Biocontrol Bacteria 1

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Efficacy of Plant GrowthPromoting Rhizobacteria, Acibenzolar-S-Methyl,

and Soil Amendment for Integrated Management of Bacterial Wilt on Tomato

K. N. Anith and M. T. Momol, North Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida, 155 Research
Road, Quincy 32351; J. W. Kloepper, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Au-
burn University, Auburn, AL 36849; J. J. Marois and S. M. Olson, North Florida Research and Education Center,
University of Florida, 155 Research Road, Quincy 32351; and J. B. Jones, Plant Pathology Department, 2253 Fifield
Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville 32611

pathogens (6,21). Attempts have also been

ABSTRACT made to use bacterial antagonists for man-
Anith, K. N., Momol, M. T., Kloepper, J. W., Marois, J. J., Olson, S. M., and Jones, J. B. 2004. agement of bacterial wilt of tomato
Efficacy of plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria, acibenzolar-S-methyl, and soil amendment (3,8,9,17).
for integrated management of bacterial wilt on tomato. Plant Dis. 88:669-673. Amendment of soils with organic and
inorganic substances has been practiced for
Greenhouse experiments were conducted to study the effect of plant growth promoting rhizobac- managing many soilborne plant pathogens
teria (PGPR; Bacillus pumilus SE 34, Pseudomonas putida 89B61, BioYield, and Equity), aci- (4). S-H mixture is a formulated soil
benzolar-S-methyl (Actigard), and a soil amendment with S-H mixture (contains agricultural and
amendment from Taiwan, which contains
industrial wastes such as bagasse, rice husk, oyster shell powder, urea, potassium nitrate, cal-
cium super phosphate, and mineral ash) on bacterial wilt incidence caused by Ralstonia solana- agricultural and industrial wastes such as
cearum (race 1, biovar 1) in susceptible tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Solar Set). In bagasse, rice husk, oyster shell powder,
experiments with PGPR, Pseudomonas putida 89B61 significantly reduced bacterial wilt inci- urea, potassium nitrate, calcium super
dence when applied to the transplants at the time of seeding and 1 week prior to inoculation with phosphate, and mineral ash as components
Ralstonia solanacearum. BioYield, a formulated PGPR that contained two Bacillus strains, (25). Addition of S-H mixture to soil has
decreased disease significantly in three experiments. Equity, a formulation containing more than been shown to reduce the pathogen popu-
40 different microbial strains, did not reduced wilt incidence compared with the untreated con- lation and disease severity in many crop
trol. With inoculum at low pathogen densities of 1 105 and 1 106 CFU/ml, disease incidence plants (2,25). The major components of S-
of Actigard-treated plants was significantly less than with nontreated plants. This is the first H mixture that contribute to the disease
report of Actigard-mediated reduction of bacterial wilt incidence in a susceptible tomato cultivar. suppression, especially in the case of to-
When PGPR and Actigard applications were combined, Actigard plus P. putida 89B61 or mato bacterial wilt, are urea and mineral
BioYield reduced bacterial wilt incidence compared with the untreated control. Incorporation of ash. Incorporation of the mixture into soil
S-H mixture into infested soil 2 weeks before transplanting reduced bacterial wilt incidence in has been reported to reduce the population
one experiment. Combination of Actigard with the S-H mixture significantly reduced bacterial
of R. solanacearum and suppress bacterial
wilt incidence in tomato in two experiments.
wilt in tomato (5,25).
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is
the phenomenon by which defense mecha-
Bacterial wilt disease caused by the Management of bacterial wilt in tomato nisms in plants are activated by contact
soilborne plant pathogen Ralstonia so- and in other crops has been difficult. Even with a pathogen or their metabolites or by
lanacearum (race 1) is a major limiting though integrated management, including a diverse group of structurally unrelated
factor in field-grown tomato (Lycopersi- cultural practices, crop rotation, and use of organic and inorganic compounds (11).
con esculentum) production in the south- resistant cultivars, provides some limited Acibenzolar-S-methyl (Actigard, Syn-
eastern United States and in tropical and success, the disease still threatens com- genta, Basel, Switzerland) is a chemical
subtropical areas of the world. This dis- mercial tomato production in the south- compound that triggers SAR when applied
ease affects many solanaceous species eastern United States and elsewhere (12). to plants (16). SAR inducers are potential
and also several other plant families Plant essential oils such as thymol or pal- candidates for controlling bacterial dis-
(7,12). In tomato, symptoms are charac- marosa are effective biofumigants against eases of many crops. Actigard has been
terized by wilting of upper leaves for a R. solanacearum (20) but require devel- reported to reduce bacterial spot and speck
few days followed by complete wilting of opment of a practical and economical ap- diseases on tomato (14) and fire blight on
the plants. Brown discoloration of the plication method for field use. apple (15).
vascular tissues in the lower stem can also Biological control has emerged as one The objectives of the study were to dis-
be observed in the wilted plants. Bacteria of the important methods in the manage- cover the efficiency of PGPR (as single
will ooze from fresh cut stems placed in ment of soilborne plant pathogens. Bio- strain or formulation), S-H mixture, and
clear water. logical control reduces the dependence on Actigard in reducing the bacterial wilt
high-risk chemicals for disease manage- incidence in tomato under greenhouse
ment and is ecologically sound and envi- conditions. Also, combined effect of Acti-
Corresponding author: M. T. Momol ronmentally friendly (1,28). Plant growth gard with PGPR or S-H mixture was
E-mail: promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are poten- evaluated against bacterial wilt in tomato.
tial agents for biological control of plant
Current address of K. N. Anith: Department of
Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Kerala pathogens (10). PGPR bring about disease MATERIALS AND METHODS
Agricultural University, Vellayani, Trivandrum 695 suppression by various modes of action Bacterial cultures, inoculum prepara-
522, Kerala, India. such as antagonism, competition for space tion, and plants. R. solanacearum (race 1,
and nutrients, and induction of systemic biovar 1) tomato strain Rs5 (19), isolated
Accepted for publication 9 February 2004. resistance (10,13,27,29). Combining mul- in Quincy, FL, was used as the pathogen in
tiple PGPR has been found to suppress this study. Pathogenicity of the strain Rs5
Publication no. D-2004-0412-02R disease development in many crop plants on tomato was confirmed by inoculating
2004 The American Phytopathological Society against a broad range of soilborne plant the susceptible tomato cultivar Solar Set.

Plant Disease / June 2004 669

The bacterium was grown on casaminoacid 23 to 28C and a day temperature of 30 to ville, FL) is a formulated product contain-
peptone glucose medium (CPG) (7) for 48 35C. All experiments were repeated ing more than 40 different microbial
h or overnight (18 h) in CPG broth in a twice. strains. These two products induce sys-
shaker at 200 rpm at 28C. Sterile deion- PGPR experiments. PGPR strains Ba- temic resistance (22,23) on tomatoes (J. W.
ized water was used for suspending the cillus pumilus SE 34 and Pseudomonas Kloepper, personal communication). Treat-
bacterial cells, and the concentration of the putida 89B61 were grown on tripticase soy ments are listed in Table 1.
inoculum was determined spectropho- agar (TSA) (Becton Dickinson and Co., For evaluating the effect of PGPR
tometrically at 600 nm. Except for soil Cockeysville, MD) and Pseudomonas Agar strains and formulated PGPR products on
infestation in soil amendment/Actigard F (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI), re- bacterial wilt incidence, seeds were sown
experiments, inoculation with the pathogen spectively, for 48 h at 28C. Cells were in separate flats having 32 cells each.
was performed by drenching 5 ml of bacte- harvested by scraping them from the agar Seeds were rinsed three times with deion-
rial suspension containing a desirable surface with a glass spreader after drench- ized water before sowing. For first PGPR
number of CFU per milliliter into the indi- ing the plates with 10 ml of sterile deion- application, 5 ml of each PGPR suspension
vidual cells of the transplant flats. Inocu- ized water. The concentration of bacterial containing approximately 5 108 CFU/ml
lated plants were transplanted into pots cells in the suspension was adjusted by was applied to the seeds in each cell as
containing plant growth medium 3 days diluting with sterile deionized water, and drench. The suspensions of BioYield (10
after challenge inoculation. Plant growth the concentration in CFU per milliliter was ml/liter) and Equity (2.5 ml/liter) in deion-
medium, Terra-lite agricultural mix (Scott determined spectrophotometrically at 600 ized water were used for treating seeds as
Sierra Horticultural Products Co., Marys- nm. PGPR strains Bacillus pumilus SE 34 drench. Some treatments had a second
ville, OH), was used for growing plants. and Pseudomonas putida 89B61 are application to further enhance the possibil-
Seeds of the cultivar Solar Set were sown known to induce systemic resistance ity of induced resistance (Table 1). The
in expanded polystyrene transplant flats against fungal, bacterial, and viral plant second application of PGPR was applied 7
with 2.5 2.5 cm cells. Pots were placed pathogens in tomato and cucumber days before inoculation with the pathogen.
in a saucer containing water to maintain (27,29). The pathogen was introduced by drenching
high moisture content in the soil. Trans- Two products containing PGPR were each transplant flat cell (2.5 2.5 cm) with
plants and plants were fertilized with Pe- also tested. BioYield flowable (Gustafson, a 5-ml R. solanacearum suspension con-
ters peat lite special (15:16:17 N-P-K) LLC, Dallas, TX) is a formulation that taining 6 107 CFU/ml when the trans-
solution prepared in water (7.5 g/liter) at contains two Bacillus strains, namely B. plants were 4 weeks old with four to five
10-day intervals. Plants were maintained in subtilis GB03 and B. amyloliquefaciens true leaves. Plants were transplanted 3
a greenhouse with a night temperature of IN937a. Equity (Naturize Inc., Jackson- days after challenge inoculation into 10-
cm pots containing moistened soil.
Actigard experiments. Acibenzolar-S-
Table 1. Final bacterial wilt incidence in tomato plants (cv. Solar Set) treated with plant growth pro- methyl (Actigard 50 WG, Novartis Crop
moting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains and PGPR formulated products Protection Inc., Greensboro, NC) was ap-
% Bacterial wiltx plied as a drench to the base of the plants
as well as foliar spray. Initial foliar treat-
Treatmenty PGPR applications Experiment 1 Experiment 2
ment was applied 14 days after seed ger-
SE 34 Seed 100.0 a 96.8 ab mination and was followed by a second
SE 34 Seed and 2ndz 96.8 ab 87.5 bcd application, both of foliar spray and soil
89B61 Seed 81.2 b 78.1 ed
drench, 5 days prior to inoculation with the
89B61 Seed and 2nd 43.7 c 53.1 f
BY Seed 84.3 ab 81.2 cd pathogen. For foliar application, a concen-
BY Seed and 2nd 84.3 ab 68.7 e tration of 56 mg of Actigard per liter of
EQTY Seed 96.8 ab 96.8 ab water was used. Leaves were sprayed with
EQTY Seed and 2nd 93.7 ab 90.6 abc a hand-held sprayer till runoff. Tomato
Untreated control NA 100.0 a 100.0 a seedlings were drenched with 5 ml of Ac-
x Final bacterial wilt incidence 30 days after inoculation of plants, mean of four replications having tigard solution (28 mg/liter) per cell of
eight plants each, values followed by same letters in a column do not differ significantly according transplant flat. Concentrations were given
to Duncans multiple range test (P = 0.05). as formulated product. Based on prelimi-
y PGPR strains: SE 34 = Bacillus pumilus, 89B61 = Pseudomonas putida, BY = BioYield, EQTY =
nary experiments, Actigard was more ef-
Equity. fective against R. solanacearum on the
z Second PGPR applications were 7 days prior to inoculations with Ralstonia solanacearum.
susceptible tomato cultivar if inoculum
concentration is low (2 105 CFU/ml) and
Table 2. Final bacterial wilt incidence in tomato plants (cv. Solar Set) inoculated with different in- applied as foliar and drench solutions be-
oculum concentration of Ralstonia solanacearum as affected by Actigard applications fore inoculation (data not shown).
Development of bacterial wilt in the
% Bacterial wiltx susceptible tomato cultivar Sun Set was
Inoculum concentration (CFU/ml)y studied by inoculating the seedlings with
Treatment 1 108 1 107 1 106 1 105 varying concentrations of R. solanacea-
rum. Treatments are listed in Table 2.
Actigardz 100.0 a 95.0 a 50.0 a 11.6 a Seedlings were inoculated with R. solana-
Untreated 100.0 a 96.6 a 73.3 b 30.0 b
cearum as previously described under
Contrast df MS F P>F PGPR experiments. Inoculated plants
Actigard vs. untreated 1 4,860 23.27 <0.001
were transplanted to Cone-tainers (Ray
x Final bacterial wilt incidence 30 days after inoculation of plants, three replicates with 10 plants per Leach Cone-tainers, Stuewe and Sons,
replicate for each experiment. Experiments were conducted twice (no statistical difference was Inc., Corvallis, OR; 21 cm long, 3.8 cm
found between experiments), and data from both experiments were combined for this analysis. Val- diameter, and 165 ml capacity) filled with
ues followed by same letter in a column do not differ significantly according to t test (P = 0.05).
y Five milliliters of R. solanacearum applied to the base of each plant, transplanted after 3 days. soil 3 days after inoculation. Four-week-
z Initial foliar treatment with Actigard was applied 14 days after seed germination and was followed old seedlings of tomato having four to five
by a second application, both of foliar spray and soil drench, 5 days prior to inoculation with R. fully expanded leaves were transplanted to
solanacearum. them and maintained on support trays.

670 Plant Disease / Vol. 88 No. 6

Water was provided from the bottom of the 34, and BioYield resulted in reduction in When the pathogen was exposed for 7 or 0
Cone-tainers as needed, and plants were bacterial wilt incidence compared with the days to S-H mixture alone or in combina-
fertilized as described earlier. untreated control. Two applications of P. tion with Actigard before transplanting, no
PGPR and Actigard experiments. Two putida 89B61 achieved the most reduction significant wilt reduction was observed
experiments were conducted to evaluate (approximately 50%) in disease incidence compared with untreated controls (Table 4).
the combined effect of PGPR and Actigard (Table 1). Two applications of P. putida
on bacterial wilt incidence. Seedlings were 89B61 or BioYield were better than one DISCUSSION
inoculated with R. solanacearum as previ- application of the same treatment. Two In this study, application of PGPR, P.
ously described under PGPR experi- applications of B. pumilus SE 34 reduced putida 89B61, and B. pumilus SE 34 re-
ments. PGPR were applied twice in all the disease incidence in PGPR experiment duced bacterial wilt incidence significantly
treatments. Earlier PGPR experiments 2. Applications of Equity did not reduce in tomato under greenhouse conditions, but
showed increased protection against the wilt incidence compared with the untreated the P. putida 89B61 was more consistent
pathogen with two PGPR applications. control. When applied twice, P. putida and effective against tomato bacterial wilt.
First and second PGPR and Actigard ap- 89B61 or BioYield reduced disease inci- Both biological agents have been shown to
plications were performed, and water and dence significantly in three out of four be effective in managing various diseases
fertilizer were provided as described ear- experiments (Tables 1 and 3). in several crops (6,27,29). Results of our
lier. Treatments are listed in Table 3. Effect of Actigard. Lowering the bacte- studies showed that two applications of P.
Soil amendment (S-H mixture) and rial inoculum concentration reduced bacte- putida 89B61 or BioYield are an important
Actigard experiments. S-H mixture was rial wilt incidence in both Actigard and factor that could enhance biological con-
obtained from Wells Industrial Co., Ltd., non-Actigard treatments (Table 2). Acti- trol activities. Increased colonization of the
Tainan, Taiwan. Incorporation of S-H mix- gard experiments were repeated twice, and emerging roots by the biocontrol agents,
ture in the soil was done at a rate of 0.5% data were combined and analyzed, as there which also serve as the major port of entry
(vol/vol) by adding the required quantity of was no significant difference between the of the bacterial pathogen, might have pre-
S-H mixture to polythene bags (90 50 means of disease incidence at respective vented R. solanacearum from entering the
20 cm) and mixing well. A suspension of inoculum densities in both experiments. host. R. solanacearum being a soilborne
R. solanacearum containing 5 108 The incidence of disease was high (95 to plant pathogen, effective colonization of
CFU/ml was added to the soil to make the 100%) for both treatments at higher inocu- the root system by the biocontrol agents
bacterial population 5 107 CFU/ml. The lum concentrations of 1 107 and 1 108 would prevent the pathogen from attaching
soil was again thoroughly mixed, and bags CFU/ml. At lower inoculum concentrations to the point of entry and proceeding further
were maintained at room temperature. S-H of 1 106 and 1 105 CFU/ml, Actigard into the vascular tissue. Besides this, an-
mixture and R. solanacearum were added applied plants had significantly lower dis- tagonistic action of the biocontrol agents
to the soil at three different time intervals: ease incidence (11.6 to 50%) compared may also play an important role when
14 days, 7 days, and 0 days prior to trans- with the non-Actigard plants (30 to increased numbers of bacteria are present
planting. Bags containing R. solanacearum 73.3%). When the data were analyzed with in the soil or rhizosphere. Applying these
alone were also prepared and kept as un- orthogonal contrasts with respect to Acti- agents after transplanting may further
treated controls for each time interval. gard treatment among the treated and un- increase the effectiveness of biological
Cone-tainers were filled with infested treated means, a significant difference was control. These bacterial agents might be
soil. Four-week-old tomato transplants, observed (Table 2). inducing systemic resistance (ISR) or an-
having four to five fully expanded leaves, Effect of PGPR and Actigard. In these
were transplanted to them. Actigard was experiments, PGPR were applied twice.
applied, and water and fertilizer were pro- Combination of Actigard with P. putida Table 3. Percent bacterial wilt incidence in
vided as described earlier. Treatments are 89B61 or BioYield caused significant re- tomato plants (cv. Solar Set) treated with plant
growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains,
listed in Table 4. duction in disease incidence compared formulated products, and Actigard
Disease assessment and statistical with the untreated control (Table 3). Acti-
analysis. Disease incidence (percent bacte- gard enhanced this reduction significantly % Bacterial wiltx
rial wilt) was observed by counting the in experiment 1 (Table 3) when combined Treatmenty Exp. 1 Exp. 2
number of wilted plants in each experi- with BioYield. Equity combined with Ac-
SE 34 93.7 a 81.2 ab
ment at weekly intervals as the proportion tigard significantly reduced wilt incidence SE 34 + Actigardz 84.3 ab 75.0 abc
of wilted plants based on the initial num- in experiment 2 (Table 3) compared with 89B61 84.3 ab 53.1 cd
ber of plants. In all experiments, last dis- the untreated control, but no significant 89B61 + Actigard 68.7 b 46.8 d
ease assessment was made 30 days after reduction was observed when Equity or BY 65.6 b 59.3 bcd
inoculation. All experiments were designed Actigard was applied alone. The applica- BY + Actigard 40.6 c 59.3 bcd
as randomized complete block designs tion of Actigard alone was not effective in EQTY 100.0 a 78.1 abc
with four replicates and eight plants per reducing bacterial wilt incidence under EQTY + Actigard 81.2 ab 75.0 bc
Actigard 96.8 a 96.8 a
replicate, except Actigard, for which in- high inoculum (107 CFU/ml) conditions Untreated control 100.0 a 96.8 a
oculum density experiments were designed (Table 3).
x Final bacterial wilt incidence 30 days after
with three replicates and 10 plants per Effect of S-H mixture and Actigard.
replicate. All experiments were repeated Planting tomato seedlings into soil infested inoculation of plants, mean of four replica-
tions having eight plants each, values followed
twice. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was with R. solanacearum (untreated controls) by same letters in a column do not differ sig-
used to determine the effect of the treat- at 14, 7, and 0 days before transplanting nificantly according to Duncans multiple
ments on bacterial wilt incidence. Dun- caused similar disease incidence (Table 4). range test (P = 0.05).
cans multiple range test and orthogonal According to the wilt incidence results, y PGPR were applied twice (seed treatment and

contrasts (only for data analysis in Table 2) when the pathogen was exposed for 14 7 days prior to inoculation with Ralstonia
were used for comparing the means, using days to S-H mixture before transplanting, solanacearum): SE34 = Bacillus pumilus,
the statistical package SAS version 8.1 disease was reduced significantly com- 89B61 = Pseudomonas putida, BY =
(SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC). pared with the untreated control in experi- BioYield, EQTY = Equity.
z Initial foliar treatment with Actigard was
ment 1 (Table 4). However, the combina- applied 14 days after seed germination and
RESULTS tion of 14-day S-H treatment with Actigard was followed by a second application, both of
Effect of PGPR. Treatment of tomato further enhanced the efficacy of 14-day S- foliar spray and soil drench, 5 days prior to
plants with P. putida 89B61, B. pumilus SE H treatment in both experiments (Table 4). inoculation with R. solanacearum.

Plant Disease / June 2004 671

tagonism against R. solanacearum; how- rides. One important reason for the lack and S-H mixture alone or in combination
ever, specifically designed experiments of biological control with Equity could be with Actigard could be used to reduce
must be conducted to identify the mode(s) that it does not contain bacteria that are bacterial wilt incidence in tomato. The
of action (26). specifically antagonistic to R. solanacea- most effective agents or their combinations
Multiple strains of PGPR as formulated rum. However, both Bio Yield and Equity from our study need to be tested further
product are thought to have increased effi- had positive effects on the growth of to- under field conditions.
ciency in biological control compared with mato transplants in preliminary experi-
application of a single strain (18). ments without inoculation (data not ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The senior author was a recipient of the BOY-
BioYield contained spores of two bacterial shown). SCAST fellowship program of the Department of
strains. A combination of these bacteria In this study, Actigard has been found to Science and Technology, Government of India.
with a chitosan carrier was previously reduce the bacterial wilt incidence only This research was partially supported by grants
found to influence plant growth in tomato, when the low inoculum density (105 or 106 from SR-IPM and T-STAR programs of USDA-
cucumber, tobacco, and pepper transplants CFU/ml) was used for inoculations (Table CSREES and Gadsden County Tomato Growers
Association to M. T. Momol, J. B. Jones, and S. M.
and provided protection against bacterial 2). When Actigard combined with PGPR Olson.
spot and late blight in tomato, angular leaf or S-H mixture, high pathogen density (107
spot of cucumber, and blue mold of to- CFU/ml) was used for inoculations. Only LITERATURE CITED
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