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1910 WITH

[ONETic Pronunciation
Count de '


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tine Cornell University Library.

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the United States on the use of the text.
. Marlborough's Sclf-Taught Scries

by the Natural Method

Phonetic Pronunciation

Revised by


London Publishers : E. MARLBOROUGH & Co. Ltd.
Philadelphia :


604-608, South Washington Square.


J'HE publication of Hungarian Self-Taucjht marks the inclusion

of a new group of languages in the " Self- Taught Series,"
Hungarian being akin to the languages of the Finns, Lapps,
and certain tribes in Russia and Siberia, whilst standing quite
apart from the Latin, German, Scandinavian and other groups.

The main purpose of this manual is to facilitate the speedy

acquisition of a working and practical knowledge of Hungarian,
as far as possible without the usual long and tedious operation
of mastering the Grammar, which many persons find it imprac-
ticable or distasteful to undertake, to whom, nevertheless, some
acquaintance with the spoken tongue is necessary, or at least
advantageous, for the purposes of commerce or of travel and

The book chiefly consists, therefore, of alargenumber of compre-

hensive Vocabularies, and collections of idiomatic Conversational
Fhiases and Sentences, such as are required for every-day use,
carefully selected and classified according to subject. The
words in each vocabulary are placed in alphabetical order, and
there are cross-references between the vocabularies and the
corresponding groups of sentences.
The matter is arranged in three columns, viz., first the
English words or sentences, then the Hungarian translation,
and third, the phonetic pronunciation of the Hungarian words.
In the conversations the aim has been to give the colloquial
equivalent in Hungarian, rather than the literal translation of
the English. The pronunciation given in the third column is
in accordance with Marlborough's system of phonetics. This
system is the outcome of long experience, and is of so simple a
nature that it enables anyone who knows English, however
strange to the Hungarian language, to read off the words at a
glance, and easUy make himself understood amongst Hungarians,
with the minimum of trouble in mastering the system.
The first section of the book, deahng with the Alphabet and
pronunciation, provides the scheme of nhonetics adopted in thiy
volume, and in the introductory paragraphs thereto the prin-
ciples upon which the scheme is based are explained, and
particular attention is drawn to the phonetic signs employed
to represent the few sounds which are more or less unfamiliar
to the English ear.

For the benefit of students and others who desire to become

more closely acquainted with Hungarian, a very full outline of
the Grammar is added, followed by a section on Etymology, and
thus the way is opened to the thorough study and mastery of
the language.

To commercial men, tourists, travellers, students, and aU who

desire to enter into communication with the Hungarians, this
work will prove a useful and valuable handbook of the language.
Students wiU, moreover, find that the book forms an easy
introduction to a language which has a quaint beauty of its
own, and possesses a remarkable literature, rich especially in
heroic poetry.
London, 1910

The AiiPhabet, vrith Phonetic Pronunciation 7

PBBmMiNABY NoTKS Pronunciation, Accents, Vowels,

Prolongation of the Vowels 9

VooABULABms Pages H-66.
Amusements 39
Animals, Vegetables, etc. :

Animals, Birds and Fishes 14

Fruits, Trees, Flowers and Vegetables 17
BeptUes and Insects 16
Oolouxs 19
Oommercial and Trading Terms 49
Cooking and Eating Utensils 31
Oorrespondenoe 63
Countries and Nations 38
Cycling 42
House and Furniture 34
Legal Terms 47
Mankind: Belations 23
Eimian Body, The 25
Dress and the Toilet 31
Food and Drink 29
Health 28
Physical and Mental Powers, Qualities, etc 26
Cardinal, Ordinal, Collective 53-55
Parts of Speech 55-66
Adjectives 55
Adverbs, Conjunctions and Prepositions 63
Verbs 59
Photography 44
Post-office, Telegraph and Telephone 52
Professions and Trades 46
Beligion 45
Times, Seasons and Holidays 19
Town and Country 22
Travelling 36
Travelling by Ship 37
Washing List 33
World and its Elements, The 11
Land and Water 12
Minerals and Metals 18

BLEMENTABy Gbammab Pages 67-82.

The Adjective J2
Adverb ;
Article oj
Conjunction |*
Interjection ^
Postposition 69
Pronovin "j}
Substantive "^
Verb 73

Btymolooy 83

modbs of addbe8s 84

OoKYEBSATioiiAii Phbasbb AND Sehtences Pages 85-110.

Amusements ... ... ... ... ... ... > 100
Commercial and Trading 109
Correspondence 107
Cycling 101
Enquiries 87
Expressions, Idiomatic, Useful and Necessary 8S
Expressions of Emotion 87
Health 95
Legal and Judicial Phrases ... 108

Meals: Breakfast, Dinner and Tea 92-91
Money Changing 110
Photography 102
Post, Telegraph and Telephone 106
Beligion 103
Shopping 97
Dressmaker 98
Shoemaker 98
Laundress 99
Time of Day, The 104
Times, Seasons and Weather 105
Tovra, In 95
Travelling :

Arrival 91
Changing Money 110
Custom House, At the 91
Hotel 92
Notices 88
Railway 88
Steamboat 90
Useful and Necessary Expressions 85
M.ONBT, Hungarian, with English and American values ... Ill
English and American, reduced to Hungarian ... Ill
POBTAL BAXBS ... . m 118

T^e Alphabet, with Phonetic Pronunciation.

The principle on which Marlborough's system of phonetics is

based may be stated briefly as " One sign, one sound," and
conversely " One sound, one sign."
The student should constantly bear this principle in mind,
and pronounce each of the phonetics employed in this volume
always in the same manner.
Attention is particularly drawn, therefore, to the phonetic use
of a, e, i, and o, which, in the third column throughout the
Vocabularies and Conversations, represent the short vowel
sounds in at, et, it, ot, respectively. Other phonetic signs to be
noted are fir and er (short and long respectively), 66, eu, iu,
iy, and zh.
The Hungarian language has the following single letters :

Cliaraeters. Name and English Fronnnciation. nsed.

A, a . . . (ah) like a in watch or o in not :^-farkas

(forrkosh), wolf o
A, A ... (ah) like a in/ar ledny (\e-a,hny*), girl
: ... ah
B, b ... (beh) as in English ablak (oblok), window
: ... b
C, ... (tseh) like ts in its : citrom (tsitrom), lemon ... to

D, d ... (deh) as in English : ddrda (dahrrdo*), spear ... d

E, 8 ... (eh) like a in bad\: nem (nam), no ... ... a or e
6, 6 ... (eh) ain/ato: p^ (pehnz), money
like ... eh
F, f ... (ef) as in English :> tree (fo*), f

G, g ... (geh) g in gag gorbe (gherrbe*), crooked

like : ... g, gh
H, h ... (hah) like h in home : hdborH, (hahborroo), war... h
I, i ... (ee) like t in jBitcA: i^ra (ig-o*) yoke i

L, 1 . . . (ee) like in TJiflKJ^iwe : ii; (eev), arch ... ... ee

J, ... (yeh) like y -.jd (yoh), good
j h^a (hehyo), hawk y ;

Fiononnoe a, e, i, and o alwazb as if foUowed by a oonsonant iu the


same syllable. (See third paragraph above.)

f Sometimes like e
in bed, especially in the case of words iu which t
ooours more than once e.g. engem (pronounced angem).
Characters. Name and Bnglleh Fronnnelatlon. used.

K, k ... (kah) as in English katona (kotono*), soldier... : k

L, 1 ... (ehl) as in English: liba (Ub-o*), goose 1

M, m... (em) as in English malom (molom), mill ...

: m
N, n ... (en) as in English nlni (nehni), elder sister ...
: n
0, o (oh) like
. . . in /ojt oAios (okosh), prudent
... o
6, 6 ... (oh) like o in goal : 6ra (ohrro), hour ... ... oh
0, 6 ... (oh) like ea in earth (short), or eu in the French
nevf: oreg (Srreg), old ... ... ... ... tSr

0, 6 ... (oh) like but longer, i.e. like u in fur, oeu in

the French s(Bw .

ioV (berr), skin ... ... ter
P, p ... (peh) as in English pdma (pahrno), cushion ...
E, r ... (ehr) like rr in barren; must always be clearly

sounded: riite (ritko), rare ... ... ... r, rr

S, s ... (ash) like sh in shoe: sas (shosh), eagle ... ... sh

T, t ... (teh) as in English : tudni (t66dni*), to know ... t

U, u ... (oo) like u in :futni (f66tni), to run

bull ... 66
U, li ... (oo) like
oo in food: nit (root), ugly ... ... oo
U, ii ... (eu) like u in the 'French juste fiil (feul), ear ... |en
U, tt ... (eu) sometimes like u in duty (very soft), or eu in
the French morwe ; 1& (tiuz), fire ... ... iu
V, V ... (veh) as in English : vdmi (vahrni), to wait ... v
X, X ... (iks)as in English (not usual in Hungarian) :

xylograph (xylogrof) ... ... ... ... x
Y, y ... (eepseelon) as in English: only occurs in names y
Z, z ... (zeh) as in English :
serae (zan-a*), music ... z
Besides single letters Hungarian has some double ones, each
of which, however, represents a single sound and cannot be
divided in pronunciation or spelling :

Cs ... (cheh) like chin church: csutia (ch66do), wonder ch or tch

Cz... (tseh-zeh) like ts in ifs; C2^Z (tsehl), aim ts
Ds ... (jeh) like^' in joke: findsa (finjo), cup ... ... j

Gy . .(dyey) like d in dew (very soft)

. gyiiru (di/iuriu), ring dy :

[There is a y sound added to the d sound, as in the dy in Goodyear or

Budya/rd, and the di in adieu pronounced as in Prance.]
See footnote on preceding page,
f Pronounce gr and er as er in over
and herb respectively, without sounding the r. J Form the lips as for
whistling and pronounce eu as one sound. Cz is now very largely
replaced by 0, the pronunciation being the same. This spelling is adopted
throughout this book.
. , Phonetics
ouuraoters. Mune and English Pronnnoiatlon. used.
Ly ... (ehl-eepseelon) like y in you: ilyen (iyen), such ... y, y'
Ny... (ain) something like ny in Bunyan, or like gne in the
French campagne
nyM (nyool), hare ... ... ny

Sz ... (ass) like sin servant: szem (sam), eye ... ... s, ss
Ty * . . . (tyeh) like t-y in noCyou tyiik (tyook) , hen ... ty
Zs ... (zseh) like in azure: zsir (zhirr), lard zh
Dzs...(jeh) likejin^o/te; dasida (jido), spear j


Pronunciation. The Hungarian language requires clear
and distinct articulation ; two consonants (whether single or
double), coming together, must each be distinctly sounded.
If ,; follows ny, ty, it is pronounced as if the or t were
doubled, nny, tty, as anyja (on-nyo) his mother, atyja (ot-tyo)
his father.
When a consonant is doubled it must be pronounced doubly,
and a slight stress must be laid on the first syllable e.g. mlla,

fork szappan, soap.


One must be careful to make a difference in pronouncing long

and short vowels, for often the meaning of a word depends on
the pronunciation of a or a, of o or d, o, o, of ii or u ; as hat
(hot), six, hat (haht), back ; kor (korr), age, kdr (kohr), illness.

Tonic Accent. In Hungarian each word has as many
syllables as it contains vowels as Zawyai^=le-ahn-yo-i-eh.;

The spoken or tonic accent is always on the first syllable,

be it the root or prefix, long or short.

Accents. There are the following accents: ', ", ", They
are used to indicate the varying pronunciation of certain vowels,
as shown in the Alphabet.

* Ty is the siiarp articulation of gy. These two sounds are the most
iifUcult ; they are in the same relation to each other as the English
syllables " ' " "
du and tu in the words due " and " tube."

t It may be remarked that, orthographically, instead of the double

ocmaonants gygy, lyly, nyny, tyty, cscs, cscz, szsz, the forms ggy, lly,
nny, tty, ccs, ecz, ssz are used. However, if gy, ly, ny, ty, cs, cz, sz
are at the ends of the words, and the final consonant must be doubled on
acoonnt of sufSx, one must write dgygyal, with the bed, Sszszel, in

lutnmn. eto.

The Vowels. In Hungarian the different relations between
the parts of speech, the conjugations of verbs, the gradation of
adjectives, and the possessive case, are expressed by means of
suffixes added to the root (which never changes) ; as asztal, table,
asztal-ok, tables, asztal-om, my table ; sztret-ni, to love, szeret-iink,
we love, sztret-tunk, we have loved; magas, high, magas-aiib,
For reason the dominating rule is harmony, whick
demands that the suffix must sound like the vowels in the roct.
Consequently, the vowels are divided into ShobtTo, , i, o, 5, u, ,
and LoNO, a, i, i, 6, 8, 4, &. These are again subdivided into
F1.AT, a, a. o, 6,u,'&i Shabp, e, o, S, ii, u and Mediate, i, i, i.

The sharp vowels demand sharp suffixes, whilst the flat and
mediate ones require flat and mediate suffixes respectively.
When the same word contains vowels of two different classes,
the sharp vowels are considered as the principal ones, and the
word belongs to the class of sharp words. Sometimes, however,
the vowel of the last syllable commands the suffix of the same
The choice of the suffix always depends on the vowel of the
root, as hdz, house ; hdz-dk, houses ; hdz-nak, to the house
hdz-ban, in the house ; hdz-am, my house. On the contrary,
kert, garden ; kert-ek, gardens ; kert-nek, to the garden ; kert-ben,
in the garden ; kert-em, my garden, etc.
When the demonstrative pronoun ae (that), ez (this), joins the
suffixes, which are used instead of prepositions, its consonant z is
assimilated to the initial consonant of the suffix ; as ar-r6l, of
that, instead of az-rdl eb-hol, out of this, instead of ez-bol.

The affixes val, vel, which express the preposition " with," anj
ed, vi, which means " into," assimilate their initial consonant
to the final consonant of the word to which they are joined
thus, kSz-zel, with the hand, instead of kiz-vel.

Prolongation of the Vo'wels. The short final vowels a
and e are prolonged as often as the word assumes any affix.
This prolongation is common to all words in all granmiatical
forms ; ruha, dress, ruhd-m, my dress, ruhd-t, a dress (objective
case), ruhd-zni, to dress, etc. ; and it extends even so far that, if

affixes which terminate with a short e or a receive any other

affixes whatsoever, the short e or a of the former is accentuated;
as ru/a, dress, ruhd-ja, his dress, ruhd-jd-val, with his dress.

The World and its Elements.

{A vildg is elemei.)

BngUeh. Htmgaiian. Fronimciaticm.

The air

Land and Water.



Animals, Birds, and Pishes.

(EmlBsSk,* madarak is halak.)
(For Shopping, see p, 97.)

Enf^lish. Hungarian. Proimnciation.

An animal






EnRllih. HiiiigariKn. Pronnnoia&loil.

the months

Town and Country. {Vdros t jaU)

(FoT ConverHitloiu bob p. 950
English. Hangaxian. Fronunciation.

A bonk bank
the barn
the bridge
the brook
the building
the bush, shrub
the cathedral
the cattle
a cemetery
the chapel
a ohemist
the church
the coffee-room
the country
the courtyard
the custom-house
the dale
a ditch
the exchange
a farm
a fence
the field
the fisherman
the foot-pavement
the forest
the gate
the grass
the harbour
the herd
the high road
a hospital
the hotel
the huntsman
the hut
the inn
the log
the market

The Human Body. (Az emberi test.)


Hngllflh. Hnngarian. Proonnciation.

Health. {Egisxaeg.)

English. Hnngarian.

the flour

Cooking 81 Eating Utensils. {Ftit ** v8 e$*iciMk.)

(For Shopplac m* p. I7>)

Bnglish. Hnngarlan. Pronunciation.

A basin








English. Hungarifin. rrouuuciatioq.

the chorus az hiekkar oz ehnakkorr

the conductor a karmester o korrmashterr
the drum a dob dob
a duet kettos kattej-sh
the instruments a hangxzer o hong-serr
, a rez hangszer o rehz hong-serr

, string a hiiros hangszer o hoorosh hong-serr
the music a zene o zan-a
the orchestra a zenekar o zanakorr
the organ az orgnna oz orrgono
a part-song kar Snek korr ehnak
the pianist a zongords o zongorrahsh
the piano a zongora o zongorro
the programme a miisor o miushorr
to play (music) jdtszani yahtsoni
the recital az eloadds oz al-erodahsb
a recitation szavalat sovolot
a singer Snekes ehnakash
a solo magdnenek mogahnehuak
a song enek, dal ehnak, dol
a trumpet trortibita trombito
a violin Jiegedii hag-ad-iu
the exhibition a kidlUtds kiahllitahsh [nap
the fete amulatadg, azunnep o m66lotshahg, oz eun-
the flower-show a virdg-kidllitds o virahg-kiabllitahsh
the museum a miizeum o mooze66m
the muBic-hall az orfeum, a dal- oz orrfe66m, o dol-
csarnok chorrnok
the opera az opera oz opero
the opera-glasses a ssdnkdzi Idtcso o seenhahzi laht-cher
the opera-house az operahdz oz operohahz
picture gallery keptdr kehptahrr
sports and games testedzh hjdtikok tashtadzehsh ehsh yali-
billiards billiard billiahrd [tehkok
boxing dkdlvivds Srkerlveevahsh
chess sakk shokk
draughts ostdbla oshtahblo
golf golf golf
the grand-stand a foemelvhiy o fer-amalvehny
the jockey a versenylovas o verrshany-lovosh
the match a jdlszma, kiizdelem o yahtsmo, keuzdalem

Elnglish. Hungarian. Fronnnciatioii.

sports, contd.
to play (a game) jatszam yahtsoni
polo lovaslabda lovoshlobdo
the races a verseny o verrshany
the race-course a IdversenytSr o lohverrshanjz-tehrr
the regatta a csdnakverseny chohnokverrshany
tennis tennisz, hdldslabda tennis, hahlohsh-lobdo
the theatre a sadnhdz o seenhahz
the act a felvonds o falvonahsh
the actor a szinesz seenehss
the actress a sidneszno [n8 i. seenehssner [ner
the artist a muvesz m., miivesz- o miuvehss, miuvehss-
the auditoriam a nezoter nehzertehrr
the ballet a ballett o bollett
the box-office a jegy-pinztd/r o yady-pehnztahrr
the cloak-room a ruJiatdr o r66botahrr
the comedian a szinesz o seenehss
the comedy a vigjdUk o veeg-yahtehk
the curtain afuggony o feiig-gherny

the dancer, /. a tdncos (no) tahntsosh (ner)

the exit a kijdrds ki-yahrrahsJj
the footlights a sidnpadi Idmpdk o seenpodi lahmpahk
the play a szindarab o seendorrob
the programme a szinlap o seenlop
the proprietor a tulajdonos o t56loydonosh
the refreshment- az Stterem oz ebtterrem
the scene [room a szinpad o seenpod
the seats az ulhek oz eulehshek
the boxes a pdholyok pah-hoyok
the gallery a karzat o korrzot
the pit afoldszint o feiildsint

reserved seats fenntartott helyek fanntorrtott heyak

the stalls a tdmldsszekek o tahmlash-sehkak
the stage a szinpad o seenpod
-manager a rendezo o rendezer
the ticket a jefiy oy&iy
the tragedian a tragikus szinhz trog-ikoSsh seenehss
the tragedy a szomorujdtek o somorroo-yahtehk

Cycling. (Kerikpdr.)
(For Conversations see page 101.)

English. Hungarian. Pronunciation,

Accessories kellSkek kallehkak

axle front, back
; tengely ; homlok, hat tang-ey; homlok, haht
backbone gerincz gherrints
ball bearings tengely golydk tangey goyohk
bell csengo chang-er
bicycle kerekpdr kerrehkpahrr
bolt (screw-) csavar chovorr
brake kerekkoto kerrehk-kerter
cement cement tsamant
chain lane labnts
chainless Idncnelkuli lahnts-nehlkeuU
chain-regulator Idnc szahdlyozo lahnts sobah-yozch
-wheel Idnc kerSk lahnts kerrehk
cone front, back
; klip ; homlok, hdtsd koop; homlok, halt-shoh
connection osszekotes erssakertehsh
crank pedahl-tangey
pin peddltengely tu pedahl-tangey tiu
crooked gorbe gherrba
crossbar kereszt rud kerrast rood
cyclist kerSkpdros kerrehkpahrosh
cycling race kerikpdr verseny kerrehkpahrr verrshany 1
cyclometer kerekpdr ora kerrehkpahrr ohrro j
to dismount leszdllni lassahllni
to electro-plate ezustozni azeushtej'zni
to enamel zomdncozni zomahntsozni
footstep Idbnyom lahb-nyom
fork villa villo
frame vdz, szerkezet vahz, serrkazat
friction horzsolodds horr-zholohdahsh
gear az dttetel oz ahttehtal
, high nagy dttStel noAy ahttehtal
, low kis dttitel Idsh ahttehtal
gear-case dttk/'l-tok ahttehtal-tok
handle, grips fogantyu fogont-yoo
handle-bar kormdnyriid korrmahnr/-rood
hub o-gy oA.y
indiarubber gummi g66mmi
solution gummi oldat g66mmi oldot
knapsack utitdska, utizsdk eotitahshko, 66ti-zhahk






Engllsb. Hnngarian. Fxonan elation.

the complainant a panaszos o ponososh

contract serrzerdehsh
a conviction rdbixonyitds fahbizon-yeetahsh
costs dr, kiadds ahrr, kiodahsh
court of justice {kiviteles) birdsdg (kivehtalesh) beeroh-
a criminal blinds biunersh [shahg
damages kdrpotlds kahrrpohtlahsh
decision (of case) dontes dej-ntehsh [inehnj
deed egyessSg, cselekmhiij ed-yesh-shehg, chalak-
to defend vidni, {/nerj) redel vehdni (meg), vehHal-
defendant (in a suit) (Jogi) vddlott \mezni (yog-i) vahdlott [mazni
document okirat okirot
evidence bizonyitSk bizon-yeetehk
execution (of deed) elkSuzites alkehsitehsh
(of judgment) birdi zdr aid vevis es beeroh-i zahrr olah vev-
eladds ehsh ehsh alodahsh
executor vSgrehajto vehgra-hoytoh
fee (of office) dij dee-y'
fine (penalty) birsdg beer- shahg
information, to give felvildgositdst adni falvilahgosheetahst odn i
informer ertesitS ehrtasheeter
injunction (birdi) vigzes beeroh-i vehgzehsh
inventory leltdr laltahrr
jail foghdz fog-hahz
the judge a bird o beeroh
jurisdiction torvSnykezSs te7Tvehnt/-kazehsh
jurisprudence jogtudomdny yogt66domahny
law-suit ugy eudy
oath, to take an eskudni (ik) ashkeudni (ik)
parchment pergament perrgoment
pardon bocsdnat, kegyelein botchahnot, kad-yal-em
penal biinteto beuntater
perjury hamis eskuvSs homish ashkeiivehsh
petitioner kSrelmezo kehralmazer
police office rendSri hivatal rande7Ti hivotol
officer endortiszt randerrtist
station rendor dllomds randerr ahllomahsh
proof pr6ba, megvizsgdlds prohbo, meg-vizh-gah-
to prosecute vddolni vahdolni [lahsL
prosecution (of suit) vdd vahd
prosecutor vdtlld vahdloh


English. Hungarian. Pronunciation.

bill, an accommo- kotott vdlto kertertt vahltoh

bill at sight [dation vdlto lutasra vahltoh lahfcahshro
at 3 months' fidrom h6napra iiahrom hohnopro asba-
date esedSkes vdLtd dehkash vahltoh
of lading favar-elismervSny f 66vorr- alishm^rrvehnj
the drawer az intezo oz intehzer
the drawee az intSzvhiyezett oz intehzvehn-yezett
the bond a kotvSny o kertvehny
bond, in vdmorizet alatt vahmerrizat olott
bonded goods alatti druk vahmerrizat olotti ah-
the brokerage az alkuszdij oz olk66ss-dee-y' [roOk
the business, retail az iXzlet, kicsinyheni oz eiizlat, kitchiny-bani
. nagybani
oz eiizlat, nodj/boni
the buyer a vevo o vever
the catalogue az drjegyzik oz ahrr-yady-zehk
to charter a ship hajot herelni hoyoht behrelni [ba
to send in a claim koveteUst mutatni be ke>'vatalehsht m66totni
the clearing-house a leszdmitolo bank o lessahmitoloh bouk
the clerk az imok oz eernok
company tdrsasdg tahrshoshahg
, rhzv&ny-tdrsasdg rehss-vehny-tahrsho-
the contract a nzerzodes serrzerdehsh [shahg
cost, insurance and koltseg, biztositds es kerltshehg, biztoshee-
freight viteldij tahsh ehsh vital dee-y'
a credit balance hitel mSrleg hitalmehirlag
a creditor hitelezo hitalezer
the custom-house a vdmhdz o vahmhahz
the customs duties vdmok vahmok
damages, compen- kdrtalanitds, kdr- kahrtoloneetahsh,
sation potlds kahrpohtlahsh
debit and credit tartozds is koveteles torrtozahsh ehsh ke?--
the debtor az adds oz odohsh [vatalehsh
to deliver szdlUtani sahlleetoni
delivered free b&rmentve szdlUtani bebrniantva sahlleetoni
the demurrage fekber fakbebrr
the discount a leszdmitolds lessahmeetolahsh
to discount [dues leszdmitolni iessahmeetolni [kak
dock and harbour dokk Ss riv illetekek dokk ehsh rehv illateh-
double entry kettos konyvvitei kattersh kemyv- vital
duty free vdmwentes vahmmantash
, liable to vdm koteles vahm kertalash


English. Hungarian. Pronnnrlatlon.

the representative a megbizott [ok o meg-bizott

the settling days az elszdmoldsi nap oz alsahmolahshi nopok
shareholder rSszvenyes rehssvehn-yesh
shares rhzvenyek [nyel- r eh ss vehn-y ek [ vehn- y ek
, debenture kotelezveny rSszve- kSrtalazvehny rehss-
preference elsohbsegi reszvinyck alsherbbshehgi
to ship szdlUtani {liajdn) sahlleetoni (hoyohn)
shipping charges hajozdsi drak hoyohzahshi ahrok
solvent JizetolcSpes fizaterkehpash
the stock (security) a take (biztositek) o te?'-ka (biztosheetehk)
telegraphic address tdvirati dm tahviroti tsim
the towing charges a vontatdsi drak o vontotahshi ahrok
the trade a kereskedelem o ka-rash-kedalem
the underwriter a hajdbiztos hoyohbiztosh
the unloading a hajdriv o hoyoh-rehv
the wharfage pai-tvdm porrtvahm

Post Oflice, Telegraph and Telephone.

(POstahivatal, Tdvirat is Telefon.)
(For ConverBatioiiB Bee p. 103.)

Book post konyvpdsta kernj/v-pohshto

contents tartalom torrtolom
counterfoil az ellenjegy oz aUan-yady [dee-y'
excess postage tulsdgos postadij toolshahgosh pohs to- i >

insured value biztodtott ertek biztosheetott ehrrfcehk

letter post lerelposta lavehl-pohsbto
money order pOKta-ntalrdny pohshto-ootolvahni/
newspaper wrapper hirlap boritek hirrlop borreetehk
parcel post csomagposta chomog-pohshto
post card levelezo-lap lavalazer-lop
postage paid pdstadij fizetve pohshtodee-y' fizalva
the postman levSlhord4 lavehl-horrdoh
the postmaster a postamester o pohshtomashterr
to re-address ujra cimezni ooyro tseemazni
to register ajdnlva kuldeni oyahnlvo keSldani
reply-paid vdlasz fizetve vahloss fizatva
stamp levelbelyeg lavehl-beh-yeg
telegraph form surgonylap
messenger surgony kihordo
sheurr-ghej-ny ki-horr-
tdvird hivatal tahveeroh hivotol [doh
weight, over tulsuly toolshooy

Correspondence. (LeveUsia.)
(For Couversatlons see p. 107.)

English. Hangailaa. Pronnnciation.

The address a dm o tseem

blotting-paper itatos papiros itotohsh popirosh
the book a konyv o kernyv
the date a kelet o kalat
an enclosure melleklet mallehklat
an envelope boritSk borreetehk
a fountain-pen tolto toll terlter tol
the ink a tinta o tinto
an inkstand tintds iiveg tintahsh eiiyag
the letter a levil o lavehl
the letter-box a levSlszekrSny lavehl-sekrehny
a note rovid levil rSrvid lavehl
the note-paper a levSl papiros lavehl popirosh
a steel pen aceltoll otsehltol
the pencil az irdn oz irohn
a penholder tollszdr tol-sahrr
a penknife tollkSs tol-kehsh
a quire konc konts
a ream rizsma rizhmo
the scissors az olio oUoh
the seal a pecsStnyom6 o patcheht-nyomob
the sealing-wax a pecsetviasz o patcheht-vioss
a sheet (of paper) IV papiros eev popirosh
the signature az aldirds oz olah-eerahsh
the writing az irds oz eerahsh
materials az irSszerek oz irohserrek

Cardinal Numbers. (Sarkaz&mok.)

Hnnearian. Pronunciation. Hungarian. Pronunciation.

egy edy 10 tiz teez

kettb, kit katter, keht 11 tizenegy tiz-en-ed//
hdrom hahiom 12 tizenketto* tizenkattcr
ni()y vehdy 13 tizenhdiomitizenhahi'om
lit ect 14 tizennii/y tizennehfli/
hut hot 15 tizmot tizenert
het heht 16 tizenhat tizeuhot
8 iiyole nj/olts 17 tizenhM tizenheht
9 kilenc kilaats 18 tizennyolc tizen-n!/olts
Or kit.






Verbs.* {igik.)
(For Grammar of Verbs see pp. 73 SI.)








Hnngarian. Prommciation.

seldom ritkdn ritliahn

since, prep. 6ta oh to
, adv. mivel, minthogy mival, mint-hody
, conj. mirel mival
so olyan oyon
sometimes neha neh-ho
so much annyira [hamar onn-yirro [homorr
soon nemsokdra, csak- namshokahro, chok-
suddenly hirtelen {iil) hirrtalan (eul)
that hogy, tegyiik fel, hody, ted-yeiik fal,
that is vagyis [hogy... vod-yish [hody...
then, adv. akkor okkorr
, conj. tehdt te-haht
thence onnan onnon
there ott ott
through at, keresztul aht, ka-rass-tenl
thus igy, -Agy eeiy, oody
till, conj. {a)mig (o) meeg
prep. ig -ig
to flak, -ra, hoz -nolc, -ro, -hoz
together egyutt ed-yeutt
too much, adv. tuhdgos sok, tulsd- toolshahgosh shok, tooi-
towards feU [gosan fal-eh [shahgoshon ,

under alatt olott

unless kivSve, hacsak...nem kivehva, ho-chok...nani
until 4g (idS) -ig (ider)
up fel fal
upon n, -on, -on -n, -on, -ern
-r6l, -rol,felol -rohl, rerl, falerl
very, adv. nagyon nod-yon
well j6i yohl
when mikor mikorr
where hoi f hovd hoi? hovah?
while, whilst mig, mialatt meeg, miolott
why? miSrt? mi-ehrrt ?
willingly oromest, keszsSgesen errSj-masht, kehss-sheh-
with (near) -vol -vol [gashan
within, adv. belul baleiil
without, prep. kiviil, nelkul keeveiil, nehlkeul
without doubt kSfySgkiviil kehtshehg- keeveiil tj i
yet mSgis mehg-ish

The Article. {A Nivl8.)

There are two articles, the Definite and the Indefinite. The Definite
Article is a for words beginning with a consonant, az for words beginning
with a vowel.
The Indefinite Article is egy, which is also the numeral " one." It is
not the exact equivalent of the English "a," "an," for it is usually
omitted except when stress is laid on the singleness of the object, or in
cases where its meaning is that of "a certain"; it must never be put
bfafore an adjective or noun used as a predicate.

e.g Vcm ebben afaluhan vendigWi (not egy vendigW).

Is therean inn in this village 7

The Substantive, [AF3nh.)

Nouns ending with a vowel form their plural by adding h the vowels ;

a and e then become long, as fa, tree, f&k, trees eke, plough, ehik, ;

ploughs. When a noun ends with a consonant, the plural is formed by

adding ah, ok, ek. Ok. If the consonant is preceded by d or i, then those
vowels are shortened in the plural, excepting those ending in sdg, sig,
g&s, gis, and a few monosyUabio nouns.
The vowel of the last syllable is dropped in the plural when the conso-
nants m-r, k-r, k-l, r-m, r-k and l-k meet as Ulek, soul, lelkek, souls

jdrom, joke, jdrmoJe, yokes.

The following nouns ending with a vowel take j or v in the plural,
besides the usual plural ending : mU, a work of art, m&vek, works of
art ; t8, stem, tOvek, stems kO, stones, kBvek, stones cs8, a tube, esBvek,
; ;

tubes, U, juice, levek, juices /ffi, herb, fil/veh, herbs

16, horse, lovak,

If a noun is preceded by a numeral or any other word expressing
quantity, then it is used only in the singular, as kit ember, two men
sok fa, many trees.

The names of corn, metals, fruit, minerals, etc. that is to say, all

generic nouns are collective nouns in Hungarian, and are used in the
singular ; as klirte, a pear or pears ; szilva, a plum or plums.

Substantives are divided into six olas-ies or declensions, the plural
endings being taken as the basis for this division; then each class is
divided into two, viz., vdth the short and the long vowels as Glass I., ;

ak, dk II,, ok, 6k ; III., uk IV. ek, ik; V., Bk, 3k VI., Uk.
; ; ;

' Bespecting gender, see p. 84, tbird paragraph.


The suffixes for Olaases I., II. and III. are: For Nominative, the name
itselfor with personal suffix Attributive or Possessive, nak ; Genitive, ^;

Dative, nak Accusative, t.;

The suffixes for Classes IV., V. and VI. for the same oases as above
are : nek, i, nek, t.

Personal Suffixes.
The object governed by the attributive case is inflected, as Pitemek
atyja, Peter's father. There are in Hungarian four relations of the
object to the possessor 1. Object and possessor in Singular, as kOnyv-

em, my
book. S. Object in Singular and possessor in Plural, as kSnyv-
Unk, our book. 3. Object in Plural and possessor in Singular, as kSnyv-
eim, my
books, i. Object and possessor in Plural, as kOnyv-eink, our

I. The Object in the Singulab .hSnyv-em, my book

kSnyv-ed, thy ;

book; kSnyv-e, his book; kSnyv-Unk, our book; kSnyv-etek, your book-
kSnyv-Uk, their book.
II. The Object in the Plural kOnyv-eim, books kOnyv-eid, thy
my ;

books ;
kSnyv-ei, his books ; kSnyv-evnk, our books kOnyv-eiiek, yout ;

books ; kdnyv-eik, their books.

The Personal Suffixes of the Six DeclIinbions.

The Object possessed in the Singular
I. Plural endings aft, dk. Sing, am, ad, a; dm, dd, dja. Plur. ant,
atok, uk ; dnk, dtok, djok.
II. Plural endings ok, 6k. Sing, om, od, a; 6m, 6d, &ia. Plur. unk
III. Plural ending ilk. Sing, jim, tld, jija. Plur. link, litok, iXjok.
IV. Plural endings ek, ik. Sing, em, ed, e; im, id, iie. Plur. Unk, eiek,
Uk ; ink, itek, djsk.

^- ^^^J'^} ^^,^'''\'"'; ''? Si'ig- ". a**. ; ^, Bd, Bje or eje. Plur. Unk,
Uk; Bnk, StOk, SjOk orejuk.
VI. Plural ending Hm. Sing, ilm, M, Hje. Plur. unk, iitok, Hjok.

The Object possessed in the Plural

I. Plural endings ofc, cifc. Sing, aim, aid, at dim, did,
; di. Pint, aink,
aitok, aik ; dmk, ditok, dik.
II. Plural endings ofc, dk. Sing, aim, aid, ai 6im, did,
; 6i. Plur. aink,
aitok, aik ; 6mk, 6itok, 6ik.

III. Plural ending uk. Sing. Uim, Uid, Ui. Plur. Uink, Hitok, aik.
IV. Plural endings ek, Sing, eim, eid, ei
; Mm, Md, ii. Plur. eink.
i^ui. ..,
e%tek, etk ; imk, iitek, iik.
V. Plural endings Sk,dk Sing, elm, eid. ei; Sim, Sid, Si or ei. Plur
ei'k, eitek, etk Smk, Sitek, Sik OT eik.

VI. Plural ending Uk. Sing. Aim, Uid, Ui. Plur. Uink, Uitek, Uik.

In order to be able to find to what declension a noun belongs, one has to

form its plural ending as OkiSr, an ox, plur. SkrOk. Its ending dk indi-

cates that its personal suffix is in Class V. The same rule one can apply
for the monosyllabic nouns as atya, father, anya, mother, bdtya, elder

brother, take in the third person sing, and plur. j'o and /oil, instead of
dja, djok, while dcs, younger brother, takes cs instead oij.
The genitive suffix 4 for all nouns expresses possession as well ; as, Ez a
k"2ap Piteri, this hat is Peter's.

To indicate places and directions, instead of prepositions Hungarian
tias suffixes. They are classified as follows :

1. Ketaining or remaining: ban hen; as Twi^-ftam, in the house.

2. Indicating: on, en. On; as hdM-on, on or upon the house after a
vowel only n as eke, plough, ekin, on the plough.

3. Besting ndl, nil as 8 atydm-ndl van, he is with my father.

: ;

1. Inward direction: ba, be; as u hdi-ba megyek, I go into the

5. Upward direction : ra, re ; as tedd az asztal-ra, put it on the table.
6. Approaching : hoz, hez, hOz as hdz-hoz, to the house.;

7. Outward direction : b6l, bol ; as ki-vettem a kosdr-bdl, I took it out

of the basket.
8. Downward direction: r6l, rBl; as a kim&ny leesett a hdzrdl, the
chimney fell down from the house.
9. Moving or starting: tdl, tSl: as a hds-tdl tdvozott, he moved (oi
started) from the house.
10. Limiting ig, as a hdz-ig, as far as the house.

11. Causative : irt, as p&nz-irt, for money ; bardtsdg-irt, for friendship.

12. Auxiliary: val, vel, as ds6-val, with a spade. [Note: with nouns
ending in consonants val or vel drops the v and doubles the con-
sonant, as kezem-mel, and not kezem-vel, with my hand.]
13. Transmuting : vd, vi, as L6t neje sd-vd vdlioz-ott. Lot's wife was
turned into salt.
14. Demonstrative Hi,
: HI, as mmtd-ill killdOk, I send as a sample;
pildd-iil, for instance.

The Postposition.** (NSvutdk.)

The Hungarian language has no prepositions ; it has postpositions, for
they are always put after the noun.
The postpositions expressing place are divided into three classes they ;

answer the three questions hoi ? where ? (place) Jwvd ? whither ? ;


honnan ? where from ?

The postpositions answering the question hoi ? are alatt, under ; elStt, :

before ; mSgStt, behind ; kSzStt or kSzt, between, amongst

mellett, beside ;

fOlOtt 01 felett, above ; kSr&l, round.

The postpositions answering the question hovd ? are aid, under ; eli, in :

front of ; melli, beside ; kSzi, between, amongst fSU, above ; feli, ;

towards, in the direction of kOri, round. ;

The postpositions answering the question honnan ? are aldl, from :

beneath ; el8l, from the front ; mellSl, from the side ; mSgUl, from
behind kOzUl, from amongst feWl, from the side of.
; ;

* For lib of postpoi>itiou:> see pp. UJ-U6.


All these postpositions take pronominal suffixes, as alatt-am, under me;

alatt-ad, under thee alatt-a, under him
; alatt-unk, under us ; alatt-

atok, under you alatt-uk, under them.


KBrUl forms kGrill9tt-em, kSralHtt-ed, ki^UlOtte, etc. The other post-

positions are : utdn, after miilva, at the end of (does not take any sufBx);

kSzben, in the midst of (no suffix) ; 6ta, since (no suffix) dltal, hj inilkill,

without; szermt, according to ; ellen, against; irdnt, towards; miatt, on

account of ; vigett, because, for ; helyett, instead ; gyandnt, in the shape
of (no suffix).
The postpositions dt, through, above, keresztul, across, innen, on this
side, till, on the other side, belill, within, kivUl, without, alul, above,
fOlal, underneath, require the suifixes n, on, en, iSn, to be added to the
preceding substantive.
Fogva, on account of, requires ndl, nil, but when it means " since " it
requires tdl, tSl. Kipest, in proportion to, requires hoz, hex, hOz. Niave,
as to, requires, ra, r^. Egyiltt, together, requires val, vel, to be added to
the substantive.

The Adjective* {A MelUknh,.)

When the adjective is used as a substantive, all suffixes, except the
possessive ones (even the article az or as) may be used with it.
A Qualiflcative adjective always precedes the substantive and does not
change, as a nagy asstal, the large table a nagy asztalok, the large tables.

An Attributive adjective is placed after the substantive, and takes

suffixes of number. The verb in the present is not expressed: az
asztal nagy, the table is large az asztalok nagyok, the tables are large.

When a question is made the adjective is put before the substantive, as

Magas a torony? Is the tower high?
Adjectives are inflected in the same way as substantives, but there
are the following variations from the general rule :

Not all adjectives ending in a vowel take k. Those which end in i take
ek, as rigi, ancient, rigi-ek. Those which end in tior H take sometimes
k, sometimes ak or ek, as hosszti, long, hosseHk or hosszu-ak.
The adjectives containing one or more sharp vowels and ending with s
{as, OS, 6s) and ikony take ak the others take ok.

All the adjectives containing one or more mediate vowels take ek.
The suffix Bk is not used for adjectives.
When the adjective kis, small, is a predicate, then it takes the form
Adjectives put in apposition precede the substantive, as Charles the
Great, Nagy Kdroly.

Comparison of Adjectives.
The comparative of equality is expressed by the words oly, olyan, &ppoly,
ippen oly, szintoly, put before adjectives; "as "is translated by mint.
Thus Bdtydm oly nagy, mint te, my brother is as tail as thou.

The negation nem is put before oly as Az iskola nem oly nagy, mint a

templom, the school is not so large as the church.

The comparative of superiority is formed by adding 66 to adjectives
ending with a vowel, abb or ebb to those ending with consonants.
For list of aajectires see pp. 55-58. For Demonstrative Adjectives see
Demonstrative Pronouns, p. 73.

Final a and become longer when bb is joined to it thus, drdga, ex ;

pensive, becomes
d/rdgdbb, more expensive, while d shortens its sound in
jd, good, jobb, better.
The superlative is formed by prefixing leg or legesleg to the comparative,
as legjobb, the best.
The following adjectives are irregular in their comparatives

Comparative. Comparative.
szip, beautiful szebb nagy, big nagyobb
sok, much tObb j6, good jobb
hosseu, long hosssabb ifju, young ifjabb
kOrmyii, easy, light hOnnyebb
The superlative is regular.

The Pronoun. (A Nk-mds.)

Personal Pronouns.
They are : in,l\ te, thou ; 5, he, she ; mi, we ; ti, you ; Sh, they.

N. in, I te, thou S, he or she
D. nekem, to or for me neked, to or for thee re&i, to or for him, her
A. sr.gem, me i^grci, thee St or (3ii, him, her
N. mi, we Ji,ye or you Sfc, they
D. nekilnk, to or for us nektek, toorforye,you nekik, to or for them
A. minket or titeket or benneteket, Sket, them
bennWnket, us ye or you
The second form of the accusative bennilnket, benneteket is more
emphatic, and should be translated into English all of us, all of you, all :

of them.
As to attributive and genitive cases of the personal pronouns they are
in the singular nekem, neked, neki in the plural nekilnk, nektek, nekik.

If the possessor is represented by a pronoun governing the object pos-

sessed directly, then the attributive pronoun is not placed before its
object, which, being sufSxed with the pronoun, expresses the person to
whom it belongs; e.g., kalap-om, my hat; kalap-od, thy hat; kalap-ja,
his hat.
But when an emphasis is necessary, then the uninflected personal is
to be used instead of the attributive pronoun; e.g., Asinkalapom, my

hat not yours.
The attributive pronoun is always used in its inflected form nekem,

naked, etc. when it stands as subjective and not written ou t at all if i( ;

stands as attribute, then it is in its uninflected form en, te, @, etc.

Possessive Pronouns.
They are : enyim, mine
; tied, thine ; Bvi, his miink, ours tietek. ; ;

yours Ovik, theirs.


These pronouns are a contraction of possessor and object possessed,

They are formed of the personal pronoun as possessor and the suffixes of
tao objective case. They stand by themselves ez enyim, this is mine;

myim, mine; and they take all the suffixes of the substantives except
it is
those of the plural, which they form in the same way as the personal
suffixes viz., enyim, tied, Gvi, miink, tietek, dvikusei when the object
possessed is in the singular ; enyiim, tieid, Ovii, mieink, tieitek, Oviik
used when the object possessed is in the plural.
These are the forms of the pronouns that would correspond to the
substantives inflected with the suffixes for place or diieotiou :

Singular. Plural.

Retainino or Remaining Ben.

bennem, bermed, benne bennUnk, bennetek, bennllk
in me, etc.
Indicating Bajt.
rajtcmi, rajtad, rajta rajtunk, rajtatok, rajtuh
on me, etc.

Resting NAl.
ndlam, ndlad, ndla ndlunk, ndlatok, ndluk
with me, etc.
Inwaud Dibeotion Be.
belim, belid, beU beUnk, beUtek, bel^Uk
into me, etc.
Upward Direction Ba.
rdm, rdd, rd rdnk, rdtok, rdjok
on me.
\ pproachinq Hoz.
hozzdm, hozzdd. hoBzd hozednk, hozzdtok, hozzdjok
towards me.
OuTWAKD Direction Bel.
beldlem, belSled, belSle beldliiaik, belBletek, belSlSk
out of me, from me, etc.
Downward DirectionBd.
rdlam, rdlad, rdla rdlunk, rdUUok, rOluk
of me, etc.

Moving Away TOl.

tSlem, tBled, tSle tBlilnk, tSletek, tdlOk
Causative ilrU
irtem, Med, &rte irtUnk, irtetek, irtilk
because of me, for me, etc.

Reflexive Pronouns.
They are: majfam, myself ; magad, thyaeii; maga, himaeU ; magunk,
ourselves ; magatok, yourselves ; maguk, themselves.
Kaja has also the meaning "alone"; as magam vagyok, I am alone.
Sometimes maga has the meaning of "my own"; as magam kOnyve,
my own book.

The other forms of Tnaga are

en magam or ennenmagam, myself rmnmagimh or invimervniag'imk
tenmagad or tennenmagad tinmagatok or tinnenmagatok
Onmaga or BnnOnmaga Bnmagunk or OnnOnmagunk
Mdsodmagammal, I with another harmadmagammal, 1 and two ;

others; negyedmagaiiimal, I and three others, etc.

When the relation is reoiprooal, then they are reoiprooals ; as egijmdst,

one another, each other.

Demonstrative Pronouns. 1
They are : emez, this here
ez, this ; ugyanez, this same ; as, that ;

amaz, that there ugyanaz, that same.


Ez and az, prefixed with ugyan or alone, point to a certain thing among
others of the same class while ezen, azon, refer to certain things among

others ofany class.

Az and ez follow the sabstantive and are inflected; azon and ezen
stand before it and could not be inflected.
Before suffixes beginning with a consonant, az and ez change z into
the first letter of the suffix. Az-nak changes into annak az-ba changes ;

into abba az-ra into arra, etc.


The other forms (mostly obsolete) of maga are :

emnagam or ennenmagam, myself rmnmagunk

tenmagad or tennenmagad tmmagatok

They are: hi, who, m^ly, which, mi, what for substantives; min8,
milym, suoh asfor adjectives ahdny, akdrhdny, merniyi, amennyi, as

many as for numerals. They are inflected like substantives.

Interrogative Pronouns.
These are, for personski ? kicsoda ? who ?
melyik ? which ? For ;

things: mi? micsoda? what? melyik? which? For quality; milyen?

mvnS ? mifile what kind ? For the cardinal numbers hdny ? menny% ?
'? :

how many? and for ordinals: Mnyadik? which ? as well as the question
for multiplication, hdti^sztyr ? how many times ?

The Vcrb.^ {Az Ige.)

Before other verbs can be oonjugated, it is necessary to learn tho

irregular verb Unni, to be :

Indicative Mood.
I'tesent Tense. Imperfect or Past Tense. Prosent Perfect Tense.

vagyok, I am, eto. valik, I was, etc. voltam, I liave been, etc.
vagy valdl voltdl
vala ""'*
vagytmk valdnk voUutik
vagytok valdtok voltatpk
vannak valimak voUak
1 There is no distinction between Demonstrative AdiecUoes and Fronount.
" For list of verbs see pp. 59-63. poetry. m
' The imperfect tense is never used now, except occasionally

Past Petfect Tense. Future Tense.

voltam vala, I had been, eto. leseek, I shaU be, eto,

voltdlvala l<'ss

volt vala Jes* orlesem

voltunk vala lestUnk
voltatok vala Usztek
voltak vala lesznek

legyilnk, be we or let us be
Ugy, be thou legyetek, be you
legyen, be he or let him be Ugyenek, be they or let them be

SuBJUNonvB Mood.
Present Tense. Pst Tense.
k, that I may be, eto. hogy voltam Ugyen, that I might
voltdl be, eto.
UgyUnk .. voltunk
legyetek voltatok
legyenek ,. voltak

Future (conaitlonaJ) Tense.

ha leendek, (if) I should be ha Uendiink, (if) we should be
leendeaz n leendetek
,', leend leendenek

Present Tense. Past Tense.
volnik I would or should be, eto. voltam volna, I would or should
volndl voltdl volna have been, eto
volna '^^^^ volna

volndnk voltunk volna

volndtok voltatok volna
volndnak voltak volna

Infinitive Moos.
lenni, to be.
With Personal Suffixes. In order to well understand the infinitive
with the personal suffix, we add the verb kellene, ought.
lemiem kellene, I ought to be, eto. lenniink kellene, we ought to be
leniied kellene lennetck ,,

lennie kellene lennibk ,,

Imperfect : val6, lev6, UvS, being. Perfect volt, been. :

Future : leeiidB, about to be. Adverbial levdn, having been.


Potential form : leh^t, may or can be.

verbs are divided into Active and Medial. Then active verbs are
subdivided into (a) Transitive and (6) Intransitive, while medial verbs are
subdivided into (a) Active or deponent, (6) Passive, (c) Neuter.
Transitive and causal verbs have significant terminations the indefi- ;

nite, as vereh, I beat (someone), and the definite, as verem a lovat, I beat
the horse.

Conjugation of Transitive Verb*.

1st Oonjugation. Varrni, to sow.


Subjunctive Mood.
Present Tense.
Indefinite. Definite.
hogy varrjak, I may sow, etc. hogy varrjam, I may sow it, etc.

,, varrj varrjad
varrjon varrja
varrjv/nk varrjuk
,, varrj atok varrjdtok
varrjanak varrjdh
Past Tense.
Iwgy varrtam Ugyen, that I might have sown, etc.
This tense is formed by putting Ugyen after the past tense of the
Indicative, and the conjunction hogy before it.
Future Tense.
ha varrandok, if I should sow hn varrandom, if I should sow it

, ,, varrandod

varrand varrandja
,, varrandunk varrandjuk
varrandotok ,, varrandjdtok
,, varrandanak varrandjdk
CoNDiTioNAij Mood.
Present Tense.
varrnik, I might, sliould or varrndm, I might, should or would
varrndl would sow varrndd sow it
varrna varrnd
varrndnk varriidk
varndtok varrndtok
vnrrndnak varmdk
Fast Tense.
varrtam, volna, I should or would varrtam. volna, 1 should or would
va/rrtdl have sown varrtad have sown it
varrt ,, etc. varrta etc.
varmi, to sow.
With L'ersonctl Suffixes
Sing. varriiom, varrnod, varrnia. Plur. varmunk, varmotok, varmkik.
Imperf . varr6, sowing. Pert, varrott, sown. Put. varrand6, to be sown.
Adverbial : varrva, varrvAn.

2nd Conjugation. Vemi, to beat.

iNDioATiTB Mood.
Present Tense. Imperfect Tense.*
Indefinite. Definite. Indefinite. Definite.
(I beat, etc.) (I beat it, etc.) (I beat, etc.)
verek verem
versz vered
ver veri
verilnk verjUk
vertek veritek
veniek verik
See footnotes, p. 73.


In the Medial verbs the 3rd peison sing, of the present tense indicative
dnds in ih; the active and intransitive and transitive verbs have no dis-
tinguishing ending. For this reason the Hungarian grammarians divide
the verbs into ikes and iktelen ige; viz., verbs with ih and without t.

Forms of the Verbs.

Primitive : ir, he writes.
Factitive : wat, he causes, orders or commands to write.
Frequentative irogat indicates a repetition of the action expressed

in the Primitive.

Diminutive : irhdl (he is scribbling) signifies a playful action.

Permissive : irhal, he may or can write.
If the 1st person acts upon the 2ud person, the distinguishing termi-
nation of the verb will be for all moods and tenses lak (for flat words) or
lek (for sharp words) e.g., verlek, I beat thee
; vdrlak, I expect thee. ;

But when acting upon a substantive in the 3rd person, the general rule is
to be followed e.g., ;

Indefinite : verek, versz, ver, verilnk, vertek, vernek, I beat, etc.

Definite verlek or verem, vered, veri, verjiik, veritek, verik, I beat
; (it)


Imperfect : egy aratd embr-r, a reaping man (man that reaps)
d,S; e.g.,
Perfect t, ott, elt, 8tl e.g., az aratutt gabona.
: ;

Future: and6, endS; e.g., az aratandd bitza, the wheat to be reaped.

The first two have adverbial forms : for the present, va, ve, e.g., siidlva
walking ; for past vdn, vin, e.g., seltdlvdn, having been walking.

Examples of the Use of the Five Participles.

Egy szenvendS ember, a suffering man.
Bgy szenvedett ember, a sufiered (tolerated) man.
Egy szenvendendd ember, a man to be suffered.
Adverbial participles are not inflected, while adjective participles are
inflected as adjectives and, like these, may stand for substantives', e.g.,
egy szenvedS ember, a suffering man egy szenvedd, a sufferer. ;

The Imperfect participle is used both as adjective and substantive ; e.g.,

szenvedS, sufferer, ir6, writer, Idtogatd, visitor.
Every transitive verb has two forms, the definite and the indefinite,
and the chief difficulty in Hungarian is to know which form to use. The
definite form is used when the object is a clearly marked-out one ; the
indefinite form when the object is more or less indefinite.
e.g., I am
writing " this letter," eet a levelet irom.
I am
writing " letters," leveleket irok
Of active and of medial verbs (verbs at the same time active and
passive) may be formed causal verbs by adding at, tat to flat sounding, and
et, tet to sharp sounding verbs. Tlie meaning of the causal verbs differs
from the primitive form in that the action is not done by the agent itself,
but that the latter causes something or somebody else to do it. In

English there is no corresponding form in German it is expressed by the


infinitive and the verb lassen, e.g., ohiastatni (in German, leseii lassen),
to cause to read. All causal verbs are transitive and are conjugated in
the indefinite and definite form,
Hungarian has no passive voice for active verbs, but grammarians have-
introduced a so-called passive voice for transitive verbs, restricted to a
few of them only. The root ol the passive is the same as of the causal
verb, but it is conjugated like the neuter verb, as szeretni, to love, olvasni
to read e.g.,

Indefinite. Indefinite. Dpiinite.

szeret-tet-em '\
^ oVoas-tat-ok olv'as-tat-om
saeret-tet-el olvas-tat-sz olvas-tat-od
szeret-tet-ik oTmas-tat olvas-tat-ja
sseret-tet-Unk olvas-tat-unk oVvas-tat-juk
sscret-tet-tek a olvas-tat-ok olvas-tat-jdtok
szeret-tei-mk olvas-tat-nak olvas-tat-jdk

Examples of Conjugations.
1. 2. 3.

lak-om vitkez-em , utkSz-Om

lak-ol vitkez-el iitkoz-Sl
lak-ik vitkez-ik ulkSz-ik
lak-unk vitkez-Unk MkOz-Unk
bD P
lak-tok vitkez-tek -iltkSz-Wk
lak-nak vitkez-nek HtkSz-nek


lak ^atok


Sz Mortifying Verbs.
These are verbs whose verbal roots terminate in sz, but which retain
this se only in the present tense of the indicative mood, while they drop
or change it into other letters in all other oases. They are conjugated as
Himni, to believe.
Indicative Mood.
Definite. Imperfect Indefinite. Definite,
ftis^-em, I believe (it), /liw^fc, I believed, hivim
hisz-ed etc. hivil etc. hivid
hisz-i hive hivi
hisz-szUk hivinlc hwdk
kisz-itek hivitek hiviUk
hisz-ik hwinek hvuik
Here a v has been put between the two vowels in place of s, which wm
mortified, i.e., dropped.
Past Tense : hittem, etc.
Future Definite : hinni fogok, etc. Indefinite : hinni fogom, etc.

Present Indefinite. Present D. finite.
higyjek higyjllnk higyiem higyjuk
higyj higyjetek higyjed higyJMek
higyjen higyjenek higyje liigyjik

Past Indefinite hittem Ugyen, hittU Ugyeti, etc.


,, Definite: hittem Ugyen, hitted Ugyen, etc.

Future Definite : hiendek, etc. Indefinite : hiendem, etc.

> CoNDinoNiL Mood.

Present Indefinite. Definite. Past Indefinite. Definite.
hiivnik, etc. hinnim, etc, hittem, volna hittem volna
hitUl volna, etc. hitted volna, etc.

Infinitive inflected : hinnem, hmned, hinnie, hinnUnk, hinnetek, hinniok,
Imperfect: hiv6. Perfect: hitt. Future: hiendS.
Adverbial hivin. :

Permissive verb : hiliet, he may believe.

Factitive verb : hitet, he makes believe.

Impersonal Verbs.
X. Verbs which express mere action and cannot be referred to an object
or person ; e.g., villdmlik, it lightens.

II. Verbs which are used in the 3rd person only, but which may relate
to the 1st, 2nd or 3rd person, governing in the dative or accusative case
e.g., illik nekem, it is becoming for me engem iUet, it concerns me fdj

nekem, it pains me.


Defective Verbs.
^^I. Nines, or nincsen, is not, has not ; plural, nmcsemk, are not, or have

y^e nominative case, mncsen is to be translated (like

nl\ ^^^^^'^^^VF-
"^^^" "^'":
ri \fifinT^ S K^''^ ^'. ^itl^ ^^^ attributive


Hi "^^'li^'^i^y^
neked nines,
" to'J:'
liave " negatived, as nekem nines.
thou hast not neU nines, he has not, etc. ;
I have

II. Sines, smcseMplural, siwcsenefe are contractions of sem, neitlier

and mncs, nvrwsen or mncserae/c; e.g., .. bAtydm nines itthon,
brother not at home
my eldei'
is ; anydm sines, nor my mother,
Smcs follows the same' rule as nifics.

""""^ *''^'^' *'^' ?'*''^*> 1^' "IS go /erteA;, oome

Ne, nesze, nesxtek; e.g., ne ptnz, nesze pinz, look, money! or here,
money! (an idiomatic expression).

Compound Verbs.
These are made by prefixing to the verbs postpositions, adverbs or
suffixes for place and direction, as vemii, to take elvemm, to take away; ;

fOlvenni, to take up ievenni, to take in.; The verb is inflected in the

same manner as when it stands by itself.

Irregular Verbs.
These are verbs which mortify or cause the disappearance of sz and gy.
There are but two verbs mortifying gy vagyon, to be, and megyen, to go.
Yagycn is not only irregular but also imperfect, for it borrows its form
for the future and the imperative from UnnA, to become. Megyen. to go,
is only irregular in that it has two primitive forms for the present
indicative, as
megyek or menek, I go megyilnk or menilnk. we go
migy misz, thou goest mentek, you go
megy m4n, he goes mennek, they go
The 2nd and 3rd persons plural are wanting in all other moods and ;

tenses this verb takes men as its root, and is conjugated as an intransitive

The Conjunction.* {KdtSszdk.)

OopCLATivB : is (abbreviated
'), ; and
meg, and ; pedig, but, is, also ;

yet; migis, ism^t, again; hogy, that; sem, neither.

still, yet ;

Disjunctive: vagy,0T; vagy...vagy, either. ..or; a&<ir...afc(ir, whether

...or; sem.. .sem, neither. ..nor.
Opposing de, hanem, but dmde, though ; egyibi/rdnt, besides killon-
: ; ;

Vew, else.

Explanatory azaz, that is vagy, or.

: ;

Causal mivel, mert, because rmnthogy,

: ; since, as, because.
Concessive: bdr, dmbdr, habd/r, noha, jOlleket, although.
Conclusive csak, csakis, csupdn, mindazdltal, nevertheless,
: in spite
of that.

* For Hat of conjunctions see pp. 63-66.

Hongarian S.T.

CONDITIOHAI/ : s8t, inkdbb, sdlmig. These have no corresponding words

in English, but are construed thus : S8t szeretni fogom, on the contrary,
I shall like it.

Locative : ott-hol, there where ; ahonncm, whence.

FiNAii hdt, tehdt, therefore
: ; egyibwd/nt, otherwise ; elvigre, utoljdra,
concluding, at last, finally.

The Adverb.* {hfliatiirozdk.)

Hoi ? (where Men, here ott, ottan, there sehol, nowher,e

?) : itt, ; ;

mdshol, mdsutt, somewhere else valahol, somewhere mindenhol, min- ; ;

deniltt, everywhere. To this category belong also aU substantives

inflected with suffixes of place; e.g., a hdzoji, upon the house; a hdzban,
in the bouse.
Homncm ? (whence 1) mnen, hence orman, thence
: ; ; and substantives
with suffixes, e.g., a hdzril, a szobdbdl, etc.
Hovai (whither?): ide, hither ; oda, thither ; erre, this way ; arra, that
way valahovd, to somewhere.

MeddAg ? (to where ?)

addig, as far as there az idin, this year
eddig, as far as here ; and all multkor, the other day
novms with ig a multbcm, in the past
ma, to-day jOvSben, in the future
holna/p, to-morrow idSnkint, yearly
most, mostan, now igy, so (for near)
mdskor, another time tigy, so (for distant)
mindig, always emigy, in this way
soha, never amUgy, in that way
azofmal, at ouce hogycvny how
esU, in the evening hoi, where
reggcl. in the morning itt, here
naiypal, in the day time igen, itt, yes, here
ijszaka, in the night time

The Comparative and Superlative of adverbs are formed in the same

way as in adjectives e.g.. ;

Adj. : szip (pretty), szebb, Urjszebb.

Adv. : szipen, szibben, ligszebben.
Adv. : inkdbb (sooner, rather), leginkdbb (soonest, especially).

The Interjection. {IndulatszSk.)

Grief : o I oh I jaj I alas 1

Joy : juh I

* For lint of ftdverbs nee pp. 63-66


New woras are formed iu two ways
(1) By means of affixes, called formatives.
(2) By putting words together.
Those in the first class are called derivatives; in the latter, compounds.

The formatives create new ideas, as hde, house lidzald, pedlar ;

Mzassdg, matrimony, marriage.

An inflected word cannot take a formative, but a word formed' by
means of a formative is inflected according to the part of speech to which
't belongs. Derivatives may also take formatives.

Examples showing the stem-word of the following derivatives :

Hare (subst.), battle.

hard (adj.), pertaining to battle.
liarcias (adj.), valorous, warlike
harciaskod (-ni) (verb), to battle, to be engaged in war.
hardaskodds (abstr. subst.), struggle, the state of being at war,
harciaskoddsi (adj.), pertaining to struggle, war, or fighting
Substantives are formed by adding sdg, sig to adjectives, as szip, pretty
(adj.), sz&p-sig, beauty; j6, good (&&].), j6-sdg, goodness.
By adding ds, is to verbs; e.g., &ll (-ni), to stand, dll-d,s, position,
By adding as, es, Os, or dr, ir to substantives, new substantives are
formed; e.g., asztal, tahle, a^zialos, joiner; Zc^s, knife, Z6^s, cutler kdd, ;

coop, tub, hdddr, cooper.

Imperfect participles can be used as substantives; e.g., olvasd, reader ;

aratd reaper.
Diminutives are formed by adding ka, Ice e.g., Idny, a girl, Idny-ka, a

little girl. By adding ocska, eeske e.g., ablak, window, ablak-ocska, a


small window.
Adjectives are formed by adding as, os, e.i. Us to substantives e.g., hely, ;

place, helyes, proper (in the right place) toll, feather, tollas, provided

with feathers arany, gold, aranyos, golden, or covered with gold.


Talon or telen are negatives ; as hely-telen, improper ; hatdr-talan,

without limit.
If i is put after names of places it should be translated by "of," as
budapest-i, of Budapest hdz-i, domestic.

Diminutives of adjectives are formed by adding to adjectives ending

with a vowel, or g, ds, os, to consonants; e.g., sdrgra, yellow, sdrgds,
yellowish ; reg, old, Oreges, elderly.
Verbs are formed by adding al, ol, el, or o, ee, to substantives, which
then become active verbs ; as hda-al {-ni}, to peddle vas-al {-ni), to iron ;

ablak-oz {-mi), to furnish with windows.


By adding it, HI, 41 to adjectives the former for transitive and the
latter for intransitive verbs as Mk, blue Mkit, he makes blue kiMl,
; ;

it is getting blue (by itself)

By adding oi, Sz, ez, dz to postpositions, as aid, under, aldz {-ni), to

humble; Ml, beyond, tiiloz (-ni), to exaggerate.
As there are no genders in Hungarian, the suffix ni (wife of) or n6 (in
the case of occupation or calling) is added to the noun to distinguish a _

vfoman from a man; e.g., kirdly, Mng, kirdlynd, queen szlnisz, actor, ;

szinisznd, actress. Queen Alexandra is a hwalyni (wife of a king)

Queen Victoria was a kirdlynS (queen in her own right).
To distinguish the sex of persons of the same nationality, ember (man)
or nd (woman) is added, as in English, but the two words are kept
separate e.g. angol ember, Englishman, angol nd. Englishwoman.

Many of the domestic animals have separate names to distinguish their

sex, as in English e.g., kakas, cook, tyuk, hen.
; In every other case the
name of the animal is preceded by him or kwn to denote a male, and by
ndsUny to signify a female; e.g., Mm farfcas, a, he-wolf, n5sUny farkas,
a she- wolf

Modes of address.
There are several titles in use in Hungary :

8 fels&ge, his Majesty felsiges Hr, your Majesty

fensig. Highness.

NagymUtdsdgu or kegyelmes. Excellency ; miltdsdgos, illustrious nagy- ;

sdgos, great, grand; tekintetes, distinguished, highly respected. All of

these qualifications must be followed by ur or uram.
Ladies are addressed as nagysdgos asszonyom ("great lady") con-
tracted nagysdd.
Nagysdgod is a title of address equivalent to " Your Honour," etc.

To translate " you " one uses on, plur. finSfe ; kegyed, piur. kegyetek',
lot very often maga, plur. tnaqiik.

As regards the placing of titles, kirdly, king, csdszdr, emperor, and

fdherceg, archduke, are always written after the proper name, as Vilmos
csdHsdr, the Emperor William. Herceg, duke, gr6f, count, and bdrd, baron,
may be used before the name, but it is more usual to put them after it.

Useful 81 Necessary Idiomatic Expressions.

{FTa'>znos is szUksiges nyelvjdrdsi k\ is snOlds mddok.)

Buglisb. Hungarian Pronunciation.

If you please Legyen saioes led -yen sivash

Thank you Koszonom ke)sern67-m
Have the goodness Legyen oly szives led-yen oy sivash
Much obliged Nagyon koszonom nod-yon kerserneim
Yes, sir Igen, uram i-gan, 66rom
No, madam Nem, nagysdd nam, nodt/shahd
Allow me Engedje meg an-gad-ya meg
Bring me Hozzon Mr em hozzon kehrem
Do you understand? Erti on ? ehrrti em ?
Excuse me Bocsdnatot kSrek botchahnotot keh-rek
Give me Adjon kirem od-yon kehrem
Send me Kuldjon nekem keuldyern nak-em
Will you tell me ? Mondja, kirem. mond-yo, kehrem
Tell me [garian ? Mondja m,eg mond-yo meg
Do you speak Hun- BeszSl on magyariil? bassehl ern mod-yorool
Is there anyone Van itt valaki, aki von itt voloki, oki
here who speaks anyoLul heszil ? ongolool bassehl
English ? [garian?
Can you read Hun- Okas on magyaruU olvosh 6rn mod-yorool
You read very wellOn j6l olvas ern yohl olvosh
How long have you Midta tanul on? miohto ton66l em ?
learnt ?
A short time only Eovid ido 6ta rervid id-er ohto
I find .the pronun- A kiejtSst nelieznek o ki-eytehsht na-hehz-
ciation very diffi- taldlum nak tolahlom
cult [accent [sha von
You have a good Onnekjo kiejtese ran^ grnnak yoh ki-eyteb-
What do you say ? Mit mond ? mit mond ? I

I have nothing to ISemmi kifogdsom shemmi kifogahshom

say against it sines ellene shinch allana
I beg your pardon Bocsdnatot kSrek \ botchahnotot kehrek

English. Hungariiia. Pronunciation.

What did you ask? mit kehrdazatt em ?

Mit Mrdezelt on?
Speak louder BeszUjen hangosab- bassehl-yen hongoshob-
[fy? ban bon
What does it signi- Mit jelent ez 7 mit yal-ent az 1
It does not matter m
tesz nam tess shemmit
It is all the same Neke: ag-ehssan min-
Never mind [to me Nem baj loy [dedi/
What is the matter? Mi a baj ? mi^'-boy?
Nothing Semmi "'^iaiiiui;
What is it about ? Mirol van sz6 von soh ?
What is to be done? MifteyyiXnk 1 ,
mit ted-yeunk ?
I haven't a notion Fogalmam sines rola fogolmom shiiich rohlo
In the meantime Azalatt ozolott
Would you kindly ? Lenne olyan jd ? lenna oyon yoh ?
First of all [me Mindenek elott mindenek alertt
That is what vexes Ez boszant engem az bossont ang-em
He has just come in Eppen most jott
ehppan mosht yerit oa
Don't imagine that Ne ne kehpzal-ya ozt
kSpzelje azt
What good is it ? Mire j6 az ? mi-ra yoh oz ?
Where was I ? Hoi voltam ? hoi voltom ?
As for me A mi engem illet mi ang-em illat
I cannot see any En nem Idtok tovdbb ehn nam lahtok to-
longer [for me vahbb
Three are enough Hdrom elSg nekem hahrom alehg nak-em
I did it in a hurry Sietve tettem shi-atva tattera
It only depends Az ontol fiigg oz ernterl feugg
upon you
One is as good as Egyik olyan jd mint ed-yik oyon yoh mint
the other a mdnk o mahshik
\ can do without it meg-lassak nehlkeula
Megleszek nilkule
iVill you give me ? Adna
nekem ? odno nak-em ?
Everything con- Mindent tekintetbe mindent takintatba
sidered [you five [onnekl vehva [einnak
I have come to tell Azt jottem mondaw ozt ygrttam mondoni
I am sure of it Biztos vagyok benne. biztosh vod-yok banna
I don't think much Nem sokat tartok nam shokot torrtok
of it [longer rdla rohlo [vahbb
I can bear it no Nem turhetem tovdbb nam tiurr-hatem to-
I like being here Bzeretek itt lenni serratek itt lenni
I have been told Mondtdk nekem mondtahk nakem
As much as I can A mervnyire tudom mann-yi-ra t66dom

English. Hungarian. Pronnnolation.

That comes to the -/? egyre megy az edyra medy

same thing [pose
It answers the pur- Megfelel a cilnak megfalal o tsehlnok
I value it very much Sokra becsiilom shokro batcheulSrm
I am used to it Hozzdvagyok szokva hozzah vod-yok sokvo
I am not able to do it Nem tudom megtenni nam t66dom megtenni
Who is it calling me Ki szdlit engem ? ki sohlit ang-em
It is not my fault Nem az Sn hibdm nam oz ehn hibahm

Expressions Oi Emotion. {Indulatok kifejezisei.)

(For Tocabulary see p. 26.)

What? Mi? mi?

Is it possible LehetsSges ? le-hatshehg-ash ?
Indeed 1 Vcddban volohbon I

That is impossible Lehetetlen le-hatatlan I

That cannot be Az nem, lehet oz nam le-hat
You surprise me On meglep ern meglap
Take care Vigydzzon ! vid-yahzzon I

I am sorry for it Sajndlom shoynahlom

I am quite vexed Boszdnkodo m miatta bossonkodom miotto
about it
Oh it's nothing
I I 0, az semmi oh, oz shemmi
What a pity I Milyen kdr mi-yan kahrr
It is a sad thing Szomoru dolog somorr6(5 dolog I

I am very glad Orvendek eTvandek

It gives me much Nagy oromet szerez nody errermat serrez
pleasure nekem nakem
What a shame Milyen szigyen mi-yan sehd-yen I

I am ashamedofyou SzSyyenlem maga- sehd-yen-lem mogomot

[so? mat on miatt em miott
How could you do Hogyan tehette on hod-yon te-hat-ta era ?

For shame I Szigyelje magdt sehd-yal-ya mogaht

You are very much Ont nagyon lehet rnt nod-yon le-hat
to blame hibdztatni hibahztotni

Enquiries. )

Do you hear me ? Hallja mondok? holl-yo cm-it mondok 1

Will you kindly...? Leszolyanjo hogy... less oyon yoh body...?
Do you understand i}rti amit mondok ? ehrrti om-it mondok ?
What is that? [me? Mi az I mi oz?

English. Hangarian. Pronunciation.

What do youraean? Tiogy Srti azt ? hody ehrrti ozt ?

Are you sure ? Biztos on abban ':
biztosh era obbon ?

Can Mr.... ?
I see Ldthatom. .urat . ? laht-hot-om...66rrot ?

When does he re- Mikor jon viasza '

mikorr yern visso ?
Whereis...? [turn? Hoi van...? hoi von ? . . .

What do you call Hogy hivjdk azt? hody heev-yabk ozt ?

that ? [mean ?
What does that Mit jelent az ? mit yal-ent oz ?
What is that for ? Mire val6 az ? mi-ra voloh oz 7

NoticeSt {FBUrdsok.)
Apartments Kiadd szobdk ; kiado kiodolisobahk kiodoh ;

[gentleman lakds [szere lokahsh

Bedroom for single Szoba egy Hr re- sobo edy oorr rehsehra
Entrance Bemenet bamenat
Exit Kijdrat ki-yahrot
Furnished rooms Butorozott szobdk boOtorozott sobahk
Unfurnished rooms Butorozatlan szoba b66torozotlon sobo
Just published Eppen most jelent ehppan mosht yal-enl
Knock Kopogjon [meg kopog-yon [meg
Notice Felirat ; Srtesith fal-i-rot ; ehrrtashee-
No admittance Tilos a bemenet tilosh o bamenat [tehsh
Please do not touch Ne tessSk hozzd ne tash-shehk hozzah-
[shoes nyulni \rdlni nySSlni [late/-erlni
Please wipe your TessSk a cipot leto tash-shehk o tsipert
Private Tilos a bemenet lilosh o bamenat
Public notice Mirdetmeny hirrdatmehny
Pull push
Huzza ; taszitsa hoozzo tosseetsha

Refreshments Etterem ehtterrem

Ring Csengessen chan-gash-shen

The Railway. {Vaspdiya.)

(For Vocabulary see p. 36 )

To the... station Az dllumd-shoz oz ahllomahsh-hoz

Here is my luggage Ltt a podgydszom itt o pod-dyahsom
[room ?
Take it to the cloak- Tegye a ruha-tdiba teil-ya o r66ho-tahtrl)0
I wish to register A podgydszt ajdnlva o pod-dyahst oyahnivo
my luggage for... szeretnSm feladni serratnehm falodni
The luggage is over A podgydsznak tul- pod d.i/ahsnok tool-
weight sulya van shoo- vo von
I'-.ncllRh. Hungarian. i'rouunclatloD.

Get my luggage; Adja ki a podgyd- od-yo ki o poddyahso-

here is the ticket szomat, itt a mot itt fal vehtali y ady
felviteli jegy
Wliere is the wait- Hoi van a vdr6- hoi von o vahroh-
ing-room ? terein ? terrem ?
booking-office ? - - a pinxtdr / o pehnztahrr ?
refreshment- azdllomdsi oz ahllomahshi
room 1 vendSglo ? vandehgler ?
train for . . . ? a vonat...feU? vonot...faleh?
the lavatory ? az drnySkszek ? oz ahrrnyehksehk?
Are you going by Gryorsvonattalmegy? dyorshvonottol medi/ ?
the express ?
Show me a time- Mutassa menet mddtoshsho o menat-
table rendet rendet
When does the Mikorindul a vonat? mikorr ind66l o vonot ?

train start ?
Can I book through Vdlthatok jegyet vahlt-hotok yad-yet
toN.? egyenesen N. be ? ed-yan-eshau N. ba
I want a first-class Adjon elsoosztdlyu od-yon alsher-ostah-yoo
ticket to N. jegyet N. be ? yad-yet N. ba
How much is it ? Mennyibe keriil ? mann-yi-ba kerreul ?
We want a sleeping Hdl6 kocsit kivd- hahloh kotohit kivah-
nunk n66nk
carriage [riage
corridor car- Atjdrd kocd ahtyahroh kotchi
family tickets cholahd-yady
a carriage for
N8i szakasz neri sokoss
a non-smoking Nem dohdnyzd sxa- nam do-hahnyzoh

oompartment kasz sokoss
Is this the train Ez a vonat megy N. az o vonot medy N.
for N. ? JeU? faleh ?
Do I change any- At kell szdllni vala- aht kal sahllni volohol
where on the hoi az uton f oz 66ton ?
journey ?
must Hoi dtszdllni hoi kal ahtsahllni H.
Whore I kell

change for N. ? N.feli? faleh ?

The train is just A vonat ippen indul o vonot ehppan ind661
going to start
Is this seat en- El van ez a hely al von az o hey fog-
gaged ? Joglalva ? lolvo?
There is no room Itt nines hely itt ninoli hey


At the Custom-'hoUSe. {A vdmhdzban.)

IFof Vocabulary see p. 36.)

English. Hungarian. Pronunciation.

Come to the Cus- Jojjon a vdmhdzhoz yery-yem o vahmhahz-

tom-house hoz
The Custom-house A vdmhdzi hivatal- o vahmhahzi hivotol-
officer [port ? nok
Haveyou your pass- M
egvanazutlevele ? megvon oz ootlavala ?
Will you examine Meg akarja vizsgdl- meg okorr-yo vizhgahl-
this tnmk ? ni ezt a boron- ni azt o heriem-
dot? dert?
Here are the keys Itt vannak a kulcsok itt vonnok o koolchok
Open it Nyissa ki nyish-sho ki
Unlock this box Nyissa ki a Idddt nyish-sho ki o lahdaht
Haveyou anything Van elvdmolni von alvahmolni voloh-
to declare ? valdja ? yo?
I have nothing Nines elvdmolni ninch alvahmolni
Uable to duty valdm volohm
Have you any to- Van onnel dohdny von eranehl do-hahny
bacco or cigars ? vagy szivar ? vody sivorr ?
I have a few cigars Nehdny szivar van neh-hahrvy sivorr von
ndlam nahlom
Those are free Az vdmmentes oz vahmmantash
Is that all ? Ennyi az egesz? ann-yi oz ag-ehss?
What is the duty ? Mi a vdm red ? mi o vahm re-ah ?

Is my luggage Meg van vizsgdlva a meg von vizhgahivo

passed ? podgydszom ? o podd-yahsom ?

Arrival. (Megirkezds.)
(For Vocabulary see p. 36.)

Call a cab Hozzon kocsit hozzon kotchit

Closed, open Zdrt, nyitott zahrrt, nyitott
Put Tegye a podgydszo- ted-ya o podd-
my luggage in
the cab mat a kocsiba yahsomot o kotchibo
Cabman Kocsis kotchish
Drive me to Vigyen engem.
. .
vid-yen ang-em... .

What is the fare Mennyit kell fizet- menn-yit kal fizatnem

by the journey ? nem drszabdly ahrrsobah-y' serrint?
By the hour Egy drdra [szerint ? ed^ ohrahro
Drive quickly Hajtson gyorsan ! hoytshon dj'orrshon
Hajtsonlassabban ! hoytshon loshshobbon
Drive slower

EngHeh. Hnngarian.

Stop I Go on 1

The omnibus sta-

Conductor [tion
Give me a ticket
Tickets please

EDgUsh. Hungarian, Pronunciation.

Do you drink tea Teat vagy kdvet te-aht vody kahveht

or coffee ? iszik on? issik ern ?
Sugar, cream, or Cukrot, tejszint, ts66krot, teysint, vodi;
milk [egg ?
? vagy tejet? teyat ?
Will you take an Tetszik egy tnjds ? tatsik edy toyahsh ?
These eggs are Ezek a tojdsok azek o toyahshok ka-
hard kemenyek mehn-yak
Give me the salt, Adjon sot, barsot, od-yon shoht, borrshot,
pepper, mustard mustdrt mCoshtahrrt
Pass me the butter Nyujtsa ide a vajat nyuytsho id-a o voyot
This butter is not Ez a vaj nem friss az o voy nam frish
Bring some more Hozzon mig hozzon mehg
Is the coffee strong ElSg eros a kdvS ? alehg a-rersh o kahveh?
enough ?
We want more Nekiink tobb cstsze nakeiink terbb chehsa
cups [sugar kell kal
Take some more Vegyen meg cukrot ved-yen mehg ts66krot
A piece of toast, Piritott kenyeret kenyerrat
Cold meat [please Hideg hiia [kerek hidag hoosh [kehrrek
A rasher of bacon Szalonna szelet solonno salat

Dinner. [Ebid.)
(For Vocabularies see pages 14 19, 2931.)

Give me (show me) Adja (mntassa) kS- od-yo (m66toshsho) keh-

the bill-of-fare rem az etlapot rem oz ehtlopot
What have you Mi van keszen ? mi von kehssan ?

ready ? [have ?
What soup will you Milyen leves tetszik: mi-yan lavash tatsik ?

Gravy soup [beef? Hiisleves hooshlavash

Have you any roast Van marhasiilt? von morr-hoslieult ?
We shall dine at Hat drakor fogunk hot ohrrokorr fog66nk
six o'clock ebSdelni abehdalni
Be punctual Legyen pontes led-yen pontosb I
Are you hungry ? Ekes on ? eh-hash ern ?
I am hungry Ehes vagyok eh-hash vod-yok
Are ) ou thirsty ? Szomjas on f [gyok som-yosh ern ? [yok
I am very thirsty Nagyon szomjas va- nod-yon som-yosh vod-
What shall I help Mivel szolgdlhatok .' mival solgahl-hotok ?
you to ? [soup?
tatsik lavash ?
Will you take some Tetszik leves?


(For Vocabulary Bee p.

Bngllsh. Hungarian. Fionanclatlon.

How are you ? Hofiyan irxi magdt?\ hod-yon ehrrzi mogatit''

1 am very well J 61 Snem inagamat yohl ehrrzom mogomot
- ill Beteg vagyok batag vod-yok
not very well Nem Srzem maga nam ehrrzem mogomot
mat jol yohl
I hope you will RemSlem hogy nem ramehlem hody nam-
soon be better sokdra jobban less shokahro yobbon less
Do you sleep well ? J6l aludt ? yohl ol66dt ?
Pretty well, thank EUg j6l, koszonom alehg yohl, kersernemi
1 have a headache Afejemfdj [mat o feyam fah-y' [mot
I have oaugh t a chill Meghutottem maga meg-hiuterttam mogo-
I feel sick Rosszul Srzem maga- ross66l ehrrzem mogo-
mat mot
Send for a doctor Kiildjon orvosSrt keuld-yern orrvoshehrt
She has a cough KohogSse van kerhergehsha von
Where is there a Hoi van itt gydgy- hoi von itt dyohdi/serr-
chemist's shop ? szertdr ? tahrr ?

How much is the Mennyit kell adni mann-yit kal odni oz

doctor's fee for a az orvosnak egy orrvoshnok edy lahto-
visit? IdtogatdsSrt 1 gotahshehrt ?

Have this prescrip- Ezt a receptet ki- azt o ratsaptet kehseet-

tion made up szitse el sha al
Shake the bottle Az uvegetfel kell rdz- oz euvag-et fal kal rahz-

MSieg [ni mehreg [ni

Poison I

To be taken after Ezt vegye be minden azt ved-ya ba minden

each meal itkezis utdn ehtkezehsh d6tahn

In Town. {A vdrosban.)
(For Vooabulary see p. 2

Where shall we go ? Hova menjiink ? hovvo men-yeiink ?

Which is the way Merre kell menni merra kal menni oz...?
to...? [road lead? az...?
Where does Hova
vezet ez az iit?
this hovvo vazat az oz oot ?

Straight before you Egyenesen ed-yanashan

To the right, left Jobbra, balra [czdn yobbro, bolro [66tsahn
Go up the street Menjen vSgig az ut- men -yen vehgig oz
Is it far from here?
Messze van innen ? massa von innan

English. Hungarian. Pronunciation.

How far is it to...? Milyen messze van mi-yan massa von in"
innen f [fold nan ? [mehrtferld
About a mile Korulbelul egy mSrt kejTeul-baleiil cdy
Where can I get an Hoi kaphatok omni- hoi kop-hotok omni-
omnibus to...? buszt ax...? bddst oz ? . . .

Go quickly Menjen gyorsan men-yen d^orrshou

Go slowly Menjen lassan men-yen loshshon
Straight on Egyenesen elore ed-yanashan alerra
Let us go Menjunk men-yeimk
Upon the outside Kiviil kiveifl. [ootot
Show me the way Mutassa meg az litat m66toshsho meg oz
Turn to the right Forduljon jobbra forrd66l-yon yobbro
Keep to the left Tartson balra torrtshon boko
Second turning to A mdsodik forduld o mahshodik forrdddloh
the right jobbra yobbro
Gross the road Menjen at at ilton men-yen aht oz ooton
In what street is ... ? Melyik utcdban van! meyik dOtsahbon von...?
Is this the way Eg az lit vezet.,.fel6? az oz oot vazat...faleh ?
to...? [F. ?
Do you know Mr. Ismen on F. urat ? ishmerri gm F. 66rot ?
I don't know any- Nem ismerek ilyen nam ishmerrek i-yan
one of that name nevii urat naveii 66rot
He is a friend of Bardtom borrahtom
mine [well
1 know him very Nagyon j6l ismerem nod-yon yohlishmerrem
Where does he live? Hoi lakik ? hollok-ik?
Close by Eghzen kozel ag-ehssan kSrzal
Can you direct me Megmutathatnd, hoi megm66tot-hotnah, hoi
to hishouse ? van a hdza ? von o halizo ?
Is Mr. N., Mrs. N., Itthon van N. iir } itt-hon von N. oorr ?
at home ? itthon van N. nS itt-hon von N. neh os-
Good morning J6 reggelt [asszony? yoh reg-galt [sony ?
How do you do ? Hogy Srzi magdt ? hoiy ehrrzi mogaht ? ;

Very well "

Nagyon j6l nod-yon yohl
I must go Mennem kell mennem kal
I wish you good J6 reggelt kivdnok yoh reg-galt kivahnok
Good evening 1 J6 estH yoh ashteht 1

Good night 1 J6 Sjszakdt yoh eysokaht I

Good-bye I Viszontldtdsra vissontlahtahshro 1

Farewell I Isten onnel ishtan emnal


SKopping. {Vds(irlds kBzben.)

(For YooabularleB see pagoa 14IS, 2036, 40.)

English. Hungarian. Froniinoiattoii.

How much ? Mennyihe kerul ? mann-yi-ba kerreui ?

That is too much Az drdga oz drahgo [yot...
Show me some... Mutasson nShdnyat mOoioshshon neh-hahn-
What is the price ? Mi az dra ? mi oz ahrro ?
Will you send them Elkuldi mindjdrt f alkeuldi mind-yahrrt ?
at once ?
I wish to buy Venni akarok venni okorrok
I will take this Ezt veszem azt vessem
Send them to... Kiildje ezt...hez keuld-ya azt...haz
I want some calico Perkdl szovefet sze- perrkahl sfirvatet serr-
[some ribbon retnSk atnehk
[kat [ot

I should like to see Mutasson szallago- moStoshshon sollogok-

This colour is too Ez a szin nagyon az o seen nod-yon shSr-
dark, light sotSt, vildgos teht, vilahgosh
Have you any Van valamivel kes- von volomival kashken-
narrower ? kenyebb is ? yabb ish ?
Broader V Szelesehb ? sehleshabb ?

What is this a yard? Hogy ebbol egy raf? hodj/ abberl edy rerf ?
It is faded Ez icifakult az kifok66lt
Show me some Mutasson. nekem moStoshshon nak-em
linen vdsznat vahssnot
Not so fine Nem oly finornat nam oy finomot
This will do Ez megfelel az megfalal
Sewing-silk Varrd selyem vorroh sheyem
A skein Egy koteg edy kertag
Pins ; needles Oombostii; varrdtii gomboshtiu; vorrohtiu
Mixed pins Vegyes gombostu ved-yesh gomboshtiu
Tape Kotoszalag kertersolog
A bodkin Zsdkvarrd tii zhahkvorroh tiu
Show me some Mutasson nShdny m66toshshon neh-hab-
gloves [pair ? keztyiit [par? ny kazt-yeut [pahrr ?
What are they a Mennyibe kerijbl egy mann-yi-ba kerreui edy
It is too dear Nagyon drdga nod-yon drahgo
Show me some Mutasson mdsfSUket mootoshshon mahsh-
others fehlehkat
Try on these Probdljafol ezeket prohbahl-yo ferl azekat
rhey fit you very Ezek ippenjdk onnek azek ehppan yohk em-
Hnngaiian S.Z,

BB^lab. Hnjigariaji. PronniiclatiOB.

I will take them Ezeket magammal az-ek-at mogommol

with me viszem vissem
Send all this home Kuldje ezeket aeon- keuld ya az-ek-at ozon-
directly nal haza nol hoz-o
The bill, please Kirem a szdmldt kehrem o sahmlaht

The Dressmaker, (a vmronS.)

(For Vocabulary see p. 31.)

Here is the dress- Itt a varrdnb itt 6 vorrohner

maker [vahrr-yon
Ask her to wait Khje meg, hogy meg, hody
vdr- kehrr-ya
Show her in Vezesse be [jon vazashsha ba
Have you brought Elhozta a ruhdmat? alhozto o r66hahmot ?
my dress ?
Here madam Itt van, nagysdd
it is, itt von, nodyshahd
Will you try it on? Fdl tetszikprdbdlni} f grl tatsik prohbahlni ?
It fits you very well Nagyonjdl all nod-yon yohl ahll
It is not a good fit Nem j6l dll nam yohl ahll
The skirt is too Az alj nagyon szuk oz ol-y' nod-yon sink
narrow [waisted [rovid [rervid
It is too short- A dereka nagyon o derreko nod-yon
The sleeves are not Az ujja nem eUg ho oz 66y-yo nam al-ehg
wide enough ber
Make aU these Vegezze el ezeket a vehgazza al azekat o
alterations javitdsokat yoveetahshokot
What trimming Milyen diszt tegyiink mi-yan dist ted-yeunk
would you put on? red ? [szalagot re-ah ? [sologot
Pale pink ribbon Halvdny rdzsaszm holvahny rohzhoseen
When can you let Mikor kaphatom mikorr kop-hotom
me have it ? meg ? meg?
You shall have it Szombaton itt lesz Bomboton itt less
on Saturday
Without faU Minden bizonnyal minden bizonn-yol

The Shoemaker. {Aei^iss.)

I wish to see some Noi cipSt szeretnik neri tsipert sa-ratnehk

ladies' boots Idtni [tiket lahtni [tehket
Take my measure KSrem, vegyen mir- kehrem, ved-yen mehrr-
The soles are rather A talp nagyon o tolp nod-yon voshtog
thick vastag
They are too tight Nagyon szuk nod-yon sink

EngUsh. Hnngturlan. FlonunolaUon.

I cannot get my Nem

megy bele a nam medy bal-a o lal?
foot in Idbam bom
Here is a shoe-horn Itt a dpSkuzd itt o tsiperh66zoh
Are they comfort- Kinyelmes ? kehn-yal-masb ?
able ? [them [jdi-ni [yahrrni
I cannot walk in Nem tudok benne nam tfiOdok banna
They hurt my heel SzoHija a sarkamat soreet-yo o shorrkomot
I musthavethem as Minil elSbb szeret minehl alerbb sa-rat-
soon as possible nhn megkapni nehm megkopni
I want some boot- CipSkotSt szeretnik tsiperkSrtert sarat-
laces [a pair ? nehk [pahrr-yo ?
How much are they Mennyibe kerill par- mann-yi-ba kerreul
I want these shoes Ext a par cipSt azt pahrr tsipei-t
soled and heeled szeretnim megtal- sa-rat-nehm megtol-
paltatni h meg- poltoni ehsh meg-
sarkaltatni shorrkoltotni
Send my boots to be Kuldje el cipBmet keiild-ya al tsipermat
mended [done? kijavitattni ki-yoveetottni
When will they be Mikor lesz kiszen ? mikorr less kehssen ?

The Laundress. {A mos6n5.)

(For Washing List sea p. SS.)

This is too limp Ez nagyon puha az nod-yon p68-ho

You don't put Nem haszndl elig nam hossnahl al-ehg
enough starch in kemhiyitSt kamehn-yitert
I miss a collar Hidnydk egy galU. hiahnyzik edy goUehrr
See how badly that Nizze mUyen rosszul nehzza mi-yan ross661
is done [back van ez mosva von az moshvo
You must take it Vigye ezt vissza [va vid-ya azt visso
This is badly ironed Ez rosszul van vasal- az ross66l von vosholvo
You have scorched Ezt a ruhdt megi- azt o r66haht meg-eh-
gette gatta
this dress
much Sok kikitot tesz a shok kehkitert tess o
You put too
blue in my linen fehiimemube
This is not my Ez nam az in zseb az nam oz ehn zhab-
handkerchief _
kendom kanderm
You have torn this On elszakitotta ezt a Sm alsokeetotto azt o
ruhdt r66haht
Elhozta a szdmldt
? al-hozto sahmlaht ?
Have you your bill?
azt fa-hehrr-nameut
I want this linen Ezt a feMrnemut

akarom inosatni ki-okorrom moshotni



English. Hnngarlan. Pionunciation.

Is there a good Van itt j6 muzeum ? von itt yoh m66ze66m ?

museum ?
The works of art A muvek nagyon miuvak nod-yon seh-
are very fine szipek pak
Are tickets re- Kelt oda jegy ? kal od-o yady ?
quired? [cost?
How much will it Mennyibe kerul ? mann-yi-ba kerretil ?
Who sells them ? Hoi adjdk ? hoi od-yahk ?
It wiU take all day
EgSsz napba kerul ag-ehss nopbo kerreul
ezt megnSzni azt megnehzni
Then we must take Akkor valami frissi- okkor volomi f rish-shee-
some refreshment to lesz sziiksSges ter less seukshehg-esh
Can you put us up Adhat veliink vala- od-hot valeiink volomi
some refreshment? mi ennivalot az utraf ennivoloht oz ootro ?
Is there a good Van itt j6 ebidelo von itt yoh abehdaler
place for lunch ? hely? hey?
When does the per- Mikor kezdSdik az mikorr kazderdik oz
formance begin ? eloadds ? alerodahsh ?
Wfhat time do the Mikor nyitjdk ki az mikorr n^ityahk ki oz
doors open ? ajtdkat ? oytohkot ?

Cycling. (KerUcpOr.)
(For Vocabulary see p. 42 .)

I want my machine A g&pemet szeretnhn o gehpamat sa-ratnehm

Fitted with all ac- Teljesen folszerelve tal-yashan fgrlserrelva
I wish to hire a... Birelni akarok egy. . behralni okorrok ed^...
By the hour Ora szdmra ohro sahmro
By the day [terms ? Egy napra edy nopro
What are your Mi az dra f mi oz ahro ?
Have you a cycle Van itt kerikpdr von itt kerehkpahrt
shelter ? istdlld ? ishtahlloh ?
To tighten a nut A csavarzdrat meg- o chovorrzahrot meg-
szoritani \tani sorreetoni [toni
To loosen a nut A csavarzdrat lazi- chovorrzahrot lozee-
Are the roads good J6k (rosszak) az yohk (rossok) oz 66tok?
(bad) ? vtak?
The chain is of Leesett a Idncz le-ashett o lahnts
I must pump up Fel kell f'Ajni a fal kal fooyni o g66mmi
my tyres gummi csovet ohervat
I have broken a ... Eltortem a... alterrtam o...

EngllBh. Hnngarlan. PronTtnclatlon.

Are you ready ? Khzen van on kehssen von ern ?

We will start at . . ...kor indidunk ...korr indddlddnk
Ring your bell Csengessen ! chan-gash-shen
My tyre is punc- A kaucsukom kilyu- o ko-66ch06kom ki-y66-
tured kadt [zon. kodt [zon I

Stop Look out

I I Megdlljon ! Vigydz- megahll-yon vid-yahz- I

Don't go so fast 1 Ne menjen olyan ne men -yen oyon dyor-

Make haste ! Siessen ! [gyoisan shi-ash-shen [shon 1 I

We must light up Ldmpdt kell gyujta- lahmpaht kal d^ddyto-

[(left) nunk [duljon n66nk jjon
Turn to the right Jobbra (balra) for yobbro (bolro) forrddOl-
Keep straight on Menjen egyenest elore men-yen ed-yanasht
Have you a road Van uti terve ? von 06ti terrva ? [alerra
The one for Buda- A Budapest is kor- o bdddopasht ehsh kerrn-
and environs
pest nyekerSl sz6l6 yehkehrerl sohloh
I want my machine Meg akarom a gSpe- meg okorrom o geh-
cleaned met tisztittatni pamat tistittotni
Where can I get my Hoi javittathatom hoi yoveettot-hotom ki
bicycle mended ? ki a kerSkpdromat? o kerrehkpahromot?
Can you repair this Ki tudja on javitani ki t66d-yo ern yoveetoni
for me ? [take ? a gSpemet ? o gebpamat ?
How long will it Meddigfog tartani? maddig fog torrtoni ?
I am a member of En tagja vagyok az ehn tog-yo vod-yok oz"
the English Oy- Angol KeiSkpdr ongol kerrehkpahi
clists'Touring Glub Turista Egyletnek tOOrishto edylatnak
Here is my ticket Itt ajeyyem itt yad-yem

Photography. (F&nykepezts.)
(For Vocabulary see p. 14.)

Must permission be Kell a fbnykkpezks- kal o fehnykehpazehsh-

obtained to photo- hez engedily / haz an-gad-eii-y' ?
graph ?
I wish to take the Az ipiilet belsejH oz ehpeulat balsheyeht
interior kivdnom levenni kivahnom lavenni
What exposure Meddig tegyem Id a maddig ted-yem ki o
must I give ? vildgossdgnak vilahgoslishahgnok ?
The light is too A vildgitds nagyon o vilahgitahsh nod-yon
strong eras a-rersh
What size of plate Mily nagysdgil leme mi-y' nodyshahgoo lam-
do you use ? xeket haszndl i azekat hossnahl ?

English. Bocgailan. Fionnnoiation.

I only use quarter- En csak nSgyzet le- ehn chok nehds/zat 1am-
plate [room ? mezeket haszndlok azekat hosnahlok[yo?
Have you a dark Van sotSt kamardja? von shertehtkomorrah-
I want to develop SzeretnSk nihdny sa-ratnehk neh-hahns/
some plates lemezt elohivni lamazt alerheevni
This plate is spoilt Eg a lemez el van az o lamaz al von
[exposure rontva [kiiSve rontvo [kitehva
That is due to over- Mert sokdig volt merrt shokah-ig volt
I am going to print Lehuzok tobb pl- la-h66zok tSrbb pehl-
more copies ddnyt dahn^t
This vpas spoilt in Ez a le- az alromlott o la-h66-
the printing huzds alatt [van zahsh olott [von
It is out of focus A gyujtdponton kivill dj/ooy tohponton kiveul
What a beautiful Mily gyonyorii mi-y' di/ern-yerreu
photograph 1 f&nyk&p fehnj/-kehp I

The grouping is A csoportositds o choporrtoshitahsh

very good nagyon j6 nod-yon yoh
I have secured some Sikerult nihdny szSp shikerreult neh-hahny
fine views felvHelt cdndlnom sehp falvehtalt chin-
Have you brought Elhozta a o
fhiyki- alhoztofehnykeh-
your camera ? pezS gepH ? pazer gehpeht ?

Do you sell photo- Arul on fhiykSpezSs- ahrOOl rn fehnykeh-

graphic materials? hez szuksSges anya- pazehsh-haz seuk-
[quire ? gokat shehgash on-yogokot?
What do you re- Mi tetszik ? mi tatsik ?
1 want some more Mig nihdny hdrtyd- mehg neh-hahny hahrt-
films yahrrovon seiik-
Iwant some pretty SzeretnSk nihdmy sa-ratnehk neh-hahny
mounts csinos keretet chinosh kerratet
The lens is broken A van tone o lan-cha al von terrva
lencse el
The shutter doesn't A zdr6 nem muko o zahroh nam uuuker-
act properly dik j6l dik yohl

Religion. (Vaiids.)
(For Vocabulaiy see p. 45.)

Van itt angol tem-\ von itt ongol tamplom?

Is there an English
church here ? plom?
What time is the Hdny drakor van a hahny ohrokorr von
szertartds ? serrtorrtahsh ?
the service ?

English. Hnngarian, Pronnnciation.

Is it far from here? Messze van innen f massa von innan ?

Who is the preach-
Ki predikdl I mi- ki prehdikahl ? misfa
er celebrant ? sSzik ? ehzik ?
The seats are free A helyek szabadok o heyak sobodok
The seats must be A heh/ekSrt ftzetni o heyakehrrt fizatni
paid for Jcell kal
Can you fiiid me a Tud nekem helyet t6dd nakem heyat sa-
seat szerezni rezni ? [yeiink
Let us wait go Vdrjunk
menjunk vahrr-jOfink men-
Pass me a hymn- Adjon egy od-yon edy ehnakesh

book a prayer- konyvet
inia kernyvat imokemjr-
book [brated konyvet [jdk vat [yahk
Mass being cele-
is A misit most tart- o misheht mosht torrt-
What other ser- Mifele mas szertar- mifehla mahsh serrtorr-
vices are there ? tdsok vannak itt? tahshok vonnok itt ?
There is no anthem Ma nincsen enekes mo ninchan ehnakesh
to-day [tiful szertartds [nek serrtorrtahsh [nak
The singingis beau- Qyonyoruen hiekel-\ dyern-yerriuan ehnakel-

Thc Time of Day. (A nap seakaA.)

(For VocabDl&ry Bee pages Id21.)

It is late van kehsher von

It is not late Meg nines kSso mehg ninch kehsher
It is still early Mig kordn van mehg korahn von
Are you tired ? Fdradt on ? fahrodt em ?
Not at all Egydltaldn new. ed-yahltolahn nam
Not much Nem nagyon nam nod-yon
It is only ten Csak Uz 6ra van chok teez ohro von
Are you sleepy ? Almas on? ahlmosh em ?
I am sleepy Almos vagyok ahlmosh vod-yok
What time is it ? Hdny 6ra ? h&hny ohro ?
Ten minutes past Hit 6ra mult tiz heht ohro md6lt teez
seven [nine ^
perccel perrts-tsal [tertt
It has just struck Eppen kilencet iitott ehppan kilantsat eu-
A quarter past one Negyed kettokor nad-yad katterkorr
Half-past four FSl ot fehl ert
Twenty minutes to Husz pere mulva h66ss perrts m66lvo hot
six hat 6ra ohro
A quarter to eight Hdrom negyed nyolc hahrom nad-yad nt/olts
Exactly three Pont hdrom 6ra pont hahrom ohro

Times, Seasons & Weather, (ids, ivszakok 4s iddjdrds.)

(For Yocabulary see p. 10 31.}

Enfflish. Hnngarian. Prounnciation.

This day week Mdhoz egy hetre mah-hoz ed^ hehtra

That was three or Az hdrom vagy nSgy oz hahrom vody nehdy
or four days ago napped ezelStt noppol azalertt tfi/r-
[night tortSnt tehnt
To-morrow fort- Holnaphog kSt hMre holnop-hoz keht hehtra
At ahout this time Ilyen idS tdjban i-yan ider tah-y'-bon
In a month's time Egy hdnap mulva e&y hohnop m66lvo
The first of ne^t Jovo kdnap elsejen yerver hohnop alshe-
month [month yehn
At the end of this E hdnap vSgSn a hohnop vehg-ehn
On the last day of A hdnap utols6 o hohnop 6dtolshoh
the month napjdn nop-yahn
In weeks
(after) six Hat hh mulva hot heht m66lvo
Towards the middle Ja/nudr Jcozepe/elS yon66-ahrr kerzapa
of January [week faleh
In the course of a Egy hit alatt ed^ heht olott
From time to time IdonkSnt id-emkehnt
From one day to Naprdl napra noprohl nopro
another [I8tt [eHt
A few days ago NShdny nappal eze- neh-hahnj/ noppol azal-
A short time since Rovid idovel ezeWtt rervid iderval azalertt
Scarcely two days Alig kSt napja oUg keht nop-yo
ago [ago [yo
At least a month Legaldbb egy hdnap- lagolahbb edy hohnop-
It is full moon Telehold van talahold von
The heat is un- A hosSg turhetetlen hershehg tiurr-hatat-
bearable lan
I am very warm Nagyon melegem van nod-yon malag-em von
I am afraid it will AttdlfSlek, tsni fog ottohl fehlak, ashni fog
rain [storm
We shall have a Vihar lesz vi-horr less
Did you see the Ldtta a villdmldst lahtto o villahm-lahsht
lightning ?
[dorgest [dgrrg-ehsht
I heard the thunder Hallottam a menny- hollottom o manny-
How it pours Hogy szakad az esSt hody sokod oz asher 1
EgSszen dtdztam ag-ehssan ahtahztom
I am wet through
Adjak esemySt ? od-yok ashem-yert ?
Would you like an
umbrella ? [bow
T^izze a $zivdrvdnyt nehzza o sivahrvahnj^
Look at the rain-

English. Hungarian. Pronunciation.

It is growing very Nagyon hideg kezd nod-yon hidag kazd

cold [here lenni [tel lenni [tehl
Winter will soon be Nemsokdra itt lesz a uamshokahro itt leas o

It snows Havazik hovozik

It freezes it thaws Fagy; olvad
; iody olvod ;

It is very dirty Nagy a sdr nody shahrr

It is very windy Nagy a szSl nody o sehl
How high the Hogy fuj a szSl hody f66y o sehl
wind is [east

The wind is in the KeletrSl fuj a szSl kalatrerl f6oy o sehl

The dust is terrible Bettento por van rettanter porr von
I hope it will be Eemelem, szep ido ramehlem, seh'p ider
fine [day lesz [nap less [nop I

What a beautiful Milyen gyonyoTU mi-yan dj/ern-yerreu

Post, Telegraph and Telephone.

{Pistahivatal, tdviratoh 6s teUfon.)
(For Vocabulary see p. 52. )

Customs declara- Aru-bevallds

Numberof [tion A vdmjegy szdma
o vahm-yady sahmo
Nature of contents Mit tartalmaz ? mit torrtolmoz ?
Value of contents Mi az Srteke ? mi oz ehrrtehka ?
Place of destination Hova megy? howo ineiy ?
Stamp of office of Vdm hivatal belyege vahm hivotol beh-yeg|
origin [of sender [cime [tseema
Name and address A kuldo neve es o keulder nava ehsh
Signature of sender A kuldo aldirdsa o keulder olah-irahshq
Where is the post Hoi van a pdsta- hoi von o pohshto-hivo-
(telegraph) office ? hivatal {tdvirS) } tol (tahveeroh) ?
Have you any Van levU N. 'dr von lavehl N. oorr
letters forMr. N.? rSszSre ? rehssehra ?
Win this letter go Elmegy ez a levSl almedy az o lavehl
to-night ? mSg ma este f mehg mo ashta ?
What stamp will Mennyi hilyeg kell mann-yi beh-yeg kal
this letter require? red ? [levelet re-ah ? [layalat
To Ajdnlva kuldeni a
register a letter o-yahnlvo keiildani^ o _

I wish to send a Surgonyozni szeret- sheurrgheni-ygrzni sa-

telegram nSk rat-nehk
What is the cost of Mennyibe keriil egy mann-yiba kerreul edy
the telegram ? swrgony ? sbeurrgherny ?
When does the mail Mikor indul Angli: mikorrindOol origliabbo
leave for England? aba a levilpdsta ? o lavehlpohshto ?

Bnglish. .

English. Hnngarlan. Fzonnnclatlon.

To-day is the third Ma harmadika van mo horrmodiko von [lat

Seal your letter Peesitelje le a levelet patchehtal-ya le o lava
There is no seal- Nincsen peesetvia- ninchan patchehtvios-
ing-wax szom som
Take this letter to Vigye ezt a a vid-ya azt a lavalat o
the post pdstdra pohshtahro
Pay the postage Tegyen bSlyeget red ted-yen heh-yagat re-ah

Legal and Judicial Phrases.

{Jogi is tOrvinykesisi kif^ezisek.)
(For Vocabulary flee p. 47.)

Call the police Hivjon rendort heev-yon renden't

I give this man in Ezt az embert elfo- azt oz ambert alfogo-
charge gatom tom
What do you Mivel vddol^a ? mival vahdol-yo ?
charge him with ?
He has stolen my Ellopta a tdrcdmat allopto o tahrtsahmot
purse [watch mat I

He has taken my Ellopta az drdmat aUopto oz ohrahmot


Where is the police- Hoi a rendSrdllo- hoi o renderrahllo-


station? [nesses? mds ? mahsh ?

Have you any wit- Van tanuja ? yon tonoo-yo ?
I have two wit- Kit tan'Am van keht tonoom von
Where is the court? Hoi a torvenyszSk ? hol o terrvehnysehk ?
Do you wish to Kivdn port indi- kivahn perrt indeetoni?
prosecute ? tani ?
I don't care to pro- Nem kivdnok port nam kivahnok perrt
secute [vise ? inditani indeetoni
What do you ad- Mit tandesol ? mit tonahchol ?
What am I to do ? Mit tegyek ? mit ted-yek ?
Can you recom- Ajdnlhatna ugy- o-yahnl-hotno eiidyveli-
a solicitor? vSdet ? det?
Will you take up ElvdUalja az alvahllol-yo oz eud^am
my case ? iigyemet ? at?
Can I have an in- Kaphatok tolmd- kop-hotok tolmahchot ?
terpreter ? csot ?
I want bail Jdtdlldst kivdnok yohtahllahsht kivahnok
Send to my
friends Kuldjon el az is- keiild-y6m al oz ish-

EngllBh. ETmgarian. PronnnciatloD.

Where is the Brit- Hoi van az angol hoi von oz ongol nody-
ish Embassy ? rtagykovetsSg ? kervatshehg?
Consulate ? konzuldtiia? konzddlaht06sh ?
This is quite wrong Ez helytelen az heytalan
It is not just Ez neni igazsdgos az nam igoz-shahgosh
It was sjl a mis- TivedSa volt az egSsz tehvadehsh volt oz ag-
I apologise Bocsdnatot kSrek botchahnotot kehrek
I accept your Elfogadom a bocsd- alfogodom o botchah-
apology natkSrSst notkehrehsht [vatalek
I claim damages Kdrpdtldst koveteUk kahrpohtlahsht ker-
The case is ad- Az esetet ...ig el oz ashatet...ig alnopol-
journed until... napoljdk yahk
I will be here Itt leszek itt lessek

Commercial & Trading. {KereskedeUm.)

,(For Vocabalary see p. 19.)

Send in my account Kuldje a szdmldmat keiild-ya o sahmlahmot

There is an error Hiba van a szdmld- hibo von o sahmlahbon
in your account han
You have over- Tobbet szdmitott tSrbbat sahmeetott
charged me mint kellene mint kallana
This has been paid Ezt mar kifizettem azt mahrr kiiizattam
Your account is Az on szdmldja mar oz em sahmlah-yo mahr
overdue n rehg ashadehkesh
Give me a receipt Adjon nyngtdt od-yon ny66gtaht
The firm has failed A chg meybiikutt o tsehg megbddkott
What assets are Milyen a vagyoni mi-yan o vod-yoni hey-
there? helyzet ? zet?
Show me a balance- Mutassa a vagyon- m66toshsho o vod-yon-
payed mMeget mehrlag-et
A o mintabk kehshtak
My samples are de- tnintdk kistek
vahm-hahz 66t-yahn
I want to get them A vdmhdz utjdn
meg- sa-rat-nebm megkopni
through the cus- szeret/nhn
tom-house kapri
kahrpotlahsht kehrek
I claim damages KdrjMtldst kirek
my Biztosithatom a biztosheet-hotom o
Can I insure
podgydszomat f podd-yahsomot ?
luggage ?
Mit mit kal fizatni ?
What is the rate? kell fizetni ?
A podgydsza vdma- podd-yahsso vahmo-
Your luggage is
aid kervl lahsh olah kerriul
liable to duty Ids

EngllBh. Hnngaiian, Fronnnclatlon.

Will you accept a Elfogadja on ezt a alfogod-yo Srn azt p

bill? vdltdt ? vahltoht?
At three months Hdrom honapra hahrom hohnopro
This cheque needs
Ezt a dieque-et a
kell irni
azt o chek-et olab
Quote me a price Mondja meg az drat mond-yo meg oz ahrraht
Pack the goods well Jol csomagolja be a yohl chomogol-yo ba o
tdrgyakat [tal Jahrd-yokot [tol
Send by fast train Kiddje gyprs vonat keiild-ya dyorrsh vonot-
What dividend is Mennyi osmtaUkot mann-yi ostolehkot 6d-
declared ? adnak ? nok?
I have a letter of Van ajdnld levelem von o-yabnloh lavalam
Give me your esti- Csindljon koltsSg chinahl-yon kerltshehg-
mate vetSst vatehsht

Changing Money. (Piiusvaitas.)

Where can I get Hoi lehet penzt vdl hoi le-hat pehnzt vahl-
money changed? tatni ? totni
I want change for Egy otfontos hank- eiy ertfontosh bonk-
a 5 note jegyet szeretnek yad-yet sa-rat-nehk
felvdltatni falvahltotni
Will you give me Kerem,
adjon kehrem, od-yon mod-
Hungarian money? magyar penzt yorr pehnzt
What is the equiva- Mennyi ez angol mann-yi az ongol
lent in Enghsh pSnzben ? pehnzban ?
money ?
Will you change me KSrem, vdltsa fel kehrem, vahltsho fal az-
these sovereigns ? ezeket az aranyokat ekat oz orron-yokot
Will you cash this Kerem, vdltsa be ezt kehrem, vahltsho ba
cheque for me ? a cheque-et azt o chek-et

MONEY. {Pmz,)

The Hungarian monetary tmit is the Pengo, which is the

equivalent of loo Filler. Par value is 27.825 pengos per 1.

The following approximate equivalents are calculated on the

par values of the and |. The actual rate of exchange is
subject to fluctuation.

Hungarian Money with English and American Values.


WErOHTS. {SulymirUkek.)
English. Hungarian. Hungarian. EnglUh,
1 ounce " 28 gramm 1 grwmm = 0-03S7 ox.
8 oz. (i lb.) 227 gramm 100 grajmm = S^oz.
1 lb. (16 oz.) = 453 grwmm J kilo. (500 gm) = 11 lb.

1 qr. (28 lb.) = 12 Ulo. 690 gm. 1 kilo. (1000 gm) = 2-2046 lb.
1 owt. (112 lb.) = 50 kilo. 750 gm. 5 kilogramm = 111b.
1 ton (20 owt.) = 1015 kilo. 1000 kilo. = 19 owt. 2 qrs. 23 lb.

LIQUIDS. (UrtnirUkek.)

English. Hungarian. Hungarian. English.

1 pint 0'57 liter 1 liter = 1-76 pints (0-220 gal.)
1 quart (2 pts.) 1-14 liter 5 Uter = 1 gallon 1 pint.
1 gallon (4 qts.) 4-5434 Uter 100 liter = 22 gallons
1 peck (2 gals.) 9 liter 1 hectoliter = 2-751 bushels
1 bushel (8 gals.) S6 liter 100 hectoliter =
34 qis. 3-121 bug.

The rates of postagefrom Hungary to Great Britain and the United
States of America are as follows :

liSiTBBS. 25 filler per 20 gramm, and 15 fiUSr for each additional

20 gramm or part thereof.
Post Gabds. 10
filler reply-paid cards, 20
; filler.

Printed Papers (max. weight 2,000 gramm). 5 filUr per 50 gramm.

OoMMBROiAi. Papers (max. weight 2,000 gramm). 5 filler per 50
gramm. Minimum charge 25 filler.

The Internal rates in Hungary are :

Letters. 10 filler for 20 gramm 20 filler for 250 gramm. ;

Post Cards. 5 filler reply 10 filler.

Printed Papers. Not exceeding 50 gramm, 3 filWr 100 gramm, 6 ;

filler 250 gramm, 10 fiU6r 500 gramm, 20 filler.

; ;

CoMMEBCiAii Papers. Not exceeding 250 gramm, 10 filler ; 500 gramm,
20 filler.

Parcels. 1 kUo., 30 filler; 3 Mlc, 75 ffllir; 6 kilo., 75 filWr. U

filler for each additional J kilo.
Up to 150 kilo., for each kilo. 12 filler minimum 60 filler. ;

Over 150 kilo., 24filWr; 60 fiU&r.

Teiaobams from Hungary to Great Britain, 60 filler tax and 24 filler

per word.
Iklajtd telegraph rates in Hungary, 60 filler for first 10 words; C
filler for each additional word.

P.O. 8>iA

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