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Issue 1,200 Tuesday 17 August 2010 FREE

Wall Street
PAY DEAL AVERTS fumes over
GM fee cut

WALL STREET has been left fuming
INDUSTRIAL after an exceptionally cheap pitch

BY OLIVER SHAH from Goldman Sachs led the US

Treasury to slash fees for all banking
FEARS of travel chaos over the busy advisers on its impending $20bn
Bank Holiday faded last night after (£13bn) flotation of General Motors.
airport operator BAA secured a last- Goldman, which was mired in alle-
ditch pay deal with unions, who gations of securities fraud when it
agreed to call off planned strikes. applied for a role in the GM initial
In a dramatic climbdown, Unite public offering (IPO) in May, offered to
said it would urge workers at work for a fee of 0.75 per cent – far
Heathrow, Stansted, Southampton, below the three per cent usually
Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen charged by corporate finance houses.
airports to accept a “much improved” Goldman was desperate to secure an
pay offer from BAA rather than go underwriting position despite the
ahead with industrial action. The scandal surrounding the Security and
breakthrough came after eight hours Exchange Commission (SEC)’s case
of talks between union representa- against trader Fabrice Tourre.
tives, led by Unite’s Brian Boyd, and The US government forced other
BAA executives led by Terry Morgan. banks to match Goldman’s challenge,
Neither side would confirm details reducing their potential haul from
of the salary hike offered to airport $600m to $150m and sparking irrita-
staff. But the package will be far in tion among senior dealmakers.
excess of the one per cent rise previ- Among those affected are lead man-
ously tabled by BAA. agers JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley,
Boyd said union members would Unite’s Brian Boyd (l) and BAA’s Terry Morgan hammered out an agreement late last night Pictures: REUTERS, PHOTOSHOT Bank of America and Citigroup.
be informed of the deal today and Goldman eventually landed a less
would vote on it in the next few Unions had planned to strike as £36m cost of the Icelandic volcanic with the Prospect and Public and prominent place in the IPO line-up
weeks. Speaking outside the head- early as next Monday to express their ash clouds. But the company’s nego- Commercial Services unions, would along with Credit Suisse.
quarters of conciliation service Acas, anger at a below-inflation pay rise tiators softened in the face of further press its members to accept the olive Jacob Frenkel, a lawyer at
he said: “Unite came to these negotia- and changes to working conditions. multi-million pound losses. branch from BAA. Maryland-based Shulman Rogers, told
tions with a strong mandate for Because many of the unionised work- The deal means the potentially dev- “Acas is pleased at this develop- City A.M.: “This comes down to the
industrial action… [but] we are ers are firemen and security guards astating impact of a BAA staff strike ment and hope that the matter will fundamental premise that industry
pleased to announce we are calling the action would have closed airports, coinciding with action by British soon be settled,” he added. leaders set prevailing market prices.”
off strike action at BAA’s six airports.” disrupting up to 2,500 flights and Airways cabin crew will almost cer- BAA, owned by Spanish giant GM is expected to file its IPO
BAA said the parties had reached troubling 350,000 travellers every day. tainly be avoided. Ferrovial, last faced the prospect of prospectus with the SEC as early as
an agreement “that is fair to staff but BAA originally insisted a one per Peter Harwood, chief conciliator at industrial action in 2008. In that case, this morning after making tweaks to
which also reflects the difficult eco- cent salary increase reflected the Acas, said the talks had been “chal- an 11th-hour arrangement on pen- take into account the surprise depar-
nomic climate”. pressures of the recession and the lenging” but said Unite, together sions averted a series of strikes. ture of chief executive Ed Whitacre.

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2 News CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010

Reflections on the Philip Green saga NEWS | IN BRIEF

Citi blocked in $75m SEC payoff
Citigroup’s $75m (£48m) settlement
with the US Securities and Exchange
I watched and reported with inter- that he will no doubt be able to dis- the past, lives in Monaco and doesn’t. Commission over its alleged failure to
est as Amber Day failed and Sir Philip pense with. In asking Sir Philip about his tax disclose up to $40bn in sub-prime secu-
retreated from the public company What does surprise is Sir Philip’s affairs in the context of Cable’s stated rities has hit an obstacle after a federal
arena and then watched again with naive belief that in accepting the job position, CityA.M. upset the entrepre- judge refused to approve the payment.
admiration as the retailing tycoon he would not be subjected to ques- neur who has broken off relations. US district judge Ellen Segal Huvelle
built up an incredible empire, includ- tions about his family’s tax arrange- We are not the first newspaper to said she did not have “sufficient infor-
ing Bhs and Top Shop. ments. One might have every reach this state of affairs with him mation” to green-light the deal. The SEC
As the years went by Sir Philip sympathy for Sir Philip and others and clearly won’t be the last. accused Citi of misleading investors by
DEPUTY EDITOR’S LETTER joined the top ranks of British busi- like him, such as Terra Firma’s Guy But it is a shame the government’s failing to be clear on the full extent of its
ness. He tried and failed to take over Hands, who either reside overseas or latest appointee feels this way. In pri- exposure to low grade mortgage-backed
DAVID HELLIER Marks & Spencer but in doing so he have family overseas for tax reasons. vate Sir Philip has interesting securities in conference calls in 2007.
instructed the country’s best advisers, Such businessmen and countless thoughts on the kind of tax condi-
MY first contact with Sir Philip Green including the top financial relations hedge fund managers and successful tions that might allow his family and BP gets $5bn loans on oil sales
came around two decades ago when firm Finsbury and bankers Merrill City figures are fed up with what they others to return to the UK, and he Beleaguered energy giant BP has
he was running a small public compa- Lynch. Then, under the Labour consider to be a punitive tax system. could no doubt enrich the debate. secured $5bn (£3.2bn) fresh financing
ny called Amber Day. administration, this swashbuckling But it can not have escaped Sir Increasing tax revenue would bring by securing debt against its revenues
I had written a two paragraph story entrepreneur with a no-nonsense Philip, or the government’s advisers, the budget deficit down just as much from oil sales for the first time. It is
for the Independent newspaper approach to management, was that in Vince Cable, the coalition has as cutting expenditure, and if that understood the debt will be used to ease
which provoked the retailing tycoon knighted. a business secretary who believes in means reducing the rates of capital BP’s general liquidity position rather
to scream down the phone at me the That he should have been appoint- making those who can afford it pay gains tax or income tax bands then than to fund the $20bn escrow account
following day. ed by the government to look at mak- more. As Cable told us over the week- that discussion needs to take place. set up to pay for damages caused by its
“I cut out your article out and put ing cuts in public expenditure does end: “I remain of the general view Maybe Sir Philip will be calm enough gargantuan oil spill off the coast of
it under my cat’s arse, which is where not come as a total surprise. Sir that British businesspeople should to discuss such issues when he meets Louisiana in the US. BP said the loans
it firmly belongs,” Sir Philip, then just Philip’s talents in running his retail pay their taxes in Britain.” Cable on the business secretary’s created “further flexibility for BP as an
plain old Philip, bellowed at me, pep- empire will no doubt bring some ben- Sir Philip would no doubt reply return from holiday. alternative form of financing in addition
pering his further comments with efits to some areas of government that he does pay UK tax, but his wife, to its more conventional debt financing
plenty of expletives. procurement and there will be jobs who has received a large dividend in Allister Heath is away. such as corporate lending”.

7th Floor, Centurion House,

24 Monument Street,
London, EC3R 8AJ
EC rules to hit
UK companies
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7283 5334
Editor Allister Heath
Deputy Editor David Hellier
News Editor Ben Griffiths
Night Editor Katie Hope
REGULATION capital, whereby funds in an entity

Associate Editor David Crow

Lifestyle Editor Zoe Strimpel BY OLIVER SHAH are used to calculate the capital Sir Alan Budd said the episode has damaged the OBR’s reputation Picture: REUTERS
Art Director Darren Soulsby strength of both the entity and its

Sir Alan Budd regrets leak

Pictures Alex Ridley INSTITUTIONS including Lloyds parent company. They are also intend-
Banking Group and Royal Bank of ed to make it simpler for regulators to
Commercial Scotland will be hit by an overhaul of spot risks hiding in complex group
Sales Director Jeremy Slattery European rules giving regulators structures and holding companies.
Commercial Director Harry Owen greater powers over combined bank- The EC, led by José Manuel Barroso,
Head of Distribution Nick Owen ing and insurance groups. said the rules would remedy “unin-
The European Commission (EC) yes- tended loopholes identified in the POLITICS decision to rush out official figures to

Distribution helpline terday put forward plans to tighten context of the financial crisis”. The counter an inaccurate leak.
If you have any comments about the distribution BY DAVID CROW
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email oversight of “financial conglomer- Commission aims to pass its propos- The timing allowed David ates”, defined as firms that lend and als into law by the start of 2011, after SIR Alan Budd, the former head of Cameron to use the figures as ammu-
provide cover across multiple discussions with European Union the Office for Budget Responsibility nition in a tetchy exchange of Prime
Editorial Statement European states. As well as taxpayer- member states . (OBR), yesterday admitted he regret- Minister’s questions, leading to ques-
This newspaper adheres to the system of backed Lloyds and RBS, Barclays, ted the impact of a leak that dogged tions over the OBR’s impartiality.
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints HSBC, Old Mutual, Prudential and The EC, led by José his short tenure at the independent Sir Alan, who stood down from the
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the Standard Life are among those who fiscal forecaster. OBR last week, also admitted there
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s Manuel Barroso, wants
fall into the category in the UK. “I enormously regret the effect it was a possibility of a double dip reces-
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at The revised measures are designed to tighten regulation of had on our reputation… That was in sion, but said it was unlikely. “You
Printed by Newsfax International,
to help national watchdogs such as large financial compa- some sense the most harmful event cannot rule it out... but the most like-
Beam Reach 5 Business Park, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) nies following the crisis in terms of the press coverage,” Sir ly outcome is that the economy will
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS clamp down on the multiple use of Alan admitted, in reference to his continue to grow,” he said.


Santander has rekindled talks in
REFORMS merger of the US operations of the BLACKROCK BROTHERS NOW CLOSE TO $1BN Intel says it’s buying a Texas
The Treasury has required Iain Spanish lender with the regional Bank of America is considering reduc- The cost of winding up failed US bank Instruments unit that makes cable
Duncan Smith, work and pensions bank based in Buffalo, New York. The ing its 34 per cent holding in Lehman Brothers is close to hitting modem chips, which it intends to
secretary, to find about £5 of savings talks about combining Santander’s BlackRock, the New York-based invest- $1bn after advisers working on the combine with its own processors for
for every £1 he spends to simplify the US unit, known as Sovereign, with ment fund. The bank acquired its bankruptcy clocked up another smarter modems and cable set-top
benefits system, setting tight finan- M&T had collapsed in May, within holding in the world’s largest asset $44.5m in fees last month. Overall, boxes. The companies did not reveal
cial conditions on dramatic reforms. weeks of a planned announcement. manager last year through its acquisi- Alvarez & Marshall, the restructuring the terms of the deal in the
The fiscal parameters mark an Discussions faltered over which bank tion of Merrill Lynch and has always specialists, have charged $326m in announcement yesterday.
uneasy truce in a cabinet row that would control the enlarged business. regarded it as an investment, rather fees for “interim management”,
gives Mr Duncan Smith some room to than a core asset. according to recent figures filed with WEALTH MANAGERS TARGET SPORT
manoeuvre but leaves a tense final CHEYNE CAPITAL POISED TO SHAKE UP the Securities & Exchange STARS
negotiation ahead. MORTGAGE FUND INVESTORS SCORE AS SKS BETS ON Commission for 22 months’ work. The huge influx of money into profes-
Cheyne Capital, one of London’s most THE POOR sional sport has created a niche but
RESURGENCE OF CONTROVERSIAL prominent credit hedge funds, is SKS Microfinance gained as much as PETROL RETAILERS URGE COALITION growing market for private banks
HEDGE FUND STRATEGY poised to reorganise its listed vehicle 18 per cent in its trading debut in GOVERNMENT TO TACKLE FUEL PRICES and wealth managers, keen to pro-
Fixed-income relative value trading, Queen’s Walk Investment, which was Mumbai today as investors bet that Petrol retailers have fired a “warning vide advice to athletes on how to pre-
the hedge fund strategy pioneered – an early victim of the global housing tiny loans extended to some of the shot” to the coalition Government to serve the wealth they create in often
and made notorious – by Long Term slump when it hit in 2007. Losses at stick to pre-election pledges over ris- short careers. These specialist sports
world’s poorest people can deliver
Capital Management is returning to the fund, which specialised in invest- ing road fuel prices. RMI Independent divisions of wealth managers aim to
prominence amid one of its most suc- ing in complex mortgage assets, pre- huge profits. Shareholders in the Petrol Retailers Association has writ- help their clients avoid the pitfalls of
cessful years, aided in large part by saged the collapse of Northern Rock Indian microlender backed by ten to the Prime Minister asking him having too much money at too young
the massive issuance of bonds by the and the spread of problems in the US George Soros were handed a paper to “urgently” set up a working party of an age — but they face increasingly
UK government and other sovereigns. subprime housing market to the UK. profit of as much as $288m. Government and industry. tough competition.
CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010 News 3

Video streaming site Hulu

sounds out $2bn flotation
launched to combat the prevalence of rumour or speculation.”

BY STEVE DINNEEN piracy on sites such as YouTube. The Hulu is second only to YouTube in
US-based firm is a rival to video terms of unique users in the US but
ONLINE video site Hulu could screening sites such as Apple TV and still trails far behind its Google-
become the biggest internet IPO of Netflix. Industry sources say the owned rival. However, it pushes
the year after its owners began sound- media giants are raising the cash to almost twice the number of adverts
ing out the market for a potential further extend the reaches of the site, and reportedly hit revenues of
$2bn (£1.3bn) listing yesterday. which is known for screening hit around $100m last year.
The joint venture between Disney, shows such as Family Guy and Glee The video streaming industry is
News Corp, NBC Universal, who all before its rivals. rapidly expanding as studios seek
own 27 per cent of the firm, and A Hulu spokesman told City A.M.: alternative revenue streams in the
Providence Equity Partners, was “We do not comment on market face of internet piracy. America’s Got Talent is one of the shows screened on Hulu Picture: REX

Aviva told to
deliver or see
itself split up
London Asset Management, are

BY OLIVER SHAH demanding action to stimulate
Aviva’s value if the board continues to
INVESTORS piled pressure on Aviva to refuse talks with RSA.
come up with a credible alternative Their calls came as RSA issued an
to being broken up yesterday as the aggressive statement accusing Aviva’s
insurer formally knocked back rival management of squeezing a poor
RSA’s “unacceptable” £5bn approach return on equity from the business
for its general insurance business. since chief executive Andrew Moss
Shareholders are disgruntled at took over in 2006. RSA said its offer
Aviva’s decision not to consult them was “fair” at 9.8 times 2010 earnings.
before rejecting the offer for the Aviva retorted by arguing RSA was
group’s property and casualty opera- trying to buy its general insurance
tions in the UK, Ireland and Canada. arm at a low point in the cycle. RSA’s
RSA’s interest has stirred up long- offer was “unacceptable and not in
standing frustration at Aviva’s inabil- the best interests of shareholders”.
ity to close the gap between its Shares in Aviva ended 2.5 per cent
embedded value and share price. down at 377.9p. Shares in RSA closed
Euan Stirling at Standard Life down 2.3 per cent at 124.5p.
Investments (SLI), which owns shares
in both FTSE 100 firms, broke cover to ANALYSIS l Aviva
say: “If RSA were to come back with a p
16 Aug
more serious bid, Aviva would have to 380
take that more seriously and who
knows what happens beyond that.
Maybe the cat’s out of the bag then.”
Another institutional investor told
City A.M.: “The main result of the bid
is to raise questions over whether
Aviva could be split up and become 300
an acquisition target.”
Investors, led by SLI and Royal 17 May 7 Jun 25 Jun 15 Jul 4 Aug

Air of unlikelihood fades

RSA’S offer was politely described as January and trade at a 28 per cent
“speculative” when it was leaked on discount to embedded value.
Friday. In fact, it looked downright Moss’ strategy of focusing on cap-
odd: a £5bn proposal, made out of ital and cash is slowly beginning to
the blue from one chairman to bear fruit. First-half IFRS operating
another, swiftly rebuffed. profits were 21 per cent up at
But no-one in Aviva’s boardroom £1.3bn and capital generation is
will be feeling comfortable this expected to reach £1.5bn this year.
morning. RSA has skilfully turned Earnings per share came in at
the nascent takeover battle into a 38.8p, the best level in three years,
referendum on Aviva executives’ and bullish analysts expect a rapid
chances of unlocking serious value take-off as the cycle turns.
from the business. But with shareholders’ patience
RSA’s timing is opportune. Aviva wearing thin and RSA looking
boss Andrew Moss conspicuously determined, this story could run.
dropped the second half of his “One
Aviva, twice the value” slogan at
this month’s results. Aviva shares
are down around five per cent since
Analysis by Oliver Shah
4 News CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010

Dell to buy 3PAR for $1.5bn Barclays pays £190m to

TECHNOLOGY increasingly competitive. Dell will integrate 3PAR’s products
settle US sanctions case

BY HARRY BANKS IBM has been expanding its services into an existing storage portfolio.
business, as have other rivals like
DELL plans to buy data storage com- Hewlett-Packard and Oracle. They have ANALYSIS l Dell involving $500m from 1995 until

pany 3PAR for $1.15bn (£730m) in also been stepping up investment in $ September 2006, according to the doc-
cash, expanding its cloud computing cloud computing, which enables users 15 11.93 BARCLAYS Bank has agreed to pay uments.
16 Aug
business to compete with other tech- to access data and software over the $298m (£190m) to settle criminal Barclays and US prosecutors entered
nology services companies like IBM. internet without needing to download 14
charges that it violated US sanctions in into a deferred prosecution agreement
Dell said it would pay $18 a share information. dealings with Cuba, Iran, Libya, Sudan that lasts 24 months. A federal judge
for 3PAR, an 87 per cent premium Dell, which bought technology and Myanmar, according to US court still must approve the agreement.
over Friday’s closing price. The deal services company Perot Systems last 13 documents filed yesterday. Barclays voluntarily disclosed some
would further expand Dell’s presence year for $3.9bn, said 3PAR’s technolo- The bank was charged with violat- of the prohibited transactions to US
in technology services, a business gy would help customers reduce data 12 ing the International Emergency authorities and agreed to cooperate
that often yields higher profit mar- management costs, including hard- Economic Powers Act and the Trading fully, according to the documents filed
gins than personal computers but is ware and energy consumption. 17 May 7 Jun 25 Jun 16 Jul 5 Aug with the Enemy Act in its dealings in Washington.


Hunting snaps up Innova-Extel
International energy services group
Hunting is to acquire Innova-Extel

the spotlight Acquisition Holdings for $125m (£80m)

by the end of the month. Innova-Extel is
a supplier of harsh environment elec-
tronics technology to the energy indus-
try, and the acquisition will boost
Hunting’s offering in directional drilling,

on extradition a practice which has become more com-

mon in the industry. It said the acquisi-
tion from American Capital is subject to
certain conditions, but is expected to be
earnings enhancing in 2010.

Shire in drug withdrawal threat

LEGAL returning from the summer recess. US health officials have for the first time

BY VICTORIA BATES Anand Doobay, an extradition proposed withdrawing approval of a

expert at Peters & Peters, said: “This prescription drug for the manufacturer’s
LAWYERS have warned that the spirit- case is symptomatic of a wider issue failure to complete required studies
ed defence mounted by two of the with the extradition treaty between after the medicine reached the market.
“NatWest Three” against their prose- the UK and the US. There have been a Shire did not conduct clinical trials to
cution in the US should act as an eye- number of other controversial cases verify the suggested benefits of
opener for the government ahead of a and if the issues are not tackled head hypotension drug ProAmatine, the Food
planned review of extradition policy. on then this is likely to continue.” and Drug Administration said yesterday.
David Bermingham and Gary Keystone Law solicitor Mark The drug won approval 14 years ago and
Mulgrew, two of the former NatWest Spragg, who acted for the NatWest is not a big seller for Shire. Shire has 15
bankers convicted two years ago of Three before they were extradited in days to request a hearing to object.
cooking up an Enron-related fraud 2005, attacked the current arrange-
scam, have now revoked their guilty ments between the US and UK. Berkshire buys Fiserv and J&J
pleas in a sensational video posted on “At no stage of the process would Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway
the internet at, a web- anyone in England have the power to reported a new investment in payment
site designed to catalogue “prosecuto- decide if an offence has even been processor Fiserv and a higher stake in
rial abuse” in the Enron case. committed by the defendant,” he told drugmaker Johnson & Johnson as it
The pair accuse US prosecutors of City A.M. “But if it is the other way boosted stock holdings amid a broad
subjecting them to a form of “torture” round, we have to show reasonable market decline. Berkshire reported a
by delaying the trial and keeping cause. It is very, very one-sided.” 4.4m share stake in Fiserv, valued at
them from their families in the UK. A Home Office spokesman said the $200.9m as of 30 June, according to a
Legal experts said the case was yet government is “committed to a quarterly filing late yesterday with the
another example of the importance review of the Extradition Act and is FASHION retailer Hennes & Mauritz saw sales at its established stores rise sharply by ten US Securities and Exchange Commission
of a thorough review of the UK’s giving careful consideration to the per cent in July compared with a year earlier as the firm reaped the benefit of an improv- showing its US-listed holdings. It also
Extradition Act, which is expected to UK’s extradition arrangements to ing global economy. Total sales in the month, which include newly opened stores, were up reported a 41.31m share stake in
be launched by the coalition govern- ensure they operate effectively and in 21 per cent. The outfit said it had suffered a slow spring season while the economy Johnson & Johnson, up from 23.89m
ment within weeks of politicians the interests of justice”. remained rocky, but summer had been better. Picture: Micha Theiner/City A.M. shares three months earlier.
6 News CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010

Russian drought set

Cairn chief
executive Bill
Gammell is in
line for a wind-

to hit grain output

75m tonnes, a day after Russia’s first

grain export ban for 11 years came
RUSSIA’S severe drought may cut its into effect.
grain output by 40 per cent this year, a Coming after last year’s bumper
leading research group said yesterday, 97m tonne crop, Russia’s worst
as Russia’s weather service forecast drought in over a century has
short-lived rains in some areas which destroyed crops over large areas, spark-
could help planting for next year. ing wildfires which have shrouded
Leading Russian agricultural ana- Moscow in eye-stinging smog for days.
lyst’s body SovEcon said it cut its 2010 SovEcon has already revised down
grain crop forecast to 59.5-63.5m its forecast for Russia’s 2010 wheat
tonnes from a previous forecast of 70- crop by 4m tonnes to 43-44m.

Vedanta buys
into Cairn’s
Indian oil firm
ing company said.

BY MARION DAKERS Cairn India currently produces
125,000 barrels of oil a day, which
MINING group Vedanta said it will Ventanta said could roughly double
take a majority stake in oil firm thanks to its 70 per cent stake in the
Cairn’s Indian operations yesterday, in Rajasthan oil development project.
a cash deal worth up to $9.6bn If the deal wins approval from both
(£6.1bn). sets of shareholders and the Indian
The London-listed miner ended Reserve Bank, Vedanta would be only
weeks of speculation and confirmed it the second diversified mining group
would take control of the second in the world, after BHP Billiton.
largest oil firm in the country, Cairn Meanwhile, Vedanta came under
India, by purchasing between 51 and fire yesterday with its controversial
60 per cent of the company. project to develop a bauxite mine on
The deal represents a 21 per cent sacred tribal land in India in jeopardy
premium on Cairn’s Friday share price after a government inquiry said that
on the Mumbai stock exchange. Cairn mining would destroy the way of life
chief executive Bill Gammell, who in the area. The government panel
owns 0.5 per cent of the firm, is expect- advised against the project.
ed to net a significant windfall.
Vedanta, which is London-listed and ANALYSIS l Cairn Energy 493.20
Indian focused, will borrow as much 500 p 16 Aug
as $6.5bn to fund the acquisition, said
deputy chairman Navin Agarwal yes-
terday. 460
Standard Chartered is acting as lead
financing bank, and is said to be pro- 420
viding up to $5bn towards the pur-
chase, while Credit Suisse and
Goldman Sachs are joint financing 380
banks. The bank debt will have a
tenure of at least two years, the min- 17 May 7 Jun 25 Jun 15 Jul 4 Aug

Ireland: Anglo Wealth funds

er y Hot. Ver
e y Cool. aid is affordable pile into M&A

The T6 brings you boiling hot and ice-cold IRELAND’S bailout of Anglo Irish GLOBAL corporate mergers and acqui-
Bank, a key factor behind the coun- sitions activity involving sovereign
purified water, straight from the mains. try’s soaring budget deficit, is “costly wealth funds rose to more than
but manageable,” the head of its cen- $12bn (£7.7bn) in the second quarter
tral bank said yesterday. with 33 deals completed, Thomson
Patrick Honohan, who is also on the Reuters data showed yesterday.
ECB’s governing council, said the total Global announced M&A volumes
cost of bailouts of all Ireland’s banks involving state investment vehicles
and financial institutions would be stood at $12.5bn in the second quar-
around 20 per cent of GDP. ter, up from just $1.1bn in the first
Honohan said last week the net cost three months of this year. The num-
T6w 0845 30 22 493 of the recapitalisation would reach 15 ber of deals rose to 33 from 24 in the
to 16 per cent of GDP, though the final January-March period. A month and a
bill would depend on the price Anglo half into the third quarter, sovereign
got on sales of loans to Ireland’s bad wealth funds have made 13 M&A
bank. deals worth $2bn.
8 Economic News CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010

BoE heads
China surges for row over
past Japan in UK stimulus
symbolic shift

BANK OF ENGLAND governor Mervyn
King will be readying his pen this
morning to write his second letter to
WORLD ECONOMY They believe it will then take over the China, led by premier, Wen Jiabao began chancellor George Osborne if annual

BY KATIE HOPE US, whose population is four times market reforms in 1978, gradually shed- inflation was, as expected, above
smaller, by 2030. ding state control and laying the founda- three per cent last month.
CHINA’S per capita annual income is “The crossover has come far sooner tion for a manufacturing and export City economists expect headline
just $3,600 (£2,299) compared to than seemed likely two decades ago,” powerhouse. Picture: GETTY consumer price index (CPI) inflation
Japan’s $37,800 but in the second quar- says Capital Economics’ Julian Jessop. to ease to 3.1 per cent in July from 3.2
ter of this year the once impoverished But he says the story is less about per cent in June, well above the
communist state surged past Japan to China’s strength than Japan’s weakness. ANALYSIS l China officially overtakes Japan Monetary Policy Committee’s (MPC)
become the world’s second-largest Struggling since the start of the two per cent target. CPI has been con-
economy. 1990s when its property bubble burst, sistently above three per cent for the
The faltering Japanese economy and with flat consumer spending, whole of 2010 and the Bank of
grew by just 0.1 per cent in the three Japan is almost entirely reliant on England was forced to revise
months to June, an annualised pace of exports for growth. Yet the surging yen upwards its inflation forecast at last
0.4 per cent, with GDP of $1.28 trillion has hit it hard. The contribution from week’s Inflation Report.
eclipsed by China, which had econom- exports was mostly concentrated in Rampant inflation is unlikely to
ic output of $1.33 trillion, according to April – the first month of the quarter – ease significantly in the coming
official figures published yesterday. while May and June had near zero months given the looming VAT hike
Although it is not the first time growth on a month-to-month basis. and higher food prices. This has been
China has outpaced Japan in a single And with just 128m people com- cause for concern among MPC mem-
quarter, the figures mark a symbolic pared to China’s 1.3bn, the country is bers with Andrew Sentance having
shift that is expected to see China also grappling with an ageing and voted twice to raise rates.

eventually overtake the US as the shrinking population. However, some analysts envisage a
world’s biggest economy. In the three Ironically, it is China, which could three-way split of the MPC when the
decades since pioneer leader Deng help to both boost consumer spending August minutes are published tomor-
Xiaoping dumped hardline-policies in and the dwindling population. row. Andrew Sentance is forecast to
favour of free-market reforms, China Following a relaxation on visa stick to his hawkish stance while two

$1.337bn $1.288bn
has leapfrogged the world league of requirements, Chinese tourists have members may have voted for further
economic powers outstripping Britain flocked to their smaller neighbour, Second quarter GDP: Second quarter GDP: QE. Names touted by economists
in 2005 and Germany in 2007. with visits up 80 per cent over the past include David Miles and Adam Posen.
Already the biggest exporter, car year, while Chinese workers are Meanwhile, annual inflation in
buyer and steel producer, economists
expect China, which is growing at
increasingly being brought over to
Japan on working visas to serve them.
Growth in second
quarter GDP (YoY): 10.3% Growth in second
quarter GDP(YoY): 0.4% the Eurozone accelerated in July to
1.7 per cent, the highest level since

1.3bn 128m
around 10 per cent a year, to perma- As Martin Schulz of Fujitsu Research November 2008. It was boosted by a
nently overtake the Japanese economy, Institute said: “The stronger China Population: Population: surge in energy price inflation and
which is growing at just two to three continues to grow, the better it is for recent VAT hikes in Spain, Portugal,
per cent a year, by the end of this year. Japan.” Greece, and Finland.


Interviews by Alain Tolhurst and Simon Warner



“Its a bit of a tricky situation at “Personally I'm not that worried “I'm not worried, the underlying
the moment, but in the long about inflation, but it could have rate of inflation is low, and the
term the market will a knock-on effect, drivers of inflation are a one-off
sort itself out. I and people do and the problem will
think it will be a seem nervous rectify itself. To
slow recovery and now. There was raise interest rates
we need to be optimism would send us
cautious.” six or eight straight
weeks ago back into
but that's reces-
gone.” sion.”

US manufacturing index rises US homebuilders less positive House prices drop in London
A gauge of regional manufacturing in Homebuilder confidence in the US London house prices dropped by four
the US rose in August after plunging dropped to a 17-month low in August, per cent in August, wiping out any
the previous month but it fell short of according to the National Association gains made earlier this year, according
analysts’ forecasts, adding to evidence of Home Builders index. The index fell to Rightmove. On average £17,000
that the US recovery is losing momen- to 13, its worst reading since March came off London asking prices in
tum. The New York Federal Reserve 2009. Analysts had expected the index August, the biggest drop in two years.
said yesterday that its Empire State to rise to 15 from 14 in July. A reading The average London house price now
general business conditions index above 50 indicates that builders view sits at £405,058, falling back to
increased to 7.10 in August from 5.08 conditions as good rather than poor. January levels. Wandsworth and Brent
in July. The August reading was below The index has not climbed above 50 fell by 6.2 per cent, with Newham
market expectations. Economists had since April 2006. The NAHB data is declining by only 1.2 per cent, and
expected a figure around 8.00 this the latest in a series of weaker read- Kensington and Chelsea falling by 1.7 per
month. ings for the US housing market. cent, in line with the national average.
CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010 News 9


UK pension pot
Jewel thieves values slumped
again in July,
escape with says survey
£380,000 haul

THE VALUE of the nation’s pensions
has continued to tumble in the past
month, with the average 30-year-old
losing £518 from their annual pen-
CRIME them off about security weaknesses. sion income in the last four weeks

BY STEVE DINNEEN Royal Exchange, which houses alone according to recent figures.
some of London’s most expensive The average 65-year-old is left with
MASKED raiders escaped with retailers, was allegedly protected by £7,666 a year, according to Aon
£380,000 worth of jewellery and only a small lock and a series of glass Thieves pile handfuls of jewellery into sacks during the dramatic five- Consulting’s monthly pension track-
watches after a brazen smash and doors. minute raid on Saturday night. Police suspect the gang of four may have er, which is half the amount thought
grab at a City arcade. Police are now sifting through had an inside man who tipped them off. necessary for an adequate standard of
A gang of four thieves wearing bal- hours of CCTV footage in a bid to living. The losses highlight the short-
aclavas smashed their way into luxu- track the men. fall in personal funding for the aver-
ry jeweller De Beers, in the Royal A City of London police spokesman age Briton at a time when the default
Exchange, with sledge hammers in a said: “The force is treating this inci- pension age faces abolition.
five-minute raid on Saturday night. dent very seriously. A team of dedicat- “Though we have seen some
They targeted diamonds before ed detectives from the City of London improvement to economic circum-
breaking into neighbouring watch- Police is currently involved in the stances in the past six months, pen-
maker Omega in a move described by investigation and is liaising with sion pots are in only marginally
one source as an afterthought. other police forces.” better shape than this time last year
The dramatic CCTV images The spokesman added: “One of the and due to the volatility in stock mar-
released by the police show the men reasons this type of crime is rare in ket activity, pension pots shrank once
piling handfuls of jewelery into white the City is the protection offered by again during the last month,” said
sacks and scouring the stores for the the network of CCTV cameras that Richard Strachan of Aon Consulting.
most expensive items. cover the City. These include private The index tracks individuals who
The thieves then made their cameras in and around the Royal pay in 10 per cent of a £25,000 salary
escape in the same red BMW they Exchange, which officers are now into a pension pot, and found that a
arrived in. analysing as one line of enquiry.” 30-year-old’s annual pension income
Police sources, including a former Police are appealing for witnesses had shrunk by 2.6 per cent to just
member of the Scotland Yard Flying or information leading to the capture over £19,000 in the space of a month.
Squad, are speculating the gang may of the men or their vehicle. No arrests A 60-year-old’s income fell by 3.3 per
have had an inside man who tipped had been made last night. cent to just over £10,000.

CITY MOVES | WHO’S SWITCHING JOBS Edited by Victoria Bates in association with

Daiwa Capital Markets Rabobank Kleinwort Benson Close Asset Management

Hetal Mehta, a former senior economic adviser The bank has hired Jane Foley as an Peter Neville has been appointed as The asset manager has appointed
to the Ernst & Young ITEM club, has joined the executive director and senior FX strate- chairman of the board of private bank Andrew Gillespie as its new marketing
Japanese brokerage’s investment banking arm gist in its global financial markets divi- Kleinwort Benson in the Channel director and Anita Juneja as head of
as its new UK economist. sion. Islands. strategic relationships, both based in
Mehta joins from Oxford Economics and has Foley’s career in foreign exchange Neville has four decades of experi- London.
also previously worked at HM Treasury and in strategy spans over 20 years. She joins ence in the financial services industry. Gillespie joins from Standard Life,
the office of the deputy Prime Minister as a from Gain Capital, where she was direc- He is a former director general of the where he was managing director of
policy analyst. In her new role, she will report tor of research. Guernsey Financial Services marketing in the UK and responsible for
to Chris Scicluna, deputy head of economic She also previously held the role of Commission, a position he held from the successful active money campaigns.
research for Daiwa Europe. an FX strategist at investment bank 2001 until his retirement in May last Juneja was previously head of busi-
Barclays Capital. year. ness implementation at Cofunds.

To appear in CITYMOVES please email your career

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The Capitalist
10 CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010

FINANCE “According to
BOSS IN THE US politicians’
attitude to
WARS AFTER private equity
HITLER GAG firms is akin
to Hitler
AS A hack, it gets frustrating to be con-
fronted with a deafening silence when ask- invading
ing any financier to stand up and publicly will be the first to produce the world’s first
defend the industry against politically- Poland” 3D porn film.
motivated attacks – especially when the Romping home as the favourite (sorry,
same hotshots are perfectly happy to shoot couldn’t resist) is a 3D “Sex and Zen:
their mouth off when cornered in private. Extreme Ecstasy” from Hong Kong direc-
But, refreshing as it is to find an excep- tor Christopher Sun – in at 5/6 and whip-
tion to the rule, there’s something to be ping the competition (a 3D remake of
said for keeping a sense of perspective. Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman is up in arms about raising private equity taxes Picture: GETTY “Caligula” by Italian director Tinto Brass
“It’s a war,” Blackstone Group chief at 2/1 and Hustler’s upcoming porn ver-
executive Stephen Schwarzman said of competing in an “oyster shucking champi- sion of James Cameron’s Avatar at 3/1)
the ongoing fight between US politicians AW, SHUCKS onship”. into submission.
and private equity firms over increasing Calling the foodies of the City – especially Apparently, there’s an art to getting
the tax burden for the industry, according any competitive souls who sometimes feel into those slippery little suckers – and
to Newsweek. “It’s like when Hitler invad- left out by the number of sporting stand- though it’s not as easy as it looks, Green’s GETTING SHIRTY
ed Poland in 1939…” offs among the financial community. is offering to teach interested parties how Investec is really upping the ante with its
Comparing the US administration – As those who know their seasonal to go about it ahead of the competition. sports sponsorship programme, just over a
and, by default, President Barack Obama ingredients will be aware, British oysters Those in search of bragging rights – or a year after announcing a high-profile deal
himself – to a genocidal dictator? are at their best when there’s an “R” in way to impress their dates on a romantic to sponsor the horseracing Derby.
That’s got to be quite the most bizarre the month – meaning that we’ve got just night out – should apply for more infor- And yesterday, the South African
comparison The Capitalist has ever heard, over two weeks until the season begins. mation within… bank added football club
particularly coming from a Jewish busi- It’s an occasion that you’d expect tradi- Tottenham Hotspur to its list,
nessman. tional restaurants to mark, and Green’s having sealed a deal to sponsor the
Unsurprisingly, Blackstone’s spinners on Cornhill, the venue set up last year in TOP-CLASS ROMP team’s shirts in all cup competi-
are refusing to comment on their boss’ the old Lloyds banking hall, is no excep- Throaty chuckles reverberated around tion ties – including European
unfortunate choice of words – though tion. The restaurant and bar is planning a the City A.M. office yesterday as it club competitions, FA Cup
behind the scenes, they’re presumably big party for the 1 September, I hear, emerged that bookie Paddy Power has put and League Cup matches – over
doing their nut. involving teams of eager City workers out odds on which adult film company the next two years.
CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010 News 11

Mall owner

disposes of
in City boosts four sites
Michael Page

THE Mall Fund, a major investor in
shopping centres in the UK, yester-
day offloaded four sites for £135.9m.
RECRUITMENT almost a third of gross profits, had The fund, set up by Capital &

BY VICTORIA BATES started in the financial services, sales Regional and Aviva Investors in 2002,
and retail markets and had now sold the shopping centres to clients
RECRUITMENT group Michael Page spread to almost all of its sectors. of Rockspring Property Investment
yesterday reported booming profit It cautioned that the nature of Managers as part of its drive to cut
growth over the first half, driven by a recruitment means that the group is debts.
strong performance across its global vulnerable to economic shocks, but The Liberty 2 Shopping Centre in
divisions and by an explosion in said the broad diversification of its Romford was sold along with the
demand for City workers in the after- business across geographies and Eastgate Shopping Centre in
math of the financial crisis. industries would reinforce perform- Gloucester, the Marlands Shopping
Chief executive Steve Ingham said ance in times of stress. Centre in Southampton, and the
recruitment activity in the City has Over 40 per cent of Michael Page’s Howgate Centre in Falkirk.
now been rebounding for several con- fees are now generated in developing They were valued at £128.1m at
secutive quarters – a trend seen right recruitment markets such as Asia and the end of June and sold for six per
across the board from the large Latin America, where the group says cant above that figure, comfortably
investment banks through to other prospects for long-term growth are beating analyst expectations.
sectors such as hedge funds. strong. Capital & Regional and Aviva last
“Having cut back quite heavily Despite the bullish tone of the month obtained consent from
when the market was in trouble, results, shares in the firm closed investors and bondholders to
most firms now just don’t have the down 1.34 per cent yesterday at 368p restructure £1bn of loans held by
capacity to handle the increased lev- as investors fretted about the effect of The Mall Fund. It must now cut the
els of business,” Ingham told City A.M.. the uncertain macro economic out- fund’s loan-to-value ratio to 65 per
“That momentum has also continued look on the business. cent in 2014 from the current 80 per
into July, so while we obviously can’t cent.
predict in which direction the econo- ANALYSIS l Michael Page Other investors in The Mall Fund
420 p 368.00
my is headed, we are hopeful that include the Prudential, Isis Property
financial services recruitment will 410 16 Aug Asset Management, ING Real Estate,
continue on its current course over Scottish Widows, Hermes Real
the second half of the year.” 390 Estate, F&C Asset Management,
Michael Page reported a 42 per cent Arlington Property Investors,
rise in pre-tax profit to £61.4m for the Sparinvest and pension fund APG.
six months to the end of June, under- The sale reduces the number of
pinned by eight per cent revenue THE private equity firm behind Brasserie Blanc, Core Capital, said it will launch the centres the Mall Fund owns to 12. Its
growth to £393.5m. 350 White Brasserie Company which will focus on gastropubs. It will start by opening the most recent project was a £66m
The group said that the recovery in Queen’s Head in Weybridge, Surrey, and the King’s Head in Teddington, Middlesex. development in Blackburn that
17 May 7 Jun 25 Jun 15 Jul 4 Aug
its UK operations, which represent Raymond Blanc (above) is the chef behind Brasserie Blanc. Picture: REX opened at the end of July.

Afghanistan looks for partner after

discovering 1.8bn barrel oil field
OIL vey says there are 1.8bn barrels of Western cash for bankrolling its

BY JOHN DUNNE oil and I think there will be more.” impoverished economy and for its
Various estimates of soldiers to maintain security when
AFGHANISTAN is looking for a com- Afghanistan’s hidden wealth have foreign troops draw down num-
mercial partner after it discovered been made in recent years, but the bers. But ravaged by three decades
an oilfield with an estimated 1.8bn challenge of exploiting the of foreign interventions and civil
barrels in the north of the war-torn resources in a country at war and war, the central government now
country. with little mining infrastructure is faces the Taliban insurgency and
The discovery of the basin daunting for most investors. relies on foreign forces for control
between northern Balkh and Omar gave no more details on of many parts of the vast Central
Shiberghan provinces was made how the estimates were made but Asian country.
after a survey conducted by Afghan said the country will offer the The US Department of Defence
and international geologists, reserves for development along estimated earlier this year that
according to Jawad Omar, a with other minerals in the coming Afghanistan’s mineral resources
spokesman for the ministry of months. Afghanistan hopes that could top $1 trillion. Omar said an
mines. untapped mineral deposits valued earlier plan for the tender of a
He said: “I do not know its price at $3 trillion (£1.9 trillion) could 1.6bn barrel Afghan-Tajik oil block
in the market. But the initial sur- help reduce the need to rely on in early 2011 was still on track.

Balfour gets US rail contract Brewer defends S Africa share Misys sells off AllScripts stake
Construction firm Balfour Beatty has SABMiller aims to protect its 90 per A subsidiary of software firm Misys
won the contract for a £560m com- cent market share in South Africa from has announced it is selling 25m shares
muter rail project in the US. It said it rival Heineken, the head of the brewer's on behalf of its parent company and
had closed the deal for the design, South African unit said yesterday. The majority shareholder. Misys is selling to
build and operation of the Eagle P3 world’s second-largest brewer was also reduce its majority stake in AllScripts-
project in Denver, beginning later this confident it had a solid case against Misys Healthcare Solutions as part of
month. The FTSE 250 firm will be South African charges of violating anti- an agreement between the two, in
responsible for a 50 per cent share of competition laws, managing director preparation for AllScripts' pending
the $1bn engineering, procurement Norman Adami said. London and merger with Eclipsys Corporation.
and construction contract, worth Johannesburg-listed SABMiller is fac- There is also an option for underwrit-
£333m. It also has 33 per cent of the ing a challenge from Heineken, which is ers to purchase up to 3.75m additional
$1bn 29-year operations and mainte- trying boost its presence in Africa’s shares from the selling stockholders to
nance contract, worth £227m. largest economy. cover over-allotments.
12 News CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010

agrees to share
Murdoch to launch
India user data tablet-only national
to avoid ban
newspaper in the US

BLACKBERRY-maker Research in MEDIA Earlier this year he erected paywalls

Motion (RIM) yesterday caved in to BY STEVE DINNEEN around parts of his UK newspaper sta-
demands to provide security services ble, charging readers to access informa-
partial access to its users’ information RUPERT Murdoch is planing an auda- tion from the Times and Sunday Times.
in India. cious tablet-PC only newspaper in the Early reports suggest their readership
The firm has been under pressure US. has been slashed but it remains to be
to share encrypted information since Murdoch plans to charge users a seen whether the sites will become a
terrorists in Mumbai allegedly used subscription fee to read his new ven- worthwhile source of revenue.
smartphones to plan their attack. ture on their iPads. It is understood Murdoch told the LA Times the ven-
UAE recently reacted by threaten- the as-yet-unnamed paper will draw ture will appeal to readers who con-
ing to force mobile networks to ban on resources from his existing media sume their news on the go. He said it
BlackBerry’s email and Messenger outlets but also have its own staff of will focus on short, easily digestible
services. several dozen. stories ideal for commuters. The
An eleventh-hour deal saved a ban The News Corp boss is desperate to tycoon added: “We’ll have young peo-
coming into play in neighbouring secure new revenue streams from the ple reading newspapers. It’s a real
Saudi Arabia and now RIM appears to internet for his newspaper empire, game changer in the presentation of
have caved in to pressure in one of its which includes the New York Post in news.”
fastest growing markets. the US and the Sun and Times in the Benedict Evans of Enders Analysis
A RIM spokesman declined to com- UK. told City A.M. there could be a gap in the
ment on the developments. The firm GAME maker Crystal Dynamics has attempted to breath life into the flagging industry The move is the clearest sign yet market for such a venture, but influen-
maintains it will continue to defend with the release of a new Tomb Raider adventure, The Guardian of Light, which is avail- that Murdoch is prepared to force tial technology blog TechCrunch said
its users’ data within the law of the able for download. The industry is suffering from the traditionally slow summer season, through changes to the way people the move is akin to the doomed charge
countries it operates in. the World Cup effect and the unusually hot British summer. view news content. of the Light Brigade.

China investors to
Fancy working for a snap up AIA stake
bank that actually INSURANCE (£6.4bn) for the stake, based on investments from Chinese

BY HARRY BANKS AIA’s estimated $30bn value. investors as a security net for the
The plans come just months offer, making it easy for AIG and its

lends to the SME A CONSORTIUM of Chinese finan-

cial services companies are eyeing a
30 per cent stake in AIA, the Asian
after UK insurance group
Prudential’s high-profile $35.5bn
bid for AIA collapsed in tatters.
advisers to get the rest of the shares
away to traditional institutions
and mutual funds.

marketplace? arm of US insurance giant AIG,

ahead of its planned listing on the
Hong Kong stock exchange later
Bailed-out AIG is planning to list
AIA in Kong Kong later this year, in
a move which is expected to raise
AIA just last month announced
the shock appointment of the for-
mer head of Prudential, Mark


this year. about $15bn. Tucker, as its new chief executive,
The consortium – thought to It is thought to have lined up tasked with overseeing the upcom-
include Industrial and Commercial Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, ing listing.
Bank of China (ICBC), the China Goldman Sachs and Morgan Tucker, 53, was a major player in
If you are working for a bank successfully Life insurance company, China
Cinda Asset Management, Fosun
Stanley as joint global coordinators
for the IPO.
the growth of Prudential’s Asian
business. He held the chief execu-
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have to stump up around $10bn been actively seeking pre-IPO quit in 2009.
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Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low
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3i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263.70 –1.20 314.80 246.90 Cobham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216.90 +0.50 278.60 192.60 Investec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .464.20* –0.10 565.00 378.20 SABMiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1893.00* –4.00 2090.00 1307.00
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Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1466.00 +7.00 1520.00 991.00 Croda Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1279.00 +20.00 1355.00 581.00 JPMorgan Emerg Mkts . . . . . . . .526.00 +4.00 549.00 395.10 Schroders N/V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107.00* +2.00 1185.00 804.50
Aegis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115.10 +0.80 137.30 89.80 Daily Mail ‘A’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .454.80 –1.70 539.00 333.10 Kazakhmys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1176.00 +20.00 1634.00 845.00
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Aggreko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1512.00 +4.00 1639.00 578.50 De La Rue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .688.00 –20.00 1021.00 666.50 Ladbrokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132.80* +1.50 174.29 114.60 SEGRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .273.00 –0.30 403.10 244.00
Alliance Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312.90 +0.10 352.70 281.00 Debenhams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58.50 +0.65 90.00 51.95 Lancashire Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . .523.00 +1.00 545.00 416.70 Serco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .540.00 — 656.50 416.50
AMEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .879.50 +6.00 937.00 706.00 Derwent London . . . . . . . . . . . .1376.00 +12.00 1490.00 1077.00 Land Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .600.00 +1.50 743.50 543.00 Severn Trent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1324.00 –10.00 1358.00 929.50
Amlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .428.10 +3.80 436.20 336.30 Dexion Absolute . . . . . . . . . . . . .138.60 –0.40 148.00 121.10 Legal & General . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91.20 +0.45 94.70 64.30 Shaftesbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397.50 –0.30 426.50 341.70
Anglo American . . . . . . . . . . . .2409.00 +38.50 3015.50 1777.50 Diageo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110.00 +2.00 1176.00 922.50 Lloyds Banking Gp . . . . . . . . . . . .69.41 –0.83 77.61 45.30 Shire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1478.00 +5.00 1526.00 991.50
Antofagasta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1003.00 +12.50 1100.00 692.00 Dimension Data . . . . . . . . . . . . .121.50 +1.10 125.50 55.00 Logica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.20 –0.40 149.10 100.80 Smith & Nephew . . . . . . . . . . . . .572.50 +2.50 700.50 465.80
Aquarius Platinum . . . . . . . . . . .256.70 +0.60 490.00 211.50 Domino’s Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . .412.60* — 431.30 229.00 London Stk Exchange . . . . . . . . .652.00* +1.00 949.50 540.50 Smiths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1154.00 +3.00 1242.00 764.00
ARM Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .307.00 –1.00 370.00 120.50 Drax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398.10 +9.20 496.50 321.50 Lonmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1494.00 +9.00 2198.00 1336.00 SOCO Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .447.00 –0.90 476.60 380.60
Arriva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .772.50 — 782.50 428.20 DSG Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25.30 +0.68 39.75 23.32 Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210.40 –0.80 373.60 199.60 Spectris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .883.00 –11.00 949.00 561.00
Ashmore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .285.20 +1.00 311.20 211.60 Dunelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .389.00 +4.70 438.40 250.70 Marks & Spencer. . . . . . . . . . . . .332.60 +1.20 412.70 321.90
Astrazeneca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3306.50* +11.50 3376.00 2668.00 Easyjet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .360.00 +0.90 499.90 308.50 Meggitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265.60* –2.70 331.00 197.60 Spirax-Sarco Eng . . . . . . . . . . .1501.00 — 1617.00 929.00
Atkins(Ws) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .747.50 –9.00 801.00 532.50 Edinburgh Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .403.80 +2.10 412.40 315.60 Melrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218.40 –4.50 251.50 127.10 Spirent Comms . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124.80* –0.20 135.90 68.55
Autonomy Corp . . . . . . . . . . . .1563.00 –2.00 2012.00 1229.00 Electrocomponents . . . . . . . . . . .207.20 –0.30 245.00 142.90 Mercantile IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .932.50 –10.00 1002.00 822.50 Sports Direct Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . .104.00 +1.50 134.00 81.80
Aveva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1340.00 +2.00 1375.00 805.00 EnQuest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.00 — 121.40 87.35 Michael Page Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . .368.00 –5.00 461.50 299.60 SSL Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1159.00* — 1190.00 522.50
Aviva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .377.90 –9.50 474.00 290.20 Essar Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .387.40 +0.30 475.90 358.50 Millen & Copthorne . . . . . . . . . . .480.80* –1.80 514.50 297.90 St James’s Place . . . . . . . . . . . . .266.70* –3.50 296.90 194.40
Babcock International . . . . . . . . .521.00 –7.50 660.50 473.80 Eurasian Nat Res . . . . . . . . . . . .931.00 +9.50 1276.00 731.00 Misys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266.00 +9.60 281.70 173.90 Stagecoach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165.10 –0.50 204.90 126.20
BAE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .304.70 –4.40 389.90 294.20 Euromoney Inst Inv . . . . . . . . . . .605.50 –14.50 630.00 252.00 Mitchells & Butlers . . . . . . . . . . .295.50 –2.60 343.90 228.30 Standard Chartered . . . . . . . . . .1715.00* –0.50 1927.00 1340.00
Balfour Beatty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .256.40 +0.60 328.85 228.60 Experian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .619.50 +2.00 664.50 489.00 MITIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193.90* –0.30 281.70 192.20 Standard Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210.40 +0.60 237.00 170.00
Barclays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .318.30* +1.30 394.25 253.40 F&C Comm Prop . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91.25 –0.15 96.80 79.00 Mondi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .467.70 +3.40 488.00 263.50 SuperGrp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .992.50 +21.00 1030.00 499.00
Barratt Development . . . . . . . . . . .94.00 –0.85 193.31 89.10 Ferrexpo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .287.50* –1.70 396.20 138.00 Monks Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .292.90 +0.90 321.20 240.00 TalkTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125.50 +0.50 147.10 106.60
BBA Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188.90 +1.00 220.00 136.60 FirstGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .350.50* +1.40 448.80 331.20 Morrison Wm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274.40 +0.40 306.30 255.00 Talvivaara Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .404.90 +4.30 501.50 341.40
Beazley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.60* –0.80 125.80 95.25 Foreign & Col Inv Tst. . . . . . . . . .268.00* –1.50 297.20 229.50 Murray Intl Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .854.00* –0.50 893.50 632.00 Tate & Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .418.00 –3.70 509.00 382.00
Bellway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541.00 –11.50 927.50 537.50 Fresnillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1018.00 +14.00 1139.00 539.50 National Express. . . . . . . . . . . . .220.10 –2.40 258.60 155.86
Berkeley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800.50 +0.50 989.50 735.00 G4S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261.80 — 285.70 209.40 National Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .531.50* –6.00 607.65 474.80 Taylor Wimpey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27.46 –0.50 54.90 24.29
BG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1023.00* –2.00 1248.00 966.90 Genesis Emerging Mkts Fd . . . . .467.80 –1.70 484.00 370.00 Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1942.00 +18.00 2360.00 1601.00 Telecity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .444.80 +10.30 458.90 311.30
BHP Billiton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1962.50 +19.50 2346.00 1481.00 GKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136.40* +0.70 155.00 100.20 Northumbrian Water . . . . . . . . . .322.00* –0.60 341.30 219.90 Templeton Emrg Mkts . . . . . . . . .543.50 –1.00 598.00 390.00
BlackRock Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .562.50 +5.00 654.50 413.00 GlaxoSmithKline . . . . . . . . . . . .1218.00* –6.50 1347.00 1088.00 Old Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121.40 +0.60 130.20 85.80 Tesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398.50 –2.55 454.90 361.20
Bluecrest Allblue GBP . . . . . . . . .168.30 +0.80 168.30 136.20 Great Portland Estates . . . . . . . .308.00 — 332.10 236.60 Pace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210.00 +0.50 243.80 145.00 Thomas Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175.60 –1.30 277.20 172.30
Booker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44.00 +0.03 49.50 33.00 Greene King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .401.50* –8.70 504.00 372.50 Partygaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263.00 –4.00 339.70 205.80 Tomkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321.30 +0.20 325.70 155.00
BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .409.75 –6.65 658.20 296.00 Halfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .473.00 +3.00 562.50 324.00 Pearson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .976.00 –7.00 1069.00 695.00 Travis Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .802.00 –2.50 915.00 647.50
Brit Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .989.00 +1.00 1017.00 709.00 Halma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .272.50* –1.10 298.70 186.60 Pennon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .587.50* –4.50 613.00 434.40 TUI Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199.10 –2.10 313.90 189.20
British Airways . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216.20 +0.60 255.80 169.70 Hammerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .364.10 –1.30 460.30 332.20 Persimmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .344.40 –2.40 534.50 340.20 Tullett Prebon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .367.10 –1.30 436.20 261.20
British Amer. Tob . . . . . . . . . . .2261.00 +8.00 2335.50 1832.00 Hargreaves Lansdown . . . . . . . .404.00 +22.00 404.00 214.00 Petrofac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1303.00 +12.00 1372.00 849.00 Tullow Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1262.00 +3.00 1375.00 979.50
British Empire Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .429.30 –1.70 467.90 338.50 Hays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88.95 –0.70 119.00 88.05 Petropavlovsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1034.00 +29.00 1370.00 617.00 UK Commercial Prop. . . . . . . . . . .76.60* +0.10 84.90 65.25
British Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .451.40* +2.00 532.00 416.00 Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131.50 +1.40 157.80 110.60 Premier Farnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229.40 –1.40 252.60 140.60 Ultra Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . .1659.00 +5.00 1694.00 1198.00
Britvic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .479.00 –2.70 518.00 324.80 Heritage Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .334.40* –4.60 587.00 324.20 Premier Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1531.00 +9.00 1610.00 984.00
Brown(N.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226.30 +1.10 284.30 204.80 Hikma Pharma . . . . . . . . . . . . . .723.50 +4.00 746.00 440.00 Provident Financial . . . . . . . . . . .818.00 +3.50 986.00 795.00 Unilever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1703.00* –2.00 2024.00 1602.00
BSkyB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .707.50 –1.50 732.00 521.00 Hiscox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .353.10 –0.70 369.30 299.60 Prudential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .555.00 +2.50 665.00 475.70 United Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .590.50 –2.50 606.00 429.00
BT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137.20* –1.20 151.00 108.40 Hochschild Mining . . . . . . . . . . .315.00 +2.90 370.60 220.00 PZ Cussons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .343.50 +0.50 373.20 210.10 Utd Business Media . . . . . . . . . .551.00 +2.00 579.50 408.30
Bunzl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .688.00 –0.50 784.50 533.00 Home Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .216.20 +1.00 336.50 208.50 Qinetiq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109.40 +0.20 179.10 107.40 Vedanta Resources . . . . . . . . . .2153.00 +100.00 2967.00 1616.00
Burberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .829.00 — 891.50 450.20 Homeserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .468.60 –5.90 488.20 435.40 Randgold Resources. . . . . . . . .5585.00 +75.00 6600.00 3351.00 Victrex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1102.00 –16.00 1320.00 613.50
Cable & Wire Comms . . . . . . . . . .60.25 –1.00 150.00 53.00 HSBC Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .654.50 +1.60 766.80 595.20 Reckitt Benckiser . . . . . . . . . . .3167.00* +46.00 3667.00 2694.00 Vodafone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153.60 +0.35 155.50 124.85
Cable & Wire Wwide . . . . . . . . . . .61.70 –0.50 94.80 61.30 Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561.50 +37.00 659.50 423.20 Reed Elsevier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .530.00* –7.00 566.00 414.00 Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1182.00 +8.00 1275.00 599.00
Cairn Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .493.20 +24.90 497.60 306.80 ICAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .392.00* +2.00 478.30 291.70 Regus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71.85 –0.90 125.50 68.65 WH Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .405.80 –0.70 551.00 396.00
Caledonia Invs . . . . . . . . . . . . .1564.00 –12.00 1759.00 1496.00 IG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .483.30 +0.30 498.90 291.00 Renishaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .869.00 +22.00 915.50 420.00 Whitbread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1371.00 –10.00 1645.00 917.00
Capita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .700.50 +3.00 829.50 643.50 Imagination Tech Gp . . . . . . . . . .340.40 –1.60 358.30 149.75 Rentokil Initial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98.15 –1.15 140.20 94.10 William Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166.00 +2.20 217.80 160.50
Capital & Counties . . . . . . . . . . . 115.30 +0.30 125.40 99.60 IMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .699.50 +4.00 786.00 362.10 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246.00 — 264.80 220.10 Witan Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .434.00 –5.40 487.00 365.50
Capital Shopping Centres . . . . . .320.90 –5.30 580.00 300.10 Imperial Tobacco. . . . . . . . . . . .1865.00* +15.00 2159.00 1672.00 Rexam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .302.30 +4.80 348.80 250.50
Carillion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .293.20 +0.70 361.90 263.90 Inchcape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267.10 +1.40 347.00 235.00 Rightmove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .598.50 –1.50 729.00 404.50 Wolseley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1311.00 –18.00 1742.00 1155.00
Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2141.00 –9.00 2937.00 1747.00 Informa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .378.20 +0.40 439.40 252.10 Rio Tinto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3307.00* +30.00 4104.00 2218.50 Wood Group (John). . . . . . . . . . .348.90 –0.90 411.70 277.00
Catlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .350.10 –1.00 394.60 303.20 Inmarsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .686.00 –2.50 831.00 491.00 RIT Capital Partners . . . . . . . . .1107.00 –3.00 1215.00 913.50 WPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .670.50 –0.50 744.00 461.90
Centamin Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . .169.00 +2.00 174.75 80.00 Intercontl Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . .1069.00 –4.00 1244.00 697.50 Rolls Royce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .559.50 — 631.50 421.10 Xstrata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1014.00 +18.40 1344.50 735.50
Centrica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .324.20 –3.60 333.10 216.90 Intermediate Capital . . . . . . . . . .265.60* +2.40 332.00 233.50 Rotork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1478.00 –14.00 1537.00 933.00 LONDON TOP 250 BY MARKET CAPITALISATION
Charter Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .633.00* –3.00 855.50 560.50 Intertek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1646.00 –7.00 1745.00 1103.00 Royal Bank Of Scot . . . . . . . . . . . .45.92 –1.05 58.95 28.25
Chemring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2661.00 –14.00 3711.00 2017.00 Intl Personal Fin . . . . . . . . . . . . .231.80 +0.80 283.00 128.25 Royal Dutch Shell A . . . . . . . . .1772.00* –5.50 2068.50 1559.50 * Ex-Dividend † Suspended
Chloride Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .373.60 +0.60 390.50 138.60 Intl Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .364.70 –1.30 384.10 248.20 Royal Dutch Shell B . . . . . . . . .1703.00* –12.00 1997.50 1528.00
Close Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .664.00 –0.50 806.50 657.00 Invensys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243.50 +0.10 350.30 234.50 RSA Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124.50* –2.90 142.00 114.10


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FTSE remains flat as takeover moves Education stocks suffer as

are offset by weak Japanese survey weak data spooks traders
forced by the disappointing growth ing the oil giant after Alabama said it daily volume of the year.

THELONDON numbers from Japan earlier today

which set a bit of a negative tone,”
was suing for “catastrophic harm”
caused by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. THENEW YORK The biggest losers were education
stocks, which tumbled on concerns

said Henk Potts, equity strategist at
Barclays Wealth.
In the latest sign the recovery may
lag expectations, Japan’s economy
Royal Dutch Shell and BG Group
dipped 0.3 per cent and 0.2 per cent
respectively, as the price of crude
REPORT federal regulators will impose
tighter controls on student loans.
Corinthian Colleges lost 21.6 per
cent to $5.22 (£3.33) and was one of

RITAIN’S top shares closed flat grew just 0.1 per cent in the second Elsewhere, British insurer Aviva, NVESTORS found little reason to the most actively traded on the
yesterday as concerns over eco- quarter, below forecasts. down 2.5 per cent, failed to see off bid buy stocks yesterday as the Dow Nasdaq.
nomic recovery after weak data And in the United States, home- speculation despite rejecting a £5bn and S&P 500 ended barely Strayer Education fell 18.4 per cent
from Japan offset firmer min- builder sentiment unexpectedly fell offer from rival RSA Insurance Group changed, suggesting that even to $163.26 and Capella Education
ers, led up by Vedanta Resources for a third straight month in August that analysts and shareholders said several days of losses have not con- slumped 13.2 per cent to $60.94.
which made its play for a controlling to its lowest level since March 2009, might add up. RSA fell 2.3 per cent. vinced institutions share prices are The Dow Jones industrial average
stake in Cairn India. according to an industry survey. Miners were in demand. Vedanta attractive. A smattering of strength was down 1.14 points, or 0.01 per
The FTSE 100 ended up 0.66 points Integrated oil stocks took the most Resources will spend up to $9.6bn in technology shares boosted the cent, at 10,302.01. The Standard &
at 5,276.10, having closed up 0.2 per points off the UK blue-chip index, (£6.1bn) acquiring as much as 60 per Nasdaq modestly, but just 5.812bn Poor’s 500 Index was up 0.13 point,
cent on Friday. “Investors continue to with BP the worst off, down 1.6 per cent of Cairn India, branching out shares traded on the combined NYSE or 0.01 per cent, at 1,079.38. The
be spooked by the poor macroeco- cent, with traders pointing to mount- into oil and gas and delivering a cash Arca, Nasdaq and American Stock Nasdaq Composite Index was up 8.39
nomic environment. That was rein- ing worries about the legal threat fac- windfall to its current owners. Exchanges for the second-lightest points, or 0.39 per cent, at 2,181.87.
14 Markets & Investment | Contracts for Difference CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010

MAY SET TONE Take off in the blue with
aviation equity growth
Crises make good
HEN I set off on holiday two weeks
ago, equities were soaring. The S&P
was threatening to burst through buying opportunities,
the top end of a significant band of
resistance between 1,124 and 1,130. This is an writes Juliet Samuel
area defined by the 50 per cent retracement

of the fall from the October 2007 high to the ITH tour operators struggling,
March 2009 low, and more recently, the strikes looming and the spectre
retracement of the sell-off from April to of wildcard events like May’s vol-
March this year. Driving the rise were the sec- canic ash cloud, contracts for dif-
ond quarter earnings figures, which were gen- ference (CFD) traders might be justifiably
erally interpreted as bullish. The constant nervous about the aviation industry. But
stream of poor data convinced investors that this caution flies in the face of the figures:
the Federal Reserve was on the cusp of globally, the sector is growing at a healthy
announcing a further round of stimulus meas- pace and even the major European carriers
ures, or QE 2. beat market expectations with their second
But the resistance held, and last week saw quarter results. And the signs are that pas-
the US indices slump to their current levels, senger numbers – including the most prof-
with the S&P now testing support at itable business and premium travellers –
1,075/80. The trigger seems to have been are on the up.
disappointment following last Tuesday’s In line with their consensus-beating
FOMC statement. The Fed once again results, European airlines have also deliv-
expressed its concerns about the US econo- ered decent share price appreciation in the
my and tempered its outlook for growth. It last six weeks, with British Airways – UBS’s
also announced that the proceeds of its hold- most favoured European aviation stock –
ings of mortgage backed securities would be delivering a 15.4 per cent rise from 10 July
used to purchase Treasuries, delaying its exit to 10 August and Air France-KLM rising 14.7 With premium travellers
strategy. This was not the stimulus per cent over the same period. Although returning, there’s an airline
announcement that the market had been Europe lags behind many of its emerging stock for everyone
hoping for, and led to a sharp sell-off that market rivals in terms of recovery speed, Picture: GETTY
gathered pace into Wednesday. the undervaluation of European airline
This move saw the S&P fall back below its stocks can give a picky trader good returns
50, 100 and 200-day moving averages and solid dividend yields over the medium traders can also access aviation growth by And premium passengers – that is, those
(DMA). If the weakness continues, it won’t term – if you are prepared to sort the wheat targeting air industry service equities like not travelling economy – are returning to
be long before the 100-DMA breaks below from the chaff. BBA. The stock is recommended as a “buy” the skies in line with world trade (see
the 200 based on their current trajectories. The strength of the recovery in the avia- by RBS’s Joe Spooner and analysts at chart): the most recent figures available
The last time this happened was in December tion industry has surprised many analysts. Charles Stanley, with both forecasting a show that at the beginning of 2010 their
2007 and the S&P then lost more than 50 Although the ash cloud in April-May has strong and steady recovery. numbers were up 10 per cent on 2009.
per cent of its value. But if equities can snap cut into European airlines’ profits, a savvy For those traders who are bullish on the All of which means that whether traders
back from current levels, then we look set for trader who bought in May when stocks global recovery, it makes a lot of sense to are after medium-term, opportunistic buys
further range-bound trading for now. were at their lowest would today have target emerging market airline stocks. Data or long-run, high-return growth, there’s an
Although August marks the peak of the made 16.8 per cent on BA, 18.6 per cent on collected by the International Air Transport aviation stock to fit your needs.
holiday season, it isn’t unusual to see big Lufthansa and 24.8 per cent on Iberia. but Association (IATA) – a trade body of 230 air-
intra-day price moves. The question is these figures show how much timing mat- lines – shows that growth is concentrated ANALYSIS l Premium passengers and
whether the recent weak tone is setting the ters: unless traders are in for long-haul in the Middle East and Pacific Asia. IATA 10 world trade growth
scene for a dismal second half, or if we can returns, they are best off targeting medi- forecasts a net profit of $2.2bn for Asian 5
expect another rebound once the trading um-term appreciation among European carriers this year, the largest profit of any
desks are again fully manned. airline stocks by buying during a crisis and region. Compared to last year, passenger 0 % change
over year
selling after a couple of months as the numbers have swelled 10 per cent for the -5
stocks return to levels that reflect their north and mid Pacific, 14 per cent for with-
steady recovery. in-Asia flights and an impressive 22 per -10
It pays to be wary, however. easyJet has cent for flights between Asia and the -15 Premium passenger
bucked the trend of recovering stocks. Middle East. numbers
Plagued by problems over punctuality and Firms such as Cathay Pacific and Developed countries
trade good
a row between brand-owner Sir Stelios and Singpore Airlines are enjoying the benefits -25
the easyJet board, its stock has sunk even of this expansion, with both stocks having Source: IATA, Netherlands CPB
below its May lows. On the other hand, appreciated steadily since the start of 2010. Jan 2006 Jan 2007 Jan 2008 Jan 2009 Jan 2010

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CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010 Investment | Contracts for Difference 15

Weak economy
and strong yen
offer Nikkei no
summer respite
A fall below 9,000 is 225 – Japan’s leading stock index – to
shed 0.6 per cent yesterday, closing at
more than possible, 9,196.67 and it is in serious danger of
falling to the psychologically important
9,000 level, says Manoj Ladwa, senior trad-
writes Jessica Mead er at contracts-for-difference (CFDs)
provider ETX Capital.
He adds: “The odds now are for the

T HAS been a tough 2010 for the Nikkei to trade down to the 9,000 level;
Japanese stock market, which is there are no real key support levels
already down some 13 per cent so far between where we are now and 9,000.”
this year. Its export-oriented compa- The Nikkei has flirted with the 9,000 level
nies have suffered from a toxic mix of a a number of times but it has not traded
surprisingly strong yen, lacklustre con- below it since May 2009.
sumption in the West and now depressed “If it breaks below 9,000 then it could
domestic demand as well. trade a lot lower because all the stop loss-
Consequently, Japanese GDP growth es will be taken out and a lot of orders
between April and June was disappoint- will be triggered,” adds Ladwa.
ing to say the least – the economy expand- He reckons that the Nikkei could well
ed by only 0.1 per cent on the first three go at least a couple of hundred points
months of the year as consumer spending below 9,000 in the short-term. But, longer-
stalled and net exports slowed. This puts term, if the situation in Japan continues
the annualised growth rate at just 0.4 per to worsen, then Ladwa reckons that we
cent, well below the 2.3 per cent that the could see the index sub-8,000 – a level it
market was expecting. has not traded at since the dark days of
As Lindsay Coburn, independent con- March 2009.
sultant to ING says: “Anything that could But how likely is it the economic and
come in weaker than expectations did corporate situation will worsen from
come in weaker in the second quarter here? Further economic deterioration is
GDP release.” Indeed, Japan’s economic highly likely. ING’s Coburn doesn’t rule
output lagged that of China in the second out a downward revision to second quar-
quarter, raising the chance that China ter growth and says that his initial esti- Emerging markets are sive quarters of negative growth have to tailor their products to the BRIC coun-
will officially become the world’s second mates for the third quarter point to Japanese firms’ key to clearly increased – we think to around tries and the share of exports heading to
largest economy in 2010. outright contraction in the economy: success one-third. Japan could be in recession America and Europe has fallen sharply.
The poor GDP data caused the Nikkei “The odds that Japan will post two succes- right now.” A struggling economy will fur- However, any continued strength in the
Picture: REUTERS ther undermine investor confidence and yen poses difficulties for Japanese
ANALYSIS l Performance of the Nikkei 225 over the past six months CFD traders could expect to see subse- exporters. A combination of political
11.5K quent weakness in the Nikkei 225. uncertainty, deflation, and even further
In terms of the corporate situation, quantitative easing should weaken the
Japanese firms have belatedly woken up yen. Ole Hansen, senior manager for CFDs
11K to the allure of emerging markets and and listed products at Saxo Bank, says:
their burgeoning middle classes. “Corporate Japan is operating on the
Corporate profitability is up fourfold on a assumption of dollar-yen above ¥90 for
10.5K year ago, thanks to a surge in sales to the next six months, so the current level
emerging markets. Firms are now rushing (¥85.47) hurts.” Continued yen strength
will clearly hit corporate Japan and, if it
Corporate Japan is operating on the basis of persists, its profitability.
The Nikkei is expected to close in on
9.5K dollar-yen above ¥90 for the next six months 9,000 in the coming week or so but a sus-
tained fall below this level will require a
so the current level of ¥85 is hurting them return to recession and a strong yen. CFD
traders should look for an opportunistic
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug short trade but place your stops close.

THE TIPSTER and Unite, although the market seems confi-

dent that a resolution can be found. After
ities. It has been finding support at progres-
sively higher levels and has long-term sup-
the disruption caused by the volcanic erup- port around 380p. CMC Markets’ spread on
STRIKE ACTION tions in April and strike action by its cabin Vedanta Resources is 2,143p-2,145p while
AND M&A BIDS crews, British Airways’ share price has
been holding up well, but there’s no siesta
Cairn Energy is quoted at 484.70-484.90p.
The $9.6bn takeover of 51 per cent of
KEY FACTORS time for BAA’s Spanish owner Grupo
Ferrovial. IG Markets’ current price for
Cairn India by Vedanta may also lead to fur-
ther consolidation in the energy sector, with
THIS WEEK British Airways is 217.2p-217.3p while the FTSE 250-listed Hardy Oil viewed as a pos-
current price quoted for Grupo Ferrovial is sible target. In fact, shares in Hardy, which
€6.407-6.424. also has oil interests in India, have shot up

S RECENT demand for both sterling Vedanta’s acquisition of Cairn’s energy by 25 per cent since last Wednesday, sug-
and the euro wanes while economic business has had contrasting effects on gesting that the market is already starting
uncertainty persists, buyers are taking both companies’ share prices. Vedanta’s to see a bid as more than just a possibility.
advantage of the recent falls in the share price has fallen 20 per cent over the Hardy Oil’s share price has broken
dollar and loading up on greenbacks. This has past week to nine-month lows and is near- through the 100-day simple moving average
started to push up the US dollar trade- ing a key support level around the 2,000p at 180p and closed yesterday above the
weighted index. ETX Capital is currently mark. A break and close below here could 150-day exponential moving average at
quoting 8241-8249 for the September dollar well open up further share price losses for 198p. The stock traded around 250p at the
index. the stock in the medium term. start of the year, so there is still scope for
It has been a woeful few months for the On the other hand, Cairn’s share price has further gains should a bid materialise.
British travelling public and once again continued to post new all-time highs as the Spread Co quotes Hardy Oil at 202.85p-
industrial action is on the cards. This time cash injection improves its cash flow and 203.15p.
it’s a dispute between airport operator BAA allows it to invest more in exploration activ- Jessica Mead Despite the Fed’s actions, the dollar is rising again Picture: REUTERS
16 CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010

| Health & Beauty

How to send jet lag packing

Timothy Barber looks TREATMENTS WATCH
at ways to stave off THE JET LAG REVIVER
First up is a full body salt and oil scrub BY KEITH ANDERSON
the after-effects of before cramped limbs are given a circu-
lation-boosting massage. The scrub and
massage enliven skin, boost blood flow
long-haul travelling and zap the stress of travel, leaving you
with a spring in your step as you accli-
matise to being home again.
£120 for 1hr 25 minutes at Spa Chancery
Running is a
Nutritionist Charlotte Fraser recom-
mends making sure you slot back in
with the eating routine wherever you
Court, 252 High Holborn, WC1V 7EN, tel: 020
7829 7058.


great workout
are locally. Consequently, if it’s breakfast

but it’s easy to

Glow Urban Spa has mastered the art of
time, eat breakfast – whether your body using natural ingredients to revitalise
feels as though you should do or not. tired skin. The facial uses completely
Flying can be very dehydrating, so make fresh ingredients – think berries, goat
sure you drink lots of water to replenish
what the flight has taken out of you.
That dehydrating atmosphere can also
contribute to the constipation a lot of
milk, honey and oatmeal – that are
blended on site. First, a natural cleanse
and exfoliation, followed by the Jet Lag
mask (the fresh mixture) and finally, a
hurt yourself
people get as a result of flying. Fraser rec- Raw Glow regenerating serum.
ommends eating lots of fresh vegetables 60 mins for £90.00 at Glow Urban Spa, 8

(particularly leafy green ones that are Motcomb Street SW1X 8JU, tel: 020 7752 NJURY is perceived as a natural by-prod-
richer in magnesium, which is a stress- 0652. uct of running. And while it’s true that
buster) and wholegrains to support your two out of three runners suffer injury
bowel. “Wholegrains are rich in B vita- THE TRAVELLER each year, with careful planning, many
mins which give you that energy pick- This stalwart for the travel-weary gen- can be avoided. Follow the advice below to
me-up and help calm the nerves – very tleman is a head-to-foot treatment. The tip the odds in your favour.
useful when you’re finding yourself massage helps to release and eliminate
thrown back into the daily grind,” says tired, tense muscles while enhancing HAVE THE RIGHT KIT
Fraser. You might also want to up your deep relaxation. A must-do for those Kit has advanced hugely in recent years
vitamin C intake via some fresh fruit and who have been in the air for a while, or and modern day gear can offer much assis-
vegetables to try to ward off any colds are permanently on the go. 75 mins for tance with comfort and injury prevention.
and germs circulating on the plane. £115.00 at Gentlemen’s Tonic, 31a Bruton In particular, it’s crucial that you’re in the Place, W1J 6NN, tel: 020 7297 4343 right trainers – so see a specialist and get
the pair with the correct support for you.


YOGA Avellino of Camden yoga centre A difficult concept to grasp when you’re
Practicing a bit of yoga can be an espe- Alchemy ( keen to improve, but going suddenly from
cially effective way of restoring some She recommends doing some gentle five miles a week to fifty is asking for seri-
equilibrium after long-haul travel. If stretches and breathing exercises before ous trouble. Layer training on gradually and
you’ve been sitting scrunched up in a and during the flight to lessen the jet lag consistently, never looking to increase your
seat for a long time, yoga stretches will impact. On returning, sit down cross- mileage by more than 10 per cent each
ease and relax your body, while breath- legged and take in 10 deep, long breaths. week. Intersperse hard sessions with days
ing exercises and postures can calm and Then interlace the hands, breathe in of rest, cross training or easier runs, giving
rejuvenate body and mind. “It reboots deeply and stretch the palms right up the body time to recover.
your energy, encourages healthy regula- above the head, before releasing – repeat
tion of your hormonal systems, and con- this 10 times. STAY LOOSE AND CHILL OUT
centrating on breathing oxygenates your Next, simple positions like the Start each run with a gentle jog or walk
blood and gives you a Downward-facing Dog (head-down on LOTIONS ‘N’ POTIONS | BEAT THE LAG until you’re nicely warmed up. Fit stretching
sense of wellbe- hands and feet with bum in the air), the into your routine as often as possible after
ing,” says Child’s Pose (kneeling doubled up with exercise and on rest days. Incorporate
Alessia bum touching heels and arms stretched SPRAYOLOGY TRAVELEASE pilates or yoga if you can to improve flexi-
forwards, illustrated below) and the £18 bility. Immediately after a hard session you
Cobra (lying on your belly and lifting might consider imitating Paula Radcliffe
the head and chest off the floor), all This spray, which goes under the tongue, and taking an “ice bath” to arrest any inter-
mixed with some long, deep breaths contains eight “re-balancing” ingredients nal bleeding.
while holding position will help revi- including cocculus (Indian cockle tree) for
talise and rebalance. drowsiness and fatigue; apis (honey bee) for CONDITION AND CROSS-TRAIN
dehydration, and nux vomica (chestnut) for Running is a high impact sport so try to do
feelings of disorientation. some of your miles on softer surfaces such
as grass and loose trails. Don’t be afraid to
reduce the time spent running and replace


it with lower impact cross training like
swimming, cycling and aqua jogging. If you
can’t get to the gym then try to work on
body conditioning by doing squats, single
At The Wimpole Clinic, the most advanced hair leg squats, sit-ups and press-ups.
The essential oils in this blend help you to
restoration centre in Europe, Dr Michael May F.R.C.S. adjust to temperature, climate and time-
has pioneered a permanent solution to zone shits. “It has an uplifting lemon-balm LISTEN TO YOUR BODY
scent which helps to reduce post-travel dis- Don’t wait until it’s too late – see a physio-
male pattern baldness using advanced comfort,” says Georgie Wolfenden, herbal therapist when you detect the first warning
follicular unit transplant techniques. remedy expert. sign and it’s likely they can mend you quick-
ly and easily. Get a regular sports massage
For your FREE consultation during periods of intensive exercise. If you
with Dr May call today on do get a niggle then revert to a rehabilita-

020 7935 1861

tion programme of cross training or rest
NUDE CELLULAR RENEWAL SERUM and reintroduce running gradually. £68 Runners wanted for the Garmin #4miler. For
Helena Christensen and Erin O’Connor further information and to sign up your
THE WIMPOLE CLINIC swear by it. Say hello to the brand new Nude
skincare line (available in the UK from
office visit
Registered 0000061435 September), whose facial serum battles the
Hannah House, 1 1-16 Manc hester Stre et, London W1U 4DJ drying effects of plane air with the likes of

Japanese sea kelp and bioactive peptides to
keep skin plump.
CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010 Lifestyle | TV& Games 17


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6.30pm BBC London News 6.30pm Restoration Roadshow 6.30pm ITV News 6.30pm Hollyoaks Dinner
7pm The One Show 7pm Coast: The team explores 7pm Emmerdale: Andy loses 7pm Channel 4 News 6.25pm Don’t Stop Believers
7.30pm EastEnders; BBC News Ireland’s Atlantic coast. control after Adele ends their 7.55pm 6.30pm Live from Studio Five
8pm Holby City: Connie teases 8pm CHOICE The Great British relationship. 8pm Help! My House Is Falling 7pm Five News at 7
Greg in front of a visiting Bake Off: New series. A contest 7.30pm Grimefighters Down: A couple in Essex whose 7.30pm Chris Barrie’s Massive
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10pm BBC News 9pm That Mitchell and 9pm The Bill: Callum persuades 9pm CHOICE Who Knows with Dan Cruickshank; Five
10.25pm Regional News Webb Look: Smithy he is fit to return to Best: Fighting the Fat News at 9
10.35pm FILM Ladder 49: 9.30pm Shooting Stars work. 10pm Big Brother 9pm CSI: Miami THE DEEP
Drama, starring Joaquin 10pm Russell Howard’s Good 10pm ITV News at Ten 11.10pm The Inbetweeners 10pm CSI: NY 10.55pm Don’t Stop BBC1, 9PM
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23 6 12 41 28
6 13
29 4 18    
15 24
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 13 
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block 17 37
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 10 10
above or to the left of it. 14
You can only use the digits 1-9 17 23
  and you must not use the
30 31
same digit twice in a block. 11
    The same digit may occur 11 12 
8 21
   more than once in a row or
column, but it must be in a
14 9
22 3
   separate block.
22 35
    16 7

1 Tree used especially for 1 Used explosives
furniture and plywood (5)
4 Relating to punishment (5)
7 Musical records (6)
on (7)
2 Jewish spiritual
leader (5)
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have 3 Buzz (3)
  ten minutes to find as many words as possible,
E M 9 Apex (4)
11 Fragrant bushy plant (5) 5 Account for (7)
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters E 12 Cold dessert often 6 Speedily (5)
8 Manual dexterity (7)
LAST ISSUE’S or more, all must contain the central letter and
letters can only be used once in every word. There
O T served at parties (6)
14 Expanse (4) 10 Listening organ (3)
SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.
R K 16 Daybreak (4)
19 State of being male
13 Dame Margot
___, English ballet
or female (6) dancer (7)

& , 9 , / ) / $ 6 .
5 3 1 2 4 8 6 9 SUDOKU         
21 Collection of cakes, 15 Lacking freshness
(atmosphere) (7)
8 4 7 1 6 3 9 2 5         
for instance (5)
2 , ( $ 9 1
8 6 2 $ 1 ' 6 2 ( 7 2 7 1 3 1
         22 Number of players in 17 Endure (5)
* 5 $ 1 ' 6 , 1 * ( 9 5 9 7 8 a baseball team (4) 18 Pallid (3)
+ * ( ( * / 3 1 4 2 2 1 3 5
         23 Three times (6) 20 Condescend (5)
% ( 7 5 2 7 + ( '
, 5 , 0 $
2 8
1 3 7
8 9
WORDWHEEL          25 Jules ___, author of 24 Central part of a
7 5 $ 0 3 , 1 % 2 ;         
2 / ( $ . $ * ( , 3 9 8 1 5 2 6 4 7 The nine-letter word Around the World in car wheel (3)
1 6 2 6 1 3 2 4          Eighty Days (5)
3 7 / * 5 2
was BOTHERING         
6 & 2 : / ( 3 6 2 0 7 9 8 7 1 6 26 Premium (5)
18 CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010

Woods must wait on Ryder Cup wild card spot

of Pavin’s four wild card picks on 7 US PGA runner-up Bubba Watson USA STANDINGS EUROPEAN STANDINGS

BY JON COUCH September to book his place at Celtic climbed 15 spots to claim his place in
Manor in October. the American side, although Anthony 1. Phil Mickelson 6,095.063 WORLD LIST
TIGER WOODS must rely on a wild In truth, Woods is a near certainty Kim and Zach Johnson were among 1 Lee Westwood (Eng) 422.0
card pick from captain Corey Pavin if to be offered a pick, although Pavin those to miss out. 2. Hunter Mahan 4,095.620
2 Rory McIlroy (NI) 316.9
he is to make the US Ryder Cup team refuses to guarantee him a place in Meanwhile, champion Martin 3. Bubba Watson 3,894.319
3 Martin Kaymer (Ger) 285.4
this year. the side to be fair to the other players. Kaymer guaranteed his place on the 4. Jim Furyk 3,763.642
The world No1 tied for 28th in the “Well, Corey texts me a lot so I’m European team by leaping up to third 4 Graeme McDowell (NI) 249.3
US PGA Championship at Whistling sure he’ll be texting me or calling me in the standings, although Luke 5. Steve Stricker 3,697.976 NEXT 5 ON EURO LIST
Straits at the weekend – not enough and I’m sure we’ll be talking,” Woods Donald, Padraig Harrington and 6. Dustin Johnson 3,573.804 5 Ian Poulter (Eng) 2,238,874
to propel him into the eight automat- said. “I’m looking forward to it. Justin Rose are among a cluster of big 6 Ross Fisher (Eng) 1,708,614
ic qualifying places. Hopefully, Corey will pick me on the names also relying on wild cards 7. Jeff Overton 3,533.148
7 Francesco Molinari (Ita) 1,612,747
As it is, Woods, the 14-time Major team.” He then joked: “I think I’ve got from captain Colin Montgomerie. 8. Matt Kuchar 3,415.813
champion, lies 12th in the standings a chance of helping out in the sin- Harrington missed out on the top 8 M-A Jimenez (Spa) 1,499,775
and must now rely on receiving one gles.” nine by less than £1,000. 12. Tiger Woods 2,902.580 9 Paul Casey (Eng) 1,487,776

Champion has
Martin would sympathy for
have done his loser Johnson

countryproud MARTIN KAYMER offered words of
consolation to Dustin Johnson after
sealing his maiden Major title at the
US PGA Championship.
Johnson looked set to have earned
himself a place in the play-off with
Kaymer and fellow American Bubba
nervous, and that surprised me as it Watson after the trio finished on 11-
seemed he was fazed by nothing, under-par at Whistling Straits.
even when Bubba Watson went one But Johnson was then controversial-
up in the play-off. ly penalised two shots after grounding
You have to sympathise with his club in what officials deemed to be
Dustin Johnson for being penalised a bunker at the 18th.
two shots for grounding his club in Kaymer, 25, won German Kaymer went on to take
the bunker, but he doesn’t have a leg his first Major at the title after beating Watson over the
ON THE GREENS WITH to stand on in the rulebook. The play- Whistling Straits three extra holes, but was full of sym-
ers were clearly told beforehand that on Sunday. pathy for the distraught Johnson.
SAM TORRANCE any sand was designated as a bunker,
although in fairness to Dustin, it did-
Picture: GETTY “Obviously he didn’t know he was
not allowed to ground the club because

T must be something they put in n’t look much like a bunker. he did not think it was a bunker,” he
the water there because Martin Rory McIlroy flew the British flag with his game at the moment, leav- at my home event, the Scottish Senior said. “Both Bubba and I said that it was
Kaymer’s US PGA victory at and couldn’t have played any better ing Tiger Woods out of the Ryder Cup Open. This is a very special tourna- very sad to see because he played great
Whistling Straits was so typically in his quest for a first Major, only to team would be like England’s 1966 ment for me – as it is being played on golf and deserved to be in the play-off.”
Germanic. come up a shot short. team dropping Bobby Charlton. my own designed links course at At the same time, Kaymer couldn’t
The young man handled himself Tiger Woods’s tie for 28th at It won’t be quite so easy for Colin Fairmont St Andrews, so I should hide his delight at becoming only the
magnificently and was as solid as a Whistling Straits meant he was Montgomerie, however, who’s job got know my way around it. second German to win a Major title
rock for the final 36 holes en route to unable to secure automatic qualifica- even tougher with the likes of Luke It’s also the ideal time to put right after Bernhard Langer.
his maiden Major title, which was tion on the US Ryder Cup team for Donald now joining a host of big some indifferent form and close the “It was an amazing feeling on 18
encapsulated by his birdie on 17 in Celtic Manor in October. names relying on a wild card. gap on my old mate Bernhard Langer with two putts to win. I just won my
the play-off. He finished only 12th in the stand- It’s a big week for me also as I look at the top. My game feels at lot more first Major and I am just on Tour for
He admitted afterwards he felt ings, but although he is struggling to revitalise my Seniors Tour season solid, so I’m looking forward to it. four years. I have goosebumps.”

Ponting targets an Ashes Mint Murray geared up for

whitewash over England US Open after Toronto win
ries in each of the last three series,

Ponting says his side can make history
RICKY PONTING has continued the once again when the 2010 campaign this is a good start,” said Murray, Roger and Rafa in the same tourna-

Australian trend by admitting it’s gets underway on 25 November. who continues his preparations ment, which is probably the most
“absolutely possible” his side can “It’s absolutely possible [to win 5-0], for the US Open at the pleasing thing.”
regain the Ashes with a whitewash there’s no reason why not,” Ponting ANDY MURRAY believes he is on track Cincinnati Masters this week. “I Murray, meanwhile, says he is in
victory this winter. said. “It’s all in our hands. It’s how for a shot at the US Open title follow- played five days in a row from no hurry to appoint a new
Ponting, 35, captained the well we play and how we take charge ing his impressive victory in the Wednesday – all the matches coach after splitting with
Australians to a 5-0 thrashing of of different situations. We’ve learned Rogers Cup. right in the heat of the day Miles Maclagan last month.
England when the teams last met from the mistakes we’ve made.” Murray toppled world No2 Roger so it was good for me physi- “I’m not going to rush
Down Under in 2006-07 – only the sec- Ponting admits he has been Federer 7-5, 7-5 to claim his first title cally. I’ll try to keep it going into anything,” he said
ond time that’s happened in 125 years impressed with England’s recent of 2010 in Toronto on Sunday having in Cincinnati but the “I’m sure after the US
of Ashes cricket. form, but believes his side can make already enjoyed a straight sets victory most important thing is Open I’ll look long and
Since then, Ponting has lost his their home advantage count. over world No1 Rafael Nadal in getting ready for the US hard at who I would like
grasp of the Ashes urn after Andrew “We know now that we’re a more Saturday’s semi-final. Open.” to work with and what
Strauss’s England exacted revenge with experienced and probably a better Now, the world No4 has his sights Of his victory in Toronto, the I’d like to do moving for-
a 2-1 victory on home soil last summer. team now than we were then,” he set on turning his impressive hard- Scot added: “It was one of the ward but I can’t see
But now, in a similar vein to former added. “We put that together plus court form into a first Grand Slam best weeks I’ve had. Winning myself making any
fast bowler Glenn McGrath, who we’re playing in our conditions. We title at Flushing Meadows this month. a tournament is always great, changes before the US
famously predicted whitewash victo- hope to win this series and win it well.” “The US Open is the main goal but but it’s the first time I beat Open.”
CITYA.M. 17 AUGUST 2010 Sport | Football 19

Berbatov scored
United’s first goal of
the 2010-11 Premier
League season; one of BARCLAYS PREMIER LEAGUE
Man Utd.........................(2) 3 Newcastle .........................(0) 0
two to be set up by Berbatov 33
Paul Scholes. Fletcher 41, Giggs 85 Att: 75,221
P W D L F A GD Pts
Picture: ACTION Chelsea 1 1 0 0 6 0 6 3
Blackpool 1 1 0 0 4 0 4 3
IMAGES Aston Villa 1 1 0 0 3 0 3 3
Man Utd 1 1 0 0 3 0 3 3
Wolves 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 3
Blackburn 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 3
Birminghm 1 0 1 0 2 2 0 1
Sunderland 1 0 1 0 2 2 0 1
Arsenal 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
Liverpool 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
Bolton 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Fulham 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Man City 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Tottenham 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Stoke 1 0 0 1 1 2 -1 0
Everton 1 0 0 1 0 1 -1 0
Newcastle 1 0 0 1 0 3 -3 0
West Ham 1 0 0 1 0 3 -3 0
Wigan 1 0 0 1 0 4 -4 0
West Brom 1 0 0 1 0 6 -6 0
(Dublin); Ireland 275-6 (G C Wilson 113) v Holland 205-10
(T L W Cooper 68, A R White 4-44).Ireland beat Holland by
70 runs. Scotland v Afghanistan (Ayr); Scotland 224-9 (D F
Watts 55) v Afghanistan 225-1. Afghanistan beat Scotland
by 9 wickets.
TRIANGULAR TOURNAMENT: Sri Lanka v India (Dambulla);
Sri Lanka 170 v India 171-4 (V Sehwag 99no).India (2pts)
beat Sri Lanka by 6 wickets.
Yorkshire (Emirates Durham ICG); Durham 213 (M J Di
Venuto 117no, P Mustard 53, A Shahzad 5-51) v
Yorkshire125-7 (38.0 overs). Nottinghamshire v
Warwickshire (Trent Bridge); Nottinghamshire 328 (A D
Brown 76, M A Wagh 54) v Warwickshire13-0 (6.0 overs).
DIVISION TWO: Glamorgan v Middlesex (The SWALEC
Stadium); Glamorgan 198(P T Collins 4-55) v Middlesex68-2
(21.0 overs). Gloucestershire v Northamptonshire
(Northampton); Gloucestershire 302 (W T S Porterfield 150,
C D J Dent 92, L M Daggett 4-57) v Northamptonshire4-2
(2.2 overs). Worcestershire v Surrey (New Road);
Worcestershire 308 (J G Cameron 95) v Surrey12-0 (3.0 overs).
CLYDESDALE BANK 40 - GROUP A: Somerset v Lancashire
(Taunton); Somerset 245-4 (J C Hildreth 72no, J C Buttler
64no, N R D Compton 59) v Lancashire 130(M Kartik 4-30).
Somerset (2pts) beat Lancashire by 115 runs.

Berbatov on target as Red

US PGA CHAMPIONSHIP (Whistling Straits, Kohler,
Wisconsin)—FFinal rnd (USA unless stated, par 72): 277
Martin Kaymer (Ger) 72 68 67 70, Bubba Watson 68 71 70 68
(Kaymer won at three play-off hole). 278 Rory McIlroy (NIrl) 71
68 67 72, Zach Johnson 69 70 69 70. 279 Jason Dufner 73 66
69 71, Steve Elkington (Aus) 71 70 67 71, Dustin Johnson 71 68
67 73. 280 Camilo Villegas (Col) 71 71 70 68, Wen-chong Liang

Devils cruise to opening win

(Chn) 72 71 64 73.

(Football 7.45pm unless stated)
UEFA Champions Lge Play-off First Leg
Dynamo Kiev v Ajax ..................................................................................................
Rosenborg v FC Copenhagen..................................................................................
Sparta Prague v MSK Zilina ..................................................................................
Young Boys v Tottenham..........................................................................................
and substitute Ryan Giggs enjoyed hopes. He looks after himself and player to have netted in all 19 Zenit St Petersburg v Auxerre (5.30) ................................................................
MANCHESTER UTD 3 goal-scoring glory as United began
their Premier League campaign in
that’s important. Last year was his
first without injury for a long time.”
Premier League seasons, and saw him
overtake Bryan Robson as the club’s
UEFA Europa League Play-off Round First Leg
Besiktas v HJK Helsinki (5pm) ..............................................................................
Aris Salonika v FK Austria Vienna (5pm) ........................................................
ominous fashion. Berbatov looked menacing and oldest scorer in the competition.
NEWCASTLE UTD 0 But it was 35-year-old Scholes who
orchestrated wave after wave of
Ferguson called his performance
“excellent”, while admitting the
Fletcher was the other man to
pierce the visitors’ rearguard, the
Second One Day International: Scotland v Afghanistan (Ayr).
attacks from the home side, setting Bulgarian forward should have added Scotland midfielder turning and LV County Championship - Division One—day 2 of 4:
up both Berbatov and Giggs to beat to his low, diagonal 33rd-minute rifling home a loose ball after Wayne Durham v Yorkshire (Emirates Durham ICG),

PREMIER LEAGUE Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire (Trent Bridge). Division

BY FRANK DALLERES Steve Harper. strike, which came from a Scholes Rooney diverted a Patrice Evra cross Two—day 2 of 4: Glamorgan v Middlesex (The SWALEC
“Scholes showed at his age, you through-ball. goal-wards just before half-time. Stadium), Worcestershire v Surrey (New Road),
MANCHESTER United manager Sir don’t lose what he’s got: passing, Giggs was the other veteran to There was little sign of Rooney Northamptonshire v Gloucestershire (Northampton).
Alex Ferguson praised Paul Scholes vision, and he’s still got a good shine, climbing off the bench to meet doing likewise, however, and the Clydesdale Bank 40 - Group C: Hampshire v Leicestershire
after the evergreen midfielder mas- appetite for the game,” said Ferguson. Scholes’s floated pass with a down- England star was withdrawn after an (The Rose Bowl).
terminded a nonchalant dissection of “The game always needs players ward left-foot volley that arrowed hour, having extended his goal
Newcastle. like that who can lift the game to a into Harper’s far corner. That 85th- drought for club and country to a SPORTS EDITOR JON COUCH
Dimitar Berbatov, Darren Fletcher different level and lift spectators’ minute goal made Giggs the only personal record 13 games. email

Ban stands for Spurs begin Investec deal Indian investor in a hurry
Cole as Reds
decline appeal with Young Boys fixture to finalise Blackburn deal
Software company Autonomy last transfer window and I would love to


month paid £20m to sponsor the support his ambitions.”
PREMIER LEAGUE TOTTENHAM have signed an innova- north London club’s shirts in Premier AHASAN Ali Syed, the Indian lawyer Syed has said he is ready to plough

tive two-year deal with Investec that League matches over the next two hoping to buy Blackburn, insists he is a combined £300m into buying the
JOE COLE will miss Liverpool’s next will see the bank sponsor their shirts seasons. The split sponsorship deal is eager to thrash out a deal before the club, paying off debts and funding
three Premier League matches after in cup matches only. thought to be the first of its kind in end of the month. new signings. But despite that signif-
the club opted not to appeal his send- Spurs’ jerseys will bear the Investec the top flight. Western Gulf Advisory, Syed’s icant bill, he still regards the outlay as
ing off against Arsenal on Sunday. name for the first time this evening, Despite qualification being worth investment vehicle, has entered an good value.
Debutant Cole saw red for a reck- when they take on Young Boys of more than £10m to Spurs, Redknapp exclusive four-week period of due dili- “My investments are always good
less challenge on Laurent Koscielny Bern in the first leg of a Champions played down the consequences of fail- gence with Rovers. assets who are undervalued and who
during first half injury-time of the 1-1 League qualifying tie. ing to beat Young Boys. And the 36-year-old, who studied in have huge potential for a turnaround
draw at Anfield. It is not known how much the “What are we going to do, commit London, hopes to wrap up the pur- situation,” he added.
Meanwhile the Reds are poised to London and Johannesburg-listed suicide or something?” Redknapp chase in time to give Sam Allardyce a “I have been doing this for 14 years
complete the signing of goalkeeper bank paid for the deal, but it will gain said. “Listening to everybody, we’ll late run at the transfer market. now and Blackburn fitted the bill. I
Brad Jones from Middlesbrough after them far more exposure if Harry end up hanging ourselves. If we play “I am very keen to move very fast have been presented with a lot of
agreeing a fee of around £2.3m. The Redknapp’s men can overcome their at our best, we’ve got a great chance. and buy this club at the earliest clubs, but Blackburn really came to
Australia international, 28, qualifies Swiss opponents and reach the com- Nobody expected us to get here in the moment,” said Syed. “I am aware that my attention because it suits my
as a home-grown player. petition’s group stage. first place last year.” Big Sam has big ambitions for this investment philosophy.”

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