2017-2018 General Music Syllabus Pama C

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UMS General Music

Course Syllabus SY 2017 -2018

Instructor Course Description

Christine A. Pama Welcome to General music! This course is designed to train and develop
the students musical ability, develop and apply the students music
Classroom reading skills, enhance the students view of music as a source of
C115 enjoyment, enrichment and as disciplines in the arts, and develop the
students knowledge in the history of music. Students will be taught how
E-mail Address to play and care for musical instruments as well was learn to enjoy
creating and performing music at the basic level.
Course Objectives
School Phone
1. Music students will develop and increase their music literacy
735-3110 fostered through reading, writing, reproducing, and creating music
using available instruments.
School Website 2. Music students will creatively express and apply their music
www.gdoe.net/ums literacy and critical-thinking skills of music to sing, play, read, and
3. Music students will perform and understand the relevance of
Chorus website
music to history, culture, and the world, including the relationship
of music to other academic disciplines and the vocational
possibilities offered.
GDOE Vision 4. Music students will analyze, evaluate, and respond to music,
Every Student: Responsible, developing criteria for making critical judgments and informed
Respectful, and Ready for Life choices through critical listening and performance.

GDOE Mission Quarterly Skills

Our educational community
prepares all students for life, 1st Quarter /3rd Quarter
promotes excellence, and Instrument Families: Identify instruments in their appropriate
provides support. families and research its origin.
Eras of Music: Study the history of Western Music and its
relevance to influencing culture and society: Antiquity, Middle
UMS Mission Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, & 20th Century.
The Luis P. Untalan Middle Music Notation: Learn the basic elements of music in order to
School Community will read, write, and perform music notation (Pitch, Meter, Rhythm,
empower students with the Dynamics, Tempo, Texture) and use music vocabulary.
knowledge that will enable Perform: Apply music reading skills using a musical instrument:
them to be competent, Piano, Recorder, Ukulele
productive and responsible
citizens in our society.
2nd Quarter / 4th Quarter
Sight-Reading: Develop music-reading skills and perform simple
SLOs melodies in duple meter using a musical instrument: Piano,
World Class Citizens Recorder
Information Users Chord Identification: Analyze, create, identify, and perform
Lifelong Learners chords on a musical instrument: Piano, Ukulele
Decision Makers Musicals: Evaluate and study the diversity of Broadway musicals
Critical Thinkers to enhance and inspire personal music performance.
Academic Achieves Evaluation: Develop criteria for evaluating the quality and
Technology Users effectiveness of musical performances and apply the criteria in
Solutions Seekers personal listening and performance.

School of
General Music SY 2016-2017

Instructional Strategies

Supply List
Cooperative Learning K-W-L
Individual and Group Reinforcing music reading 1 1-inch 3-prong binder
Performances skills through practice
Note-taking 1 Tab Dividers (Set of 5)
Graphic Organizers Modeling 1 Filler paper
Hands-on, active
1 Red pen
#2 Pencils & white plastic

Final Exam / Final Performance or Projects 45% Textbook &
Tests 30%
Quizzes 20%
Teaching resources include but
Assignments 5%
are not limited to:
TOTAL 100% L.P. Untalan Middle School
Music Curriculum Guide
Citizenship National Core Arts Standard,
Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory http://www.nationalartsstandards.org/
95-100% 70-94% 60-69% <60% mca/music
Note Taking 30% Music handouts, worksheets,
Participation and supplemental music
Behaviour 40%

TOTAL 100%
Textbook & Workbook Policy
Students will be assigned an in-class
Classroom Rules music workbook. Workbooks must
1. Respect the teacher, the Violations of classroom rules will remain in the classroom and will be
classroom, and other students. result in the following disciplinary used as supplemental material for
2. Be responsible for your own actions: understanding and reading choral
learning. music at their respective skill level.
3. Be on-time, on-task, and 1st offense Verbal Warning
Students will be responsible for the
prepared to learn everyday. 2nd offense Call/Note to parents wear and tear of the book. Any
4. Put away all personal electronics 3rd offense Referral to counselor damages or loss must be reported to
unless instructed. 4th offense Referral to Office the teacher. Parents will be charged
5. Come to class in proper uniform 5th offense Parent/Teacher
attire. the cost of the book if damaged by
Conference graffiti, mold, water, or tearing.
Please refer to Board Policy 601
Student Expectations relative to textbooks.

Students are expected to show themselves and others 2
respect. Issuing of Passes
OWNERSHIP Students needing to leave the
Students are expected to complete course assignments on classroom for any reason will be
time. issued a signed pass from the
teacher. The teacher will address
requests to the nurses office and
Students are expected to try their best to succeed in all
restroom. However, excessive
classes. requests may be denied. Please
RESPONSIBILITY notify the School health counselor if
Students are expected to model the schools ESLRS and your child has any health issues to
avoid being denied a pass when
behavior expectations, CATS.
Students are to take responsibility for their behavior in and needed.

out of the classroom.

General Music SY 2016-2017

Late Assignments
When a student does not complete an assignment in class, that assignment will be given as homework.
Homework assignments will be due the next meeting day. For each day the assignment is late, there will be
a 10% deduction to the total grade. For example, if the assignment is turned in 3 days after the due date,
regardless whether it is a Black or Gold day, there will be a 30% deduction off the grade of the assignment.

Make-Up Assignments
All students will be given at least three opportunities for submitting make-up work. It is the students
responsibility to ask the teacher or his/her classmates about missed work. Grading will follow the same
SOP as for late assignments.

UMS will follow the district policy for attendance. Please refer to the complete policy for details.

Board Policy 405: Suspension/expulsion

The following policy shall be observed for suspensions and expulsion of students in the public schools.
Officials should use the least amount of discipline necessary under the circumstances to correct a student
and to protect the schools educational environment.

Board Policy 411: Attendance

Tardiness: A student who is 15% or less late from the start of their regularly scheduled class period for
secondary students.
Absences: Students are absent during a school day when they are not present for (Middle School) half
the instructional day
Excused Absences: Absences incurred for any of the following reasons are to be considered excused.
These types of absences should be appropriately considered when calculating a students grade(s).
a. Illness of the student. Illness absence of three or more consecutive days requires a written
certification from a physician attesting to the nature of the illness.
b. Scheduled medical or dental visits.
c. Death in the immediate family. Immediate family: mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, guardian
or caretaker, brother, sister, stepbrother or stepsister, spouse, grandparent, and child. (5 GCA 5601
d. Required appearances at court or other legally related proceedings.
e. Lack of available bus transportation if the student relies on bus transportation to go to school.
f. Off-island travel, which requires prior approval of the school administrator. If off- island travel
exceeds 25 or more days, the parents shall withdraw their child from school. (1 GCA 715.12 (m))
g. Natural catastrophe or disaster.
h. Participation in authorized school related activities such as field trips, conferences
i. Observance of holidays recognized by a religion of which the student is a member. Parents shall
present evidence of religious affiliation.
j. Students having, or suspected of having, a communicable disease (defined by Center for Disease 3
Habitual Truancy: A pupil who has incurred twelve (12) or more unexcused absences in a school year,
and is of compulsory attendance age. (17 GCA 6402).

Uniform Policy
UMS follow the district policy for uniforms.

Board Policy 401: Uniform Policy

Schools may adopt a uniform policy consistent with the District standard operating procedure, to include
appropriate physical education attire that is supported and embraced by the school community.

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