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Comparative Study on Power Transformers

Vegetable and Mineral Oil Ageing

Alexandra Ciuriuc*, Mirela Stefania Vihacencu*, Laurentiu Marius Dumitran* and Petru V. Notingher*
Laboratory of Electrical Materials, *University Politehnica of Bucharest,

Abstract Due to the increasing need to replace the petro- nated [2]. Moreover, due to the chemical composition, the
leum based products, theres an interest in replacing the mineral oil is not biodegradable and in the case of an ac-
mineral insulating oil for electrical equipment with biode- cident, the environment is affected for a long time period.
gradable vegetable oil. This paper presents a comparative On the other hand, the vegetable oils consist of triglyc-
experimental study concerning the ageing of mineral and
vegetable oils used in power transformers. In this view,
eride esters of saturated fatty acids with 8 to 22 carbon
samples of mineral and vegetable oil were accelerated ther- atoms and also fatty acids with one unsaturated bond
mally aged, and their dielectric properties (real part of the have carbon atoms ranging from 10 to 22 and fatty acids
complex relative permittivity, loss factor and resistivity) with di- and tri-unsaturation which mostly contain 18
were determined at different ageing times. The evolution of carbon atoms (linoleic and linolenic acids) [3]. Due to
the degradation process in time was studied by determining this chemical structure, vegetable oil not only has a high
the dielectric properties variation rate. The results show biodegradability rate but its fire point (360C) is signifi-
that the values of the relative permittivity and loss factor cantly higher compared to the mineral oil. From this point
determined for new oil are higher in the case of vegetable oil of view, the use of vegetable oils increases the power
than for the mineral oil, and vegetable oils resistivity is
lower than that of mineral oil. It has been determined that
transformers operation safety [2].
during the ageing process the color of the mineral oil sam- The vegetable oils are more susceptible to oxidation
ples visibly changes with the ageing time, while in the case of and more hygroscopic. For this reason, the power trans-
vegetable oil samples, these changes are not significant. Al- former must have an appropriate structure so it wont be
so, the variation rate of vegetable oils real part of relative contaminated with oxygen and water from the environ-
permittivity, loss factor and resistivity is decreasing in time, ment. However, their higher hygroscopicity also repre-
while that of mineral oil has an increasing tendency. sents an advantage through the fact that in the sealed
transformers, a higher amount of the water which results
from the degradation reactions of the insulation system is
I. INTRODUCTION retained in oil; by consequence the paper degrades slower
The power transformers are some of the most important than in mineral oil [4, 5].
and expensive equipments which ensure the operation of Generally, the effect of moisture content in vegetable
the power grids. It is well established that the lifetime of oil on the value of the real part of relative permittivity is
power transformers is mostly determined by the insula- that the r of oil increased with increasing moisture con-
tion systems lifetime [1]. Actually, the large majority of tent and decreased with frequency [6]. In [7] the values of
transformers have their insulation systems made of cellu- the real part of relative permittivity, loss factor (both
lose paper and mineral oil (which is also the cooling flu- measured at a frequency of 1mHz) and resistivity of min-
id). Due to the growing need for friendly environment eral oil were determined. It was observed a higher in-
products and to the fact that petroleum resources are lim- crease of r and tan of mineral oil aged at 155C for
ited, theres a great interest in replacing the mineral oil 1000 hours, and a decrease in the value of the resistivity
with vegetable biodegradable oils even in the case of the after the same ageing time.
power transformers insulation systems [2]. In such a case In a previous paper [8], the electrical charging tendency
it is very important to evaluate in a correct way the main of the mineral and vegetable oil has been studied. The
properties and degradation process characteristics of the results showed a relation between the electrical properties
new proposed vegetable oils taking as reference the min- of the oils and their electrical charging tendencies. It was
eral oil data. also observed that vegetable oil has a higher electrical
The mineral oil was used in power transformers for charging tendency than the mineral oil.
over 100 years until now mostly because the fact that it In this paper, in order to evaluate the main properties
has appropriate insulating properties and compatibility and degradation process characteristics of the vegetable
with cellulose paper but also due to its relatively low cost. and mineral oil, samples of mineral and vegetable oil
From chemical point of view, the mineral oil is a mixture were accelerated thermally aged, and the real part of the
of naphthenic, paraffinic and aromatic hydrocarbons. The complex relative permittivity, loss factor and resistivity
fire point is about 160 oC and for this reason the risk of an were determined at different ageing times. The evolution
explosion of a mineral oil based power transformer is of the degradation process in time was studied by deter-
higher, and if spills occur, the water and soil are contami- mining the dielectric properties variation rate.

978-1-4673-1810-5/12/$31.00 2012 IEEE

During transformers operation, the oil-cellulosic paper
insulation is subject to thermal, electrical and environ-
mental stress factors. In time, these factors lead to the
insulation systems degradation, therefore to worsening
its electrical properties. The most important of these is
the temperature. As a consequence of high temperature, Fig. 1. Disruption of a fatty acid by oxidation [12].
chemical reactions take place and lead to oils degrada-
tion. The most important reactions that lead to the degra- Oxidation of vegetable oil presents the following reac-
dation of mineral oil are those who lead to C-C bonding tion paths [13]:
fracture, with the formation of an alkane, alkene (crack-
ing reaction) and dehydrogenation [9]: RH + O2 ROOH (1)

CnH2n+2 CnH2n + H2 ROOH + RH 2R + H2O2 (2)

Cm+nH2(m+n)+2 CmH2m + CnH2n+2. R + O2 ROO (3)

The main reactions that cause the degradation of the ROO + RH ROOH + R (4)
vegetable oil are oxidation and hydrolysis, from which
result decomposition products like CO, CO2, water and 2ROOH ROO + RO +H2O (5)
acids [3].
In addition, the cellulosic paper from the insulation sys- Oxygen molecule existing as biradical reacts with the
tem is subject to the temperatures action and therefore oil to form hydroperoxide (eq. (1)) which reacts further
chemical reactions take place from which degradation again with the oil forming hydrocarbon free radicals by
products result, like CO, CO2, H2O, H2, CH4 and furans. hydrogen attraction from the oil (eq. (2)). According to
These products are localized in the oil and can determine eq. (3), the oil free radical readily reacts with oxygen to
a change in its main properties [9]. generate alkyl peroxide radical with low activation en-
Oxygen constitutes one of the most influential factors in ergy. This peroxy radical reacts again with the oil produc-
the oil ageing. It can be naturally present or may ingress ing hydroperoxide (eq. (4)) which finally dissociates into
into oil from the environment. Moreover, high tempera- the peroxy radical, alkoxy radical and water, according to
ture accelerates the oil oxidation and some metals like eq. (5). The steps (4) and (5) are the chain propagation
copper act as a catalyst. steps. If the phenolic antioxidant is present in the reaction
In the case of mineral oil, the oxygen can degrade the system, peroxy radical will attract hydrogen to produce
hydrocarbons through processes based on free radical hydroperoxide and phenoxy radical. Reactivity of the
reactions, which generate hydro peroxides [10]. The hy- phenoxy radical is lower than that of ROO because of
dro peroxides are unstable and decompose to free radicals the steric effect of phenol and better stability [13].
finally leading to the appearance of water, ketones and The hydrolysis of vegetable oil represents the reverse of
other oxidation products [11]. The oxidation of mineral the esterification reaction. Under the influence of water,
oil takes the following steps [9]: incomplete ester molecules and free fatty acids emerge.
The ester molecules are disconnected at their C-O-bonds.
Initiation: RH + O2 RO2 Since the free fatty acids themselves accelerate the proc-
ess of the hydrolysis, it is also called an autocatalytic
Propagation: RO2 + RH ROOH + R reaction. Further acceleration occurs when the water con-
tent, the oil temperature, or percentage of the dissolved
R + O2 RO2 metals increases [12].
This paper presents an experimental study concerning
Termination: RO2 + R ROOR the thermal ageing of mineral and vegetable oil used in
power transformers.
The oxidation rate and the concentration of transient III. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP AND SAMPLES
products depend on the chemical structure of the oil and
the oxidation conditions, respectively, temperature, pres- The experiments were performed on two different types
sure, environment air contact etc. [9]. of oils. In order to perform the ageing of the oils, 15 con-
On the other hand, the oxidation reaction of vegetable trolled clean stainless steel recipients (ageing cells) were
oils is more intense as the content of unsaturated fatty used. The first five of these were filled with vegetable oil,
acids increases, due to the fact that the oxygen attacks the the next five cells were filled with vegetable oil and 10
carbon double bonds and leads to the breakage of the samples of cellulose paper with 0.25 mm thickness (5
fatty acid chain (Fig. 1) [12]. In fact, this explains the samples of 55x55 mm2 and 5 samples of 40x40 mm2) and
biodegradability of vegetable oils [2]. the last five cells were filled with mineral oil. Each age-
ing cell contained 9 grams of copper and 23 grams of
iron. The experiments were performed on three types of trodes), and S is the medium area between the two elec-
samples: trodes calculated with the formula:
x Sample A: vegetable oil aged in the presence of
copper and iron; S 2SRmed L , (7)
x Sample B: vegetable oil aged in the presence of
paper, copper and iron;
d int  l
x Sample C: mineral oil aged in the presence of where Rmed (8)
copper and iron; 2
All ageing cells, fully sealed, were introduced in the
drying oven at a temperature of 155C for a total of 1250 In Figs. 3-5 it can be seen that during the accelerated
h. Three ageing cells containing each type of sample (A, thermal ageing process the color and transparency of the
B and C) were extracted every 250 h and the following mineral oil samples drastically changes with the ageing
dielectric properties of the oils were determined: the real time (Fig. 3), while in the case of vegetable oil samples,
and imaginary parts of the complex relative permittivity, these changes are not significant (Figs. 4 and 5). This
the loss factor and the resistivity. may indicate the fact that the degradation process differs
In order to determine the dielectric loss factor and the from the mineral oil to vegetable oil and this is due to the
components of the complex relative permittivity (Hr and different nature of resulting chemical by-products.
Hr), a Novocontrol spectrometer was used. The voltage In Figs. 6-9 the variation curves of the real part of
applied to the samples had the value of 1V and the elec- relative permittivity and loss factor with the ageing time
tric field frequency was in the range of 10-3 103 Hz [14]. are presented. It can be seen that both quantities increase
The temperature of the measurement was 28C. with the ageing time for all types of samples. This could
In order to determine the values of absorp- be due to the increase in degradation reactions products
tion/resorption currents it was used a standard liquids cell caused by the high temperature.
Irlab CL-1 type, and the oils volume resistivity U was
calculated based on the absorption ia(t) and resorption
ir(t) currents measured with a Keithley 6517 electrometer
connected to this cell [7]:

S U0 (6)

l ia (3600)  ir (3600)

where ia(3600) and ir(3600) represent the values of ab-

sorption and, respectively resorption currents measured Fig. 3. Mineral oil samples: a - unaged; b - thermally aged for 1000 h at
after 3600 seconds from the moment the voltage was ap- T = 155C; c - thermally aged for 1250 h at T =155C.
plied, respective disconnected, U0 = 40 V is the applied
DC voltage, S - the active electrodes surface and l - the
distance between the electrodes.
The measuring cell for absorption/resorption currents
consists of two cylindrical electrodes (Fig. 2) immersed
in a recipient filled with the oil sample.

Fig.4. Vegetable oil samples: a - unaged; b - thermally aged for 1000 h

at T = 155C; c - thermally aged for 1250 h at T =155C.

Fig. 2: Scheme of the liquid measuring cells electrodes for ab-

sorbtion/resorbtion currents: interior electrode (1), exterior electrode
(2), dint diameter of the interior electrode, l the distance between the
electrodes, L the cylinders height.

In order to calculate the resistivity, it was considered l

Fig. 5. Vegetable oil samples: a - unaged; b - thermally aged in the
as the sample thickness (the distance between the elec-
presence of paper for 1000 h at T= 155 C; c - thermally aged in the
presence of paper for 1250 h at T =155C.
The initial values of r and tan determined for vegeta-
ble oil are, due to its polar nature, significantly higher
than those of mineral oil.
After 1250 hours of thermally ageing, r of vegetable
oil (Sample A) presents a small increase, by 6.1%. (Table
I). In the case of mineral oil (sample C) it can be seen a
much higher increase of the real part of relative permittiv-
ity, by 72.4 %. The relative permittivity of vegetable oil
aged in the presence of paper (sample B) increases by
33%. The difference between the samples A and B could
be due to the increasing of the dipoles concentration in oil
resulted from the paper degradation products, like furans
and water.

Fig. 9. Variation of vegetable oils (sample A) and vegetable oils aged

in the presence of paper (sample B) loss factor with ageing time
(f = 1 mHz);


State Property r Tan

of oil Sample (f = 1 mHz) (f = 1 mHz)
A 3.75 30.71 3.091011
C 2.90 2.69 8.611012

A 3.98 133.05 2.891010

Aged 5.131010
(1250 B 4.99 198.97
hours) 5.131010
Fig. 6. Variation of mineral oils (sample C) real part of relative permit- C 5 123.77
tivity with ageing time ( f = 1mHz).
Also, the loss factor of mineral oil (sample C). in-
creases approximately 45 times. The loss factor for aged
vegetable oil (sample A) increases approximately three
times, and that of vegetable oil aged in the presence of
paper (sample B) presents an increase of about five times.
Tan of vegetable oil aged in the presence of paper (sam-
ple B) is significantly higher than that of vegetable oil
(sample A). The difference between the loss factor of the
samples A and B could have the following explanation:
the products resulted from the paper degradation process
are transferred in the oil, which increase the charge carri-
ers and dipoles concentration. This leads to an increase in
Fig. 7. Variation of vegetable oils (sample A) and vegetable oils aged conductivity and relative permittivity, and as a conse-
in the presence of paper (sample B) real part of relative permittivity quence, to an increase in conduction and polarization
with ageing time (f = 1mHz). losses. Also, new mineral oil has a higher value of the
resistivity than the vegetable oil, but after 1250h of age-
ing, for all three types of samples were determined closed
values of .
Figs. 10 and 11 show the variation of the resistivity of
mineral and vegetable oils as a function of ageing time. It
results that the value of resistivity decreases with the age-
ing time. Also, it can be seen that the resistivity of the
vegetable oil decreases more rapidly in the presence of
the paper (Fig. 11). Most likely, this is due to the result-
ing by-products of paper degradation which pass to the
oil volume. Moreover, even if the initial value of the
mineral oil resistivity is about three times higher than that
of vegetable oil, at the end of the ageing period, their val-
ues become very close (5,131010 :m, respectively
Fig. 8. Variation of mineral oils (sample C) loss factor with ageing time
(f = 1 mHz). 2.91010 :m).
it can be seen that the r variation rate decreases during
the first part of ageing (W < 500 h) and after this period, it
starts increasing. Even if the r variation rate has an in-
creasing tendency, in the second part of the ageing period
its value is still lower than that of mineral oil.
Fig. 13 shows that both vegetable oil with or without
cellulosic paper, present a decreasing loss factor variation
rate. However, in the case of mineral oil the loss factor
variation rate increases with ageing time.
Also, it can be observed that the loss factor variation
rate is higher for vegetable oil aged in the presence of
paper compared to that of simple vegetable oil. Due to the
ageing process, the vegetable oil can hydrolyze in the
Fig. 10. Variation of the mineral oils (sample C) resistivity with ageing presence of moisture, which releases fatty acids and glyc-
time. erol, hence to an increase in polar compounds, which
leads to higher conduction and polarization losses. How-
ever, there is no hydrolysis in mineral oil [15]. In the case
of vegetable oil aged in the presence of paper, the water
present in the paper is absorbed by the oil, which leads to
an increase in the hydrolysis reaction, and in consequence
to a higher concentration of free fatty acids. The more
polar compounds present in the oil, leads to higher losses,
hence this could explain the higher value of the loss fac-
tor variation rate of vegetable oil aged in the presence of
paper compared to that of vegetable oil.
In Fig. 14 it can be seen that the increase in the resistiv-
ity variation rate of the vegetable oil with and without
paper is barely visible compared to that of mineral oil.

Fig. 11. Variation of the vegetable oils (sample A) and vegetable oils
aged in the presence of paper (sample B) resistivity with ageing time.

Based on the experimental variations presented in Figs.

6-11, the variation rate (i.e. the derivative of variation
curve) of each property has been calculated for all meas-
ured points. As it can be seen in Fig. 12, the variation
rates of the mineral oils real part of the relative permit-
tivity, loss factor and resistivity have an increasing ten-
On the other hand, the real part of relative permittivity
variation rate of the vegetable oil is decreasing in time. In
the case of the vegetable oil aged in the presence of pa-
Fig. 13. Variation of the loss factor variation rate with ageing time.

Fig. 12. Variation of the real part of the relative permittivity variation
rate with ageing time. Fig. 14. Variation of the resistivity variation rate with ageing time.
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