High Sensitivity Evanescent-Field Gas Sensor Based On Modified Photonic Crystal Fiber For Gas Condensate and Air Pollution Monitoring

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Optik 125 (2014) 596600

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High sensitivity evanescent-eld gas sensor based on modied

photonic crystal ber for gas condensate and air pollution monitoring
Saeed Olyaee a, , Alieh Naraghi a , Vahid Ahmadi b
Nano-photonics and Optoelectronics Research Laboratory (NORLab), Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training
University, Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Flammable and/or toxic gas sensors can be used as safety measuring in gas production facilities, especially
Received 4 March 2013 in oil rigs. The gas sensors detect gas leaks capable of causing re, explosion, and toxic exposure. Here we
Accepted 5 July 2013 proposed an index-guiding photonic crystal ber for gas sensing that have a broad spectral transmission
band and so is capable to detect more gas condensate components. The dependence of relative sensitivity
and connement loss on the ber parameters is numerically investigated by nite element method (FEM).
Introducing a hollow high index ring with an air hole in the center of ber simultaneously enhances the
Photonic crystal ber
relative sensitivity and achieves low connement loss. In addition, we prove that increasing the diameter
Evanescent eld
Gas sensor
of holes located in the inner rings, improve the relative sensitivity and increasing the ring diameter
Oil rigs holes located in the outer rings, greatly reduces the connement loss. Placing hexagonal holes instead of
Sensitivity circular holes in the innermost ring, the relative sensitivity is effectively enhanced. The relative sensitivity
at wavelength of  = 1.33 m that is in the Methane absorption line is enhanced to value of 13.23%. The
connement loss is also improved to 3.77 106 .
2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction wavelength range from 0.8 to 2 m. This range is within the low
loss window of silica ber and covers the absorption lines of a
Index-guiding photonic crystal bers consist of cladding includ- number of important gases such as oxygen (O2 ), nitrogen dioxide
ing air holes that goes all along the ber. These holes allow the (N02 ), hydrogen uoride (HF), hydrogen bromide (HBr), acetylene
interaction of light with gases or liquids located in the cladding (CZHZ), hydrogen iodide (H1 ), ammonia (NH3 ), carbon monoxide
holes through the evanescent eld [15]. Another type of photonic (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2 ), hydrogen sulde (H2 S), methane (CH4 ),
crystal bers are photonic band gap (PBG) bers that include large and hydrogen chloride (HC1 ) [10].
air core and guide light via photonic band gap mechanism [1,2]. So far several studies have been reported to improve the sensing
Since in this type of bers, more light can be conned inside the capability of index-guiding bers and varieties of methods have
core lled with the gas sample, the interaction of light and sample been proposed to improve their efciency [411]. One of the pro-
is enhanced, so the sensitivity in photonic band gap is signicant posed methods to enhance the sensitivity is introducing air hole
[38]. However, photonic band gap bers have two fundamental with dimensions smaller than the cladding holes in the center of
limitations; a narrow transmission spectral band and the require- the ber [6]. In these PCFs, by increasing the diameter of central hole
ment for an accurate control of the air-hole size, and periodicity of the fraction of evanescent eld in the cladding holes and so the rela-
the air-hole is less stringent, thus increasing the fabrication toler- tive sensitivity is increased. But, the diameter of central hole should
ance [49]. be smaller than cladding holes to achieve the index guiding criteria.
An important safety item for oil and gas production installa- In addition, despite the improved relative sensitivity, the previous
tions (especially oil rigs) is the use of sensors to detect ammable defected core PCFs show more connement loss and cause a critical
and/or toxic gases leakage. In oil rigs the most important toxic and trade-off between the sensitivity and the connement loss in PCF
ammable gases are hydrogen sulde and methane, respectively. design for sensing applications.
Since index guiding PCFs have broader spectral band propaga- To improve the relative sensitivity and connement loss simul-
tion, more compounds may be detected. Here we interested in the taneously, an index-guiding PCF with a high index ring defect in
the center was proposed by Park et al. [7]. In this ber, the central
air hole is surrounded with a hollow high index GeO2 -doped sil-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 22 97 0006; fax: +98 21 22 97 0006. ica ring defect. Although the suspended core microstructure bers
E-mail addresses: s olyaee@srttu.edu, s olyaee@yahoo.com (S. Olyaee). that have a small core surrounding with large air holes have very

0030-4026/$ see front matter 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
S. Olyaee et al. / Optik 125 (2014) 596600 597

Fig. 1. The layout sketch of (a) prior photonic crystal ber (PCF1 ) with a hollow high index ring defect [7], and improved PCFs (b) PCF2 , (c) PCF3 , and (d) PCF4 along its enlarged
view with structural parameters: central hole diameter dc , ring outer diameter W; the cladding air holes are characterized by their diameter, d1 : diameter of holes in rings 2
and 3, d2 : diameter of holes in rings 4 and 5, d2 : diameter of holes in ring 1 (innermost ring), and pitch, . Here we assumed 5 layers of air holes.

large overlap of light-matter but owning such tiny core can increase 3. Numerical analysis of optical properties
alignment precision requirements apart decreasing the eld over-
lap between the mode of the micro structured optical ber (MOF) To review the proposed PCFs optical properties, nite element
and the mode of a standard ber [12]. method (FEM) for solving Maxwells equations was applied due
In this paper, we use hollow high index GeO2 -doped silica ring to its proven reliability and high accuracy for analyzing the PCF
defect approach and we propose an optimized structure to achieve [1416]. One of the most important parameters in designing PCFs
better sensing properties. Also a new structure with hexagonal with a nite number of air holes is the leakage loss, which some-
holes in the inner ring instead of circular ring is proposed to sig- times is known connement loss. Basically, leakage loss eliminates
nicantly increase the sensitivity. Very close proximity of sides of when the number of air holes in cladding is innite. Nevertheless,
hexagonal to the core region, increases the interaction of evanes- in practical structure, the number of air hole is nite; consequently,
cent eld that has the highest value in closer region to the core, and the modes of such bers are inherently leaky. And also, we must
enhances the sensitivity [4]. consider that the imaginary part of its complex propagation con-
stant represents the leakage loss of a mode.
For having an appropriate model of the leakage, an open bound-
2. Modied PCF sensor structures ary condition is required, which produces no reection at the
boundary. Perfectly matched layers (PMLs) are so far the most ef-
Fig. 1 shows four types of PCF sensors including prior PCF cient absorption boundary condition for this purpose [17,18]. Here
(Fig. 1a) and proposed PCFs (Fig. 1bd)). In all type of bers we use the circular PML as introduced in [19]. The connement loss
we assumed that the distance between the center-to-center of Lc , in decibels per meter is given by:
two adjacent holes is  = 2.3 m. The diameter of holes in the
innermost ring, the diameter of holes in two outermost rings, Lc = 8.686K0 Im[neff ] (1)
and the diameter of the other cladding holes are respectively
where Im[neff ] is the imaginary part of effective index [17]. If the
denoted as d3 , d2 , and d1 . A defected hollow high index GeO2 -
index difference between core and cladding can be weaker by the
doped silica ring is introduced in the center of all types of
central air hole, a signicant connement loss appears. In prior
PCFs, reduction of the connement loss has been attempted by
In PCF1 the diameter of all holes is equal, d1 = d2 = d3 [7]. We
increasing the number of hole layers in the cladding [20,21]. How-
nd in our investigation that the outer ring holes diameter has
ever, imbedding additional air hole layers into PCFs requires highly
greater impact on the connement loss, so in PCF2 we assume
elaborated processes in practical manufacturing, especially to keep
the two outermost ring holes diameter to be larger than other
the hole uniformity along both the lateral and axial directions. By
holes in cladding, d2 > d1 = d3 [13,14]. As another result, we nd
changing the cladding air holes dimensions, we conclude that vary-
the diameter of inner ring holes has the most impact on sensi-
ing the diameter of the inner and much closer holes to the core have
tivity because the most evanescent eld that penetrates in the
no signicant effect on the connement loss. But by changing the
cladding is in the nearest region to core. So with larger holes
diameter of the outer ring of holes, loss greatly varies.
in closer region to core, we could have an improved interac-
The evanescent wave is absorbed by gas medium in the air
tion with sample. Thus in PCF3 we assume larger innermost
according to the Lambert Beers law. The relationship between gas
ring holes diameter, d2 > d1 and d3 > d1 . To achieve more relative
concentration and the optical intensity can be expressed as:
sensitivity we replace the innermost ring circular holes with hexag-
onal holes that have closer approximately with the core region I() = I0 () exp[rm ()IC] (2)
598 S. Olyaee et al. / Optik 125 (2014) 596600

1.42 PCF 2

Relative Sensitivity r (%)

PCF 1 15 PCF 1
Re [neff ]


0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Wavelength (m)

Fig. 2. The refractive index of guided mode versus wavelength for PCF1 , PCF2 , and 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
PCF3 with  = 2.3 m, dc = 1.4 m. PCF1 : d1 = d2 = d3 = 1.4 m; PCF2 : d1 = d3 = 1.4 m Wavelength ( m)
and dz = 1.8 m PCF3 : d1 = 1.4 m and dz = d3 = 1.8 m.
Fig. 3. The relative sensitivity versus wavelength for PCF1 , PCF2 , and PCF3
with  = 2.3 m, dc = 1.4 m. PCF1 : d1 = d2 = d3 = 1.4 m; PCF2 : d1 = d3 = 1.4 m and
To simplicity the analysis, Eq. (2) can be rewritten as: dz = 1.8 m; PCF3 : d1 = 1.4 m and dz = d3 = 1.8 m.
1 I()
C= ln (3)
rm ()l I0 ()
As can be seen from Fig. 3, PCF1 and PCF2 have the same relative
where I and I0 denote input and output light intensities, respec- sensitivity in all wavelengths, but the sensitivity of PCF3 is greatly
tively, m is the gas absorption coefcient which is a function of enhanced. One reason could be that by increasing the inner ring
wavelength, l is the length of the PCF as a probe, C is the gas con- holes, that are closer to the core region, the fraction of evanescent
centration, and nally, r is a relative sensitivity coefcient dened eld penetrates to the holes increase and consequently the rela-
as: tive sensitivity increased. Since the penetrating eld in the cladding
nr region is damping, inner rings have more impact on sensitivity; thus
r= f (4) we only increased the diameter of holes in the innermost ring.
Re[neff ]
In Fig. 4, the connement loss curves versus wavelength are
where nr is almost equal to 1 and refers the index of the gas species. plotted for three PCFs. For all of them, we assume that  = 2.3 m
The real part of effective index of the guide mode is represented by and the center hole diameter to be equal to dc = 1.4 m. For PCF1
Re[neff ], and f is the fraction of the total power located in the holes; d1 = d2 = d3 = 1.4 m, for PCF2 d1 = d3 = 1.4 m and d2 = 1.8 m, and
in the meantime, in the typical ber, f can be calculated by: for PCF3 d1 = 1.4 m and d2 = d3 = 1.8 m are considered. As it is

(Ex Hy Ey Hx )dxdy clear from Fig. 4, the rst PCF has the highest connement loss
f = holes (5) and the second one has the lowest connement loss. The conne-
(Ex Hy Ey Hx )dxdy
total ment loss for three PCFs are 0.149 dB/m, 5.908 106 db/m, and
The transverse electric and magnetic elds of the mode are 6.85 105 dB/m, respectively at  = 1.33 m. Since this PCFs are
respectively introduced by Ex , Ey , and Hx , Hy . Now, with solving considered to use for sensor applications, PCF3 that has the most
the Maxwells equations by utilizing a nite-element method, the value of sensitivity and its connement loss rate is less than PCF1 ,
effective index neff and the mode eld pattern Ex , Ey and Hx , Hy is recommended to use as gas sensing.
can be acquired [11]. To increase accuracy of effective, we con- Fig. 5 shows modal intensity distribution for the prior PCF (PCF1 )
sider material dispersion of silica, SiO2 , and germanesilicate glass, and the proposed (PCF3 ) with the same central hole diameter
GeO2 SiO2 , using Sellmeier coefcients [22]. dc = 1.2 m, d1 = 1.4 m and  = 2.3 m at  = 1.5 m. For PCF1 we
In order to effectively using the currently available low loss opti- assume d2 = d3 = 1.4 m and for PCF3 we consider d2 = 1.8 m and
cal bers, remote detection in the near infrared around 1.11.8 m d2 = 2 m. It is clear from Fig. 5 that fundamental mode in PCF3 is
is desirable, where optical bers have minimum transmission tightly conned in the core region, especially at the holes of the
losses (<1 dB/km). The Methane has two absorption lines in this center and the rst ring. This local connement capability of the
region corresponding to wavelength of 1.33 m and 1.65 m. In
this paper we focus more on wavelength of 1.33 m As mentioned
in [7] increasing the doping percent of GeO2 , the index of ring goes
to higher values and thus the difference of indices between core
and cladding region becomes grater and consequently the conne-
ment loss decreases. In this paper we use GeO2 SiO2 with GeO2
concentration of 19.3% mol that makes an index difference of 1.89%
between pure silica and GeO2 -doped silica.

4. Results and discussion

Fig. 2 shows the effective index of guided mode versus wave-

length for PCF1 , PCF2 , and PCF3 . It is clear that the effective indices
decrease linearly with wavelength. The relative sensitivity curves
for PCF1 , PCF2 , and PCF3 are shown in Fig. 3. For all of them, we
assume  = 2.3 m, and the center hole diameter dc = 1.4 m. For Fig. 4. The connement loss versus wavelength for PCF1 , PCF2 and PCF3 with
PCF1 d1 = d2 = d3 = 1.4 m, for PCF2 d1 = d3 = 1.4 m and d2 = 1.8 m,  = 2.3 m, dc = 1.4 m. PCF1 : d1 = d2 = d3 = 1.4 m; PCF2 : d1 = d3 = 1.4 m and
and for PCF3 d1 = 1.4 m and d2 = d3 = 1.8 m are assumed. dz = 1.8 m; PCF3 : d1 = 1.4 m and dz = d3 = 1.8 m.
S. Olyaee et al. / Optik 125 (2014) 596600 599

d3 = 1.6 m

Relative Sensitivity r (%)

20 d3 =1.8 m

d3 = 2 m


Fig. 5. The modal intensity distribution for (a) the prior PCF (PCF1 ) and (b) the pro-
posed one (PCF3 ) with the same central hole diameter dc = 1.2 m, d1 = 1.4 m and
 = 2.3 m at  = 1.5 m. Here we set, dz = d3 = 1.4 m for PCF1 and dz = 1.8 m and
d3 = 2 m for PCF3 . 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Wavelength ( m)
Fig. 8. The relative sensitivity versus wavelength for PCF3 having  = 2.3 m,
d1 = 1.4 m, dz = 1.8 m, dc = 1.2 m, w = 1.2 m, and for three values of d3 .

Relative Sensitivity r (%)

15 10

Confinement Loss (dB/m)

10 10

W= 1.4 m
W= 1.2 m -5
5 10
d3 = 2 m
W= 1 m
d3 = 1.8 m
0 10
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 d3 = 1.6 m
Wavelength ( m)
Fig. 6. The relative sensitivity versus wavelength for PCF3 having  = 2.3 m, 10
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
d1 = 1.4 m, dz = d3 = 1.8 m, dc = 1.2 m, and for w = 1 m, 1.2 m, 1.4 m.
Wavelength ( m)

optical PCF contributed to a larger power fraction in the air holes Fig. 9. The connement loss versus wavelength for PCF3 having  = 2.3 m,
d1 = 1.4 m, dz = 1.8 m, dc = 1.2 m, w = 1.2 m, and for three values of d3 .
and subsequently a higher relative sensitivity.
The relative sensitivity and connement loss versus wavelength
are respectively shown in Figs. 6 and 7 for PCF3 with ring outer relative sensitivities at  = 1.33 m for d3 = 1.6 m, 1.8 m and
diameter values of W = 1 m, 1.2 m, and 1.4 m. We can nd from 2 m are 5.78%, 7.47%, and 9.9%, respectively ( = 2.3 m,
these gures that diameter changes have not signicant impact d1 = 1.4 m, d2 = 1.8 m, W = 1.2 m). According to Fig. 8, the sensi-
on the sensitivity, but the connement loss decreases dramatically tivity is greatly enhanced by increasing the diameter of innermost
with increasing the value of W, because the difference of core and holes.
cladding regions becomes greater. To achieve much more sensitivity, we replace the circular holes
We investigate the impact of changes in the innermost ring in the innermost ring by hexagonal holes with same area and thus
holes diameters, d3 , on the relative sensitivity and the connement
loss. The results are summarized in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. The

25 circle
Relative Sensitivity r (%)

Confinement Loss (dB/m)


W= 1 m
W= 1.2 m
W= 1.4 m

-15 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Wavelength ( m)
Wavelength ( m)
Fig. 10. The relative sensitivity versus wavelength for PCF3 (circle) and PCF4 (hexag-
Fig. 7. The connement loss versus wavelength for PCF3 having  = 2.3 m, onal) with  = 2.3 m, d1 = 1.4 m, dz = 1.8 m, dc = 1.2 m, w = 0.6 m (for both
d1 = 1.4 m, dz = d3 = 1.8 m, dc = 1.2 m, and for w = 1 m, 1.2 m, 1.4 m. PCFs). And for PCF3 : d3 = 2 m, for PCF4 : d4 = 1.2 m.
600 S. Olyaee et al. / Optik 125 (2014) 596600

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