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Curiculum Vitae

Data Pribadi

Nama Lengkap : Ir. H. Baaroni, MM.

Tempat/tanggal lahir: Banyuwangi, 8 Februari 1967

Alamat : Jl.Mertojoyo Barat 17 Malang

Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki

Agama : Islam

Status : Menikah

Telepon : 08125265044


- MI
- MTsN
- MA
- UMM (S1)
- UMM (S2 Magister Manajemen)
- Universitas Brawijaya (S3 Manajemen)

Pengalaman Kerja dan Organisasi

- Sekretaris Umum MUI Kota Malang periode 2011 s/d 2021

- Wirausaha
- Pengurus PD Muhammadiyah Kota Malang
Curriculum Vitae

Name : Chris Inderayanto

Sex : Male

Place of birh/date : Jakarta, 21 April 1980

Current address : Jl. Tumengungan Suryo No. 90 B, Malang Jawa Timur

Marital Status : Single

Job : Entreupreneur

Educational background : S1 Filsafat (Bachelor of Philosophy)

Educational Hstory :

- 2000 2008 : S1 Filsafat (Bachelor of Philosophy) at STFT Driyarkara, Jakarta

- 1995 1999 : High School at SMU Gonzaga, Jakarta

Jobs History

- 2010 now : Entrepreneur of Pai Apel Malang

- 2007 2010 : Creative / Graphic design / Promotion / Manager Assistant of
Promotion at PT. Dwidaya Assistant of Promotion at PT. Dwidaya Tours and Travel,
- 2005 2007 : Creative / Graphic design at Siem Offset Printing
- 2004 :Selling noodles at sidewalk

Skills and competencies

- English active / passive

- Basic knowledege of Windows and Microsoft Office (e.i. Word, Excell, Power Point)
- Photoshop, Freehand, Corel Draw, and other graphic programme

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