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Neural Networks


-A universal definition of ANNs is not available,

however, the following definition summarizes
the basic features of an ANN:

ArtificialNeuralNetworks,alsocalled NeurocomputingorParallel
Distributed Processes (PDP) or connectionist networks or
simply neural networks are interconnected assemblies of
simple processing elements, called neurons,

Main Features of Neural Networks:

-Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) learn by
experience rather than by modeling or
-ANN architectures are distributed, inherently
parallel and potentially real time.
They have the ability to generalize.

Some Applications
-Pattern recognition including character
recognition, speech recognition, face
recognition, on-line signature recognition
colour recognition etc.
-Weather forecasting, load forecasting.

-Conventional neural networks are black box
- Tools for analysis and model validation are not
well established.

-Soma or Cell Body

-The Dendrites
-The Axon

Artificial Brain
-An artificial neural network consists of a
number of simple and highly connected
-In 1942 McCulloch and Pitts designed the
first model of an artificial neuron.
-A set of inputs (I1,I2,I3)
-Set of variables (W1,W2,WN)

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