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Giving consideration to your course work, feedback from your previous placements, the graduate teaching standards
and your expectations of this professional experience, state the goals to which you intend to give highest priority in
this professional experience EPT330.
1. This task must be completed and discussed with your Professional Experience Subject Coordinator
prior to the commencement of your placement.
2. These goals will form the basis of the targets for your teaching sessions and be drawn from feedback and
guidance from your previous professional experiences.
3. You need to discuss your goals with your Supervising Teacher at the commencement of your placement.

Goal Indicators and evidence you Actions you will take to work towards
will have to demonstrate you the goal
have achieved this goal
Goal 1: Standard 1: Know
the students and how they - Develop student and Demonstrate knowledge of teaching
learn class profiles. strategies that are responsive to the
learning strengths and needs of students
To gain a through - A lesson plan that from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious
understanding of each of the demonstrates and socioeconomic backgrounds.
students backgrounds, in differentiation for students - Seek advice from supervising
order to effectively implement with different learning teacher to identify any diversity
a range of effective teaching needs/disabilities. within the classroom in order to
strategies that supports the assist with lesson planning.
learning needs of all students - Implementation of a wide range
within the classroom. of learning styles to increase
student engagement.
Focus area: 1.3
Students with diverse,
linguistic, cultural, religious Demonstrate broad knowledge and
and socioeconomic understanding of legislative
backgrounds. requirements and teaching strategies
that support participation and learning of
students with disability.
Focus area: 1.6 - Plan for modifications that
Strategies to support full support inclusion: simplify tasks,
participation of students with utilise teacher aids, use
disability. appropriate resources, visual
aids or concrete resources.

Goal 2: Standard 3: Plan for

and implement effective - Seek constructive Demonstrate a range of verbal and non-
teaching and learning feedback from verbal communication strategies to
supervising teacher support students engagement.
To plan for and implement following lessons or at the - Use effective, clear and concise
effective classroom teaching end of the day. communication of instructions to
and learning practices that support students understanding,
utilise a wide range of - Incorporate a range of participation, engagement and
communication skills to whole class, group and achievement.
support inclusion. individual work into - Include visual imagery in order
teaching plans. for students to make
Focus area: 3.5 connections to verbal
Use effective classroom - Daily instructions.
communication reflections/evaluations of
teaching that identify any Demonstrate broad knowledge of
areas in need of strategies that can be used to evaluate
Focus area: 3.6 improvement. teaching programs to improve student
Evaluate and improve learning.
teaching programs - Critical reflections/evaluations of
daily lessons, identifying
strengths of lesson and margins
for improvement in teaching
Goal 3: Standard 2: Know
the content and how to teach - Feedback sheets from Demonstrate knowledge and
it supervising teacher. understanding of the concepts,
substance and structure of the content
To effectively organise - Final placement report. and teaching strategies of the teaching
teaching and learning area.
sequences that utilise a
range of strategies to support - A lesson plan that - Discuss with supervising teacher
the diverse range of learners demonstrates numerous any teaching strategies I can
within the classroom. teaching strategies. incorporate into my daily
Focus area: 2.1
Content and Know and understand literacy and
teaching strategies of the
numeracy teaching strategies and their
teaching area
application in teaching areas.

Focus area: 2.5 - Implement different teaching

Literacy and numeracy and learning strategies within
strategies my lesson plans (visual aides).

- Attend professional
development days if possible
during placement.

Other aims you may have for the professional experience:

Attend all staff meetings and yard duties

Demonstrate clear organisational skills
Plan and sequence lessons effectively

Preservice Teacher: _______________________________________ Date: ________________

Supervising Teacher: ______________________________________ Date: ________________

Subject Coordinator: _______________________________________ Date: ________________

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