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PT3 GUIDED WRITING (RECOUNTS) You and your friends went for a recent

Writing a Recount beach outing. Write a recount of the outing

Introduction and describe what happened on the beach.
In this chapter, you are shown how to write Use the notes to help you write.
a recount or story based on the notes given.
You have to understand the notes in order Beach outing:
for you to write. -checked in chalet
-went jungle trekking - many plant species
Guidelines -heard shouts while relaxing
Follow the guidelines below to write a -a child is drowning
recount: -swam fast - rescued
Read the question and notes carefully.
Understand the notes given. When writing out your recount:
Make sure you know exactly what you have -you may use the notes given
to write. -suggest the ending of the recount
Jot down your own notes. -add any other relevant information
Expand the notes given with your own -write in not less than 150 words
Based on the notes, you now have a good Model Question 2
understanding of the topic. You should spend 30 minutes on this
Arrange the points in your outline. question.
Ensure that the composition flows smoothly.
You and your friends heard a loud bang
Check for any errors in your grammar,
spelling and tenses. while you were playing football. Describe
what happened in your recount. Use the
Format notes to help you write.
This is an example of the format on writing
a recount: -playing football
-heard a loud bang
Writing Outline -saw a car crashed into a tree
Introduction: mention the setting and what
the incident or topic based on the notes - -phoned ambulance
write a clear introductory line
Main body: Model Question 3
Paragraph 1 - illustrate the story based on You should spend 30 minutes on this
the notes question.
Paragraph 2: expand your story to the other
points and explain further There was a burglary at your house. Write a
Paragraph 3: include the climax of the recount about the incident and describe what
story or subsequent point
happened. Use the notes to help you write.
Conclusion: write clear concluding lines for
your recount or story. -watching television
- parents not around
-heard noise from a burglar
Model Question 1 -idea - wear monster costume
You should spend 30 minutes on this
-burglar frightened
Writing Outline lone passenger were seriously injured. My friends
Introduction: a beach outing - fun-filled night - and I used our full strength to bring the victims out of
barbeque and campfire the wrecked car as quickly as we could.
Main Body: Describe how you and your friends Then, I quickly phoned the medic and the police. I
went trekking in the jungle and how you saved the explained to them on what had happened briefly. An
childs life. ambulance and a police car came fifteen minutes
Paragraph 1: trekked in jungle - studied plant later.
species At the secene, the policeman took down statements of
Paragraph 2: relaxing - heard shouts for help from what had happened from us again. After the
sea ambulance had taken the victims to hospital, we left
Paragraph 3: You saved drowning child the scene of the accident. We prayed that the victims
Conclusion: childs parents - thankful will be recovered soon.
We were very glad that we had done our part to save
Model Answer 1 the two lives. For some unknown reason, we felt like
A fortnight ago, Akmal, Boby and I, visited a beach we were at the right place at the opportune time.
resort as part of our holiday plans. As we arrived, we
checked into the chalet and went swimming. At Writing Outline
night, we had a barbeque and campfire on the beach. Introduction: setting - you and sister were alone at
We really had our fun. home
The next morning, we woke up early. The whole Main Body: Describe how you frightened the burglar
morning was spent on trekking in the jungle to study and prevented him from stealing.
some unusual plants species for our science project. Paragraph 1: hid in a cupboard - heard the burglars
We found many rare species the we never met before. movements
After lunch, we decided to have a relaxing afternoon Paragraph 2: put on a costume - frighten the burglar
under a shady tree. Akmal was happily played his Paragraph 3: crept and screamed to frighten the
guitar and Boyb and I were excitedly singing. burglar - ran for his life
Suddenly, we heard someone shouting, Help! Help! Conclusion: parents came back - felt proud
Someone is drowning!
I looked far into the sea and saw a child struggling in Model Answer 3
the water. There was someone nearby who did not My sister and I were at home by ourselves last
dare to enter the water. Without hesitation, I ran to Saturday. Our parents had gone out to a friends
the sea and swam quickly towards the child. I then birthday dinner. We were watching television when I
pulled the child to the shore. heard a noise coming from the kitchen. I told my
Everyone, upon seeing this, applauded. The childs sister to be quiet.
parents ran to the crowd and thanked me for saving I suspected that it was a burglar and quickly pulled
their childs life. my sister to hide. We switched off the television and
hid in a cupboard. From inside, we could hear the
Writing Outline burglar rummaging through our things. My sister was
Introduction: day and setting of the story - playing very afraid but I calmed her and said everything will
football head a loud bang be alright.
Main Body: Explain what you did to help the Suddenly, an idea struck. I noticed a scary costume in
accident victims. the cupboard. That was a costume that I wore on last
Paragraph 1: after hearing a bang - ran and saw halloween. I put it on and bravely stepped out of the
crashed car - injured victims cupboard.
Paragraph 2: phoned the police and ambulance - I crept towards the unsuspecting burglar from behind
took the victims - hospital and made some scary sounds. The burglar turned
Paragraph 3: police took statements - left around, saw the monster and screamed. He
Conclusion: glad - saved lives - right place immediately fled for his life out of the house.
When our parents came back and heard the story,
Model Answer 2 they were proud of me. They were also glad that
Last Friday, Soo, Haider, and I were playing football nothing had happened to us. Our father told mum that
in the field near our school. Suddenly, we heard a they should never leave us alone at home, ever again.
loud bang. It came from a tree near the field.
With hearts thumping hard, we ran towards the loud
sound to see what happened. We were very shocked
to see a car crashed into a tree. The driver and his
Model Question 4 only son, Rushdi, to come back and
You should spend 30 minutes on this bring her to live in the city with him. She
question. always tells me about him.
You are friendly with an old widow who She spent long hours staring at the old
has an ungrateful son. Write a recount photographs of Rushdi. Fauziah really
about the old lady and describe what looked forward to him coming back to
happened to her. Use the notes to help the country. She had not heard from
you write. Rushdi for a long time.
One day, Fauziahs friend, Khatijah, told
-lonely old widow waiting for son from her that there was news that Rushdi was
overseas back in the country. It seemed that he
-son promised to bring her to the city had already set up his own legal firm in
-son graduated - a successful lawyer the city and was a successful lawyer.
-old widow went to sons office Fauziah was excited.
-son feigned not to know her She took bus to the office the very next
day following the address given by
When writing out your recount: Khatijah. Fauziah had expected her son
-you may use the notes given to welcome her. However, when Rushdi
-suggest the ending of the recount saw the old lady in shabby clothes
-add any other relevant information asking for him, he feigned that he did
-write in not less than 150 words not know her.
Extremely sad, Fauziah took out her
Writing Outline precious photographs and burnt all of
Introduction: setting - lonely widow them. At that moment, she realised that
waiting for her son she no longer had a son and all her
Main Body: Describe how the lonely hopes of a better life had crumbled to
widow went to see her son and was the ground.
Paragraph 1: spent long hours looking Model Question 5
at his photographs - happy times You should spend 30 minutes on this
Paragraph 2: son - back in town - question.
successful lawyer You wanted to meet your friends after
Paragraph 3: took bus - office - son school and you asked for your parents
feigned not to know her permission. Describe what happened in
Conclusion: rejected by son - cried and your recount. Use the notes to help you
burnt his photographs - no longer had a write.
son -asked parents permission
-meet friends
Model Answer 4 -went to a game shop
Fauziah is an old widow that lives near -friends asked to join them for dinner
my house. She had been waiting for her
When writing out your recount: However, I insisted that I would not
-you must use the notes given miss my curfew. I told them that my
-suggest the ending of the recount parents trusted me so I would not lose
-add any other relevant information their trust. My friends understood and
-write in not less than 150 words they bid goodbye.

Writing Outline Model Question 6

Introduction: asked parents You should spend 30 minutes on this
permission - to meet friends question.
Main Body: Describe the setting Last Sunday, Form 2 students of SMK
between you and your friends. Hang Tuah went on a Kuala Lumpur
Paragraph 1: game shop - latest games tour. Describe what happened in your
players - dinner recount. Use the notes to help you write.
Paragraph 2: bought things - garden -
football match -Kuala Lumpur tour
Paragraph 3: looked at watch - it is 8 -Petronas Twin Towers
p.m - need to go home -National Museum Zoo Negara
Conclusion: do not want to miss
curfew - parents trusted you When writing out your recount:
-you may use the notes given
Model Answer 5 -suggest the eating of the recount
Yesterday, I asked for my parents -add any other relevant information
permission to meet my friends at the -write in not less than 150 words
mall at 5 p.m. My parents allowed me to
go but they reminded me of my 8.30 Writing Outline
p.m. curfew. Then, I bid them goodbye Introduction: Form 2 students - SMK
and left for the mall. Hang Tuah - Kuala Lumpur tour
I met my friends and went straight to a Main Body: Describe the places the
game shop. We looked at the latest students went to visit.
games and spent a long time there After Paragraph 1: boarded school bus -
we bought things that we needed, we Petronas Twin Towers
went to a garden outside of the mall. We Paragraph 2: National Museum -
had our chit chat about our future paintings - historical items
football math. We were very excited Paragraph 3: last destination - Zoo
about it. At 7.45 pm., my friends wanted Negara - see animals - excited
to have dinner and they asked me to join Conclusion: back to school - arrived at
them. 7 p.m.
I looked at my watch and realised that it
was almost 9 p.m. I told my friends that Model Answer 6
I had to be home by 8.30 p.m. My Last Sunday, Form 2 students of SMK
friends kept asking me to join them. Hang Tuah went for a tour in Kuala
Lumpur. There were 86 students in total
and 4 teachers in charge to look after us. When writing out your recount:
We were very excited as it was our first -you may use the notes given
time to land in Kuala Lumpur. -suggest the ending of the recount
At 7.00 a.m., we boarded the school bus -add any other relevant information
from Malacca and headed straight to -write in not less than 150 words ^ ^
Kuala Lumpur. We arrived at the
Petronas Twin Towers after a two-hour Writing Outline
bus ride. We went to the sky bridge and Introduction: brothers convocation
the park. We really enjoyed ourselves day - graduated
and I even bought some sourvenirs for Main Body: Describe the Convocation
my family. Day.
At 11.00 a.m., we went to National Paragraph 1: place - crowded - smart
Museum and spent time there looking at in robe
the paintings and historical items. After Paragraph 2: waited outside the hall -
that, we had lunch at a restaurant near parents were inside
the museum and continued our journey. Paragraph 3: went to a florist stall - a
Our last destination was Zoo Negara. We bouquet of flowers
were so excited to see the varieties of Conclusion: parents - proud of him -
animal species there. There were also wish to be like my brother
some species that we were not familiar
with. The trip to Zoo Negara was the Model Answer 7
best! Yesterday, my family and I went to my
At 4 p.m., the bus driver drove us back brothers Convocation Day at UTM
to our school and we arrived at 7 p.m. Skudai, Johor. He has finally graduated
Although we were tired, we would never with flying colours after four years of
forget the experience we just had. studies.
The place was very crowded with
Model Question 7 students, families and staffs of the
You should spend 30 minutes on this university. The Convocation Day started
question. from yesterday. My brother looked very
Your eldest brother has finished his smart in his robe and I was very proud
degree programme and you were there of him.
at his convocation day. Write a recount His session started at 2 p.m. My sister
about the convocation day. Use the and I waited outside of the convocation
notes to help you write. hall while my parents are seated inside
the hall. As his name was called,
brothers Convocation Day everybody applaud very hard as he
wear a robe received a first class degree. He was also
received scroll awarded as the best student of his
bought a bouquet of flowers programme.
While waiting for the end of the Paragraph 3 : blood test - diabetes -
ceremony, I went to a florist stall nearby regret
to buy a bouquet of flowers for my Conclusion: eat healthily - living a
brother to celebrate his success. healthy lifestyle
The ceremony ended well and my
parents were very proud of their son. We Model Answer 8
took pictures of him and were very Faizal was a very generous boy. He liked
happy. And for me, I wish to study hard to share his things of food with his
so that I can be like my brother one day. friends. However, he did not like people
to advise or critique him. He liked sweet
Model Question 8 food very much.
You should spend 30 minutes on this His parents advised him to not make
question. eating sweets a habit. His friends, on the
Faizal loved to eat sweet food. Although other hand, told him about the danger of
his parents and friends had advised him eating excessive sweet food. However,
to stop eating excessively, he still ate it he would not listen to anything they
tremendeously. Describe what happened said. He stood still with his principles.
in your story. Use the notes to help you He kept eating chocolates, candies,
write. carbonated drinks and ice cream. One
day, his school was having a blood
-Faizal is a generous boy donation campaign and the students
-he cannot accept advice were urged to donate blood. Faizal
-donate his blood would like to donate his blood too.
-diabetes Unfortunately, the result of his blood
test showed that he suffered from an
When writing out your recount: early stage of diabetes. He was very
-you may use the notes given shocked and felt regret for not listening
-suggest the ending of the recount to his parents and friends advice. He
-add any other relevant information apologized to them especially his
-write in not less than 150 words parents for being so stubborn.
He promised himself to change his
Writing Outline eating habits, start eating more
Introduction: Faizal - generous boy - nutritious food and living a healthier
however - cannot accept advice lifestyle.
Main Body: Describe Faizals eating
Paragraph 1: parents - friends - advise
- did not listen P
Paragraph 2 : blood donation
campaign - donate his blood

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