MBF242 - Final QP - Sep 2016

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Yangon University of Economics

Department of Commerce
Master in Banking and Finance (MBF) Programme
MBF 242 Research Methodologies
Final Examination
October 2016
Open-book examination

Answer ALL questions. Time Allowed: 3 hours

Section A (Theoretical Questions) 50 marks: Each question carries 25 marks.

Question 1 (Total 25 marks)

Customer service is usually considered as a strategic area of retailing banking. Myanmar Economic Banks
(MEBs) are state-owned banks providing retail banking services to the government department as well
as the citizens in competition with private banks which are more popular and successful. If the MEBs
are to strengthen their position in the market, they need to be more customer oriented and provide
better customer service.

You are supposed to be a bank consultant to assist in the operations of MEBs. Suggest:

(a) What type of research will you recommend? (10 marks)

(b) Design a questionnaire to conduct a survey of banks customers. (The questionnaire should be
designed as detail and complete as possible with proper layout and style.) (15 marks)

Question 2 (Total 25 marks)

(a) A research firm is interested in conducting a survey on monthly average amount of money spent on
taxi by passengers. A pilot survey with 25 people conducted for this research shows the standard
deviation of taxi expenditure per month is 20,000 Ks. The researcher wants to get the estimate as
accurately as possible, but allows 5000 Ks variation from the actual mean value. Determine the sample
size for the confidence level of 99%. (10 marks)

(b) If you are supposed to conduct the research in the above question, how would you draw the
samples? Explain the reasons for the choice of your sampling method. (15 marks)

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Section B (Practical Questions) 50 marks

Case: Online Advertising for Banking Services

Myanmar is a country in which approximately 53 million people reside. Most people are unfamiliar with
the banking services. However, there are increasing number of private banks and bank customers.
Despite of low level of demand for the banking services, there is increasing popularity of bank services
such as cash deposit, remittance, credit card, online banking, etc.

As the Internet is increasing accessible in Myanmar, many banks are emphasizing the operations of
banking online and, at the same time, moving towards e-marketing to communicate with their target
customers. Thus, a consulting group in Myanmar has conducted a survey relating to online
advertisement, distributing a total of 3,000 questionnaires was sent to the general public via email. At
the end of the survey period, 513 responses were received from the general public.
The appendix I shows the questionnaire used in the survey. The appendix II in CD shows the compiled
data already entered in the SPSS software.


You are required to analyze the survey data and present your research findings in a report. The report
should finally conclude whether e-marketing should be applied in the banking industry in Myanmar.

Your report should firstly describe the profile of the respondents and the current situation of the
effectiveness of the online media. There should be also analysis about the effectiveness of each media
among different groups of customers. The presentation can also include summary of results in tables
and charts.

Suggested outlines of the report:

1. Introduction

2. Problem Statement

3. Profile of the respondents

3.1 Gender

3.2 Age

3.3 Income

3.4 Education

3.5 Residential Location

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4. Descriptive Findings

4.1 The role of each medium

4.2 The role of online media in interest (A1)

4.3 The role of online media in visiting (A2)

4.4 The role of online media in seeking more information (A3)

4.5 The role of online media in selecting the bank more favourably (A4)

4.6 The role of online media in matching the actual and the advertisement (A5)

5. Analysis

5.1 Overall Effectiveness

5.2 Overall Effectiveness by Gender

5.3 Overall Effectiveness by Age Groups

5.4 Overall Effectiveness by Income Groups

5.5 Overall Effectiveness by Education

5.6 Overall Effectiveness by Residential Location

6. Conclusion

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Appendix I


Section A - This section gathers information about your response to information/advertisements

available on different medium.
A1. When you see advertisement of a bank from the following media, it will interest you and attract your

Strongly Disagree = 1 Mildly Disagree = 2 Neutral = 3 Mildly Agree = 4 Strongly Agree = 5

Internet Search Engine Results (e.g. Yahoo or Google)

Internet Banner / Floating Icon / Pop-up Windows .

E-mail / E-newsletter

Bank Websites (e.g. www.kbz.com / www.yoma.com / www.aya.com )


Comments from other Internet users (not advertisement)

A2. When you are choosing a bank for a saving account, advertising on the following media will
lead you to visit that bank.

Strongly Disagree = 1 Mildly Disagree = 2 Neutral = 3 Mildly Agree = 4 Strongly Agree = 5

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Internet Search Engine Results (e.g. Yahoo or Google)

Internet Banner / Floating Icon / Pop-up Windows .

E-mail / E-newsletter

Bank Websites (e.g. (e.g. www.kbz.com / www.yoma.com / www.aya.com )


Comments from other Internet users (not advertisement)

A3. When you are presented with an advertisement containing information that interests you, you
will click on it for more information.

Strongly Disagree = 1 Mildly Disagree = 2 Neutral = 3 Mildly Agree = 4 Strongly Agree = 5

Internet Search Engine Results (e.g. Yahoo or Google)

Internet Banner / Floating Icon / Pop-up Windows .

E-mail / E-newsletter

Topic Related Websites ...

Comments from other Internet users (not advertisement)

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A4. When selecting a bank, you are more favorable to a bank advertising on the following media
than a bank with no advertising.

Strongly Disagree = 1 Mildly Disagree = 2 Neutral = 3 Mildly Agree = 4 Strongly Agree = 5

Internet Search Engine Results (e.g. Yahoo or Google)

Internet Banner / Floating Icon / Pop-up Windows .

E-mail / E-newsletter

Topic Related Websites ...

Comments from other Internet users (not advertisement)

A5. The actual quality and service of the banks you visited matched with what were described in
the advertisements.

Strongly Disagree = 1 Mildly Disagree = 2 Neutral = 3 Mildly Agree = 4 Strongly Agree = 5

Internet Search Engine Results (e.g. Yahoo or Google)

Internet Banner / Floating Icon / Pop-up Windows .

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E-mail / E-newsletter

Bank Related Websites (e.g. (e.g. www.kbz.com / www.yoma.com / www.aya.com )

Comments from other Internet users (not advertisement)

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Section B - This section gathers information about your personal information for the purpose of
statistics only.

B1. Please indicate your GENDER.

Male = 1 Female = 2 . .

B2. Please indicate your AGE GROUP.

Below 18 = 1 Age 18-22 = 2 Age 23-30 = 3 Age 31-40 = 4

Age 41-50 = 5 Above 50 = 6 .


B3. Please indicate your MONTHLY AVERAGE INCOME (HK$).

Below Ks100,000 = 1 Ks 100,001-Ks 150,000 = 2 Ks150,001-Ks 250,000 = 3 Ks

250,001-Ks 500,000 = 4

Ks 500,001-Ks 700,000 = 5 Above Ks 700,000 = 6


B4. Please indicate your EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND.

Primary School = 1 Secondary School = 2 Matriculated = 3 Bachelors Degree = 4

Post-Graduated Degree = 5 ..

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B5. Please indicate your PLACE OF RESIDENT.

Yangon = 1 Outside Yangon = 2



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