Sept 24 2017

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SEPTEMBER 24, 2017

 T W E N T Y  F I F T H S U N D AY I N O R D I N A RY T I M E 

S J  
444 Saint John Street 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15239
(412) 7934511

P  O   H    Sunday Mass: Saturday 4:00 PM., Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM.

Hours: MTh 9:00 AM.5:00 PM.; Friday  Weekday Mass: Monday through Saturday 9:00 AM. 
9:00 AM.4:00 PM.; Sun 8:30 AM.12:30 PM. Sacrament of Penance: Saturday: 9:30 AM, or by appointment.
 Sacrament of Baptism: 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at Noon
Parish Email: Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements must be made at least six months in 
  advance. Contact the parish office to schedule.
Rev. Kevin G. Poecking Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday of month: 9:45 AM (Fri) to 8:45 AM (Sat)
Priest Administrator

Joseph Vannucci
Timothy Noca “The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner
Deacons who went out at dawn to hire laborers
for his vineyard.”

Jordan Sonnett

Mr. David Hall
Parish Manager

Mrs. Peg Mineo
Safe Environment Coordinator

Mrs. Amanda Nicholson
Music Director
Miss Stephanie Cheplic
Faith Formation Director

Mr. Matthew Scruggs
Young Adult Minister

Mr. Ronald Donatelli
Christian Initiation

Mr. Philip “Beau” Quattrone,
School Principal
School Phone 4127930555

Deacon Timothy Noca

Dear Friends in Christ, God. We help each other through our prayers,
friendship, and good example. We turn to our Blessed
God’s thoughts and ways are far above our thoughts Mother for prayer support “to live as worthy sons and
and ways. “In Jesus,” Pope Francis said, “God gives daughters of so noble a mother.” (From the Liturgy of
us eternal life: He gives it to everyone, and everyone, the Hours.)
thanks to Him, can hope to live a life even more real
than this one. The life that God has in store for us is And we trust. The cranky laborers in today’s Gospel
not simply a better version of this one: it goes beyond were made that way by their own skewed
our imagination, because God continually surprises us expectations. The Boss never told them they’d make
with His love and mercy.” At the beginning of this more, yet they ended the day unhappy at receiving a
life, we were born in to a beautiful world with colors, day’s wage for a day’s
love, and beauty that we never could have imagined work. Instead they could
from the womb. Similarly, at the end of this life we have trusted that the
will again be born in to a world that we cannot Boss just might know
imagine from here.  more than they do. Then
they could have gone
“Therefore,” Pope Francis explained, “this life cannot home not only with a
be the standard for eternity: it is eternity, on the pocket full of a just wage, but also a share of His joy
contrary, that illuminates our life on earth, and gives that others also had the good fortune of receiving from
each of us hope. If we only look through human eyes, His generosity.
we tend to say that the path of man goes from life
towards death. But Jesus turns this perspective on its May we all know the joy this week of childlike trust in
head, and affirms that our pilgrimage goes from death our lavishly generous God. 
towards a fuller life.” 
God Bless, 
When Jesus gives us parables of the kingdom of
heaven like he has over the past couple of weeks that Deacon Tim
can be difficult to understand or difficult to live by, we
remember that His ways are above us and that we are
His children. We worship an infinite God who we
will never be able to fully comprehend, and yet He
remains accessible to us. 
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church 
“The economy of law and grace turns men’s hearts
How do we strive to conduct ourselves in a way
away from avarice and envy. It initiates them into
“worthy of the gospel of Christ” as Paul says to the desire for the Sovereign Good; it instructs them in
Philippians in today’s second reading? Pope Francis the desires of the Holy Spirit who satisfies man’s
concluded his thoughts above by saying that “already heart.‘
on this earth ± in prayers, in Sacraments, in fraternity 
± we encounter Jesus and his love, and so we can get a “The God of the promises always warned man
small taste of the risen life.” We increase our prayer against seduction by what from the beginning has
life to remain connected with Jesus. We participate in seemed ‘good for food...a delight to the be
the Sacraments and receive the loving touch of desired to make one wise.’”333 (CCC 2541) 

2017 MANIFESTING THE KINGDOM  Weekly Offertory Report 2017

AWARD   September 17 
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.  Offertory   $10,863 
Francis (Marian) Grasinger, Jr.  Parish Share   $ 3,188
who have been chosen as this  Disaster Harvey Collection $ 9,263
year’s recipient from St. John the 
Parish of the Manifesting  Second Collection

the Kingdom Award. 
 Hurricane Irma Collection, Sept. 30Oct. 1
The awards ceremony and Mass will be held at St. Paul
Cathedral in Oakland at the 2:30 p.m. Mass this  BERG LIBRARY? 
Sunday, September 24, 2017. We recently received a final distribution of funds
 from the Berg Estate. As you may recall Patricia and
This is a diocesan award given to an individual or couple Catherine Berg made a donation to our church as
from every parish of the diocese in recognition of what part of their last will. We were grateful that our
all Catholics should be about in living their faith through church was one of several recipients from their
active ministry and willingness to use wisely the gifts estate. Often, for such large estates, some of the
they acknowledge as coming from God.  funds are withheld to finalize all the accounts and
distributions. So, in addition to the over $400,000
we received in January, we received an additional
ST. FRANCIS ANIMAL BLESSING $50,000 recently. Therefore we are considering
 purchasing new bookshelves, tables, chairs and
All pets and animals presentation equipment to make our school library a
are welcome to be shared room that can also be used for parish
blessed on the annual meetings and presentations such as RCIA, Jesus 101
Feast of St. Francis, the or other small/midsize group events. We are
patron saint of currently running out of space for all of the activities
happening in our parish and the wonderful RCIA
animals. Father Kevin program would be better suited to a more visible
will lead a brief prayer/ space on our campus than the rectory basement. In
blessing on Tuesday, honor of the generous gift, we would name the
October 3 at 6:00 p.m. library after them. We are currently estimating the
at the Gazebo between costs for the equipment and furniture for this space.
the school and church Of course, with On Mission, these purchases could
just before Religious Education classes begin  All pets be used anywhere our parish resources would be
welcome, neighbors needed. Let us know if you support this for our
too, even non parish and school activities.
Catholic pets. If you
can’t bring your pet/
animal, bring a
picture. The first
This Week 
Sunday, September 24
100 arriving will Fellowship Sunday after 9:00 a.m. MassAnnex
receive a St. Francis  6:00 p.m. Girl ScoutsCafeteria
prayer card and  7:00 p.m. Sr. High Youth MinistryYouth Room 
Monday, September 25
medal that can be  5:00 p.m. CCD
attached to a collar.  Tuesday, September 26
 6:30 p.m. CCD
 7:00 p.m. RCIA InquiryRectory Meeting Room
Wednesday, September 27
HURRICANE IRMA COLLECTION   9:30 a.m. Women’s Faith GroupRectory Meeting Rm.

NEXT WEEKEND Thursday, September 28
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has  8:45 a.m. Feeding the Poor at IntersectionMcKeesport
requested that a special emergency collection to assist the  9:00 a.m. Ladies of CharityAnnex
victims of Hurricane Irma be taken up in each diocese for Friday, September 29
Women’s Retreat at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center
humanitarian and church needs. Therefore, we will take up a Saturday, September 30
second collection for these needs next weekend September 30 Women’s Retreat at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center
October 1. Please be as generous as possible to our suffering Sunday, October 1
brothers and sisters. Women’s Retreat at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center
Fellow Saint John’s 
Parishioners, please join us 
in “Consoling the Heart of 
Jesus”which is a 10week 
retreat provided through the 
FORMED series of 
programs available to all 
members of the parish for FREE. We are a small faith
group of parishioners working to deepen our faith in ways Senior High Youth Ministry:
that honor God the Father. This is a very casual informal Mark your calendars for TODAY, SUNDAY,
program where we prepareby reading, view a September 24th at 7:00 PM in the Youth Room. The
corresponding video pertinent to the weekly readings and
then participate in group discussions while enjoying a
topic will be “Let It Go” focusing on how to let go
glass of wine, crackers, cheese and other assorted snacks. of whatever is holding us back in order to move
We are planning this retreat for a small group setting, forward.

meeting Tuesday eveningsbeginning October 3rdat  

7:00 PMin the Annex throughDecember 5th.If you are Junior High Youth Ministry:
interested, please contact Glenn Kay at 4129733012 or All teens in 6th through 8th grade are invited to a
email joint get together with Sr. High Youth Ministry on
October 22. More details to follow!

FEATURE OF Who has God created and called you to be? How is He
inviting you to serve Him? Delve into your deepest
THE WEEK identity as a son or daughter of God
The New Conversation and learn how to witness your
Catholic faith to the culture through
Faith Afloat, a cruise for high
Change Hearts and Minds on school students on the Gateway
Abortion. With her unique ability to Clipper Empress on Sunday,
speak to people on either side of a October 15th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The cruise will
prolife issue, Stephanie Gray talks include dinner, a talk by Father Tom Sparacino, a witness
about the dignity of the human by Theresa Sullivan, and praise and worship led by Dave
person through a biblical lens, Belkowski. Vocations Director Father Mike Ackerman
bringing compassion and truth to will emcee the event. The cruise costs $10 in advance or
pressing prolife issues. $15 at the door. Register by October 1st by contacting
Steph at or by calling the
Sign up for a FREE online subscription to Religious Education Office. All students should meet today. If you need assistance, please in Church.

call the parish office.  Produce to People is a program that provides

individuals with about 40 lbs. of food, mostly consisting
CHECK OUT OUR AUGUSTINE INSTITUTE KIOSK of fresh produce. By attending a distribution, volunteer
IN THE CHURCH teens will experience a glimpse
This kiosk has CDs, Books, and Booklets. There is a into the food insecurity that exists
small fee ($3$5) for these items as there is a cost to in our very own communities. 
produce each item. The kiosk is currently located in the However, they will leave knowing
Church. We will replenish and stock different items as that served 500700 families at
the need arises.  any given distribution and that

CD Feature of the Week: families will now know where

their next meal is coming from. Our next Produce to
Contagious Catholicism
 People service trip is on October 7 in Braddock. We will
Internationally acclaimed speaker leave SJB at 7:45AM and arrive back around
and author Chris Stefanick speaks 12:30PM. Anyone in grades 612 are invited to attend,
about the importance of living a life sign up with Steph if you are interested.
of authenticity with a courageous
commitment to love. He walks us through seven habits Want to be kept uptodate on Youth Ministry events?
that we can use as modernday apostles to effectively Please sign up for Remind²an easy and fast way to
spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Following these not miss any upcoming events or important reminders.

lessons will help us to fulfill our calling to be fearlessly, Junior High ² text @sjbjr to 81010 for information. 
joyfully Catholic, with a faith that is attractive, lifegiving
and truly contagious. Senior High ² text @sjbsr to 81010 for information. 
JESUS 101 

Our light teaching series continues Every Thursday
at 7:00 p.m. This week’s discussion will be: Is God
Three?  How is God a Trinity? Why is He not three
Gods? How can He be three in one? See the graphic
to the right of this post in the Plum Advance Leader
and the Penn Hills Progress in last Thursday’s
editions. Invite those who might need to be inspired
in their faith again who don’t visit us in Church as


Open to all Ladies in the

parish and guests, come grow in your faith. Starting
now, we will be meeting on Wednesdays after the
9:00 AM Mass in the Rectory Meeting Room. Feel
free to bring little ones with you! 

If you have questions, you can call Christa Snyder
at 4127980395.
Welcome to St. John the Baptist Parish
BAPTISM PREPARATION   We are pleased to welcome the following new members 

Our next session is:  

Monica Fiore, Kevin and Carter Holizna
Sunday, October 8 10:00 AM in the Annex.  Carol Mours

Please call Steph Cheplic at 4127934511  Kelly Mours and Gianna Vakerak
to register and to schedule the baptism. 
.Rest In Peace
 Lord, grant eternal rest to the souls of the dearly departed,
 especially Carl Elko.
St. John the Baptist will be hosting a One
Day PreCana Program on Saturday,

November 11th. This program meets all of Praying for the Sick
the Diocesan requirements for engaged couples. The   Please pray for our parishioners who are in
day will include prayer, discussion, lunch, the hospital or at home and requesting our prayers: 
fellowship, and will conclude with the 5:00 PM  

Mass. Any couples who would like further
Diane Adler, Nancy Cariati, Helen Carosella, Mary Cipa, 
information or would like to register can contact
Clifford Denholm, Kristopher Gaussa, 
Steph in the Religious Education Office 412793
Lou Gaussa, Sr., Will Gaussa, Marian Grasinger, 
4511 or All couples are
Frank Hromyak, Charles Hufnagel, Angela P. Jackson, Helen
asked to register ahead of time, thank you!
Kicko, Ed Kicko, Buddy Kleckner, Eleanor Kuhn, Nick Ledit,
Dominic Mollica, Kenneth Myers, Lois Myers, Anna Mae
2018 MASS BOOK TO OPEN  Newmaster, Dorothy O’Donnell, Michael Onder, Jean Painter,
 Marti Petriga, F. L. & J. L. Pro, Nick Rohm, Aileen Roman, Jo
 2018 Mass requests will be taken on Wednesday, Ann Rusnak, William Sacsek, Edward Schueler, Raeanne
November 1 from 9:45 a.m.1:00 p.m. in the Annex. Scilling, Mary Ann Shook, Ice Clair Stanley, Fred Vaccarelli,
Please fill out the Mass Request Form.  Helen Vingin, 

 If you will be celebrating a 25th, 50th, 60th + 
Wedding Anniversary in 2018, and would like to schedule Sanctuary Candle

a Mass for the occasion, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT The Sanctuary Candle burns this week
ANNIVERSARIES BE SCHEDULED NOW. WAITING in honor of the Blessed Sacrament and
UNTIL NOVEMBER 1 DOES NOT ASSURE THE for the health and welfare of Patrick and Jean Guerriero.
DATE YOU MAY WISH. Call during office hours.


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Doors open at 12pm/Bingo to begin at 1:00 pm
Festivities in the School Cafeteria
Tickets — $30.00 each
includes 12 games of Bingo along with
a light lunch and dessert catered by Loafers Bread Company

Prizes include designer purses and accessories

*chances to win designer bags From Michal Kors, Kate Spade, Coach and more

Gather your friends and enjoy a Sunday Afternoon by celebrating

together and supporting an AMAZING school!!

*Be a table Sponsor *

Each Sponsor commits to hosting a table that seats a minimum of 8 people (max 10)
** Decorate your table with the theme of your choice (include round tablecloth and napkins)
** Provide a basket centerpiece ($50.00 or greater) to be raffled off in the Chinese Auction
** Consider adding Favors, Appetizers and Spirits for an amazing Sunday with friends

For being a Table Sponsor -- Not only is your ticket FREE to the BINGO,
but you will be cheered on by your tablemates in a special Sponsor Exclusive BINGO

ONLY 25 tables Available³RSVP TODAY!


Please make all checks payable to SJBS
If you have any questions, please call Beckah Henning 4125232542 or email
Mail your reservation to St. John the Baptist School, c/o Beckah Henning
418 Unity Center Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15239 or return to the school office.

**if someone in your party has a gluten allergy, or is a vegetarian, please contact above.
*All Prizes are nonrefundable, nonexchangeable, no cash values will be given.
*Middle States Accredited *Superior Standardized Test Scores *Academic Excellence
*Strong Faith Formation *Accelerated Achievement Opportunities *Technology Enhanced Institution
*Fine Arts Program *Jr. High School Electives Program *Competitive Sports Teams

SJBS Welcomes Jr. High St. John Students are MAD 

School Teacher  about Science!!

Mrs. Jill Smith As a further enhancement to our STEM (Science,

 Technology, Engineering & Math) curriculum, 
St. John the Baptist School  St. John the 
welcomes Mrs. Jill Smith to the Baptist School 
SJBS School Family. Mrs. Smith students have the 
comes to us from St. Bartholomew opportunity to 
School and will be the 6th grade participate in “Crazy
homeroom , Jr. high school math, Chemworks” after
6th grade Language Arts and  school program 
Religion teacher. She has 15 years of experience in the presented by Mad 
Pittsburgh Diocese and was a winner of the 2017 Diocese science of Pittsburgh.
of Pittsburgh Golden Apple Award. Mrs. Smith holds a To kick off this exciting new program, the 
Master of Education from Indiana University of  students enjoyed an assembly
Pennsylvania. She was a member of the St. Bartholomew demonstrating some of the 
School Advisory Board, part of the Middle States  experiments they will be 
Reaccreditation team, and she directed the annual school conducting. 
Christmas and Spring Musicals.  Students will have the 
opportunity to handle 
laboratory tools, build and break
JESUS 101  molecules and pick up some
 tricks on chemical changes.
Our light teaching series continues
Every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. This
week’s discussion will be: Is God
Three?  How is God a Trinity? Why Shop at Giant Eagle and
is He not three Gods? How can He be
three in one? See the graphic to the right of this post in Support St. John School!

the Plum Advance Leader and the Penn Hills Progress in Giant Eagle’s Apples for the 
last Thursday’s editions. Invite those who might need to Students has started for the school
be inspired in their faith again who don’t visit us in year! This program is a great way for
Church as often. our school to earn funds for our schools overall 

Remember: School Families are welcome! Childcare is educational needs. Is your Giant Eagle Advantage
available. Card®registered? Now’s the time to check. All you
need is our school code1091to verify a card or 
Come one, come all and celebrate Mass with us at Our register a new card.
Lady of Joy with Father Bill Kiel, Mass with prayers and 
Blessings for healing. 1.
 2. Enter your Giant Eagle Advantage Card®number
Mass celebrated with Fr. Bill Kiel  (which appears under the bar code).
Our Lady of Joy  3. Enter the school code.
2000 O’Block Road, Plum, PA 1523l 4. Done! Please encourage your extended family and
4127953388  friends to register too.

Time: 6:30 PM Each time you shop and scan your Giant Eagle Ad-
Date:Tuesday, September 26, 2017  vantage Card®, St. John School earns points which
 are then converted to a check and mailed to the school
Prayers and Blessings for Healing in April! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!
As you plan your giving for 2017 consider that there are ways to make revocable or irrevocable planned
and deferred gifts to the parish in addition to outright cash. Here are some options to consider.

How to Initiate a Tax Free Gift from Your IRA if You Are Over
70½ Years of Age 
Call your IRA fund custodian/investor/broker.
He/she may have a form for you to sign giving instructions
regarding the charity(s) you wish to receive gifts and when you
wish to make these donations from your IRA.
The fund custodian will then send a check made payable to the
charity from your IRA minimum distribution or principal. (If
requested, the check can be mailed to you to send out personally.)
To avoid declaring that amount as taxable income, the check must be made payable to
your parish/school/diocese (or other charity).
It is helpful to have the check sent directly to you. You can then send it (with your name
and address) to the charity, as many IRA custodians do not identify the donor’s name
and address when they send the check directly to the charity.
The charity/parish/diocese will send a special letter of acknowledgement to the donor
indicating that the gift from the IRA was received and the date it was received. This will
verify that the gift should not be claimed as taxable income.
Your broker/fund custodian/investor may have other instructions for you. You may not
claim an income tax deduction for this type of gift.
10 Ways to use planned gifts for Our Campaign for the Church Alive! pledge
payments or new gifts
1. Use cash; 2. Use an IRA charitable rollover. Have check made payable to Our
Campaign for the Church Alive! (see above); 3. Appreciated securities (stock) (see
below); 4. Make a charitable provision in your Will (see below) (cannot be credited toward
your parish goal); 5. A Charitable Gift Annuity helps the campaign and provides you
with income for life; 6. A Charitable Lead Trust may be ideal for six figure gifts, helping
the Church now, and your family later; 7. Charitable Remainder Trusts are also great
possibilities; 8. Don’t forget about using a life insurance policy; 9. Your retirement fund
may generate a gift, either during life or after your lifetime; 10. With the Gift Annuity
Enhancement program you can make an immediate gift and receive income for life in the
Compare: A Bequest through your Will vs. a Charitable Gift Annuity
Say you make a provision in your Will to benefit your parish. But if you use up your assets
(nursing home, etc.) there may be nothing remaining to benefit anyone, including your
parish. One option is to create a Charitable Gift Annuity now. These funds will be
immediately removed from your estate. The annuity will guarantee mostly taxfree income
for you (and possibly a second annuitant) for as long as you live. You will also receive an
immediate income tax deduction. Capital gains tax savings result if you use appreciated
securities to fund the gift annuity. After your death, the remainder of your gift annuity will
go to help your parish. 50% of the value of your gift annuity may count toward a pledge
made to “Our Campaign for the Church Alive!” For a free prospectus, call (412) 4563055.
Gifts of Stock Eliminate Capital Gains Tax
A gift of appreciated securities (stock) can provide you with a significant income tax
deduction. You may receive an income tax deduction of up to 30% of your adjusted gross
income, and will not be required to pay capital gains tax in the process. Larger deductions
may be carried over for five additional years.
Easy to make a Bequest in your Will
Instruct your attorney to make a provision in your will or living trust using this language: “I
give, devise and bequeath $ ____ [specify dollar amount] [or %____ percentage of my
estate] [or _____% percentage of the remainder of my estate or property] to _____ Parish
at [include legal address of your parish or school].

Please remember your parish as you plan your estate. Consult your attorney or tax advisor for more
specific advice. For information on any current or deferred gift option, such as a trust, insurance
policy, will, retirement fund, endowed fund, stock transfer, charitable gift annuity, or bequest intention
document, please contact Paul Stabile, Director of Planned Giving, Office for Stewardship at 412456
3055 or

Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh · 111 Boulevard of the Allies · Pittsburgh, PA 15222
More than a gift … Your Catholic Legacy

 Pray for Our New Seminarian at 

 St. Paul Seminary 

 Jacob Gruber, 19, of Brentwood and

 St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish in

Pleasant Hills, is in his second year of
SUNDAY  TwentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9/24 college at Duquesne. He studied
 4:00 p.m. Ronald Bishop (Wife, Patricia) (Vigil on Saturday)  business administration at Robert
 7:30 a.m. Living and Deceased of the Parish  Morris University in Moon Township
 9:00 a.m. Grace Cardinale (Tim and Lisa Noca)  last year. Gruber has 10 brothers 
 11:00 a.m. Charles Garitee (Business Associates) including Father Fred Gruber, parochial vicar at

MONDAY  Weekday 9/25 Ascension Parish in Ingram, Guardian Angels Parish in
 9:00 a.m. Harry Cringle (Goehring, Rutter and Boehm) Pittsburgh's West End and Holy Innocents Parish in the
  city's Sheridan neighborhood ² and three sisters. His
TUESDAY  Saints Cosmas and Damian 9/26
 9:00 a.m. David C. Delancy (Family)
most recent employment was as a student doing general
  office work at the RMU Career Center.
WEDNESDAY  Saint Vincent de Paul 9/27  ___________________________________________

 9:00 a.m. Esther Oles (John Gazdacko)  TRAVELING CHALICE
 9:30 a.m. Mother of Perpetual Help Novena & Rosary 

THURSDAY  Saints Wenceslaus and Lawrence Ruiz 9/28 Please join Mary Ellen and Steve Bodnar as they
 9:00 a.m. John R. Sechoka, Jr. (Dian Regan) display the Traveling Chalice in their home this
  week and pray for Vocations. 
FRIDAY  Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael 9/29 ___________________________________________
 9:00 a.m. Zacharia Zaremba (Danella and Bob Winovich) 
SATURDAY  Saint Jerome 9/30 

 9:00 a.m. Mary Venturini (John and Gloria Kutzner) We welcome into our faith community 
 4:00 p.m. Spiritual &Temporal Welfare of Marlene Parrotta with great joy our
  (Scott Family) (Vigil)  newly baptized:

SUNDAY  TwentySixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10/1 Dominic Joseph

 7:30 a.m. Living and Deceased of the Parish  Iorio

 9:00 a.m. Colleen Cieszynski (Jim, Sherri and Jaime) 
 11:00 a.m. John Baker (Marlene DiBello) Grayson Rocco

S . J!"# "$ B%& '( P%*'(" S %++ %#, D'*$- !*. Parish Mission Statement

Parish Office …………..……..…………………………...……...4127934511  Saint John the Baptist Parish is

Hours: MTh 9:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.; Friday 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m.;  located in Plum Borough, Pennsylvania and is
Sun 8:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of
Parish Fax …………………...……………..…………………… 4127934311 Pittsburgh.
 As a faith community, we strive to
Parish Email ……….……………………………. imitate our patron Saint John the Baptist who
Parish & School Website …….……………….. led others to Christ. We are committed to
 keeping our faith alive and growing through
Rev. Kevin G. Poecking prayer, sacraments, faith formation and
Deacon Joseph Vannucci service. Through evangelization and
Deacon Timothy Noca stewardship we encourage full and active
Jordan Sonnett, Seminarian participation of all members.
Mr. David Hall, Parish Manager ……….……………  We hope to reflect the life and love of
Christ by strengthening the faith of our
Mrs. Janet Barnabei, Bulletin Editor …...……………... parishioners while reaching out to all God’s
Mrs. Peg Mineo, Safe Environment Coordinator …...…… people.
Mrs. Amanda Nicholson, Music Director ……………… Saint John the Baptist, pray for us!
Religious Education OfficeKaren Deemer………..……

Miss Stephanie Cheplic, Faith Formation Director……
Mr. Matthew Scruggs, Young Adult Ministry. . .. . .
Mr. Ronald Donatelli, Christian Initiation ...………… Diocese of Pittsburgh

School & Preschool Office…………..……………….…………..4127930555 Diocesan Victims Hotline
“Beau” Quattrone, School Principal ……………… 8888081235


READING 1     IS 55:69 GOSPEL   MT 20:116A

Seek the LORD while he may be found, Jesus told his disciples this parable:
call him while he is near. "The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner
Let the scoundrel forsake his way, who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard.
and the wicked his thoughts; After agreeing with them for the usual daily wage,
let him turn to the LORD for mercy; he sent them into his vineyard.
to our God, who is generous in forgiving. Going out about nine o'clock,
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, the landowner saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD. and he said to them, 'You too go into my vineyard,
As high as the heavens are above the earth, and I will give you what is just.'
so high are my ways above your ways So they went off.
and my thoughts above your thoughts. And he went out again around noon,
and around three o'clock, and did likewise.
Going out about five o'clock,
RESPONSORIAL PSALM the landowner found others standing around, and said to
PS 145:23, 89, 1718 them,
 'Why do you stand here idle all day?'
R. (18a)The Lord is near to all who call upon him. They answered, 'Because no one has hired us.'
Every day will I bless you, He said to them, 'You too go into my vineyard.'
and I will praise your name forever and ever. When it was evening the owner of the vineyard said to his
Great is the LORD and highly to be praised; foreman,
his greatness is unsearchable. 'Summon the laborers and give them their pay,
R.The Lord is near to all who call upon him. beginning with the last and ending with the first.'
The LORD is gracious and merciful, When those who had started about five o'clock came,
slow to anger and of great kindness. each received the usual daily wage.
The LORD is good to all So when the first came, they thought that they would receive
and compassionate toward all his works. more,
R.The Lord is near to all who call upon him. but each of them also got the usual wage.
The LORD is just in all his ways And on receiving it they grumbled against the landowner,
and holy in all his works. saying,
The LORD is near to all who call upon him, 'These last ones worked only one hour,
to all who call upon him in truth. and you have made them equal to us,
R.The Lord is near to all who call upon him. who bore the day's burden and the heat.'
He said to one of them in reply,
'My friend, I am not cheating you.
READING 2   PHIL 1:20C24, 27A Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?
Take what is yours and go.
Brothers and sisters: What if I wish to give this last one the same as you?
Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money?
For to me life is Christ, and death is gain. Are you envious because I am generous?'
If I go on living in the flesh, Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last."
that means fruitful labor for me.
And I do not know which I shall choose.
I am caught between the two.
I long to depart this life and be with Christ, SCRIPTURE FOR SEPTEMBER 2431
for that is far better. 

Yet that I remain in the flesh Monday:  Ezr 1:16/Ps 126:1b6/Lk 8:1618
is more necessary for your benefit. Tuesday:  Ezr 6:78, 12b, 1420/Ps 122:15/
  Lk 8:1921
Only, conduct yourselves in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ.
Wednesday: Ezr 9:59/Tb 13:24befghn, 78/
 Lk 9:16
ALLELUIA   CF. ACTS 16:14B Thursday:  Hg 1:18/Ps 149:1b6a, 9b/Lk 9:79
Friday:  Dn 7:910, 1314/Ps 138:15/
R.Alleluia, alleluia.  Jn 1:4751
Open our hearts, O Lord,
to listen to the words of your Son. Saturday:  Zec 2:59, 1415a/Jr 31:1012ab, 13/
R.Alleluia, alleluia. Lk 9:43b45
Sunday:  Ez 18:2528/Ps 25:49/Phil 2:111/
  Mt 21:2832

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