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International Rhetoric, civil society perspective on the gains

and gaps in Indias fulfilment of the sex-

Domestic Evidence ual and reproductive health and rights

(SRHR) of women and girls.

Government Claims on Health During the 2012 review (UPR 2), India
received 169 recommendations of which
Inconsistent with Reality it accepted 56. The recommendations
accepted by GOI in relation to SRHR
included: strengthening health systems;
increasing resource allocations to the
Jashodhara Dasgupta, Subha Sri B, Priya John, Sana Contractor,
Renu Khanna, Sandhya Y K health sector; improving access to mat-
ernal health services; safe abortion ser-

Civil society reports on sexual he Universal Periodic Review (UPR) vices; gender-sensitive contraceptive inf-
and reproductive health provide a is an important human rights ormation and services; counselling on
accountability mechanism estab- SRHR, and reviewing laws that do not
contrast to the claims and
lished in 2006 within the United Nations uphold gender equality. However, we
assurances made by the Human Rights Council (UNHRC) through find the GOI report to the UPR 3 makes
governments report to an which each UN member state is subject several claims which are not consistent
international human rights to a peer review of its human rights situ- with ground realities, and we draw on
ation every five years. During each review, our own submission to the UPR to ques-
mechanism on its public health
other member states provide recommen- tion some of GOIs submissions.
commitments and achievements, dations to the state under review. While While reporting back in UPR 3, the
with information that is at gross these are not binding, if the state under GOI submission with respect to health in
variance to the official report. review accepts a recommendation, it general and maternal health in particular,
makes a commitment to implement it. For mentions that steps have been taken to-
This discordance questions the
each review cycle, the state under review wards improving access to maternal
credibility and accountability of has to submit a report on the efforts made health, obstetric delivery services, and
the government to these to implement the previous cycles recom- sexual and reproductive health services
international human rights mendations. Along with this, reports are (GOI 2017: para 105), and that the
submitted by human rights institutions National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)
processes and more so,
(in Indias case, by the National Human has been effectively implemented. To
its citizens. Rights Commission) as well as civil society reduce maternal and infant mortality,
organisations and coalitions. the GOI submission mentions an increase
in allocation under the Janani Suraksha
India in UPR 3: Reports Yojana (JSY) from `16.06 billion in 2011
Contradicting Evidence 12 to `17.62 billion in 201314.
Jashodhara Dasgupta (jasho_dg2006@yahoo.
com) works on public health rights and is with Indias first review under this process was
Sahayog, Lucknow; Subha Sri B (subhasrib@ held in 2008 (UPR 1), followed by a second Ailing Public Health System
gmail.com) is with CommonHealth (The review cycle in 2012 (UPR 2) and a third During UPR 2, the GOI had accepted rec-
Coalition for MaternalNeonatal Health
review cycle which was held recently on 4 ommendations to increase spending on
and Safe Abortion) and Rural Womens
Social Education Centre, Tamil Nadu; May 2017 (UPR 3). All UPR 3 submissions health to 3% of the gross domestic prod-
Priya John (pria.john1@gmail.com) is with were reviewed in AprilMay 2017, and uct (GDP). However, as per the Economic
CommonHealth; Sana Contractor (sana@ subsequently, other member states shared Survey of India 201516, Indias public
chsj.org) is with the Centre for Health and their comments. The Government of India spending on the health sector overall is
Social Justice, New Delhi and the National
(GOI) has to respond to the concerns and only 1.3% of the GDP (Ministry of Finance
Alliance of Maternal Health and Human Rights
(NAMHHR); Renu Khanna (renu.cmnhsa@ comments by 21 June 2017 indicating its 2016). The vision of NRHM to strengthen
gmail.com) is with Sahaj, Vadodara and commitments for the next cycle. This and scale up the public health system re-
CommonHealth; and Sandhya Y K (sandhya@ commentary is based on a submission to mains unfulfilled, as its schemes were
sahayogindia.org) is with Sahayog, Lucknow the UPR 3 process by a coalition of consistently underfunded (MoHFW 2017).1
organisations and networks to present a The recent changes in the budgetary
Economic & Political Weekly EPW JUNE 17, 2017 vol lIi no 24 21

allocations for states have further im- vulnerabilities due to ill health especially women in the highest income groups
pacted health service provisioning.2 for those living below the poverty line was four times higher as compared to the
The public health system in rural areas and those working in the unorganised poorest ones (Randive et al 2014).
continues to be severely understaffed. sector (GOI 2017: para 73), evidence The Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram
The government has identified a short- from the field has highlighted inade- (JSSK)4 initiated in 2011 promised cashless
fall of 81.2% of specialists at community quate coverage, non-availability of pri- healthcare for maternal and child health.
health centres (CHCs) across rural India vate providers in districts with a weak However, out-of-pocket health expendi-
(Rajya Sabha Secretariat 2016). The public health system, and malpractices ture continues to remain high (Dasgupta
states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand by private players (Nandi et al 2012). et al 2015); an average of `5,544 was
and Chhattisgarh have less than 1 skilled spent per childbirth in hospital in rural ar-
health personnel per 1,000 population The Maternal Mortality Paradox eas and `11,685 in urban areas (NSSO
whereas the World Health Organization The GOI submits that schemes like the JSY 2015). Access and utilisation of services
(WHO) prescribes a basic threshold of 2.3 provide institutional delivery services to and schemes is poor particularly among
personnel per 1,000 population (Hazarika pregnant women who fall below the the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
2013). Public health infrastructure is ail- poverty line, so as to reduce maternal and Muslim women, young women and ado-
ing as well, with significant shortfalls in infant mortality (GOI 2017: para 108). The lescent girls (IIPS and Macro Interna-
the setting up of CHCs at 32%, primary government also declares it has stream- tional 2009). Since the health of women
health centres (PHCs) at 22%, and health lined monetary assistance under the JSY who belong to marginalised communi-
sub-centres (HSCs) at 20% (MoHFW 2015). through direct bank transfers (GOI 2017: ties or live in underserved areas is al-
Poor infrastructure, absent supplies, para 108). It is undeniable that since the ready compromised owing to com-
and inadequate human resources in the introduction of the JSY, there has been a pounded vulnerabilities, any complica-
public sector, compel even the poor to steep rise in institutional deliveries from tion during pregnancy or childbirth can
turn to private facilities for life-saving 39% in 200506 to 79% in 201516 (IIPS cause death unless there are skilled and
care. Currently, Indias health system is 2017). However, studies thus far have effective health services that respond
one of the most privatised in the world been unable to detect a linkage between promptly (Dasgupta et al 2016). It is also
and public expenditure is one of the low- the rise in facility births and maternal established that poor and vulnerable
est, with only 32% of the total expendi- mortality reduction (Randive et al 2013). women are systematically deprived of
ture on healthcare being public expendi- Facility births can be expected to im- antenatal and post-partum care (Subha
ture (WHO 2014). The unregulated pri- prove maternal health outcomes, only if Sri and Khanna 2014).
vate sector3 offers services of questio- in-facility care is of an acceptable standard In India, over 90% of women workers
nable quality at exorbitant prices. How- and ensures skilled attendance at birth are in the informal economy without the
ever, both national and state govern- (Chaturvedi et al 2015). Studies by civil protection of labour welfare legislations.
ments continue to partner with the sec- society networks of over 250 maternal The Maternity Benefits Act (Amendment),
tor through publicprivate partnerships, deaths among marginalised populations 2017 recently passed in Parliament does
ostensibly in an effort to improve availa- in several states indicate that the basic not take into account the informal sector
bility and accessibility of health services, components of maternal care such as an- women workers who are denied wage
although there is a lack of robust evi- tenatal examinations, prenatal counsel- compensation during maternity. A prom-
dence to support this claim (Ravindran ling, skilled birth attendance, emergen- ise made in the National Food Security
2011). The recent development that show- cy obstetric care, and postnatal care, are Act, 2013 to formulate central schemes for
cases the governments intent is the unavailable for women in many parts of universal maternity benefits has not been
National Health Policy (NHP), 2017 which the country (Subha Sri and Khanna fulfilled; the only existing scheme, the
opens the door for privatisation through 2014; Dasgupta et al 2016). Absence of Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana
its plan for strategic purchasing of sec- basic infrastructure in health facilities, (IGMSY)5 excludes the most vulnerable
ondary and tertiary healthcare services, non-availability of safe abortion services, women by disqualifying anyone with
leaving the public sector to provide only lack of treatment for post-abortion com- more than two children. This effectively
primary healthcare services. By implic- plications, poor quality and expensive debars the poorest and those from mar-
itly putting in market-based privatised care in private facilities, and persistent ginalised groups including Dalits and
mechanisms that will make the realisa- underreporting of maternal deaths are tribals (Lingam and Yelamanchili 2011).
tion of this right impossible for its most major concerns. Clearly, monetary incen-
marginalised citizens, the government tives under JSY are not tantamount to Sterilisations and
has betrayed its own commitment to the skilled attendance at birth or improved Unsafe Abortions
right to health of its citizens. maternal health outcomes. In fact, the India had committed to ensuring that all
Although the GOI reported that a cash- monetary incentive did not improve women would have access to sexual and
less health insurance scheme Rashtriya maternal survival for the poorest women. reproductive health services including
Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) has been Comparisons of data for 200710 show safe abortion services (UPR 2: Recom-
implemented in order to ameliorate that reduction in maternal deaths among mendation 138.153). Indias UPR 3 report,
22 JUNE 17, 2017 vol lIi no 24 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

however, does not specifically report on lost their lives (JSA, SAMA and NAMHHR necessary for the people of this country
the progress towards this recommenda- 2014). Protests by activists and legal inter- and their elected representatives to be
tion. Unsafe abortions are believed to ventions have led the Supreme Court to aware about the suggestions received dur-
contribute to 913% of maternal mortali- direct the government to stop camp-based ing the UPR 3 and play the role of informed
ties (Srivastava et al 2013). In spite of the sterilisations altogether (Devika Biswas interlocutors. Although these international
Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) v Union of India and Ors). However, coer- processes play a facilitatory role in main-
Act of 1971, the Indian Penal Code still cive measures such as the two-child norm taining peer pressure on member states,
considers abortion to be a criminal offence. (by which those with more than two chil- the Indian governments primary account-
More than 80% of women in the country dren are excluded from contesting elec- ability remains to its citizens.
still do not know that abortion is legal and tions, applying for jobs and accessing Despite the progressive objectives in
available (Banerjee and Anderson 2012). welfare benefits) continue to be invoked the NHP 2017 to achieve universal health
Several medical students are either una- as in the case of Assams draft Population coverage and reinforce trust in public
ware about the MTP Act or have anti- Policy (Government of Assam 2017).7 health systems, the policy fails to recog-
abortion views (Palo et al 2015; Sjostrom In order to address adolescent health, nise health as a human right, increases
et al 2014). the government cites that the Rashtriya private sector involvement, and further
Misinterpretation and overzealous im- Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK)8 has delays substantive increases in public
plementation of the Preconception Pre- been initiated in 2014. However, three health expenditure. Given this worrying
natal Diagnostic Techniques Act (PCPNDT), years after the scheme was launched, lack of commitment to guarantee the right
1994 has resulted in further restriction of Adolescent Friendly Clinics, which were to health, the GOI must be reminded of
access to safe abortion services. The con- to be operationalised at PHCs, CHCs and its constitutional obligations to protect
tinued use of problematic terms such as district hospitals, are not in place (SAHAJ and fulfil the human rights of its people,
female foeticide in government litera- 2017) and the programme has not been including their right to health, especially
ture and reports adds further to the anti- implemented in many states. The Rajiv those most marginalised. The UPR 3 in-
abortion rhetoric (GOI 2017: para 111). Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of ternational review process, reinforced
Ensuring access to gender-sensitive, Adolescent GirlsSabla was launched in with domestic involvements, can provide
comprehensive contraceptive services was 2010 in 205 pilot districts, as an effort to it with some impetus in this direction.
one of the key recommendations of UPR 2 empower adolescent girls. Despite posi-
(Recommendation 138.153). However, the tive evaluations (ASCI 2013), Sabla has Notes
GOI does not specifically report on this. not been upscaled across the country, as 1 The underfunding of the National Health Mission
(NHM) should be read in the light of the draft
On paper, the GOI promises women an indicated by decreasing budgets of the National Health Policys comment that The
informed choice in the matter of repro- Ministry of Women and Child Develop- budget received (for the NHRM) and the expend-
iture was only about 40% of what was envis-
duction, but plans and budgets actually ment in 201516. Several states have not aged for a full re-vitalization in the NRHM
promote female sterilisation as the pre- introduced comprehensive sexuality edu- Framework.
2 As recommended by the 14th Finance Commis-
dominant method (PFI et al 2014: 26). cation for adolescents and a parliamen- sion, there has been an increase in the share of
Expected Levels of Achievement (ELA) tary committee has ruled against it cit- states in the divisible pool of central taxes from
32% to 42% every year since 201516. At the same
are set, which translate on the ground ing moral and cultural reasons (Rajya time, there have been reductions in the centres
as targets imposed upon health manag- Sabha Committee on Petitions 2009). financial assistance to states for their plan
spending. Thus, the 10% points increase in the
ers and providers for female sterilisa- states share in central taxes has come at the
tion, as against the purported target Conclusions cost of the reductions in centres support for a
number of schemes in the social sector. Also, as
free approach. As detailed above, the GoI has reported recommended by the subgroup of chief ministers
Female sterilisation is performed under to the UN Human Rights Council that it on restructuring centrally-sponsored schemes
(CSS) constituted by the NITI Aayog, NHM now
extremely hazardous conditions leading has made progress in several of the com- has a changed centre-state funding pattern in
to deaths, complications and illnesses as mitments it made at UPR 2, when it had the ratio of 60:40 from the erstwhile 75: 25. This
changed funding pattern has transferred larger
well as failure and unwanted pregnancy. voluntarily accepted suggestions from a responsibilities of financing some of the crucial
When seen together with the govern- peer group. The civil society joint report social sector schemes like NHM to the states.
ments target of covering 48 million cou- on sexual and reproductive health pro- 3 A heavily diluted Clinical Establishments (Regis-
tration and Regulation) Act, 2010, designed to
ples with family planning by 2020, a vides a contrast to these claims of the regulate all healthcare facilities, was passed by
promise made to Family Planning 2020 government with information that is at Parliament. However, even its limited provi-
sions have not been notified in most states.
(FP2020),6 the reduction in public health gross variance to the official report. This 4 JSSK launched in 2011 to provide free and cash-
expenditure raises serious concerns discordance questions the credibility of less services to pregnant women, including
normal deliveries and caesarean operations
about maintaining standards of quality the claims and assurances of the govern- and care for the sick newborn (up to 30 days
of sexual and reproductive health ser- ments report to an international human after birth), in government health institutions
in both rural and urban areas, aimed at miti-
vices. In November 2014, following a rights mechanism on its commitments and gating the burden of out of pocket expenses.
mass sterilisation camp performed achievements, and brings us to question 5 IGMSY was started more than five years ago as
a pilot across 50-odd districts of the states
under shockingly negligent conditions, 13 the governments accountability to these and union territories. Till date, it remains as a
young women in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh international human rights processes. It is pilot in these few districts.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW JUNE 17, 2017 vol lIi no 24 23
6 FP2020 is a global health initiative which aims Lingam and Yelamanchili (2011): Reproductive Sabha on 2 April, http://www.bharatiyashik-
to expand access to family planning informa- Rights and Exclusionary Wrongs: Maternity sha.com/?p=63 and
tion, services and supplies to an additional 120 Benefits, Economic & Political Weekly, Review committee/reports/EnglishCommittees/Com-
million women and girls in 69 of the worlds of Womens Studies, Vol 46, No 43, pp 94103. mittee%20on%20Petitions/135%20Report.htm.
poorest countries by 2020. For more information Rajya Sabha Secretariat (2016): 93rd Report on
Ministry of Finance (2016): Economic Survey of India
see www.familyplanning2020.org/. Demand for Grants (201617) of the Department
201516, New Delhi: Government of India,
7 The recently drafted State Population Policy by http://indiabudget.nic.in/budget2016-2017/ of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi:
the state of Assam (which has been put out by the Government Press.
government for comments) stipulates that those Randive, Bharat, Vishal Diwan and Ayesha De Costa
with more than two children will be ineligible MoHFW (2015): Rural Health Statistics 201415,
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Statis- (2013): Indias Conditional Cash Transfer Pro-
for government employment and taking part in gramme (the JSY) to Promote Institutional
panchayat and municipal body elections. tics Division, New Delhi: Government Press.
Birth: Is There an Association between Institu-
8 RKSK includes the imparting of health educa- (2017): National Health Policy 2017, New Delhi:
tional Birth Proportion and Maternal Mortality?
tion through community-based interventions, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Gov- PLoS One, Vol 8, No 6, http://dx.doi.org/10.
and the Scheme for Promotion of Menstrual ernment of India, http://www.mohfw.nic.in/ 1371/journal.pone.0067452.
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71st Round, National Sample Survey Office, duction in the Context of Cash Incentive Pro-
ASCI (2013): Evaluation of Sabla Scheme: A Report Government of India, Ministry of Statistics and
Submitted to Government of India, Admini- gramme, Janani Suraksha Yojana: Results from
Programme Implementation, New Delhi: Gov- Nine States in India, Social Science and Medi-
strative Staff College of India, Hyderabad, ernment Press.
September. cine, Vol 123, pp 16.
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Journal, Vol 7, No 8, pp 88296, http://dx.doi.
and Society, Vol 2, No 1, pp 4070. the Status of RKSK in 10 Pilot Districts of Guja-
Palo, Lal Bahadur, Neelima Singh Chauhan, T Par- rat, www.sahaj.org.in.
Chaturvedi, S, A De Costa and J Raven (2015):
vathi and Ramesh Chand Chauhan (2015): Sjostrom, S, Birgitta Essn, Filip Sydn, Kristina
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Programme to Promote Facility Births in India Awareness Regarding Abortions and Medical Gemzell-Danielsson, Marie Klingberg-Allvin
Ensure Skilled Birth Attendance? A Qualitative Termination of Pregnancy Act among Medical (2014): Medical Students Attitudes and Per-
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Sarswat and P Verma (2016): Chronicles of of Choice and Dignity: Indian Women Dead after and H K Singh (2013): Unsafe Abortion: A
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States of Odisha, West Bengal, Jharkhand and tisgarh, Report by a Multi-organisational No 3, pp 097173.
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http://phmindia.org/wp-content/uploads/ monHealth, Family Planning Association of In- Talking: A Civil Society Report on Maternal
2017/02/chronicles-of-deaths-foretold.pdf. dia and Parivar Seva Sansthan. Deaths in India, CommonHealth and Jan
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about Impact from the My Health, My Voice Pilot Policy for Introduction of Sex Education in the WHO (2014): WHO Global Health Expenditure Atlas,
Project in India, Health and Human Rights, Schools and Holding Back its Introduction Until http://www.who.int/health-accounts/atlas2014.
Vol 17, No 2, pp 13547. Then, Presented to the Honble Chairman, Rajya pdf.
Devika Biswas v Union of India and Ors, Writ Peti-
tion (Civil) No 95 of 2012 in the Supreme Court
of India, Final Judgment 14th September 2016.
Government of Assam (2017): Public Notice No EPWRF India Time Series
HLA 329/2017/15, Health and Family Welfare
Department, Dispur, Guwahati, http://assam.
Expansion of Banking Statistics Module
gov.in/documents/10180/fb07e488-ec42-4f7d (State-wise Data)
GoI (2017): National Report Submitted in Accord-
ance with Paragraph 5 of the Annex to Human The Economic and Political Weekly Research Foundation (EPWRF) has added state-wise
Rights Council Resolution 16/21, India, Universal data to the existing Banking Statistics module of its online India Time Series (ITS)
Periodic Review III, Government of India, https://
ment/india/session_27_-_may_2017/a_hrc_ State-wise and region-wise (north, north-east, east, central, west and south) time series
data are provided for deposits, credit (sanction and utilisation), credit-deposit (CD) ratio,
Hazarika, Indrajit (2013): Health Workforce in
India: Assessment of Availability, Production and number of bank offices and employees.
and Distribution, WHO South East Asia Jour- Data on bank credit are given for a wide range of sectors and sub-sectors (occupation)
nal of Public Health, Vol 2, No 2, pp 10612.
IIPS and Macro International (2009): National Family
such as agriculture, industry, transport operators, professional services, personal loans
Health Survey (NFHS-3), India, 200506, Mumbai: (housing, vehicle, education, etc), trade and finance. These state-wise data are also
International Institute for Population Sciences. presented by bank group and by population group (rural, semi-urban, urban and
IIPS (2017): National Family Health Survey 4, 2015 metropolitan).
16, India Fact Sheet, International Institute of
Population Sciences, Ministry of Health and The data series are available from December 1972; half-yearly basis till June 1989 and
Family Welfare, Government of India, http:// annual basis thereafter. These data have been sourced from the Reserve Bank of Indias
publication, Basic Statistical Returns of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India.
JSA, NAMHHR and SAMA (2014): Camp of Wrongs:
The Mourning AfterwardsA FactFinding Re- Including the Banking Statistics module, the EPWRF ITS has 16 modules covering a
port on Sterilisation Deaths in Bilaspur, Jan range of macroeconomic and financial data on the Indian economy. For more details,
Swasthya Abhiyan, National Alliance of Maternal
Health and Human Rights, SAMA-Resource visit www.epwrfits.in or e-mail to: its@epwrf.in
Group for Women and Health.

24 JUNE 17, 2017 vol lIi no 24 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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