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1.-Define :




2-Find the density of a 45 gr.ball whose volumen is 15 ml.

3-What is BUOYANCY? Why do some objects float in water and other sink?

4-Write, classify and explain the types of changes in matter.

5-Complete the sentences:

-If an object is denser than the liquid it is in, it will________________

-If an object is less dense than the liquid, it will______________________

6-The density of:

water is 1gr/ml cork 0,25gr/ml steel 7,8 gr/ml

In water a ball made of cork will_________________because_______________________

In water a ball made of steel will_________________because_______________________

7-Changes in matter:


SOLID +heat
LIQUID +heat
GAS +cold
LIQUID +cold

8-Explain the methods of separating mixtures and give an example of each one.

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