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Land Titles and Deeds b.

) If it belongs to the Church or

a.) History: in the early days land for religious
was literally free to all who might
come and get it, just as free as Land Titles: refers to the
the air and the sea. ownership is based.
- the evidence of the right of
- Nomadic (roaming from place to ownership of the ownership of
place) until they learned to the owner or the extent of his
cultivate the fields extensively. interest, and by which means he
- Communal in organization can maintain control and as a
rule assert right to exclusive
*In the philippines the country of possession and enjoyment of
Spain the crown spared no time the property.
to proclaim full ownership over
all the lands so that private land Color Titles: it gives semblance
titles since then could only be or appearance of one, it still falls
acquired from the government short of title in the legal sense.
either by purchase or by the
various modes of land grant. Estate: it merely represents the
nature, extent, degree and
Exceptions: quantity of a persons interest in
a.) One could establish that as the land.
claimant he and his predecessor-
in-interest had been in *Estate in fee simple: regarded
possession of the land from time as having the title as an absolute
immemorial to justify that the ownership and he can exercise
land had been a private property full powers of disposition over his
even before the Spanish land, with complete freedom from
domination. control by third persons, and
subject only to legislative and
constitutional power of the State.
a.) Freehold estates: indicates
Deeds: refers to a written title of ownership
instrument executed in 1.) Fee Simple: an absolute
accordance with law, wherein a estate in perpetuity and without
person grants or conveys to any limitation imposed upon the
another certain land, tenements estate (no qualification or
or hereditaments. restriction)
- it must have a grantor, a 2.) Fee Tail: designed to
grantee, words of grant, pass the title from the grantee to
description of the property the heirs, intending to keep the
involved, signature of the property in the grantees lines of
grantor and at least two issue.
witnesses and a notarial 3.) Life Estate: one held for
acknowledgement. the duration of the life of the
- attestation is required in grantee but may be terminated
the case of a will and earlier as by forfeiture.
testament. Example: usufruct of a
- informal instrument and yet widow
to be perfectly good to convey
so long as it contains the b.) Less than-freehold estate:
essentials prescribed by signifies some sort of a right
statutes. short of title.
- it cannot be declared void if 1.) Estate for years: in the
by any reasonable rule it can be nature of a lease, and therefore
upheld. is short of title.
- a deed defective in form Example: The grantee or
may grant an equitable right but lessee takes over the possession
insufficient to pass the legal of the land for a period agreed
title. upon but the grantor retains the
legal title to the property.
Types of Estates:
2.) Tenancy from period
period: may run from month to Title: referring to the document.
month or from year to year with A juridical act or deed. It is not
the peculiarity of automatic sufficient by itself to transfer
renewal from time to time unless ownership. The act is the deed of
expressly terminated by either sale only vest the title but not
party. ownership.
3.) Tenancy at will: - when you execute your
rights. Exclusive enjoyment and
Lecture for the 1st Week: control.
-Pay taxes with the BIR (issue
Joan Didion (American Author): I certificate of title)
think nobody owns the land until -Register of the title with the
their dead are in it. registry of deeds.

Ownership is important to Title is not the same or equals to

acquire identity. It is a sign of ownership because a title is only
modernization from a nomadic a pre-cursor in owning a
stage. There is disparity but property/land.
there also a sense of legacy.

Purpose of Land Registration: Attributes of Ownership:

1.) Quiet the title to land and to a.) right to possess
forever stop any question as to b.) right to use and enjoy
the legality of said title. c.) right to receive the fruits and
- judicial declaration accessories
2.) To provide a means of d.) right to consume and abuse
publication e.) right to dispose or alienate
- announcement that f.) right to recover possession
someone owns the property g.) right to construct any work
h.) right to hidden treasures
i.) right to exclude others and to 6.) Accretion: increase of land
fence the property mass because of the gradual act
of the water and must be
Modes of Acquisition of title: adjacent to the bank.
1.) Public Grant: obtained or Registration is needed because
given by the Spanish crown. the title indicates the metes
2.) Emancipation patent or grant: and bounds of the land to avoid
in line with the comprehensive dispute. Except in sea banks
land program. A reward or a sign because it is owned by the
of gratitude done. State.
3.) Reclamation: the process of 7.) Involuntary alienation: act of
filling up of the sea with dirt to the government of ...
extend the land. Only the national 8.) Succession: descent-
government can do reclamation. decedent is the person who died
4.) Adverse Possession or and gives to the heirs.
Acquisitive: For adverse devise- decedent in favor to a
possession 30 years. non-heir.
-for prescription (good faith
10 years) to take place
possession of the property must Lecture on the 2nd week:
be open to the public not a Land Title: evidence of right or
secret, there must be continuous extend of interest, by which he
possession, must be can maintain control and as a
notorious or known to others and rule assert right to exclusive
lastly possession must be possession and enjoyment over
exclusive or exclusion of the property.
others. Property must be
alienable and disposable. Certificate of Title: it is the
5.) Private grant or voluntary document itself. Transcript of the
transfer: thru sale, donation ... decree of registration made by
the Register of Deeds in the
Registry. It is merely an evidence 4. Body of the title is a
of ownership. It contains the declaration
name of the owner/s, based on 5. Signature of the ...
the approved survey, if there
were any annotation. Deed: an instrument in writing, by
which any real estate or interest
Original Certificate of Title: the therein is created, alienated,
first title issued mortgaged or assigned or by
(juridical/administrative); the which title to any real estate may
original copy is for the Registry be effected in law or equity.
of Deeds; the duplicate is for the
owners copy. Laws governing land registration:
1. PD No 1529 Property
Transfer Certificate of Title: it is Registration Decree: it
the title issued by the registry of supersedes all laws except
deeds in favor of a transferee to those not inconsistent
whom the ownership of a 2. CA 141 Public Land Act:
registered land. It cancels the lands of the public domain is
OCT; it is for a better tracking open to disposition or
down of ownership. alienation
3. RA No 8371 Indigenous
Precise and correct statement Peoples Right Act: re-issuance
of title and how to go about
If there is a violation of the areas
contract the..- the title should be 4. RA No 10023 Issuance of
cancelled then a new title should Free Patents to residential
be made. lands

1. Place Legal effect of a deed of sale..?

2. Original certificate of title (quiz)
3. No. ----
Land registration: judicial or conflicts will be even more
administrative proceeding abrasive, if not violent; regress
whereby a persons claim of
ownership over a particular land Republic vs Guerrero 133168
is determined and confirmed or Govt is required ... reserve; any
recognized so that such land and encumbrance will limit; object is
the ownership thereof may be to obviate possible conflicts of
recorded in a public registry title by giving the public right to
rely upon the face of the Torrens
Purpose: certificate and to dispense, as a
1.) to prove the best ownership- rule, with the necessity of
so it would be binding to 3rd inquiring further.
2.) for the peace of mind Due diligence: you inquire further
3.) indefeasibility (cannot be even if the title is clean in its
attacked): there would be a one face; gives the owner a peace of
year leeway to question the mind
validity of the title, the regularity
of its registration Registration is not a mode of
4.) facilitate transaction; easier acquiring ownership; Sec 2 of PD
to look into the cleanliness of the 1529; Merely a procedure to
title establish evidence of title over
Torrens System: most effective
measure to guarantee the Certificate of title is not a source
integrity of land titles and to of right; it merely records or
protect their indefeasibility once conforms a title already existing
the claim of ownership is and vested; mere possession..
established and recognized;
without this system, land Purpose:
1. to quiet title to land; to put a
stop forever to any question of
the legality of the title, except
claims which were noted at the
time of the registration in the
certificate or which may arise
subsequent thereto
2. to relieve the land of unknown
liens or claims just or unjust
against it except statutory liens
under sec 44 of PD 1529
3. to establish priority and right...
4. to create indif..
5. to provide means of
publication or notice to third
6. to facilitate stablished to land
7. to facilitate transactions
relative thereto by giving the
public the right to rely upon the
face of the Torrens certificate of
title and to dispense with the
need of inquiring..
8. to prevent fraudulent claims

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