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The Ethics of Tea

Development Economics: Dr. Brookes

16:44 23 February 2015

Global tea consumption is high: 3 billion cups each day.

What are the socioeconomic implications of this level of consumption, especially on

the producers?

China has the largest tea industry.

Small plantations supply large plantions.

No minimum raw product cost.

Wage stability is an issue for small farms.

Effects of climate change?

Tea in the UK has a long history, but consumption is now in decline. Why?

Packaging (brand?)
Ethical implications

Are producers aware of global market trends? Can they react accordingly?

Workers have little bargaining power and rely on employers for healthcare and

Do not understand this.

- "ethical production and a fair wage".
- wage must match or exceed national minumum.
- Fairtrade producers receive money to pay for employee welfare.


'Ethical Tea Partnership' similar to Fairtrade.

CDF = community development forums

Bring various people together to make decision for work/life within the plantation.

Provides training.

Creates a sense of community.

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