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Draft Writing Guidelines

1. Title the draft as Objective of draft/Draft objective

2. Explain the objective (Mentioned in the handout)


Imagine yourself the Key accounts manager for a leading motorcycle company in India.
Your company is planning to launch new international versions of motorcycles. The
management has requested for a brief draft of the market scenario of motorcycles. What
should be the content of the draft that he should write to the management?

3. Draft writing format is NOT writing an essay, comprehension or letter writing or

email writing
4. Draft writing has the title of the Draft on the first page ; the second page has the
draft contents: Guidelines and assumptions ( if any)
5. After point 2, Write doing the suggestions /recommendations for the objective
( feasible ones /realistic ones) in about 100 words
6. Suggest alternatives to action points/ recommendations in another 50-100 words
7. Offer cautionary statements in case there is an element of doubt or risk
8. Conclude/inferences ( 100 words)
9. Summarize the draft in around 50-100 words
10. Magazines and articles which were provided were given as case references and aids
to provide a background information ONLY while preparing the draft for a specified
11. References ( 3-10Maximum)
12. In case objective is not defined just like in topics of Sony, Maggi , Cadbury etc., it is
essential that the title of the draft and draft objective remains the same. The content
should be then drafted as per point 5 and 6 ( example of Cadbury was discussed in
13. Sample of expected draft format ( valid for handwritten and typed formats) is
14. Labeling of the draft document should be name of student _Case study no or Name


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