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In this text are a few good tips on using your computer to stay safe and how get

more stuff, and a few good recommendations on movies and other media not included
BROWSING, and look there, take special note on the IRC. And if you didn't
understood, I meant go inside the informatics folder and then inside the
cybercommunications folder inside the informatics folder.

Please share this everywere you can. On the Pirate Bay, on Demonoid, anywhere you
can. It was planned to include a lot more originally, but sometimes plans fall
midway, take note on that.

IWhen you find about the ESTABLISHMENT folder it will be a hit, take it slow and
read some stuff on wellbeing and self improvement too to compensate the harsh

SECURITY TIPS in order of difficulty:

Level 1: Use firefox with "pocket" disabled, and with addons for security and
Level 2: Don't save your passwords on a plaintext or in some "cloud" service like
lastpass, create and remember one good main password and use KeePassX (and I mean
the one with an X) and use the option to generate the rest.
Level 3: Replace your e-mail provider with a more safe, more appropriate provider.
Level 4: Use GNU/Linux. Start with Lubuntu for easy mode (stay away from something
called BSD, is suspected to leave backdoors open).
Level 5: Use a GNU/Linux distro free from "systemd", which is suspected to be the
last resort of secret agencies to implant a backdoor on "hacker friendly" operating
---Begins to cost money from here---
Level 6: Buy a router compatible with LibreCMC and install LibreCMC.
Level 7: Buy a VPN service in some privacy friendly country.
Level 8: Buy a computer pre-installed with Libreboot or compatible and install it
---End of money cost---
---Start of extreme high security---
Level 9: Browse the web with javascript and cookies disabled by default.
Level 10: Encrypt your e-mail with GnuPG.
Level 11: Use Mutt for e-mail client, as to avoid web beacons (tracking pixels).
Level 12: Use YaCy with collaborative database disabled when in need to search on
the web.
Level 13: Use Exim in your own server for e-mail.
Level 14: Tunnel all your communications through i2p, not Tor, to navigate
Level 15: Use the Linux-libre kernel.
Level 16: Use only libre software (software "free as in freedom").
Level 17: Reduce the amount of software installed in your computer.
Level 18: Use text-based programs with less library dependencies than the GUI
Level 19: Use a source based distro.
Level 20: Use a source based distro without crypto libraries on its package

(Cross-)Site Request, Anti-XSS, Trackers, Referer, Cookies: uMatrix
Security Settings: Privacy Settings (
User-Agent: Random Agent Spoofer (
US/firefox/addon/random-agent-spoofer/), (User-Agent JS Fixer
Plugin Enumeration: Disable plugin enum (
spoofer/issues/283, see Mechazawa script).
Content Delivery Blocker: Decentraleyes (
URI Leak: No Resource URI Leak (
Canvas-Fingerprinting: Canvas Defender (
SSL (strict HTTPS): HTTPS by default (
URL Deobfuscator: Pure URL (
Google Redirection: Google search link fix (

MORE TIPS on taking more out of the internet:

Use an RSS client as youtube client and to keep track of news and academic content.
Liferea is the easiest, newsbeuter the minimalistic.
Use torrents more and direct links less.
Join or create private trackers.
Share content with public trackers.
Host your own file server. Nextcloud is the easiest, ssh the minimalistic.
Use Kodi (a.k.a. XMBC) for radio, series, movies and music discovery.
Use IRC for meeting people and for file sharing.

COOL THINGS that don't exist yet:

-A minimal IRC-like protocol that adds picture posts like in imageboards, shared
streaming like in Livestream, VoIP like Mumble, and collaborative document editing
like Gobby, but no other "visual features".
-Source Mage GNU/Linux has a minimal package manager based on bash, they need to
add a good binary package altenative, preferebly packages from Slackware for sane
dependency, and add the Slackware wizard features. Also, if they add the Bedrock
Linux multi package manager and virtual filesystem handling, they can offer a
tightly integrated base system in exchange.

Some people are trying to get a fully functional text based environment, for
productivity, entertainment, or even for security reasons. I've been digging up how
and here is my result thus far.

GNU Screen can be used as a window manager and hotkey binder, with slmenu (or even
pdmenu) as an application launcher and/or window switcher, as a clipboard
and text snipper, which combined with slmenu can be better than any clipboard
manager. GPM for mouse, jfbterm for CJK font rendering (and even wallpaper setting)
and Byobu for system notification

But other things are necessary, for which some tools exists but don't cover all in
an easy way

Like an ebook reader, from which exists: fbpdf (pdf, djvu -through djvulibre-,
epub, xps, and cbz), fimgs (PostScript, pdf, cbr, rar, cbz, zip, dvi), JFBView
(pdf, Table of Contents (TOC) viewer, Interactive text search), CHMLib (can be used
to view chm), catdoc (xls2csv, catppt, wordview, to view MS Office documents). All
those either cover different formats, have good but not shared features or have no
single wrapper program to form an unified ebook reader.

The lack of a document processor is obvious, but could be solved with a text based
Texmacs able to edit and create word documents and spreadsheets, and if could also
render TeX and images on the framebuffer.

The file manager has his caveats too, again, many good tools exists like qmv
(renameutils) for a batch renamer, fzf for fuzzy finding and file search, Fdupes
for duplicate files removal, Atool for a compressed files manager, fasd for
directory browsing by history, and xd for directory expansion. Ranger is a good
tool, of all the thing it offers the quick browsing and the file preview are the
best, but I couldn't make the image previews work on the tty. Also the python
dependency makes it hard. If all those were solved, there is still one thing
missing, that is an image organizer like gThumb. Which something like Ranger could
replace if it presented more than one image preview at the time, maybe even a grid
of picture previews like sxiv does when you press enter. Can you imagine that!

Which makes me think, how about image drawing in the framebuffer? We have SHPaint
and cadubi, Aewan and textdraw. Still nothing like Krita. ImageMagick is a command
line image editor, but is not that easy to make a quick editing like in gThumb, or
a fast text-styling for memes. Although for framebuffer screenshots and
screencasting, ImageMagick can do it by binding a simple script, and can even do
image viewer.

For image viewer, video player, and even music player, we could use one only, which
is MPV. But it lacks a good playlist manager and some keybindings for this. Ranger
could be used as a file browser if someone add a playlist manager for MPV it would
solve a lot of peoples lives.

Last but not least, there is the web browser problem. First of all, you don't have
to give up javascript in the framebuffer, NetSurf can work on the framebuffer just
fine. But why stop there. Some of us like the idea of browsing with vi-like
keybindings, like vimperator, dwb, or even Uzbl does. And with dwb being a fully
featured web browser, capable of converting Firefox bookmarks to its own format, a
greasemonkey plugin, an ad blocker integrated and a plugin manager, it only needs
to change the layout engine for the NetSurf one.

Yes, this seems more like a wishlist, but is a start for those of you looking for
something like this.

Curious tip, Kodi (XBMC) apparently can be compiled to work on the framebuffer.

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