia needs to be able to do. accordance with standards. Crawford (2003)
IPMA focuses more on what the project combined the two approaches into a single
The input approach manager needs to be able to do, rather than the definition of competence:
This approach focuses on the knowledge, skills knowledge and skills required. Competence is
and behaviours an individual needs to be knowledge
competent. By this approach, competence is The output approach skills
defined as follows (Crawford, 2003): This approach focuses on what people are personal characteristics (motives, traits,
competence is the knowledge, skills and meant to be able to deliver. By this approach, self-concept)
personal attributes (motives, traits, self- competence is defined as follows (Crawford, required to achieve demonstrable
concept) required by an individual to 2003): performance in accordance with
achieve superior performance competence is demonstrable performance occupational, professional, and
in accordance with occupational, organisational competency standards
It is this view of competence that lies behind professional, and organisational
the body of knowledge developed by the competency standards. I said in a previous article that an organisation
Project Management Institute (PMI) in their should maintain its project management
Project Management Body of Knowledge It is the view of competence that lies behind procedures. Those will define what knowledge
(PMBoK) and their project management the project management competency and skills a project manager needs and what
professional (PMP) certification programme. standards developed by the Australian Institute they need to be able to do. For a given role in
of Project Management (AIPM). However, the enterprise - that is for a project manager at
The process approach occupational and professional competency a given level - the relevant elements will be
This approach focuses on what people need to standards have also been produced in the UK incorporated into the job description for that
be able to do to deliver their objectives. For a for project management, by, for instance, the role. The job description should also describe


the personal characteristics required by the An illustration
role. I will come back to job descriptions later. To illustrate the idea behind
implicit and explicit
Implicit versus explicit knowledge knowledge, and the different
A concept I introduced in the last few months kinds of competence I
was the difference between implicit (or tacit) described above, I use a
knowledge and explicit knowledge. model shown to me many
As long ago as 300BC, the Greek philosopher years ago (Figure 3). This says
Plato discussed the difference between the that competence has three
structured knowledge someone has, which components illustrated by the
they get primarily from education and training verbs:
courses they attend, and inherent knowledge I know
they have, which they get from their I can do
experience. More recently the idea has been I adapt and apply
revisited by Polanyi (1967) and Nonaka and
Takeuchi (1995), Table 1. At the core of their competence, people need can hold conversations. To hold a
explicit knowledge, cognate rules they can conversation you rely almost entirely on
Explicit Knowledge: This is structured, apply to do their work. That gives them skills. implicit or tacit knowledge. You cannot think
codified knowledge, as set out in systems and They are able to apply that knowledge in of what to say in your own language and
procedures, that an individual learns primarily routine ways. But they dont begin to become then translate it; you need to be able to
from attending courses as part of an extended competent until they can take that knowledge, speak spontaneously.
education or short-term training programme and routine skills, and adapt it to be able to 4. My French teacher at school told us that he
Implicit or Tacit Knowledge: This is address the unique situations they face. Being thought he was really competent at French
personal or inherent knowledge a person has, able to adapt and apply the knowledge comes when he began to dream in French.
which they have built up primarily through on- from their experience of applying it in unique,
the-job experience. They cannot define or unusual situations. It is like learning a foreign In project management terms this means:
describe it, but they have to be able to draw on language. Knowledge: you need to know the
it to be able to do their job. mathematics of critical path analysis and
earned value analysis
Table 1: Implicit versus explicit knowledge Skills: you need to be able to apply that
Implicit knowledge Explicit knowledge knowledge to work out solutions to
Plato (300BC) called it Right opinion Philosophy standard problems in skill tests such as the
Polanyi (1967) called it Tacit knowledge Explicit knowledge PMP test
Competence and performance: but you
Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) called it Implicit knowledge Explicit knowledge
dont have true competence and you dont
Nature Cognate Codified begin to perform until you can apply those
Primary source Experience Education concepts in unfamiliar situations to
manage cost and time on your current
Kolbs Learning Cycle, project (process competence) and so
(Figure 2), (Kolb, 1984; manage the performance of the project to
Turner, Keegan and deliver it within time and budget (output
Crawford, 2003), illustrates competence)
how an individual builds
both implicit and explicit Explicit knowledge as an entry ticket to
knowledge by combining competence
formal education and on- I have identified above several components of
the-job experience, and competence
how the two reinforce explicit and implicit knowledge, skills and
each other. personal characteristics
A person gathers the ability to be able to put those together
experience on-the-job, to undertake functions and processes in
which enables them to unfamiliar situations
observe and reflect. That the ability to be able to undertake those
enables them to build up functions and processes to deliver
abstract generalizations successful results
and concepts, which will be reinforced through 1. You need knowledge: consisting of
courses. They can then test their experiences, vocabulary and grammar. There is growing evidence that explicit
to enhance them and gather more and better 2. Once you have enough knowledge, enough knowledge is only an entry ticket competence
experiences. vocabulary and grammar you can compose to be able to perform in a given role. By that I
In a previous article I referred to Nonaka and simple routine sentences. You can do this mean you need to have a basic level of explicit
Takeuchis learning cycle. I think that refers drawing on explicit knowledge, translating knowledge to be able to fulfil the role at all. But
more to the way organisations learn and the sentences word by word, and then once you have that basic explicit knowledge,
develop enterprise wide capability, whereas applying your knowledge of grammar. more explicit knowledge does not make to
Kolbs learning cycle refers more to the way 3. Once you can compose enough sentences more competent. It is more of all the other
individuals learn. you can hold conversations. You dont begin things that makes you more competent, and
to become truly competent until you you only get that through experience.


The PMP exam tests the basic level of explicit Table 2: Levels of management
knowledge, so it tests that you have the entry
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6
ticket knowledge required. If you cant pass the
PMP exam, you cant be competent as a project Role Team Team Junior pm Project Senior pm Project
manager. But it doesnt test the other dimensions member leader manager director
that you need to be fully competent. The IPMA Range of Single Single Several Several Portfolios
certification process tries to test some of the contact function company companies industries of projects
other dimensions, particularly at the higher PMI PMP
levels, but personally I am not sure how well it
IPMA Level D Level C Level B Level A
does that (but at least it tries).
Table 2, with increasing ranges of contact and I have also shown career paths for managers to
Competence at different stages or
increasing responsibilities: the right and support or technician grades to the
levels of project management
a team leader manages a team consisting left. I firmly believe that most project
Figure 3 also shows that at higher levels of
of a group of people of one function management roles are to the right, and that is
management you need more knowledge. Indeed,
fulfilling a role on a project what I have shown in Table 2, but listening to
it may not be so much as more knowledge as
the junior project manager is responsible some people talk, you might be forgiven for
new and different knowledge. So at a given level
for a project consisting of several teams of thinking that project management grades are
of management, and in a given role, there is an
different functions, but wholly within one support or technician grades to the left.
entry ticket level of knowledge to fulfil that role,
and more does not make you more competent in
the project manager also has to manage Job descriptions
that role. However, you do need more, new and
relations with external suppliers and I mentioned above the need for job descriptions
different knowledge to become competent at
customers to define organisational competence standards.
higher levels of management and in other roles.
the senior project manager manages a An organisation will need to write job
Thus a persons development needs to continue.
large complex project involving people descriptions for each of the levels of
This is the thinking behind IPMAs four level
from a range of different types of industries management as suggested in Figure 5, and for
certification process.
the project director fulfils and executive each of the career tracks it maintains. Job
There is a changing nature of the type of
role in the organisation, being responsible descriptions will define the knowledge, skills,
competence you need as you rise through the
for several large projects and programmes. personality traits, experience and performance
levels of management, Figure 4:
standards required of each level, differentiating
I have shown the levels of PMI and IPMA the different tracks. At each level there will be a
1. At lower levels, technical competence is
certification, though the exact comparison of range of desired competencies, as illustrated by
very important. You need to be able to
PMP with IPMA Levels of D and C is contentious Figure 4. The level of competence required at
manage scope, time, cost, quality, etc. Some
and I dont really want to enter into that debate. that management level is usually defined at a
social competence is required; you need to
number of levels of performance, typically
be able to work with other people.
Within a given organisation, they will need to excellent, very good, good, fair, poor.
2. At middle levels social competence
define several parallel career paths, Figure 5.
becomes more important. You need to be
There will be paths for: Developing individuals
able to work with and manage people, and
project managers The job descriptions then form the basis for
work with people from a broader range of
engineering managers developing people along each track, to ensure
backgrounds. You also begin to need some
client managers
strategic competence.
line managers
3. At higher levels of management, social and
strategic competence become increasingly
I was at a seminar at Beijing
important and technical competence less so.
University in September 2004
Career paths
where a manager from
Figure 4 shows several levels of management,
Microsoft presented their
career paths. I have shown
the career paths as ladders
(see figure 5); the manager
from Microsoft called them
swim-lanes and showed
them running horizontally
across the page a Figure 5
metaphor I quite like. He
showed career paths for: that the organisation has a pool of competent
project management people to fulfil the roles required.
programme and portfolio management
consultants Gap analysis
line managers When somebody is first promoted to a
technical development management level, their profile against the
various competencies for that level will probably
People usually spend most of their career in one be mainly fair to good. There may be one or two
path or swim lane. However, enlightened at poor, one or two at very good to excellent.
organisations do let people change, even When they are about to be promoted to the next
encourage them to change up to about level three. grade we expect them now mainly score very


good to excellent. When someone is looking to than looking elsewhere for the development managers holding onto their best people.
improve their performance at their current they need. And the existing project may offer Managers will want to retain their best people,
management level, or to be promoted to the next, a development opportunity to someone else. but that can sometimes be bad for the
they will perform a gap analysis identifying the Changing personality traits can be more individuals development (and we have already
difference between their current performance, difficult, but organisations can help people to seen that may cause them to leave the
and where they would like to get to. They will use identify their strengths and weaknesses, and company). It can also be bad for the organisation
the job descriptions to assess the difference (or to reinforce their strengths and nullify their which will want to develop people in the way
gap) between their current level of performance weaknesses. that is best for the organisation, not individual
and their desired level of performance. They may managers. The career committee can stop that
do this on their own, or in conjunction with their Providing support happening by taking an organisation wide view.
line manager or mentor, particularly at the time There are many things organisations can do to Mentoring: Coupled with career committees is
of their annual appraisal. The identified gap will help people develop their competence, mentoring. This is the approach whereby each
indicate what development the individual (Crawford, 2003; Turner, Keegan and Crawford, junior project manager is coupled with a more
requires. The individual can then plan how they 2003). I am going to mention just a few. senior manager who is perhaps one or two
are going to close that gap: Assessment centres: These are structured management levels above. The mentor will not
If they need to improve their knowledge, workshops that typically last between one day to be the individuals line manager. The mentor will
perhaps obtaining new knowledge for a new a week. They help people conduct their personal help the individual solve any problems they might
role they have just been promoted into, they gap analysis and identify their training needs. encounter and help them in their development
can identify relevant courses, training They consist of individual and group experiential planning.
programmes or education programmes exercises, including simulations, problem Project management community: This can all
If they need to improve their skills, they can solving, interviews and presentations. take place within the project management
identify what particular experiences they Career committees: Many organisations will community which I have discussed in my last
need to give them those new skills. This does maintain a committee of senior managers whose three articles.
raise a dilemma for organisations. Perhaps in role it is to watch over the development of
their annual review a person identifies that people. They will predict the future resourcing References
Crawford, L., (2003), Assessing and developing the project
they need to work on a particularly type of needs of projects, looking many years into the
management competence of individuals , in J.R. Turner
project to get the development they need, future. They will keep track of the development (editor), People in Project Management, Gower.
and then shortly afterwards a project comes of existing project managers, and try ensure that Nonaka, I. and Takeuchi, H., 1995, The knowledge-creating
long that would give them that opportunity. future needs will be met. They will also work with company, Oxford University Press.
Does the organisation insist that they stay on individuals and their managers to help them Polanyi, M., 1967, The Tacit Dimension, Doubleday Anchor.
Turner, J.R., Keegan, A.E., and Crawford, L., (2003),
their current project until it is finished, by conduct their gap analysis and identify Delivering improved project management maturity through
which time the new opportunity will have appropriate development opportunities, experiential learning , in J.R. Turner (editor), People in
passed? Or do you move them to the new including courses and project experiences. One Project Management, Gower.
project? Enlightened organisations will move thing they can help overcome is stopping selfish
people to the new project, unless the existing Rodney Turner is Professor of Project Management at the Lille Graduate School of
project is just starting or about to finish. Management, and chief executive of EuroProjex: the European Centre for Project
Organisations need to develop people to Excellence, a network of trainers and consultants in project management. He is the
develop enterprise project management author or editor of nine books. Past chairman of the APM, he has also helped to
establish the Benelux Region of the European Construction Institute as foundation
capability, so it is in the organisations best
Operations Director. Rodney received PMIs 2004 Research Achievement Award at
interest to give the person the opportunity. the Global Congress in Prague in April 2004.
Further it shows the organisation is E-mail:
committed to their development, and they are This article was first published in Chinese, in Project Management Technology, published by China
more likely to stay with the company, rather Machine Press, Beijing.

Baffled by Sudoku?
Then meet the challenge of Projoku!
This puzzle from Geoff Reiss contains all you
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grid so that every row, column and 3by3 cell
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Leigh's 'One project too many' for the first task

correct answer drawn at random from entries
received by 1 September. If you can scan your risk register

entry as a jpeg, email your answer with your time/cost/quality triangle

phone number and address, or photocopy PERT chart

and fax it on 0118 932 6663. barchart
The answer will be in the September issue. project initiation document


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