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Philippine Address : TUGUEGARAO CITY



1. The first Sisters who set foot on the Philippine soil in

Dumaguete lived the example of the grain of wheat that continues

to produce generations of Paulinians throughout the country and of

the world, who give witness to the reality that: THE PAULINIAN IS

FOR OTHERS. What does being Paulinian for others mean?

Many define success, greatness and happiness in terms of

winning out over others, having power over others, and having the

ability to dominate others. The lust for power is common and wide-

spread in the world. People tend to desire for power to order

others around, to make decisions that may impact others and to

acquire when others cannot. To be Paulinian is to be different

with the earthly definition of living a successful life. Being

Paulinian means, teaching little children to share and be kind to

one another. They have to learn that there are more important

things than making them happy every day. Being Paulinian means

helping officemates and sharing with them your skills even if it

is not part of your job description. Helping officemates complete

their tasks when they cannot can be service to others. Giving is

not just about money, so we can give even if we are not rich. It

can be giving our time, our effort, our ideas or even just a kind

word, or a smile. By being Paulinian for others we can be useful,

we can be honorable for making some difference and for living a

life well lived.

2. The nature and value of the grain of wheat is found in its

falling, and in its bearing fruit. The vocation of every Paulinian

is anchored along this line. Please explain.

According to Mohandas Gandhi, the best way to find yourself

is to lose yourself in the service of others, precisely what is

meant by vocation of every Paulinian which is being Paulinian for

others. When we set aside our personal needs to cater to the

needs of others, then we lose ourselves in the service of others.

We become the grain of wheat that falls but bears fruit. And the

single grain that fell will bear multiple fruits. The single act

of compassion that we have sown will multiply. When we set an

example to be kind and compassionate, others who see us will do

the same. Even the least acts of compassion that we sow can make a

big difference for our society to be better.

Being of service to others is not just good for them and a good

thing to do; it will also be good for you because it will make you
happier and healthier. When we are asked why we give, the ready

answers include: God wants me to; I feel better about myself;

others need, and I have; I want to share; its only right. The

other question is how did it feel? We all know how great it feels

to receive gifts. However, the joy of receiving is short-lived.

Our lives are richer when we share, and that great inner joy comes

from helping others to better their lives. Truly giving from the

heart fills your life with joy and nourishes your soul. When we

give and live for others, we pave the way for true success and

lasting greatness.

3. As a professional and in your personal life, how does your

reflection about St. Pauls life and teachings bring you closer to

Christ, the Risen Lord!

How Saint Pauls life and teachings bring us closer to

Christ, the Risen Lord is best captured in Anne Graham Lotzs

Pursuing More of Jesus. Pursue more of His fruit in your

service. If your service for God lacks the fruit of changed lives,

you dont have to try harder, pray more, or claim greater

territory in service. Instead, you should examine your personal

relationship with Jesus to see how closely youre connected to

Him. It is the quality of your connection to Jesus that will

determine whether or not you will have the power to bear good
fruit for His kingdom. The fruit you bear is not produced through

your own efforts; its produced by the Holy Spirit through you as

you consistently rely on God. Jesus is the Vine and you are the

branches. God may sometimes choose to prune you to bear good fruit

by cutting out of your life everything you depend on except your

relationship with Jesus. When youre forced to pay attention to

your relationship with Jesus because thats all you have, your

connection to the Vine gets bigger, empowering you to produce more

fruit. Trust God when He prunes the branches of your life; He

knows whats best to help you grow. Pray for greater fruitfulness

in your service, asking God t conform you more closely to the

image of Jesus, use you to make others want to know Him better,

give you opportunities to share His Gospel and give you the fruit

of changed lives as a result, draw others to Himself through a

Bible study you lead, or give you one person to share His love

with today.

Pursue more of His love in your home. As you give Jesus more of

your heart, He will fill it with more of His love, and that will

overflow into the lives of the people with whom you interact each

day. When you let Gods love flow through you, it will empower you

to love even those people who are difficult for you to love

those whose personalities or behavior makes them seem completely

incompatible with you. Rather than just avoiding or tolerating

difficult people, choosing to show Gods love to them will bless

you in the process because God will use them to grind off the weak

edges of your character to make you stronger. Ask Jesus to help

you love people sacrificially, as He does. Instead of choosing to

love only people who meet your needs, whom you get along with, who

make you feel good, who do things for you, who give you things you

want, whom respond with love, and whom you like, choose to

demonstrate love to everyone, regardless of whether or not you

like them and how they respond to you. When you love someone

sacrificially, your act of love then becomes an act of worshiping


Pursue more of His glory on your knees. Embrace Gods purpose for

your life single-mindedly and wholeheartedly. Stay focused on what

God wants for your life, and do all you can to fulfill that

purpose well. Let your determination to do the work God has for

you to do lead you to make wise choices like: less sleep and more

prayer, less TV and more study, less shopping and more tithing,

less eating and more exercise, less talking and more listening, or

less work and more worship. Serve God faithfully to glorify Him

every day.

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