Parent Newsletter Who We Are

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Year 3 Newsletter Unit 1

August 16, 2010

Important Dates for

Unit One Curriculum Outline Year 3

„Who We Are‟ Back to School Tue

Night August
Dear Parents, think of their responsibility for 24
their own well-being and the
During this unit the students
We are starting our first unit
choices they are making every
will be exploring the concepts Year 3 Assembly Fri
under the transdisciplinary theme day. of Connection, Responsibility August
of ‘Who We Are’. The central Reflection— Students reflect on and reflection also during PE. 27
idea for the unit is: their choices and see how they They will keep a lifestyle diary
can lead a balanced, healthy life. to recognize the opportunities
“Personal Well-being can
for making choices for a bal-
be achieved through a anced life. During Drama they
balanced, healthy life- This unit will give us a great op-
get to explore yet another
portunity to look into our life-
style”. possible passion of theirs and
style choices and recognize areas
learn more drama skills and
where we could be more bal-
anced. It will allow the students ways to express themselves
be more informed of their .
choices and feel more responsible
The counselor will also have a
for their own actions. We will
chance to come and visit the
learn more about what kind of
year 3 rooms and talk about
learners we all are and what are
the social dimension of well
our passions in life. We will also
being and how to live the
look into the Learner Profile and
Learner Profile not just in
discover the ways it encourages
school but also at home. I hope
us to be more balanced. all the parents are familiar with
it in order to enforce the values
Within this unit the students will we promote here at school.
be learning about various dimen-
sions that make up balanced, If you have any personal con-
healthy lifestyle. They will be nection with the Central Idea,
exploring the central idea through we are always open for new Reminders:
the concepts of … information, visitors and ex- Please make sure your
perts in the area of the unit. child remembers to bring
Connection - Students will be
We also encourage discussion
looking into the connection be- a hat to school. Also
and reflection at home on
tween balance and wellbeing. inside P.E. shoes are
healthy, balanced lifestyle.
needed and can be kept
Responsibility –Students will at school in the P.E. area.
Thank you:
Other Curriculum News
Thank you to all the par-
The following is a Mathematics and Language outline.
ents of year 3 for the
Individual teachers may need to alter or change this outline according to the needs of his/her class. smooth start of the new
school year. It is going to
MATHEMATICS LANGUAGE LANGUAGE FOCUS be a very exciting year, first
NUMBER Reading Writing Strategies: Pre-writing in the old secondary build-
Understanding and counting Writer’s Workshop TransdisciplinaryWriting: Re- ing with our temporary
numbers to 100 count classrooms and eventually
Word Study
in the new elementary
Hundred Board to 120
Handwriting Reading: Setting up reading building with brand new
Basic Facts Listening appreciatively and re- facilities. Thank you for
routine in the classes
MEASUREMENT sponsively your flexibility and support
Body measurements Oral communication with all the new arrange-
Word Study: Spelling inventory
MATHLETICS: on-going

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