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Samantha Wins Top Price in K2C Yamaha Piano Competition

A piano student of Yamaha who is currently studying at the Ivy Kindergarten School, Samantha
Adrielle Suprianto has won the 2017 K2C Yamaha Piano Competition. It was held on October 2th, in Java
Paragon Hotel. Samanthas K1 B teacher, Ms. Clarissa, once said, Samanthas talent has been emerged
since her first appearance in a class show. It is always be great to see young talent like her, win a
competition like this.

Congratulations to Samantha for the achievement. Keep the awesome job and stay musical.

Michael Lee Brought Home a Trophy from 2017 Vainglory Tourney

The biggest Games Championship in Indonesia was held on the mid of April by Telkomsel
GamesMAX. Thousands of gamers around the country joined it. The tourney has some qualification
rounds in different cities. Lee was there in Bandung when defeated his competitors with 3 friends of his
team. He showed his skill set when doing the game. He finally did it and brought home a trophy and 1
million IDR cash.

Michael Lee is an 8th grader in Ivy Middle School. He is not only like game, but also love music
and art. He said that those things are fun and bring peace to his life. Something he really appreciates of.
So, congrats Lee! Be a great gamer and show the world that student can do awesome job like you did.

Eye Level Math Challenge Winners

Eye Level Math Challenge was held in Ivy School on May 5th, 2017. All graders were there to
join. The announcement has been published and here are the winners who got the Eye Level Award;
Gerrard Prinze (K2), Daniel Alexander (G1), Kenneth Raoul (G2), Gabrielle Angeline (G3), Axel Darren
(G4), Nicholas Farrel (G5), Winston V. Mas'oen (G6). Congratulations and keep up the great work.

Reported by: Mr. Edwin

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